Papa's Assassin - Chapter 3

Papa's Assassin

"Jitae, I bought you lunch-"  His words came to a sudden halt when he entered the office and saw a student standing there.

The little boy looked towards the door and smiled.  "Daddy!"

The student turned around and saw a man in a white coat holding a tray of food.  It took him a moment but he was surprised when he recognised the man.  He was expecting the school nurse to be a woman.  It never occurred to him that it would be a man or rather, a doctor.

It seemed that the man also recognised him.  "Ah, you're the boy from last night," he exclaimed.  "I didn't get a chance to say thank you.  You're a student here?"

The student nodded.  "It's my first day."

"Daddy," the little boy interrupted.  "I'm hungry."

Surprised by the student's appearance, the man had almost forgotten about the little boy who had been waiting for his lunch.  "Ah, I'm sorry," he apologised and immediately brought the tray of food over to the bed.

The student stood and watched as the man began feeding the little boy.

"Please don't tell the principal about this," the man pleaded as he turned back to look at the student.  "Jitae is sick so I couldn't take him to the daycare centre.  I had no choice but to bring him here with me."

"I won't say anything," said the student, before he was caught out by a sneezing fit.

The man immediately walked over and placed his hand on the student's forehead, much to the boy's surprise.  "You're burning up," he said.

"I'm okay," the student replied.  "I just wanted to ask if you had anything to stop this sneezing."

The man handed him two tablets and a glass of water.  "These are very effective," he assured the student.  "You should feel better in no time."

The student quickly gulped down the two tablets with water.  "Thank you," he said.  "I...I should get going."

"Ah, wait!" the man called out just as he neared the door.

The student turned back and the man handed him his umbrella.

"This is yours," said the man.  "Thank you for letting me borrow it yesterday."

When the final bell rang to mark the end of the day, the students began to flood the gates.  Awhile later when the students had all left and the coast was clear, the doctor held the little boy's hand as they made their way down the hallway.  

Just as they reached outside the main doors of the building, the rain started to pour.  The man looked up at the sky and sighed in resignation.  Just my luck, he thought.

"Daddy, rain!" the little boy pointed excitedly.

He looked down at the child beside him who seemed all too happy to see the rain.  He contemplated on making a dash to the car but in this pouring rain, he figured that they most probably would be drenched.  He could not risk it, not when the child was just recovering.

Just when he thought that they would have to wait until the rain stopped, a figure stepped out from behind him and opened up an umbrella.  He turned his head and looked at the new student standing beside him.  He had thought that everyone had gone home.

"Did you want to borrow this?" the boy asked, offering the umbrella in his hand.  He then glanced down at the child before casting his eyes back at the man.  "If the principal sees you two here, won't you get in trouble?"

The man declined to take the boy's umbrella.  Instead, the boy walked with them to the car, holding the umbrella over their heads while the man carried the child in his arms.  After tucking the child into the back seat, the doctor turned to look at the boy standing beside him.

"It's raining pretty bad, let me drive you home," he suggested but the boy declined.

"I'm good," the boy declined and started to walk away but the doctor was not going to have any of that.

"There is no way I am going to let a student walk home in this rain," the man declared sternly.


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 21: wow
it was really open ending
Chapter 21: so, woohyun is a cop, myungsoo is in his side idk if they're maybe partner or something,
Sungyeol is innocent rite? he's just ordinary student here... (but why woohyun blame himself that day?)
sunggyu is 'papa', and sungjong, jitae & Yadong is assasin that trained by sunggyu...

helppp!! -__- confuse overload... (maybe I need to reread this again to understand ^^)

anywayyy, great story author-nim!! as always!
Chapter 21: oh,oh i get it! it's the last target that killed by jitae! and it's sunggyu that walking away with jitae and leave that informant woman! and... what about woohyun and myungsoo? is myungsoo die? oh no..
sha_alina19 #4
Chapter 21: Explain pleaseee..confuseeee>o<
Chapter 21: This one got me, I could barely figure out who was who
besome1 #6
Chapter 21: Myungsoo and woohyun T^T
Chapter 21: OMG this one is the scariest fic u wrote xd . Even the child killed OMG o___o ... First i thought woohyun is the killer n never cross my mind that SG is the papa OMG "_". . There must be part two and gyu with hyun live happily after that *cry* , i ask too much right xd . But this one was so good , and unexpected one #_# . Nice one authernim.
Chapter 21: wow, just unexpected >.< this story is interesting despite confusing me sometimes