Chap 05

Revengeful Love

"Seokjin couldn't stay calm. Yoongi suddenly barges into his room and hit his on the desk. The boy threw all folders on the couch and grunted in unsatisfaction. Eyes filled with darkness of his mind, the second in command flashes an intimidating smiles. 

Seeing that, the alpha groans with thousand of disagreements. "Don't tell me Taehyung sent you here and please, leave me in tranquility." Yoongi snickered in returns seeing a childish person with his mind of 5 year old in a body of 25. 

"Taehyung told me that your relationship with your mate is bitter." He speaks softly, trying to crush the walls around his best friend. Seokjin let out an raging noise while turning around and zoning off into the distance. Yoongi continued, "I heard you'll go down at the ground today but I have another plan for you, Jin."

"I could listen but won't start any action for your words." Seokjin stated calmly as if he wouldn't be bothered for the next.

"I'll take care for today. Go home." The pale boy ordered as his fingers drew on the desk in enthusiasm. Blinking his eyes staring over the now tensed guy ahead of him, Yoongi hopped to the ground. "I don't know what happens but I swear, have fun with your mate for now before you let him go. If you wish to have an everlasting love with him, why so eager to let him go, you fool?" Yoongi smirked and walked towards the door. Long fingers reaching out for the silver knob.

"Seokjin. Don't forget that you have us. You aren't alone." He smiles and opened the door, only to jump in surprised again as he was meeting gazes with a pair of brown nearly gold eyes. "You ! Don't scared me like that." He warned in irritation. Hands were ready to strangle the boy in front of him.

"Alpha! Go home now and have fun with him." Taehyung screamed when his neck was wrapped by furious hands of Yoongi. In chocking tone, Taehyung let out a funny noise as he was kicked out of the room by the older. Seokjin, who had been watching shook his head trying hard to swallow his laughter from erupted out of his lips. Yoongi saw that and he smiles.

"You laugh." He commented and in a second, the silent rhythm stopped flowing out from the alpha's lips. 

"Whatever." He huffed and wears his coat, walking passes his best friend and out the door. Yoongi watched in wonders as he followed along.

"Hey, don't come to the ground today!" He snapped but soon was shrugged off.

"Can't you see?" Seokjin glances to him.

"What?" Yoongi answered in worries.

"I'm going home."




Jungkook twists around on his bed. He stares outside of the mega window, searching for the meanings in every clouds that passes by. They're fluffy and wonderful like cottons, like how you wished you could eat them while smiling like an idiot memorizing your flashbacks of life. 

This is heaven.

Knock! Knock!

Jungkook grunted in response as he was tugged back to the reality, eyes filled with fire waiting for whoever that going to disturb his territory. The door was opened. Jungkook quickly struggled to stand, heartbeats rapidly hammering his chest as he stares into those beautiful dark orbs full of secrets. Those eyes have too many stories to tell, but it's covered with millions of missing keys. Jungkook smiles.

It's weird. Jungkook felt his chest are swarming with warmth and happiness. He senses the tingling sensation in his stomach when he saw an innocent smile plastered on his husband's face.

Seokjin closed the door behind him. Awkwardly his long legs moved and he ended up sitting on the bed. "Is the room comfortable?" Seokjin wants to laugh seeing the shocking expression spreaded on the boy's cute face.

"Y-yes, it is." Jungkook stuttered as he landed beside the alpha, playing with the edge of his sleeve in silent. He wanted to say that he always feel so isolated from others but wanting the privacy as well. He wanted someone to be closed but never interrupted him in the same place. In conclusion, he wanted to have a company. But Jungkook couldn't say it to the Alpha. He don't want to burden the older guy.

Seokjin was frowning as he listened to the thoughts. Unconsciously, his hand lifted Jungkook's chin and made the boy to face him. "Are you lonely?" His smooth voice asked in worries as kindness reflected from both of his eyes. Jungkook was dumbstruckted.

"I didn't." He's glad. Jungkook managed to say without stuttering. That's a good sign. But still Seokjin knows the boy needs someone. Maybe he should do something.

"Let's go out?" He asked nicely and tries to hold back his laugh seeing Jungkook goes all pale as if he'd seen a ghost. He would love to pinch those cheeks and kiss him but he can't. Of course Jungkook is his but he won't do it through a force. He may never could touch him until he die but he will protect him. 

