Papa's Assassin - Chapter 7

Papa's Assassin

Woohyun found himself sitting at a table with Sungyeol and his group of friends inside a club with loud music blaring from the large speakers.  His head was hurting.  It was all a little too much for him.  If he had a choice, he would not be here.

"What are we doing here?" Woohyun asked.

"Having fun," Sungyeol replied as he handed him a drink.  "Here, try this."

Woohyun looked at the glass with much hesitation.

"It's just a drink," Sungyeol insisted.  "It's not going to kill you."

A frown etched on Woohyun's brow.

Sungyeol saw the worried look on Woohyun's face.  "It's not poison or anything.  Why do you have to look so worried?" He sighed in frustration.  "Fine, just finish this and you can go play with whoever you want.  See if I care."

With much reluctance, Woohyun accepted the drink and drank it to the last drop.  He raised the empty glass to show Sungyeol and then quickly left.

Sungyeol frowned as he watched Woohyun rush out the door but did not try to stop him.  He continued drinking until one of his friends sat down beside him.

"Where's your new friend?" the friend asked.

Sungyeol shrugged nonchalantly as he continued gulping down his drink.

"I thought he was your type.  What a waste!" his friend exclaimed.  "And here I was, trying to help you out."

Sungyeol looked at his friend.  "What are you talking about?"

"The drink-"

Sungyeol narrowed his eyes.  "Who told you to do that?" he snapped and quickly rushed out the door.

Woohyun knew something was wrong when he felt himself struggling to stay focused.  His head was spinning.  He tried to hasten his pace but found himself unable to even walk straight.

What did they give me? he thought to himself.

He forced himself to kept walking until he bumped into someone.  His legs gave way beneath him as he felt himself falling.  Without an ounce of strength left, he prepared himself for the impact with the hard concrete.  However, he was caught by surprise when he felt himself wrapped in someone's embrace.  He raised his head to catch a glimpse of the person's face before his consciousness slipped away.

Sungyeol ran out onto the streets frantically searching for Woohyun.  He knew the effects of the drug.  He knew Woohyun could not have gone far.  Yet, Woohyun was nowhere in sight.

He continued to search through every street and alley.  The last thing he wanted was for Woohyun to fall into the hands of someone who would take advantage of his situation.  He could not help but feel worried at that thought. 

Woohyun, where are you?


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 21: wow
it was really open ending
Chapter 21: so, woohyun is a cop, myungsoo is in his side idk if they're maybe partner or something,
Sungyeol is innocent rite? he's just ordinary student here... (but why woohyun blame himself that day?)
sunggyu is 'papa', and sungjong, jitae & Yadong is assasin that trained by sunggyu...

helppp!! -__- confuse overload... (maybe I need to reread this again to understand ^^)

anywayyy, great story author-nim!! as always!
Chapter 21: oh,oh i get it! it's the last target that killed by jitae! and it's sunggyu that walking away with jitae and leave that informant woman! and... what about woohyun and myungsoo? is myungsoo die? oh no..
sha_alina19 #4
Chapter 21: Explain pleaseee..confuseeee>o<
Chapter 21: This one got me, I could barely figure out who was who
besome1 #6
Chapter 21: Myungsoo and woohyun T^T
Chapter 21: OMG this one is the scariest fic u wrote xd . Even the child killed OMG o___o ... First i thought woohyun is the killer n never cross my mind that SG is the papa OMG "_". . There must be part two and gyu with hyun live happily after that *cry* , i ask too much right xd . But this one was so good , and unexpected one #_# . Nice one authernim.
Chapter 21: wow, just unexpected >.< this story is interesting despite confusing me sometimes