Papa's Assassin - Chapter 12

Papa's Assassin

When the final bell rang, Woohyun packed his bag, about to walk out when Sungyeol approached his desk.  Woohyun frowned, a little irritated.  "What do you want?"

Sungyeol glanced around the room and waited until the last person left.  "I wanted to apologise," Sungyeol replied.  "About what happened last night, I'm sorry.  I didn't know the drink was spiked."

Woohyun looked at the taller boy for a moment as if trying to decide the weight of his words.  "I did what you asked," said Woohyun.  "You have to keep your words."

Outside the classroom, a figure stood leaning against the wall as he listened to their conversation. 

Woohyun walked out to the empty hallway and headed to the designated meeting place.  He would rather avoid trouble but he knew that if he did not show up, they would not let him off so easily.  If only he had mind his own business.  Perhaps he should apologised to them.

Upon exiting the building, Woohyun was surprised to find Sunggyu waiting outside.  There was a moment of awkwardness when their eyes met as they recalled what happened earlier that morning.

"Doctor Kim," Woohyun spoke.  "Are you Waiting for someone?"

"You," Sunggyu replied.

Behind the school building, the group of students waited.  With each ticking second, their patience wore thin.  Just when they thought that their opponent was not going to show up, they heard footsteps approaching.

"So you decided to show up after all," mocked one of the students.  "Thought you were going to-"  His words came to an abrupt halt when they realised who it was.

"What are you all doing here?" Hoya asked with a frown on his face.  "Unless you have club activities, you should be going home."

The group immediately straightened themselves upon seeing the president and vice president of the student council.

"We should go home too, Hoya," Dongwoo whinged.  "It's the weekend."

"We have a meeting to attend," Hoya reminded him before turning to look at the group before him.  "You guys go home or would you like to help clean up the school?"

"Ah no, we'll be going now," they replied and quickly left the scene.

Hoya turned to look at Dongwoo's pouting face.  "Don't give me that look," said Hoya as he began to walk away.  "Sungjong and the others are waiting.  Can't start a meeting without the president."

Sunggyu stood from the sidelines with a smile on his face as he watched Woohyun and Jitae playing on merry-go-round.  He was glad that they both looked like they were having fun.  He was thankful that Woohyun had agreed to come with them to the theme park.

When the ride came to an end, Woohyun held Jitae's hand as the two walked over to Sunggyu to see the older man holding two ice creams in his hands.

"Ice cream!" Jitae exclaimed with joy.

Sunggyu handed the child one cone and gave the other to Woohyun.

Towards the end of the night, they sat on top of a hill awaiting the fireworks display.  Jitae was busy playing with all the toys that they had won whilst Sunggyu and Woohyun sat beside each other.  Though there were hardly anyone else around, they were too wary of preying eyes to do anything.

Woohyun stole a glance at the older man beside him, only to catch Sunggyu staring at him.  It might have been the starry night sky above and the beautiful neon lit scenery below, but the pair found themselves unable to resist the temptation any longer.

Sunggyu made the first move as he reached a hand out and gently tilted Woohyun's chin forward, allowing him to claim the younger one's lips in a gentle and passionate kiss.  Woohyun closed his eyes and allowed Sunggyu to push him down onto his back.  Their lips remained locked for what seemed like an eternity until Sunggyu finally pulled away.  Woohyun opened his eyes and frowned in confusion as he looked at the older man hovering over him.

"I shouldn't be doing this with you," said Sunggyu.  "I'm much older than you and you're a student."

Woohyun contemplated a moment as he stared into the older man's eyes.  "Sunggyu..."

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun upon hearing the younger one called his name for the first time.

Woohyun took a deep breath as he gathered up his courage to confess.  "I'm..."

His words were drowned out by the loud explosions in the sky.


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 21: wow
it was really open ending
Chapter 21: so, woohyun is a cop, myungsoo is in his side idk if they're maybe partner or something,
Sungyeol is innocent rite? he's just ordinary student here... (but why woohyun blame himself that day?)
sunggyu is 'papa', and sungjong, jitae & Yadong is assasin that trained by sunggyu...

helppp!! -__- confuse overload... (maybe I need to reread this again to understand ^^)

anywayyy, great story author-nim!! as always!
Chapter 21: oh,oh i get it! it's the last target that killed by jitae! and it's sunggyu that walking away with jitae and leave that informant woman! and... what about woohyun and myungsoo? is myungsoo die? oh no..
sha_alina19 #4
Chapter 21: Explain pleaseee..confuseeee>o<
Chapter 21: This one got me, I could barely figure out who was who
besome1 #6
Chapter 21: Myungsoo and woohyun T^T
Chapter 21: OMG this one is the scariest fic u wrote xd . Even the child killed OMG o___o ... First i thought woohyun is the killer n never cross my mind that SG is the papa OMG "_". . There must be part two and gyu with hyun live happily after that *cry* , i ask too much right xd . But this one was so good , and unexpected one #_# . Nice one authernim.
Chapter 21: wow, just unexpected >.< this story is interesting despite confusing me sometimes