
Thunder And Lightning

MiNam and MiNyu looked up at the house that seemed to resonate with music and swallowed. MiNam had looked forward to the dinner all day long and MiNyu was surprised to have heard of the meal from her brother and not SoLin. But she was happy they would be gathering and wondered how the evening would go and whether or not there were any more surprises for them. She, also, wanted to talk to TaeJin about ShinWoo, who hadn’t been himself all day. She thought he had been sick at first, but then, after a moment’s observation, she realized he simply was annoyed about something he was unwilling to share about. So, she hoped to enlist the help of the woman he seemed most interested in.

But the moment the door opened, both were shocked into silence as a Korean man looked at them with a bushy mustache and a bit smile. MiNam only remembered reading about him in books and MiNyu only recognized him from photos she had seen in the same house they were about to enter. And with a loud and jovial voice, “Honey! Children! They’re here!”

MiNam half expected him to add, “Ho, ho, ho!” at the end of the announcement, but none came. The man’s deep voice didn’t match his physical stature, and when SoLin appeared, she slid an arm around his torso and he placed a hand on her shoulder, “Welcome, MiNam, MiNyu, come in!”

MiNyu entered first, followed by MiNam and then the man closed the door. After taking off their shoes and pulling on slippers, the twins followed the man and SoLin to the living room, where they sat on the couch and SoLin and the man sat on either ends of the couch in armchairs.

MiNyu looked at the man and then asked, “Are you our Uncle?”

The man laughed and SoLin smiled, “MiNam, MiNyu, this is my husband, Randall Lee. You can call him Uncle Lee or Uncle Randy.”

MiNam extended a hand and when Randy shook it, MiNam smiled, “Nice to meet you, Uncle Randy.”

MiNyu smiled and waved, shyly, “Hi, Uncle Lee.”

Randy laughed and then rocked back before sitting upright again, “So much like your mother, MiNyu. And MiNam, a bit more like your father. This is great!” Randy jumped to his feet and hurried out of the room.

MiNam frowned and MiNyu turned to SoLin, “Did we offend him?”

SoLin shook her head, “MiNam mentioned a new song and I happened to mention it to him, so I’m sure he’ll be back with a guitar soon.” And sure enough, as she finished, Randy returned with two acoustic guitars.

Randy handed one of the guitars to MiNam and then smiled, “Let me round up the kids!” He turned and disappeared again.

For MiNam, he felt nervous and a bit horrified to be put on the spot already. As for MiNyu, she felt as through she had been into a live cartoon show. So when TaeHyun and TaeJin entered, followed by Randy, everyone sat down and waited.

MiNam swallowed and turned to MiNyu, who smiled, hoping to encourage him. So, MiNam stood and sat on the armrest of the couch and played a few chords before he started singing.

SoLin listened and turned to see TaeHyun watching, unimpressed. TaeJin listened closely and found the counter melody. She grabbed the other guitar from her father and joined in, playing carefully, following along. Randy smiled and picked up the bongo drums. As MiNam listened, his song changed, evolved, and then he turned to see TaeHyun check his phone. SoLin sighed, listening along.

When MiNam finished, TaeHyun left the room without saying anything. TaeJin sighed and left, as well, to return the guitars to the music room. Randy moved to sit on an arm chair and SoLin sighed. MiNyu watched them and then stood and left the room, wanting to give them privacy.

MiNam waited then asked, “So? Is it that bad?”

SoLin touched Randy’s arm as he sat forward. He thought hard about the song and advice he would give. And then, he threw his hands up and grimaced, “Your first time will always feel that way.”

SoLin sighed and MiNam bowed his head. He’d expected as much when he felt TaeJin knew his song better than he did. It was upsetting, but as SoLin talked through his song, he wondered what TaeJin thought of it.


In the kitchen, MiNyu watched TaeHyun and TaeJin finish making dinner. She smiled and asked, “What did you think of my brother’s song?” to no one in particular.

