Papa's Assassin - Chapter 8

Papa's Assassin

He carefully carried the unconscious boy in his arms and walked over to the bed where he lay the boy down.  He stood in silence for a moment as he looked at the boy in such a vulnerable state.  His brows furrowed with concern as he let out a deep sigh.

What would you do if I was a predator?

Just as he was about to turn and walk away, he heard the boy groan.  He looked at the boy's face which was twisted in pain.  The boy stirred, tossing his head from side to side with a hand clutching at his throat.

"Woohyun, what's wrong?" he asked with concern.

"I feel sick," the boy replied in his half conscious state.  "I think I'm going to-"  

He stood and looked at the mess.  After throwing up all over the bed and himself, the boy had drifted back to sleep.  Though he did not want to wake the boy up, he could not let him sleep while covered in vomit.

He decided to remove the boy's dirty clothing before carefully picking him up in his arms and carrying him into the bathroom.  He gently placed the boy into the tub and the warm water.

Woohyun stirred when he felt the warm water against his skin yet he was unable to open his eyes.  He had no strength left to even lift a finger.  A slight panic struck him when he felt someone's hands touching him, rubbing at his skin.

"No..." Woohyun murmured through closed eyes.

"It's okay, Woohyun," he heard the soft voice whisper.  "You threw up everywhere.  I'm only washing you."

There was a moment of contemplation before Woohyun slowly relaxed.

"I won't hurt you.  I promise."

He returned to the bedroom and sighed at the mess on the bed.  There was no way he could let the boy sleep in such a state.  He quickly cleaned it up and changed the sheets and covers before carefully carrying the sleeping boy back onto the bed.  Realising that he could not let the boy sleep , he searched his closet for a change of clothes for the boy.

After tucking the boy back into bed, he paused a moment when he saw the boy's serene sleeping face.  He did not even realise he had been staring.  A frown etched upon his face when he realised what he had been doing.

You must be out of your mind, Kim Sunggyu, he cursed himself.  He's a boy half your age.


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 21: wow
it was really open ending
Chapter 21: so, woohyun is a cop, myungsoo is in his side idk if they're maybe partner or something,
Sungyeol is innocent rite? he's just ordinary student here... (but why woohyun blame himself that day?)
sunggyu is 'papa', and sungjong, jitae & Yadong is assasin that trained by sunggyu...

helppp!! -__- confuse overload... (maybe I need to reread this again to understand ^^)

anywayyy, great story author-nim!! as always!
Chapter 21: oh,oh i get it! it's the last target that killed by jitae! and it's sunggyu that walking away with jitae and leave that informant woman! and... what about woohyun and myungsoo? is myungsoo die? oh no..
sha_alina19 #4
Chapter 21: Explain pleaseee..confuseeee>o<
Chapter 21: This one got me, I could barely figure out who was who
besome1 #6
Chapter 21: Myungsoo and woohyun T^T
Chapter 21: OMG this one is the scariest fic u wrote xd . Even the child killed OMG o___o ... First i thought woohyun is the killer n never cross my mind that SG is the papa OMG "_". . There must be part two and gyu with hyun live happily after that *cry* , i ask too much right xd . But this one was so good , and unexpected one #_# . Nice one authernim.
Chapter 21: wow, just unexpected >.< this story is interesting despite confusing me sometimes