Can we talk?

We broke up


“Jang Mi.” I heard a deep voice call my name as a firm hand wrapped around my wrist, causing me to stop dancing and turn to see who ever it was. And there he was the person I managed to get off my mind for the night. He was now right in front of me. Deep down I was happy to see him but my head was telling me that I was still angry at him. I started feeling hot around my ears but I really did not know why I was get angry. So I just stared at him right in the eyes. “C-can we please talk?” guess me staring intimidated him. He looked really cute though. I was about to say something but someone beat me to it. “Oppa, what’s with you? I’ve been calling you all this time” the woman said seemingly not noticing me at first. And I couldn’t believe who I just saw, it was her! Even after we argued about her, he still decided to ‘hangout’ with her. I can’t blame him though; I’m the one who broke it off. But why did he appear before me, with her following after him? I was starting to enjoy my night! Feeling my ears get hot again, I release my arm from his hand and crossed my arms. “It’s rude to keep your date waiting.” I turned and started making way to the counter where I left my best friend a while ago, hoping he doesn’t follow.

“Jang Mi- wait Jang Mi” man who was I kidding. I don’t want to see him right now why won’t he just get it! I sped up a little and who knows what got over me that moment, but as soon as I got to the counter I grabbed that Kai dude by his shirt and pulled him into a little make out session.

“Ow-kay! What happened to Miss ‘How-could-you-sell-me-out’?” Minzy said. This was quickly followed by an ‘Ow’ when she noticed Chanyeol.

I pulled back and gave Kai a smirk, who gladly smirk back at me, and I turned to face Chanyeol hoping he would get the message and just leave.

He was still there, but this time he looked furious his fist was clenched. I did understand though. “You bastard!” that’s all I heard and the next thing I saw was Kai on the floor and Chanyeol making his way over the counter.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?!” I yelled as I tried to reach for him in vain. I did not understand what was going on. I mean, I kissed Kai why was he doing this to him, not that I wanted him to hit me though.  Dasom was in the background scream both Chanyeol and Kai’s name and asking Chanyeol to stop. I wondered how she knew Kai, but quickly snapped out of it since that wasn’t the matter at hand.

A group of guys (who I recognized as his friend because of the few I have met) suddenly came over and managed to pull them apart. I made my way to Kai, grabbed his wrist and dragged him out the club.

Once we were out Kai halted his footsteps and I turned to look at him. Guilt was building up and I swore to myself never to get myself in such a situation, ever!

“Are you Chanyeol-hyungs girl?” an annoyed and bruised guy stared at me knocking me out of my thoughts. “Whu-what?”  I stuttered with his intense gaze making me feel even guilty. But did he just say hyung? So they know each other! Good going Jang Mi! A reminder why I shouldn’t kiss random people.

“Are you going to answer me at all?” he bent down to meet my height, not breaking eye contact as if he was digging for answers in my eyes. I took a step back and crossing my arms. “We broke up and he didn’t want to leave me be, and I was enjoying my night before he appeared.” I said. “So it had to be me you made out with to get rid of your ex who happens to be my hyung?” he said and he wiping the blood that was trailing by his lips.

“How was I to know? Anyways, I’m sorry. You were flirting with me earlier so I thought you wouldn’t mind” I said pulling a fake smile at the end of my sentence. He just sighed and turned to go back inside.

I texted Minzy so that we could leave. It was only just mid-night but I didn’t feel like going back in there anymore. Why hasn’t she seen my texted yet? I really don’t want to get back in there. I turned and stared at her car wondering if I should find a cab and leave her here.

“Jang Mi, can we talk please.” I heard Chanyeol voice behind me. And why do I keep getting angry? I froze in my spot and didn’t even dare to face him. “Please look at me” his voice was calm and I turn around slowly.

“Can we please work this out, I still need you, I still love you and what you are doing is not fair.” He said moving a little a little closer and I got nervous. I was afraid to give into him. I can’t continue to love him, not while he has her by his side. I know he said their nothing but good friends, but it’s been two years and I still can’t help how I feel about them. I don’t want to feel this way but this is how I turned out to be. Insecure. From all those time I was dumped for prettier, slimmer girls, who made me question my own beauty standards. All this thoughts ran through my head as I stared at him.

I don’t know what was with me today, why was I so quite? Why aren’t I talking?

“Oppa!” yes Dasom was after him again.  He however didn’t turn to look at her but helplessly stared at me as I turned to walk away again.

 “Why do you keep walking away?!” I heard desperation and hurt in his voice but I carried on walking.

“If you leave me here right now then it’s over, for real!” I froze at his words. They hurt so much I know I told him the same words the night before, but I still loved him. I don’t know since when but tears were rolling down my cheeks.

I heard footsteps behind meaning he was walking towards me, and instantly began to run and I took the first cab I found. I heard him run after me but I got into the cab before he could reach me.

“JANG MI!!” I saw him fall to his knees tears stream from his eyes. I hit my chest with my right hand as my heart felt like it was being ripped out. Seeing him like this was breaking my heart but I seemed not able to stop myself from leaving.

I texted Minzy informing her that I left and prayed she won’t hate me for ditching her.

As I got home, I threw myself on my bed and kick off my stilettoes and just laid there. I felt so conflicted. Why am I being this way? I’m the one who chose run. What If I stayed would it have felt better? Am I making this difficult?



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Chapter 1: Hello girl! I stumbled across your story and was glad to see it. I like it so far and think your on to something pretty good. :) I'll be checking back for more updates.
golden_pcy #2
Ndapanda #3
lookie what i found