Jungkook was loss of words. "What?"

"I say we should go out now. And it's an order." Seokjin's expression changed into a cold one and walked out of the room as he glanced a warning towards the boy. Jungkook felt goosebumps as he followed after with fear in his soul.

Throughout the ride, Jungkook felt dissappointed thinking that his husband might talk to him. He's getting fed up with Alpha's attitude. Why can't he be gentle and relax outside his work? Why can't he smile and say anything, just anything! If he's really a good husband, he will try to create a conversation or ask Jungkook about his day or whatever. The boy thought in irritation until something dawned inside him.

Why am I getting annoyed over his attention?!

Jungkook let out a weird noise as he trying hard to kick away all his funny thoughts out of his mind. Seokjin stares in a second, thinking whether he should smile or held his poker face from breaking into pieces. He swears he heard every thoughts in the boy's mind like a broken record and it's non-stop, Seokjin hoped he could make it to their destination without having an accident. His thoughts are too loud.

"Stop thinking too hard." He stated, voice hinted with fake anger. No, Seokjin loves Jungkook's thoughts. Its like having pain and pleasure. Oh, especially when the boy's too dumb to understand his own feelings. Seokjin is exhausted but he won't stop trying until Jungkook likes him back. But if he failed, the boy's freedom will be opened. Seokjin could wait. 

"I did not." Jungkook huffed, hands gripping tighter of the seatbelt. "I didn't think of anything. At all." The last words came out as a whisper but the wolf still could hear it loud and clear. Seokjin's lips curved upwards but soon it goes back into a thin line. 

"Yeah. But at least stop frowning." He replied lazily. Hearing that, Jungkook immediately eases his frowns from the forehead and opened his lips, "I didn't frowning." He argued and crosses his arms, staring outside of the window. While waiting for the older's payback, the sorrow filled him when he got the unfulfillment from his expectation. "Jerk." He sighed in silent. But Seokjin could hear it again. 

He just didn't understand why Jungkook are so eager to talk with him. Isn't he monster who's heartless and stealing his happiness?

This boy is confusing.

Seokjin gripped on the steering tightened as he spun it around turning to the left corner. 


Jungkook was pissed off.

Out of everywhere they'll be going to, his hisband made the worst choice. Seokjin chose to play along masking with his poker face as he stares at the colourful words glued on the wooden post. 

The Amusement Park.

Seokjin heard the boy besides him huffed out a mocking yay! under his breath. He raised his eye in confusion, didn't all kids love things like this? Before he could speak any single words, Jungkook already took few steps forwards from him and stares around annoyance, like everything managed to hit his nerves and he's going to blown out soon.

Why did they go to amusement park? Jungkook didn't like how the alpha treats him and he's 18 for God's sake! He didn't need childish things in his life right now. He's a damn teenager and he should have his own freedom like going to a pub and have fun over one night stand. He's already legal to do anything that he shouldn't do but now what? Standing like an idiot looking over the damn Ferris wheel in pique. Maybe he loves Amusement Park but he expected Seokjin to actually treats him like he's a man, not a boy.

"Lead me." Seokjin breaks the silence between them. Jungkook gulped, finally realized that their surrounding is crowded filled with figures but he's quite breathless with the smooth voice of the alpha. "What?" He questioned, heartbeats fear rapidly thumping in his chest as his brown orbs stares at the tall presence. 

"I never go to amusement park before. Lead me." Again, he explained, managing to fool Jungkook that he's not tired as he strengthen his voice. If only that boy knows that he didn't sleep at all last night. Jungkook's eyes were wide opened as his lips was gaping like adorable fish. Trust me, Seokjin managed to keep his stoic face to himself.

"You never? Like ever???" The boy asked. Face written with million of suprises. Seokjin nodded his head, didn't feels like talking and wasting his time. He pointed to an intense ride and Jungkook followed the index finger. He smiles as soon as he saw the ride. 

"Sure. Let's ride the roller coaster." He giggles in happiness and likely he could jump if he wants to but there's his husband and he won't acts like idiot in front of him. Seokjin stepped after and he's really lazy to do anything but that smile on that childish face.

It beats everything.

