Take My Hand

The Guardians

"Healing, my angel. I heal." He seemed calm as his hands lightly held my arms just above my elbows. He smirked as the vomit that threatened to erupt was instantly repressed. Once he was sure I wasn't about to throw up all over myself, he stepped back cautiously.


I was sitting all the way forward on the hard, smooth rock formation I'd been sitting on all night—hands propping up my upper body, eyes wet from the combination of shock, nausea and the wind. My head was dropped passed my shoulders as I tried to catch my breath, but I wasn't exactly out of breath, in fact, I was perfectly fine—thanks to Yixing. It was Yixing? THE Zhang Yixing of Exo? Exo's Lay? How could this be? I wanted to look up at him again... to see if my mind was just playing tricks on me. Maybe I saw it wrong. Maybe this wasn't even real... 


I analyzed my immediate surroundings, starting from the boulder I sat upon. The wind howling above me...the crisp scent of pine trees, the dirt just below my shoes. The dirt? There's two sets of footprints. The moon illuminating the ground in front of me cast the shadow of a man. My eyes continued to scan upwards and without a doubt, there he stood. My mind wasn't betraying me for Yixing was standing there in front of me. The Exo member I love the most.


We locked eyes for a moment before he stepped forward causing me to unintentionally flinch in surprise. "Do not be afraid, my angel. I would never harm you." He held up a hand in defense that later began reaching for mine. My eyes widened as I watched my own hand take his as if I had an out of body experience. Wait wait wait! What am I doing? Why did I take his hand? Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh...


He maintained a gentle and curious countenance as I stood up and guided me closer to the edge of the cliff. I unconciously held his hand tighter and tighter the closer we got. He secretly blushed as he surpressed his smile from forming. We now stood at the very edge... I've never gone this far out so my heart was racing as I stared at the ground below. "My angel..." He was staring at me when I acknowledged him, he turned his head towards the view. 


It was beautiful. The perspective had changed massively. It was so much more open now. There were no trees obstructing the view, the stars were more visible and the moon seemed much larger. I was estatic! The hills of lights didn't seem to end—I wasn't sure where the earth ended and the sky began. The field of stars above were brighter than ever! I felt like I stepped out of reality and into open space—I was completely lost in it. My eyes were twinkling and I hardly noticed what Yixing was staring at, taking a mental picture of his favorite view—me. When I turned to look at him, he gave my hand squeeze and held a hand up to my cheek once more and I suddenly lost conciousness.



"I can do this... I can do this..." A tall, long-legged man mumbled to himself as he paced back and forth between bookshelves. I was sitting in the library supposed to be studying for my summer final but fansites were posting previews of Jongin at SMTown in Tokyo on twitter which left me neglecting my studies. He looked absolutely stunning and I couldn't help but silently spazz in my seat. Thankfully there weren't many people there and the man in the bookshelves was probably a bigger nusiance anyway. So I didn't care too much when I saw a particularly racy pic of Kai that caused me let out a squeal and slam my face into my books on the desk. 


"Quiet!" A deep rugged voice called out from behind me. "Sorry!" I whispered feeling a little embarrassed but that didn't last long. Kai is my favorite member of Exo, probably my most favorite person ever... he is everything to me. His affection for Exo-L's, his passion for dancing, how adorable he actually is... he is perfect. So the struggle is real when he goes from innocent baby Jongin to really really realy extremely y Kai— which was all the time, I thought to myself. 


It was getting late when a staff member quietly informed me, "Lulu, we're closing now." I decided to head back to my dorm, drop off my things, pick up some ice cream and head over to Angel's apartment. It was Satruday night and I haven't heard from her all week. She lives off campus and she's been pretty quiet lately so I wanted to check up on her. I left my stuff on the desk to return the books I was using and when I returned, there was a small bouquet of Baby's Breath sitting on my opened notebook. I looked around but there was no one left in the library, but me and the staff. I brought the bouquet to my nose and took in the scent. Ah~ my favorite. The image of Kai popped into my head. I gathered my belongings and threw it in my backpack when a little red envelope fell out of a notebook. The lights started turning off in the library so I picked it up, chucked on my backpack and rushed out the doors.