TaeJin shrugged as she plated the beef, “It was alright for his first try.”

From behind her, TaeHyun frowned and asked, “Was it his first try?”

MiNyu swallowed and replied, “I think so. Oppa hasn’t really done it before. This was my first time hearing him sing anything he wrote.”

“Then, he has a long way to go,” MiNam replied quite dismissively.

TaeJin frowned and covered the meat as she replied, “His singing wasn’t the problem. It was more the writing of the musical verse and lyrics. There was so much he didn’t use and that’s why I felt as though the song were missing something the entire time.”

Off of TaeJin’s observations, TaeHyun agreed, “Maybe because he’s such a new writer, he doesn’t know how to make music sound complete just yet. It’s normal for those without talent or those just starting out to only write what they feel is right, when what’s right is to write with what feels right.”

MiNyu frowned, lost in his explanation. TaeJin smiled and moved the meat to the dining room table and clarified, “A good writer doesn’t simply write what sounds right, they write with what FEELS right. And that’s something I don’t think MiNam has developed enough just yet. But I think TaeKyung has.”

MiNyu’s eyes light up at the mention of her boyfriend. “His lyrics are always very deep and heartfelt,” MiNyu agreed.

TaeHyun nodded, “Yeah, that guy has been through some pain which gives him a lot to use when writing. If MiNam could write with him or learn to use some of that which makes him feel incomplete,” TaeHyun paused and then rephrased, “that is to say, if MiNam used his heart to write as opposed to what he knows to be right in his brain, then his music will not only sound better but feel better.”

TaeJin smiled, “You didn’t feel anything, did you?”

TaeHyun nodded, “Yeah, I think that’s it. I mean, his song sounded good, simple, and it could be catchy, but there was no heart, no feeling behind the music. There was no depth, not hook, and that’s why it just felt empty.”

MiNyu nodded and leaned forward, “So, MiNam Oppa should write with TaeKyung Oppa to get better?”

TaeJin shook her head, “Songwriters are a bit possessive and unless you have a good bargaining chip, they won’t be so willing to share their working techniques and tips with others, especially those they already see as rivals.” Off of MiNyu’s frown, TaeJin added, “I remember that when MiNam first debuted with A.N.Jell, there was talk about him being like everyone in the group but better. If TaeKyung sees MiNam as a rival, then sharing with MiNam the best ways to write music won’t even be an option. Right, Mom?” TaeJin smiled as SoLin walked into the kitchen.

Having heard the last bit, SoLin sighed, “In the old days, sharing with someone to grow them was an honor and fun. These days, it’s all about the money so it’s less likely.”

“But you can ask,” Randy put in, following SoLin into the kitchen, MiNam last to enter.

TaeHyun shook his head, “If I were the guy, I’d be less inclined to help him. Teammate or not, it’s a dog eat dog world out there these days.”

TaeJin sighed as SoLin sat down at one end of the table and Randy at the other end of the table. TaeHyun sat down to Randy’s right and MiNam sat down to Randy’s left. TaeJin sat down on SoLin’s left and MiNyu sat down on SoLin’s right. Everyone seemed quiet content.

MiNam swallowed and then asked, “TaeHyun hyung, did my song bore you?”

TaeHyun frowned and then replied, “It didn’t move me. Music is most impacting when it moves the listener. I mean, when TaeJin started playing, what she added to your original score moved me. She moved your song in a way that only you should have been able to.”

TaeJin nodded and added, “It’s not that you failed, but that there is much room for growth and exploration. Don’t be upset, we’ve just been doing this for a very long time.”

And then Randy raised his hands, silencing everyone and stated, “Which is why my producers have arranged for me to hold a concert here before we return to America. Several of the stars I’ve worked with have asked to see me perform and I thought nothing would be better than performing as a family. So,” he turned to his newfound nephew and niece, “I would like to invite the two of you to join us and then come to America with us.”