They shot the most front seats, Seokjin swears Jungkook did that on purpose telling him that they'll get more fun by sitting at the front. And throughout the ride, the older guy could feels his adrenaline twirling inside him like a hurricane as other were screaming as if their lungs was pulled out from the bodies. Seokjin glances at the boy beside him and the sight caused him to laughs. Jungkook was there, hiding his face behind his hands as girlish screams escaped from his lips. He couldn't ask for more, Seokjin caught it in his memory as they reached the finish line.

Others went out and walked away in the bee line, maybe their heads aren't healed from the panic yet. He smiles and pulled Jungkook out from his seat as the boy was thunderstruck and he'd just followed from behind. Sensing that he's still uncomfortable with the surrounding, Seokjin forces both of them to sit at the nearest bench.

"Calm down. Everything is alright now." He rubbed in circle of Jungkook's back and the boy started to lean into his touch, he smiled awkwardly. Jungkook doesn't want to admit it but Seokjin does brought the relief into his soul and hia heartbeats finally in stable rhythm. "Should have warn me sooner that you're scared of height." Seokjin said softly, pulling his hand to his side and made a gap between them. Jungkook was crashing down the barrier around him and no, he's not going to use the boy at his weakest point. It isn't the right time.

"I can't help it. You never go here before so I need to actually have the memory of riding it." Jungkook was being honest and the older was loss of words. Seokjin's heart skipped a beat as Jungkook suddenly looked away and his thoughts finally flooded in the wolf's mind. He listened how Jungkook was cursing himself for being weak and too blunt in front of him. But something made him smile afterwards. Jungkook sacrificed his boldness. It sounds pathetic but it's Jungkook. This boy actually cares for him but he never realizes it. 

"I think it's better if we do something simple for today." Jungkook's breath sharpened as he listened to the words. The boy went panicked for a while as his eyes searched for any insecurities in his husband's eyes. The older between the two flashes a smile as he ruffles the boy's black midnight hair, who's gaping at him in worries.

"I've done something wrong, aren't I?" he shot a painful smile, his pair of dark brown orbs straying away from the golden eyes and gazes at the ground. Seokjin heard his thoughts. At the moment, he was afraid of any rejection that's going to escape from his lips but Seokjin doesn't understand why Jungkook needs to be that scared of him. He stood up, shoes screeching the ground, fingers brushing his sleeves and the man's hands slowly went inside his ripped jeans. 

"I didn't see any flaws you've done today." he uttered, feeling the wind brushing his brown hair softly slapping his face tenderly. Jungkook was now gazing at him attentively in suprised, and Seokjin won't admit he loves the attention, "We should just done it my way. I'm sorry." he walked to the main gate but soon was felt his wrist was pulled backwards. Lips are sealed, the man turned around and aware that Jungkook didn't want to budge from his spot. 

"No, we didn't even ride the ferris wheel." he argued. 

"But you scared of high --"

"Yes, but ferris wheel is a main attraction!" the boy snapped.

"No means no!" Seokjin glares. I don't want you to get panic again, he thought in worries and pulled his hands away from the grip. " Let's go." voice filled with the ungenuine raging flame, the boy felt his adrenaline shut off. Moving his steps slowly, he stares at the back's of the man in irritation and dissappointment. He hates himself for having an acrophobia. In the end, he hopped into the vehicle and both of them became silent. too mute until the sounds of the radio couldn't beat the tense vibes from the duo. 

Jungkook silently gritted his teeth like.. Who the hell went to amusement park for like freaking 30 minutes????!!!!


"What would you like to order?" the waiter held his pen and note, standing at the spot next to the elegant table waiting at the best of his service. Jungkook's eyes sharpened, glaring at the waitress he had shooed away after making sure a boy, not a girl taking their order. Seokjin didn't want to care as he was afraid he might let out a couple of weird noises from his lips, afraid to show his euphoria. 

This boy's jealousy is too much.

"I want a grilled chicken with extra BBQ along with a cup of summer rose tea." he put aside the menu and staring straight at the opposite of him under those long eyelashes. Jungkook was grunted in disagreement, still feeling the neverending hotness of the ferris wheel issue blazing like a flaming fire in him. "Same order and change the whatever drink it is into a Sprite." he gave the menu and looked around except for his husband. Oh hell no, he might goes KABOOM! all over again because of him. He really wants to ride the ferris wheel and...and...sighs. Jungkook didn't want to talk about it. The Alpha is an arrogant, snobbish man who thought he could commands him like he's a slave.

