Chap 02

Revengeful Love

It's Monday morning. Jungkook didn't go out from his room, waiting for Seokjin to go to work. It's strange. After the breakfast session, Seokjin didn't uttered a word to him. The older man only gave him a glance then went to his room, getting ready as an Alpha.

Jungkook was curious and cautious. Just what it is that has been planned between Seokjin and the Jeon? 

"Young Master." A very sweet and soft voice was heard. Jungkook giving her an immediate response, thinking that Seokjin might need him for something. His gaze was met with a pair of beautiful round eyes. It's Hana, the gardener's daughter. Truthfully, Jungkook are still awkward with her since both of them were around the same age. He's just glad that there's no romantic feelings involve. 

Seokjin wouldn't like it if I turning against his order. Sighs.

"Don't be scared, Alpha is not here." She chuckled softly. Jungkook flashed a bitter smile, the paranoid was eating him alive these days. But, how did Hana knows that he's afraid of Seokjin? Did she has been spying over them? Jungkook noted in his mind to not be so obvious in front of her anymore. Since she knew about this, then their act must be lacking.

"Why are you here?" After he asked the question, the boy starting to feel bad because he did sounds rude. And worse, Hana seems hurt by it and she didn't intend to hide it. Jungkook by now let out a small smile, at least he should try to be closer with her and didn't make any more enemies. Having Seokjin alone is enough.

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help you?" Jungkook asked in really polite tone, just like a real gentleman he is making Hana to let out her sweet smile again, along with a crimson color on her cheeks. 

"Umm, nothing. Halmeoni told me to take a look at you. She's worried that you might feel boring being alone in this big mansion and all. Are you comfortable here?" Jungkook sighed silently. So, it's not Seokjin who sent her here but it's the old maid. Talking about being comfortable in here, Jungkook just want to scream and run away if he can.

"It's too comfortable I might say. Thank you for asking." There, another white lie. And no, Jungkook didn't feels like asking her any question and he dislike where the conversation is going because he hates everything about this place. IIt's not an adaptable place to stay if he could say it. Out loud. 

"Um, can I just call you Jungkook? Sorry but.... I think we could be a good friend if we drop the formalities." She confessed her opinion and Jungkook smiled after hearing her words was getting slower near the end, maybe she's shy and still awkward with him. Jungkook didn't blamed her and what she says is right. They could make a good bond if the drop the status. Jungkook believed that she might be lonely too, wandering alone in this big mansion.

"Sure." He replied kindly. Hana squealed in happiness and held out her hand, "We should start over. Hi there, my name is Jung Hana. I'm 18 year old and I want to be your friend. Please treat me kindly." Again, her sweet smile appeared. Jungkook has to admit that she is a beauty. 

"Hi. I'm Jeon Jungkook. 18 and yeah, thanks for being my friend." He shook her hand. It's soft. Hana was bblushing, hiding her smile, she opened , "Um, can I ask for a paper and a pen?" 

Jungkook nodded his head and pulled out a white sheet, along with a blue ink pen from his study drawer. Giving it to Hana, the girl received it with fingers brushing slightly with each other. She quickly scribbled something on it and give it back to the boy. Jungkook didn't know why but somehow Hana seems more shy than before.

Jungkook looked into the paper and there's numbers on it. "Um, it's my phone number. Since we're friends, if you need anything, feel free to call me, 'Kay?" Jungkook didn't know what to say. All he could think of is I have to hide this from Seokjin or I'm dead. Seokjin already told him that he didn't like it when Jungkook are getting too close with someone because he has to keep his reputation and avoid scandal. 

But I don't think he will know it if I only be friended with a person only and he knew Hana. So it will be alright, isn't?

"Thanks. If I have anything to ask from, I'll call you." Hana seems happy, too happy in fact, over his words. Soon, she chat a little more and waved Jungkook a goodbye since she has to help her father at the garden and all. Jungkook feels glad. Hana's company has bringing the good in him and he feels great. At least, he finally won't be alone anymore.




It's already evening. Jungkook had been wasting half of his life in his room. Never once he thought to break the rules of going out without Seokjin in the mansion. It seems too ridiculous for trapping him in his room and even forbid him from going out without his husband, but Jungkook try to see it from a brighter side. Locking himself in the room did saved him since he could have all the privacy in the world, except he couldn't lock the door. 

Privacy my .

Talking about Seokjin, he hadn't see the other guy since he went off to work. Did he even go to work? Jungkook didn't remember hearing the main door being opened and the mansion is quiet. Too quiet for having too many maids and butler in the house. 

"Young Master." Jungkook flinched in his seat. Why everyone seems to have a habit of scaring me?! Jungkook starting to hate the rule of unlocking the door.


"It's tea time." The maid stated and left the boy alone. From all the rules spoken by Seokjin, the boy likes the tea time the best. It's the moment where Seokjin allowed him to go outside the border without his owner by his side. He quickly rushed downstairs and went to the garden where the tea table has been laid out, only to see halmeoni was there, pouring a cup of tea for him.

"Young Master, the tea is ready. Please, have a taste." She pushed the cup of tea towards Jungkook and sat at the opposite of him. Jungkook drink it slowly, just like a noble man, fidgeting uncomfortable when he aware he was being stared at by the old maid.

"Seokjin didn't lie when he said you didn't like being stare at. Interesting." Halmeoni words nearly making the boy to spit out his drink which he glad he didn't. 

"I'm sorry for his absentness. He's all busy these days about the rogues and the pack. He informed me to always accompany you. I can't believe that he's already growing up." Halmeoni explained, which was listened by Jungkook halfheartedly. But knowing Seokjin telling others to always be there for him was like informing others to never let him out of sight and run away. For others, it might be kindness, but for Jungkook, Seokjin sure acted his role well.