During the walk back, I held the envelope in one hand and the bouquet in the other. I smiled as I held the bouquet up to my nose when a crack of lightning and a gust of wind broke my concentration and blew the envelope out of my hands. The envelope shot down the street and I raced after it. I swear it was mocking me when it flew up into a tree, turned into an alley, and even got caught in someone's hair. I continued to chase the envelope at full speed as it turned a sharp corner and I ran straight into a man's chest and fell to the ground.


"Ah~ are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?" The man asked as he extended his hand towards me. Half his face was covered by one of those medical masks everyone was wearing now a days. 


"No, I'm not. Y-yes, I mean I'm fine..." I stuttered as I reached up for his hand but my reflexes acted quicker when I realized his hands were scalding hot and I fell back on the ground.


"Ow! Man your hands are hot!" I yelped and opted to stand up by myself. The man chuckled and rubbed the nape of his neck with the hand that may have just given me third degree burns. "Sorry about that. I must be coming down with a fever or something."


He waited until I was back on feet to continue, "You were going pretty fast there—were you, perhaps, looking for this?" He held the little red envelope in his hand—that devilish little red envelope, I thought. 


"Yes!" I screamed excitedly as I tried to reach for it. Not until that very moment did I realize how toweringly tall this man was. I'm positive he was at least an entire foot taller than me. 


"Nuh-uh-uh—not so fast! Don't you think you owe me something?" He said teasingly raising the envelope a little bit higher. 


Oh, come on! You gotta be kidding me... "Like what? An apology? Okay, I'm very sorry for running into you." remarked semi-annoyed, semi-sarcastic. "Happy? Can I have my envelope back now?" 


The man threw his head back and let out a loud deep laugh. "But, it's my envelope." He said in a matter-of-factly way, batting his long eyelashes. Though I couldn't see it, I knew he had a smirk on his face. I was reaching the peak of my annoyance when he continued, "It's my envelope and you threw it away. So now you owe me something in order to get it back." 


"What? What do you mean? I didn't throw it away! And how is it your envelope?" I jumped for it again and I felt intense heat emitting from his body.


He crossed his arms and chuckled, "I wrote it, of course." I swear I heard him call me an idiot under his breath, but I was more interested in what he said before that. He wrote it? I've never even seen this man in my life before... what kind of letter is it?


I was deteremined on getting it back so I decided to humor him, "Okay, fine. What do you want?"


The tone of his voice changed from playful to sad as he offered me the envelope. "I want..."


He paused and stared into my eyes then took off his mask. "Lulu, I want you to look at me too."


A/N: Ok before you start asking questions... Don't worry~ Yixing's story will continue! I just really wanted to introduce the next Guardian... I think this one is really easy to guess too! :))) Ahhh I hope you're as excited for the next chapter as I am~ 

Let me know what you think in the comments! I love reading feedback, opinions, theories! Also, if you like this fic so far please feel free to upvote/subscribe! I'd really appreciated it

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Anyways please update :D
Chapter 5: Colour coordinate? There's just black or am I colour blind? Wth? And what two girls? Sorry, I'm just very confused with your a/n!
Channie is so sad tho and Sehun ya ignorant kid not everybody knows what you're talking about half the time so whachu got eh?
Chapter 4: Awwwww is ChannBear feeling a little left out? You've got Baekhyun. Leave me alone with Yixing /hehe/ and go play with baekki or d.o.
Amazing as always punchingbaek. Can I call you BaekBAE? Lol. Sorry for the weird request.
This is probably second favourite 2nd person fic that I like. Tbh, I don't particularly like second person stories but there are exceptions. Haha. Lol.
So IMMA go ahead and guess that the anon is Lay. Just cause anon said before 'forgive my forgetfulness'. Just a wild guess. Haha. Updateuu soon
I'm looking forward to what the update will bring for me. Can't wait.