Papa's Assassin - Chapter 10

Papa's Assassin

walking along the street the next morning, Woohyun's mind seemed occupied with thoughts of what happened last night.  Though barely conscious, he could still remember the gentle touch of the older man.  What surprised him was that he did not hate it.

Letting out a deep sigh, he shook his head to clear his mind.  Pull yourself together, Nam Woohyun, he urged himself.  Don't forget who you are and why you're here.

Passing by an alley he noticed some students huddled together.  He frowned at the familiar scene which he had seen before.  Unable to stand and watch, he decided to intervene.

"Hey!" he called out.  "What are you doing?"

The group of students turned their heads in his direction.  As he had expected, Woohyun saw the bullied boy on the ground.

"What's it to you?" one of them asked.  "Friend of yours?"

A slight frown appeared on Woohyun's face.  They weren't exactly friends and the boy seemed to hate him but he still felt the need to help him.  "All of you against him isn't fair."

The group laughed.  "Trying to play hero, are we?"

The next thing he knew, the group advanced on him.  One of the students threw the first punch.  Woohyun's eyes narrowed.  He raised an arm and blocked it.  Catching his opponent by surprise, he followed through with a fist across his opponent's face, knocking him back.  Seeing this, the rest of the students attacked.  Woohyun managed to subdue them all.  The group glared at him, realising that he wasn't going to be an easy target. 

In anger, one of them brandished a knife and charged towards him.  Woohyun raised his hand to block the blade which slashed the palm of his hand.  Seeing the blood flow from Woohyun's palm, the group took a step back.

"Don't think this is over!" they warned before leaving the scene.

Woohyun took no notice of their threatening words.  He quickly rushed over to check on the boy on the ground.

"Are you okay?" he asked, noticing a trickle on the corner of the boy's mouth.

The boy wiped the blood with the back of his hand.  He glanced at the blood trickling down Woohyun's arm.  "You should mind your own business," said the boy as he picked himself up and walked off without a word of thanks.   

Woohyun stood outside the school infirmary with much hesitation.  He glanced at the makeshift bandage wrapped around his hand and after a moment, he decided to knock on the door.

"Come in," he heard the voice beckon.

Sunggyu turned his head towards the door, wondering who it could be so early in the morning.  His eyes widened in surprise when he saw Woohyun step inside.  His initial surprise turned to concern when he noticed Woohyun holding onto his bleeding hand.

Woohyun sat in silence as Sunggyu tended to his wound.  Neither spoke a word as an awkward silence hung between them.  Woohyun kept his eyes down, unable to look the older man in the eyes.

Sunggyu knew that Woohyun was avoiding eye contact so he did he best not to cause the boy any trouble.  After all, the age difference was not the only gap between them.  He had to set up the boundaries.  He quickly but carefully cleaned the boy's wound and bandaged his hand.

"You should be right now," Sunggyu told the boy with a forced smile.

"Thank you," Woohyun replied and reluctantly made his way to the door.

Sunggyu turned away from the door and started cleaning up on the mess on the table.

"Doctor Kim."

Upon hearing someone call him, Sunggyu turned around, eyes widened in surprise when he felt lips pressed against his own.


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 21: wow
it was really open ending
Chapter 21: so, woohyun is a cop, myungsoo is in his side idk if they're maybe partner or something,
Sungyeol is innocent rite? he's just ordinary student here... (but why woohyun blame himself that day?)
sunggyu is 'papa', and sungjong, jitae & Yadong is assasin that trained by sunggyu...

helppp!! -__- confuse overload... (maybe I need to reread this again to understand ^^)

anywayyy, great story author-nim!! as always!
Chapter 21: oh,oh i get it! it's the last target that killed by jitae! and it's sunggyu that walking away with jitae and leave that informant woman! and... what about woohyun and myungsoo? is myungsoo die? oh no..
sha_alina19 #4
Chapter 21: Explain pleaseee..confuseeee>o<
Chapter 21: This one got me, I could barely figure out who was who
besome1 #6
Chapter 21: Myungsoo and woohyun T^T
Chapter 21: OMG this one is the scariest fic u wrote xd . Even the child killed OMG o___o ... First i thought woohyun is the killer n never cross my mind that SG is the papa OMG "_". . There must be part two and gyu with hyun live happily after that *cry* , i ask too much right xd . But this one was so good , and unexpected one #_# . Nice one authernim.
Chapter 21: wow, just unexpected >.< this story is interesting despite confusing me sometimes