"How's being an Alpha feels like?" Jungkook try to open up more scope in the conversation since he's not interested about Seokjin. Maybe Alpha talking could make him understand everything better. 

"Burden and responsibility. You will never knew where and when your pack will be attacked and how many numbers of death you will suffer with. These feelings all will be felt by an Alpha. A strong one always have to hide his feeling and condition, can't be bothered by the wounds and the scars and shouldn't have a shoulder to cry on unless you find your mate.

Jungkook was silent through the whole explanation. He didn't know what to say and how to react. It was like halmeoni trying to tell him to warm up his heart and be more open with Seokjin. But Jungkook didn't feel like it. It might take thousand big years for the boy to actually trust the Alpha.

"Mate? As if during mating season?" Jungkook did learned about mating and all but he's a human and not a wolf so he could care less about this topic. Really, he shouldn't be that tactless, isn't he?

"As you've heard, the wolves needs their mate to release the heat. And sometimes, a wolf or an Alpha might have countless of omega becuse they didn't find their mate yet. It's a cruel reality but not all Alpha are heartless. There's actually small number of them who's really cares about Omega's rights. And your husband is one of the alpha."


"Didn't Seokjin has a mate?" Jungkook asked, hiding the hint of attraction in his voice. Halmeoni sighed sadly and shook her head. 

"It's not my place to tell you about it. You have to upfront your husband and ask him about it. I'm sure he won't hide it when it comes to you." She smiled with something meaningful behind her words. But Jungkook didn't seem to get it. He's really thirsty about Seokjin's mate but he won't sacrifice himself for that. 

"Maybe." He won't.




The clock shows 2345 p.m. Jungkook was thirsty and there's no one at home. Others had gone home as the clock's finger pointed toward number 10. He was thinking whether he should go out or stay inside, maybe afraid to break the rule. Another problem is there's not many light was that night and he forgot to tell the maids to never bother to turn off the light. Now outside is dark and he's all alone.

He was worried and scared. What if there's something might crawl in into his room and kill him?! Plus, this mansion is located far from the city, no one will hear him of he screams for help. Fear of whatever it is outside his border, Jungkook in a second, locked the door and sat on the bed.

He didn't know why but somehow tonight, he needs Seokjin to come home. Now. "I'm scared." He whispered, cupping his face with his hands, waiting for anyone to save him from his phobia of being alone. 


The sound of the door being opened attracting Jungkook attention. W-who's outside? Is that him? He stares at the door and waited. Each seconds passing by, all he could hear was his rapid heart beats and the fear conquered him. What if that's not Seokjin? What if that's a burglar breaking in inside the mansion? 

Jungkook throwing his thoughts away, hands the blanket tighter. "Pease come home..." He mumbled under his breath, voice obviously shaking. An image of someone appeared in his mind. Somehow, he regrets for hoping Seokjin to come home late or maybe the older won't come near him but now, please come home...

I won't cry. A man will never let out a shameful tear.

Cklek...the door opened by itself. 

Jungkook was badly terrified. He remembered locking the door and now it was opened! Sobbing quietly, he his his face in the blanket. Whatever's there, let it be just don't come near him. 

"I thought I told you to never locked the door?" 

That voice, Jungkook's eyes widened when he feels the familiarity in that calm and warm, exhausting voice. He threw his blanket away and went closer to the Alpha. "You're home..." He whispered in relief. Why he feels so happy over Seokjin's presence now. Whatever it maybe, Jungkook slowly gains his normal breath again.

"I'll deal with you tomorrow, just sleep now." Seokjin said firmly. Turning his back, he was about to leave but something was holding him back when he feels Jungkook's fear is coming back. "Come with me." Seokjin ordered. Hearing that, Jungkook quickly followed him and they ended in Seokjin's cold and warmth bedroom. 

Hate to say it but Jungkook likes the room. It consists of Seokjin's manly smell and it feels like home. But his thoughts was cut off when he hears the room's door was slammed closed. "Sleep on the bed. Shut your mouth or I'll kick you out." Seokjin stated lazily and went inside the shower with a...strangely, it's a pink towel.

Jungkook did as he was ordered to. He laid on the bed and God, it's no different than his bed but Jungkook loves it more in Seokjin's bedroom. The pillows consist of gentle and manly smell. The smell of a certain someone.

Without Jungkook noticed, he finally got to sleep for the first time without any worries, in his Alpha's bed.

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Mint729 #1
Chapter 6: Uwu!!!! This is so good>< i wanna know more what happen between kook and jin~~please updateeeee authornim~~
Haru-ru #2
Chapter 6: Omg! This is soooo goood! I like how Jugkook cant seem to realize the truth lol haha.
I like the history, is pretty good! Please, update soon :)
alexandra22 #3
Chapter 6: Hahahaha funny when i was reading jungkooks last line 'i need a plan' the first thing i thought was 'i need an udate' then i started to sing i need u. This is really nice i hope u update
Chapter 6: Please update soon :D
Chapter 4: You are right. Fast relationship nakes any sense. I like angst. But oh my poor Jin ><
foryouilove #6
Chapter 6: Done reading in one day. What else do you have in store?
Chapter 4: 400 years and he is 19 *Am I crazy or what?* Cool
Choijirin #9
Chapter 5: Whatthehelllllllll authornim im so disappointed you leave me like this? WHO IS YOUR FIRST LOVE???? Im curious asf rn hahaha. Omg please update this soon I really like this story and I really want to know jin's first love..