Oh yes, he actually could.

And I'm scared of him. Jungkook took out his cell phone. It's better to avoid the mountains of awkwardness building around them. No, he won't stares into those gorgeous eyes and gets himself wrapped in his long fingers because Jeon Jungkook is a brave boy and he could kicks the balls. And I'm still scared of him, ha ha ha. 

"No gadget at the table." Jungkook frowned. His ears moved like a rabbit to fix his hearing at the new speech from the wolf. 

"Excuse me. Mind repeat your authoritive annoying words again? I've gone deaf." 

"No gadget." The older stares in amusement.

"Why shouldn't I?" he argued, hands slamming the surface of the table resulting attentions from other people.The alpha didn't say anything. Biting him bottom lips, his thoughts was running along, colliding with the boy's.

What's wrong with him? I can't even ride the ferris wheel and the stalls, we couldn't even taste the cotton candy like...urgh. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! Can't lock the door, can't even sneak out, can't even run away, people watching for me all the time, I can't even have any privacy and no friends! No friends!!! I can't even talk with Hana and god, don't let me start with his ridiculous attitude! He's soooo arrogant, a snobbish, an annoying gut I've ever met and so gay. I can't believe he likes boy and worst, why me? There's plenty of them out there. Why can't he just breed a wolf, same creature like him, isn't thats just easy??? 

And no gadget. 

"I'm asking you why I can't use my gadget right now!" Seokjin's heart was hammered with suprise. It's quite funny when Jungkook only asked the single question instead of the wild thoughts that had been running through his head. At the moment, all the questions stopped as the younger boy mainly focused for an answer from his lips.

"It shows your manner."

"Doesn't make any sense."

"It does. You're being rude when we're supposed to have a conversation." 

"You want to talk with me?" the boy's laughed for a while, until he became serious in a second. "I couldn't believe that ever."

"I know you're angry but -"

"No, I'm so happy." Jungkook said mockingly, huffing in annoyance as he strayed his eyes away from meeting gazes with the alpha. Seokjin exhaled, he didn't want to make everything worst and now, things didn't go as he wished for.

A waiter came at the ridiculous time, politely serving the dishes on the table and bows before walking away. Jungkook caught a waitress staring at his husband and again, he shot a dangerous glares to her. If looks could kill, she'll be dead by now, Jungkook hissed silently and glances at the food in front of him.

Without invitation, the boy hid his cell phone into his Jean's pocket and ate the food hungrily. Seokjin on the other hand was staring in amusement, and he believed he couldn't keep any cold facade anymore since Jungkook managed to bite him back and acted all childish unconsciouslyly.

They're getting closer, aren't they?

"This is good. Damn." Jungkook mumbled under his breath, swallowing another parts after another and avoid looking into Seokjin's eyes. The older guy chuckled deeply, feeling the heat coming from the boy. He might be embarrassed since seokjin kept staring at him and leaving his food untouchable.

After a few minutes, the younger boy dropped his utensils on the plate and glares at Seokjin in irritation, "Stop staring!" He argued but then was left speechless when he realised his husband didn't really were staring at him, instead he was eating the beef steak without giving a single glance to the boy in front of him.

"I didn't." He replied casually and continued eating. Jungkook bit his bottom lip and started to pick up the spoon but soon, he felt the eyes on him. "I said stop staring!" Jungkook warned, glaring but again, Seokjin didn't even stares at him.

"You should stop being such a sissy." Seokjin smirked and jungkook was everything but happy cursing under his breath as the table was silent until both done with the lunch. As the older man went to pay the bills, Jungkook immediately turned his eyes and followed after his husband, steps fastening as he reaches for the older guy. Seokjin stares at him weirdly when both of them standing in front of the barrier separating the cashier and the customer. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked in amusement as Jungkook quickly straying his eyes away from him and looking at the girl at the counter. He's acted like he's in his sassy protectiveness mode and this is not a new thing, yet still amazing.

"Duh, I'm watching you paying the bills." Jungkook replied in irritation in every inch of his skin and both eyes were busy glaring at the girl ---and of course, she's just doing her job but hands off, excuse me! Jungkook stares, making sure Seokjin's hand didn't brushes with the girl's. 

