Chapter 9 - The call

Fate? *Hiatus*

Chapter 9 - The call


The moment they arrive at her place, Emma is worried. Around every corner she sees him, every bush is a place where he can be behind. She walks between Noa and Minhwan but she is still looking around everywhere, to make sure she doesn’t see Jason. "Emma, do you still want to live here? If you don’t we can make it happen you know." Noa tries her best to reassure Emma, but she is too deep into her own memories that she doesn’t realize that Noa is talking to her. When they arrive at her door, she is hesitant to open the door, expecting Jason to jump out and hurt her or her friends. She knows that Noa is one bad girl who can fight the best fighters but she is still worried. While Minhwan wanders through the apartment, Noa helps pack Emma for the three weeks in Japan. It will be her first official business trip and she is unsure what to pack. "Minhwan Oppa, what will I be doing there?" Emma tries to avoid saying anything about going to Japan or on how long she will be going, just in case there is still a camera somewhere. "From what Yonghwa Hyung and I discussed it will be mostly just walking around, to see how it is set up. Just to get you used to the shows and so on." And with that Emma decides to pack stylish but comfortable clothes. After checking everything one more time she’s done packing.


On the way back to the dorm, Emma gets a phone call. She picks up without looking at the caller ID, which after today she will never do again. "Emma… why did you remove my nice toys?" was the first thing Jason says. "I don’t think it was nice that you had your little pet come running over the moment I come and see you. Remember what happened to your last pet, my dear. I’d hate for this one to have the same faith. Maybe it’s time to kick your pet to the curb, my love? If you are too kindhearted, I’m more than willing to do it for you?" During Jason’s speech, Minhwan pulled the car over and tried to get to Emma’s phone, who was sitting in the backseat. Noa while holding him back, whispers "Don’t say anything, just hang up." It broke Emma out of her spell and she pushed the end call button on her phone over and over until she was sure the call was ended. "I will find him and kill him for threatening you!" Minhwan is beside himself out of rage. "He was threatening you and probably Noa too, not me Oppa." She tries to calm him down a bit with her usual sarcasm but it’s not working. In the end Noa tells Minhwan to sit next to Emma and to let her drive, so they will comeback safe.


Even back at the dorm Minhwan is still going crazy over Jason’s call. He doesn’t want to lose Emma out of his sight for even a second. When she needs to use the bathroom, he even tries to follow her in. Luckily Hongki pulls him into his room to pack. "Minhwan-ah, there is not even a window in the bathroom, the only way in is through the door. He needs to get into the apartment, pass all of us unseen and then pick the lock before he can reach her. She will be fine, plus you need to pack because we are leaving in an hour." Minhwan is still grumpy but he realizes that Hongki has a good point. Emma just witnesses it all happen. ‘Why is he going that crazy, I mean a little crazy yes but this crazy?’ she thinks to herself while –finally– going to the bathroom. After she goes to Minhwan’s room, only to show him that she is fine. Or that is what she is telling herself, because obviously it’s not because she feels safe with him and it is definitely not because her heart beats faster the moment she sees him.


She finds him in his closet, throwing clothes into his suitcase. Being a bit neurotic, she can’t help herself and starts to neatly fold them and place them organized into his suitcase. After a few minutes Minhwan is done throwing his clothes and turns to look at Emma. "What are you doing?" He didn’t realize that she was on the floor organizing his mess. "I’m folding Oppa, what does it look like?" "I see that but why?" He sits next to her. "Just because I need to do something, something to stop my mind but also something to say thank you and I’m not good at that so I’m doing what I do know." Emma starts to feel a bit uncomfortable under Minhwan’s unreadable stare. Before she can say anything more, Jaejin comes barging into the room. "Minhwan-ah! Are you making poor Emma pack your stuff!" He runs over to Emma and pulls her to her feet. "Oppa, he is not making me do anything." "Well in any case, let’s go! We’ve ordered chicken, so eat before we have to leave! Minhwan-ah, come out after your done!" while talking Jaejin has moved Emma from the closet to the door. When she looks back to see if Minhwan is coming, she only sees his back. ‘Why does it feel so lonely to see him like that?’ But before Emma can think more, she is pulled out of her thoughts by the loud –but sweet– other members.


Minhwan POV

The moment Minhwan sees Emma pick up her phone and turn white he pulls over. He hears everything he is saying and before Minhwan knows it he loses his temper. ‘How dare this person threaten my Emma?!’ He thinks to himself before trying to get to the phone, which he can’t reach because Noa is holding him back. "Let me go Noa! Give me the phone!" But before he can do anything Emma hung up. "I will find him and kill him for threatening you!" Even though he knows that Emma is right, that guy didn’t threaten Emma technically, Minhwan is still going mad over the fact he did call her and made her upset. Even sitting next to Emma in the back of the car doesn’t calm him down. Not after seeing her have no color in her face from the phone call. Without saying anything he grabs her hand. She seems a bit shocked by the movement but she does allow him to hold her. ‘I need to calm down so I can get her mind of it. But why can’t I?


Even at the dorm, where there is Noa and the Hyungs he can’t let go of the anger he feels towards that guy. He doesn’t only feel angry but also worried, about Emma and how she is dealing with all this drama. When Hongki sends him to his room to pack, Minhwan finally starts to feel a little less angry. Becoming less angry gives him space to think, and he starts to wonder; ‘Did I call Emma, MY Emma? No I didn’t right? It was just a mistake, even when I’m thinking that doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes. But why did I get so angry over him calling. She isn’t mine so why would I care that much?’ While thinking it over and over trying to figure it out, he is done packing. When he turns around he finds Emma on the floor, folding his clothes and packing it neatly. "What are you doing?" It came out a little angrier than he meant it but he was a little ashamed that she is clearing up his mess. When she replies he hides a little smile. ‘At least she didn’t lose her humor.’ He sits down next to her so he doesn’t feel like he is towering over her. "I see that but why?" Her answer came a little unexpected and he tries to think of something to say back, but before he can think of something good Jaejin comes in to mess it up. When he pulls Emma out of the room, Minhwan stays behind to close the suitcase but also to calm his heart. After being close to Emma, he didn’t realize how hard his heart was beating.

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*Authors note* Im sorry that i havent updated in a while, but im having a lot of trouble writing the next chapter along side with my school:( im working on it!


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Asuka_J12 #1
Chapter 14: When Emma screams at puzzle game (haunted house part), I join scream too xD I know she scary how haha
but I think Emma shouldn't over scary bcause the VJ/cameraman always shoot and follow them. Except, out of case they using hidden-cam :D
anyway I like horror story lol
Good job for this part. Update soon if you get healthy. Get well soon~
Asuka_J12 #2
Chapter 13: this is still continue, right? XD
I like MH statement: 'the only one that can make me look bad, is me.' AWAW too MATURE i think lol.
Finally Jason deported back to his country. Emma will safe kekeke
Asuka_J12 #3
Chapter 12: FTISLAND come to Running Man? Wow, when that becoming reality? XD *wrong-focus*
Anyway happy belated birthday to you! ^^
please update soon thx!
Asuka_J12 #4
Chapter 11: AAAAA Emma are u crazy for doing that? XD u make me envy kkkkk~
Hwaiting for ur moving, and I still wait ur update for the next part :)
Asuka_J12 #5
Chapter 9: I want more! :D so, you must be continue this story. Kekeke~
Ah, just my suggest, you can use ( " ) than ( ' ) for direct sentences in ur story. I think it can be nice ^^
Hwaiting ne!