Chap 03

Revengeful Love

Sorry guys, I'm facing finals right now but here is it, the continuation of my story. Is it good or bad, im sorry but hey I would love to read ur comments of thoughts? Its okay if u dont want to, cheers.


WARNING : please read the previous chapter. I swear if i didn't remember it, surely u won't either. And there's bunch of grammar mistakes. Hey, I'm asian lol.




It's a new day. Jungkook knows that because there's a thin line of sunlight shone on his face through the velvet curtains. He struggled, turning the other way to get away from the source of light and as he did so, he could feel something heavy circling his fit waist. Through the half awake, he caressed the thing that had been hugging him and instead of letting go, his waist was gripped harder in protective way. It's not too hard and not too soft, just feels so right at the moment. Jungkook was weak, it's morning and hell, it's all dark in here. He turns again and ended up hitting himself on something warm and hard, and it goes up and down like it's breathing...

Wait, what?

"What?!" Jungkook stormed awake from his sleep. The thing, Jungkook looks on his lap, "I-is that a hand? What? How?" He shrieked silently and the groans coming besides him causing the boy to shift quickly. Jungkook's eyes were wider in a second as he was meeting gazes with his husband. Voice was trapped in his throat, the younger one could one stares back helplessly. His husband, the alpha gives him a glance and got off from his bed, walking towards the shower and slammed the sliding door. The loud noise immediately loosing the boy's nerves and Jungkook immediately stumbling off the California's King bed and made a dash into his room.

Jungkook knows he won't get out that morning for breakfast.



Or maybe not.

"Young Master, please come out. Master asks for your presence." A butler, who-knows-who speaks and Jungkook was leaning at the door as he still follow the rule of never locking the door. It's a battle when you're skinny and the person outside trying hard to get in. Didn't these people knows privacy?! Jungkook screamed in his head and huffed in disagreement.

"No! Leave me alone!" He yelled back, now trying hard to stopped the spinning knob. "I'm sorry but Master is waiting for you." It does sounds polite but it feels disturbing at the same time. Jungkook wanted to slam his face on the wall but he has to keep his border from anyone barged in. "I swear, tell him that I don't want to have breakfast with him!" He yelled and smacked the surface of the door to show his wrath.

It stops.

No one spinning the doorknob and there's no signs that the butler still outside. He heaved a relief sighs and tended to calm himself. Until there's a knock at the door. "What?" He asked softly, feeling bad for yelling a moment ago. The person didn't answer and the knocks continued. Jungkook clenched his teeth and in ungraceful manner, he spun the doorknob.

"Can you please leave me alone?" He asked tiredly until his vision are fixed, Jungkook swore he felt breathless over the sight.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Seokjin stated mockingly causing crimson colors to crept on the boy's cheeks. Jungkook wanted anything to swallow him right now as embarrassment are swirling inside him. He shouldn't staring for too long but Seokjin looks hot with his hair combed nearly and he's wearing casual clothes.

He looks so normal.

And breathless.

"Let's go." Seokjin ordered, finally bringing the boy's thought back to Earth and God, Jungkook swears he couldn't take this anymore. Did he just checking out his husband twice today? Somebody, please reminds him that he needs to go to medical check up today. He shouldn't drooling over someone he dislikes.

"Going where?" Jungkook questioned. It's weekend. And weekend means bed and bed means heaven. And it's not a suprise anymore as he watched after Seokjin who did not spares a glance towards him. Instead the man acted like he didn't hear the question and just calmly walked through the main door.

Calm down, Jungkook. He's always like that.

Heartless and cold.

Jungkook screamed emotionally and followed after his husband. Eyes staring ahead but his mind are full of the thoughts from last night. He just could wish that, Seokjin won't ever touch the topic when they're together.


People were talking with their love ones. Sounds of plate clashing against each other and roars of moving chairs. Jungkook shifted uncomfortably in uneasiness as he strayed away from the menu ahead of him, preferring to examine the restaurant they're in. Seokjin never uttered a word. From the moment they got in the car until now sitting in their seats, the journey takes about 35 minutes and no words coming out from his lips.

Jungkook bit his bottom lip. He never imagined he will go out with someone who's consider close yet too far away, sitting together to have a breakfast. All those fairytales he used to think of, it's all came down trashing into a pit. The fairytales are ing over. He never likes the alpha. He dreamt of a beautiful woman as his mate. With her pale skin and black gorgeous wavy hair decorating her like an angel. Jungkook didn't want a man. He needs a lady who can fulfill his man's needs.

"Order?" Jungkook's thought were disturbed over the sudden waitress's interventions. He faking a smile and clumsily picked up the menu. Hands shaking as he could feel the eyes from the man in front of him staring in uninterested.

"I would love to have Caramel Machiatto and a beef steak." Jungkook smacked his head silently as he just realised that he oredered something expensive. But soon Seokjin's opened his mouth, "I would love to have the same as him but change my drink to black coffee, please." The elden flashes his charming smile and as soon as Jungkook noticed it, the smile vanished. Seokjin couldn't careless as he stares out of the window.

