Denying Reality

I Was Once By Your Side - Infinite Fanfic

''Ya, Lee Sungjong! Where are you going? We're in the middle of a dinner!", Mr. Lee said, caught Sungjong who was on his way to run away.

"I'm going to get Hyejoo. I'll be home soon.", he said to his father.

"Arasso. Hurry come home, be safe.", his mom said.

He grab his car keys and started to roll. He kind of have this weird feeling. So he decided to get her.


Hyejoo was there left alone because Myungsoo have to come home. Hyejoo kind of felt heavy because of Myungsoo's confession to be very honest. She sat there inside the cafe, staring at her vanilla latte blankly. She felt bad because she never realize that Myungsoo would ever have a crush on her. No matter how often Myungsoo always been for her. Cheers for her eventhough he had his own circumstances, listens well on the stories that she told to him, and always be there for her no matter what.

Moments later, Hyejoo decided to leave the cafe and thinking about reliefing herself by taking a walk near the river. Thank God the rain stopped.

"Aish, jinjja!", she said.

Hyejoo's phone battery was low and got turned off immediately.

"Oh well. I think I have to take a walk on my own.", she said to herself.


"The number you're calling is unable to be reach. Please try again in a moment."

"Mwo?! Oh now she's pushing me off?", Sungjong said to himself.

Moments later he tried to call her again, but again, the operator who answered. And it said the exact same thing.

Sungjong became so worried and started to look for here everywhere near the Han River. "Wait a second.", Sungjong said to himself, remembered something.

"The cafe!", he said.

He ran to the cafe where said Hyejoo said that she's there with a friend. But when Sungjong got there, she was not there. Sungjong asked the waitress and the waitress said,

"She was already out with a friend. She went that way.", the waitress pointed the right way.

As he said thank you, he ran outside and try to chase her. He ran around the same place again and again. Until he found himself circled. He was so worried. He didn't know where she was at the moment. He was so afraid that something bad will hapepen to her. What will happen to the girl that he loves.

There you go. He found her. Her face looked so puffy like she's about to cry.

"Choi Hyejoo!", he said, calling out to her name.

"Lee-lee-lee Sungjong!", she said.

Right after she called out to his name, she ran to him and hug him immediately. She was there feeling warm and cozy around his warm body temperature. Somehow, Sungjong felt something different. He felt that he was being loved just like the way Hyejoo used to love him. His heart pounding so fast, feels like it was going to pop out right at that the moment. He smiled and hugged her tighter, and tighter. The way he wont let his loved ones get away.


Hyejoo felt his heart beating so fast. The way she hugged him was different than the way she hugged Myungsoo. She was confused. "What is this feeling? Why do I feel like I've felt exactly like this before?", Hyejoo thought to herself. She felt the same feeling as the feeling that she had before. The feeling of loving someone. The feeling of being loved. She felt his chest bumping so hard. Feels like his heart going to pop out right at that moment.

"Choi Hyejoo, lets go home.", Sungjong said, reached her hand.

Hyejoo nodded and held his hand even tighter.

They ended up arrived at home while holding hands. They looked at each other in the face and giggled along.

"We're home!", Sungjong said with his cheery voice.

"Aiyoo. You both made up?", Seongyu said.

"I dont know.", Sungjong said, letting go of her hands.

"Maybe.", Hyejoo said, reached out to his hand.

Mr. Lee chuckles and said,

"Come on in then. Lets get you both something warm."

 The sweet smell of hot cappuccino with floating marshmallows on top of it, reached their nostrils. Hmm. What a perfect moment.

"Here you go.", Mrs. Lee said while handing them their cup of coffee.

"Thank you, I'll enjoy them.", Hyejoo said.


"Oh, Myungsoo-ya! You're home. We've been waiting for you.", his mom said, welcoming him home.

"Oh.", Myungsoo answered shortly.

He went straight to his bedroom and slammed the door. He throw himself to the bed and thought to himself.

"What a tiring day. Choi Hyejoo, why cant i stop thinking about you?"

The door knocked and his brother came in.

"Hyung. You okay?"

"Oh, Moonsoo. Im okay. Just, tired."

"Hyung. You got rejected, are you?", Moonsoo said with both of his arms in front of his chest.

"No. Of course not. Who would reject me please."

"Well, she did. Hyung, it all written on your face. Dont lie to me. I'm your dongsaeng okay, I know everything."

"Okay. You're right. She did said that she already have someone in mind.", Myungsoo explained.

"That means you got rejected omg.", he said with annoying tone.

"Okay, okay. I got rejected okay. So what?"

Moonsoo looked at his brother intensely and sigh. He even chuckled because of his big brother childish yet stupid behavior. Moonsoo left and Myungsoo tossed himself to the bed.

"Hah. I got rejected.", he said, then sigh.

"Wow. I just got rejected.", he said, once again denying the reality.

After silenced by himself inside gis own room, he decided to relax himself with listening to ballad songs until he fell asleep. 

Once he fell asleep, his mom knocked on his door but he was already in a deep sleep. She felt so amazed and proud. She smiled as soon as she saw his puffy bed face that half covered with his blanket. She his hair and tapped his back so he would be more comfortable sleeping.

"Where can I find a child that as handsome and talented as you, Myungsoo-ya? Except for you and your dongsaeng, there must be no one as perfect as you two eventhough I know that nobody's perfect.", she said while looking at her son.


"Sungjong-ah. I think I could forgive you completely now.", Hyejoo opened up the conversation.

"Hmm. Wait. What?! So all this time you haven't forgave me yet?"

"What's with the shock, gosh. Course not."

"But I told you the truth, Choi-dumb-Hyejoo."

"YA! Dont you dare call me that! Still your fault though. Even after you told me the truth."

"Wow. Okay. I guess I have to deny the reality."

"Well at least you've been forgiven .", she said, rolled her eyes.

"Choi Hyejoo. I'm still older than you and that'll never change. So dont use that swearing words gosh!", he said with upside down tones.

"Here we go ladies and gentlemen. Meet the bipolar Sungjong. Well at least you people cant deny the reality that he's actually bipolar.", she ended up giggling.

Hyejoo met Sungjong eyes. His gaze showed her that he's going to catch his prey so he wont be starving tonight. Hyejoo ran away quickly and saw that Seongyu was suddenly poofed out of nowhere.

"Seongyu-ya. Cover me would you?"

Seongyu caught his brother and they ended up the day with late night cat and mouse chase. Though now Sungjong had been forgiven. There are still many ways and thoughts to denies the reality. 



np: Seventeen vocal unit - Because Of You (Remake ver.)

This chapter somehow ended up so, cliché. Dont know anymore lol. Make sure to subscribe and wait till the next chapter~ Labyu ppl *chu*

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kimsl92 #1
Heol. Myungsoo finally appear at chapter 9 \(>.<)/ #spoilers
redapplecandy #2
Chapter 5. I need chapter 5 ~[°□°]~ Update pls..
update soon :))
Hwaiting dongsaeng-ah! Can't wait for the next chapter! ^^ Kekekekeke~