He sighed in relief when they didn't.

"I swear you're so easy to read." Seokjin tilted his head mockingly, hand gripping Jungkook's wrist when he pulled both of them out of the high-class restaurant and went into the vehicle. 

Through the journey to God-knows-where and whether his husband's trying to kidnap him yet again he'd kidnapped him on the day they'd got married so yeah, the police will laugh their off if he actually make a report bout it ---what the hell am I blabbering about??? 

Seokjin snorted, breaking the silence between them as he'd listened to each thoughtsJung Kook's. This boy is hella hilarious and very adorable but he's quite an idiot.

He swears he won't tell that to the younger boy.

"Where are we going now?" Jungkook asked, hissing when Seokjin was chuckling as if he got something under his throat.

"Where you want to?"

"I don't know. Circus???" The boy flailed his hands around making Seokjin to stares outside the window and actually focus while driving since Jungkook's in period.


"Sure. Circus then." Seokjin played along and the boy immediately turned to look at him. What, no! I didn't mean it!!!  Jungkook wanted to say it but maybe....a circus didn't sounds too bad.

Seokjin smirked mischievously with the agreement.


Jungkook clenching his teeth hard. "This is a beach." 

Seokjin nodded his head innocently, "Yes, it is. Beautiful huh?" The man went near the shore followed by the raging boy.

"Why are you being like this? I thought were going to a circus!" He argued, heart slowly blooming when the waves touched his feet. Uh, no, will never admit it.

"I have a feeling you'll love wasting time here instead of being with clowns and all." He landed himself on the sand, pulling the younger boy next to him with an Oomph!

"That hurts." The boy complaints and he continued, "but yeah, it feels nice here. It's undescribable I think." He stares in awe across the sea, fingers clenching the sands beneath him. "Hey, let's do the sand castle!" He screamed and started doing his wishful thinking.

As he slowly absorbed in his own world, Seokjin watched him in admiration. The way his lips went upwards, making the shape of the castle in euphoria, long fingers never give up to make everything perfect, face frowning focusing like he's doing an Eiffel Tower and ohh, it might collapse in any moment. Could this boy becomes any perfect than this?

He's so perfect in his imperfections.

"Instead of staring at me, you better come closer and make my castle to stand proud." Jungkook teased as he scooted a little bit and smiles cheekily at his husband. Seokjin felt his heart dropped.

This boy just showed another side of him. He'll be the death of Kim Seokjin.

"How do you know I was staring? I might be looking at behind you."  He asked in astonishment.

"Yeah, sure and felt my face burned. If looks could kill, ya know? And please, we're the only people here. Try to look around us." Jungkook stated, pointing to everywhere as Seokjin's eyes were following each of his movement.

"Yeah..." He replied awkwardly and helped the boy to make the sand castle. They worked in silence until Jungkook opened his mouth.

"You've lived for many years isn't?" he asked in curiosity. 

" Yeah." Seokjin glanced at the boy, uneasiness was swirling inside him.

"Who's your first love?"


Sooo to be continued and don't worry, just finished my final exam. Shall do the update fast. Sorry for everything guys.








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Mint729 #1
Chapter 6: Uwu!!!! This is so good>< i wanna know more what happen between kook and jin~~please updateeeee authornim~~
Haru-ru #2
Chapter 6: Omg! This is soooo goood! I like how Jugkook cant seem to realize the truth lol haha.
I like the history, is pretty good! Please, update soon :)
alexandra22 #3
Chapter 6: Hahahaha funny when i was reading jungkooks last line 'i need a plan' the first thing i thought was 'i need an udate' then i started to sing i need u. This is really nice i hope u update
Chapter 6: Please update soon :D
Chapter 4: You are right. Fast relationship nakes any sense. I like angst. But oh my poor Jin ><
foryouilove #6
Chapter 6: Done reading in one day. What else do you have in store?
Chapter 4: 400 years and he is 19 *Am I crazy or what?* Cool
Choijirin #9
Chapter 5: Whatthehelllllllll authornim im so disappointed you leave me like this? WHO IS YOUR FIRST LOVE???? Im curious asf rn hahaha. Omg please update this soon I really like this story and I really want to know jin's first love..