Jungkook was astonished. He never hear Seokjin speaks so softly and polite like that and now, his eye are twitching when he observed the waitress whom had been eye- the alpha. He felt irritation crept in him but mainted his poker face, "That's all, thank you." He shove the menu towards the waitess, making the girl to awkwardly bow in shame and walked away. Jungkook couldn't understand why everyone likes alpha. Well, Jungkook does admires him but other's reactions are sickening.

Why did he feels angry again?

Is it jealousy? No, it can't be.

"God..." he won't ever fall for someone who bought him from his family and worst, this relationship are so unhealthy. But the feeling of being hugged by his this morning felt so right. Wait, that's already out of line, Jungkook thought in disgusts as he remembered that he's straighten than any rulers in the world and he will never bend. Soon, both of them will be separated and never come across esch other ever again.

"Stop thinking too deep." Seokjin's stated firmly, voice hinted with boredom and mysteries. It was like he couldn't focus on something and Jungkook's thoughts are louder than anything at the moment. You see, when you're surely mated with someone, you could hear their voices in your head and Jungkook didn't know that. Seokjin won't ever let him know that they're more than anything because that boy obviously will freak out and run away.

"I did not." Jungkook argued but soon shut his mouth when he receives emotionless glares from his husband. Seokjin didn't meant to scares him off but he's exhausted.

Jungkook didn't know how tiring it is everyday to make up with his thoughts when Seokjin are busy making plans to attack the rogues and hunters but soon, their meeting will be delayed because Jungkook was thinking of stabbing him and hatched a plan to escape. Seokjin worries all the time and he couldn't show his feelings since he's afraid to fall in love. Jungkook didn't know how his existence could destroy the alpha.

Of course Jungkook will never know. He's a human but Seokjin's a werewolf and boy, he still remembered how he was so worried yesterday to rush back home because he could smell fears from Jungkook. The boy's thoughts were telling him to come home fast and saved him. Seokjin swears he could die if anyone went inside the mansion to take Jungkook away from him. He will let everything secrets for now. He knows how Jungkook hates him. Like right now. The vibes are uncovered and voices flow into his head unstoppable.
It's bad when you're connected with your mate. Even your lives. When the time comes, Seokjin will let the boy go and prepares a funeral for himself. Happy ending didn't exist in his life anyway.

The food came at the right time and the waitress quickly went into the kitchen when Jungkook caught her staring at the alpha. They ate in silent and Seokjin was trying hard not to be amused over the younger boy's jealousy. He knew when he smelled one and foolishly, Jungkook didn't realised that.

As he paid the bill, they went back into the mansion. Making sure that Jungkook stayed safe in his room, Seokjin informed the old maid to watch over his husband and went into his vehicle. The old maid watched as the medium fades into distance. As she turned around, she was meeting eyes with Jungkook.

Oh boy, this boy breaks another rule.

She sighed and smiled at him. "Young Master, how are you today?" The old maid questioned and Jungkook replied, "I'm good. Um, where's Alpha?" He questioned as he stares around searching for the tough figure. The woman chuckled and words escaped from her lips, "Alpha already went to his work. He might come home late today and he informed me that you should sleep first and lock the door when the night comes."

"He went to work...? Isn't it quite late for now?" Face showing worries and guilts, Jungkook demanded for answers, "And what did he means by locking the door? Isn't that breaking his rule?"

The old maid smiles, "It is true that he's late to work but you should have see this morning when he's worried about you might having gastric so he delayed some times to make sure you have a proper meal. And about the rule, you don't have to worry. I don't know why but he said locking the door makes you feel safer. Young Master, I have some jobs to be done. Please stay in your room until tea time. Please excuse me." She bowed down and politely walked away. Leaving the speechless boy in the middle of the living room.

Jungkook put his hand on his chest. Gulping down his saliva, he'd sure he felt something weird going on in him. Why Seokjin are so distant yet too soft at the same time. What is this feelings?

Is it guilty?

"I don't understand..." he muttered helplessly and went inside him room, thinking of his husband for the rest of the day. He didn't know that he was disturbing Seokjin's thought for countless times that day.

"Damn." Seokjin hissed as he tried to focus in his driving. It's hard when suddenly an unknown guilts crept inside his chest.

Must be Jungkook again. 

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Mint729 #1
Chapter 6: Uwu!!!! This is so good>< i wanna know more what happen between kook and jin~~please updateeeee authornim~~
Haru-ru #2
Chapter 6: Omg! This is soooo goood! I like how Jugkook cant seem to realize the truth lol haha.
I like the history, is pretty good! Please, update soon :)
alexandra22 #3
Chapter 6: Hahahaha funny when i was reading jungkooks last line 'i need a plan' the first thing i thought was 'i need an udate' then i started to sing i need u. This is really nice i hope u update
Chapter 6: Please update soon :D
Chapter 4: You are right. Fast relationship nakes any sense. I like angst. But oh my poor Jin ><
foryouilove #6
Chapter 6: Done reading in one day. What else do you have in store?
Chapter 4: 400 years and he is 19 *Am I crazy or what?* Cool
Choijirin #9
Chapter 5: Whatthehelllllllll authornim im so disappointed you leave me like this? WHO IS YOUR FIRST LOVE???? Im curious asf rn hahaha. Omg please update this soon I really like this story and I really want to know jin's first love..