MiNam and MiNyu’s eyes widened at the sudden invitation.

MiNam frowned, “When is the concert?”

“In two weeks!” Randy replied.

MiNyu managed to breathe before she asked, “Visit America for how long?”

At this, SoLin reached out and touched MiNyu’s left shoulder, “Forever, if you’d like. We’re family and we should stay together. But if you choose to return to South Korea, no one would blame you. We visit from time to time and still have many friends here.”

TaeJin smiled, seeing MiNyu’s worry in her eyes and added, “If you do music with us, you can spend 6 months in South Korea and then 3 months in America before we tour the world for 3 months. Or, at least, that’s the schedule for Smooth Edges.”

MiNyu forced herself to breathe and then took a sip of her water. MiNam was very quiet. Randy said a prayer and then the family commenced with eating, slowly. SoLin chatted with TaeHyun about his visit and work and TaeJin updated the rest of the family on her plans and hopes. The meal flew by for MiNam and MiNyu, and when the plates had been cleared away and fruit platters covered the tables, SoLin turned to MiNam and MiNyu and stated, “We understand that this is a lot for you to think about and there isn’t much time. But, we’ve already submitted rushed applications to the consulate for international passports and made minor preparations.”

MiNam nodded and, after MiNyu nodded to him, he stated, “Thank you for your kindness. My dongsaeng and I have to talk about this before we can decide.”

Randy let out a loud and deep laugh before he replied, “Take two weeks to see how we work, get to know us, ask us any questions, and decide. Once you have, we will support anything you decide.”

SoLin smiled, “Yes, be sure to talk this over with your other aunt and your friends. This is a big decision. This will change your lives,” she added gently.

TaeHyun remained silent as Randy and SoLin stepped out of the dining room, leaving the kids alone. He watched MiNam and MiNyu shift in their seats before he asked, “What do you guys think?”

MiNam was quiet and MiNyu looked from MiNam to TaeHyun, and then to TaeJin. “This is a big opportunity. We would be with family and in America, living a different life and having new experiences,” MiNyu started, and then she added, softer, “but I feel like it’s too big of a change and much to sudden.”

TaeJin smiled and nodded, “It’s a lot to take in all at once.”

MiNam nodded, “I could learn a lot, see a lot, and grow a lot in America and with A.N.Jell. But, I would wonder about the other despite which I chose.”

“Don’t see it as choosing one or the other, but which one you want to happen now and which one will be there for you to choose later,” TaeJin stated.

MiNam and MiNyu both turned to TaeJin, who smiled. TaeHyun nodded, seeing what she meant and prefaced, “I think my sister is telling MiNam to stay and grow and MiNyu to come with us and grow up.”

“Separate us?” MiNyu asked, suddenly feeling the air from her lungs out.

MiNam reached over and held MiNyu’s hand for support. TaeHyun smiled, seeing them do so. And then TaeJin sighed, “It’s never ideal and it doesn’t seem fair, but I think MiNam should stay with A.N.Jell and grow as an artist before he comes to America with us. And I think MiNyu is ready to go now, she’s been ready but with no way to go, until now.”

TaeHyun stood. “Separation is tough, but regret is harder to live with. I’ll go get the car,” he added, walking out of the dining room.

TaeJin smiled and stood, “Come on, we’ll take you guys home.” MiNam and MiNyu stood and followed TaeJin through the house and then out the front door. TaeHyun pulled out of the garage in a sedan and TaeJin and MiNyu got into the back as MiNam sat in the front passenger seat.

The drive back was quiet and no one said much. TaeHyun played music he had been working on, talking through some parts with MiNam. In the back, TaeJin turned to MiNyu and asked, “What will TaeKyung say to this?” And MiNyu swallowed, knowing exactly how she expected TaeKyung to take the news.

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jeopardism #1
This looks beautiful. I will read this later. :)