Finding an answer

Breakthrough of heart
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Chapter 1 – Finding an answer


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Jinri put down the phone call with anxious panic rushed through her body as she felt involuntarily shaking. Without delaying any further, she immediately raced all the way from Busan to Seoul by herself even though she knew that perhaps it wasn't the best for her health but her mind wouldn't let her rest anyway.

Jinri kept thinking on all scenarios of what could have happened to her husband, crazy thoughts kept going from that Minho just simply had run away to that he could be dead at somewhere people couldn't find him. Jinri had to cry harder. She couldn't set her chaotic mind in place as she didn't know what was hurting more.

And when Jinri closed her eyes all she could see were images of Minho. Some were good from their teenage years when he would visit her and make her laugh everyday. Some of them were so bad, from after they got married, his constant reminders of how she had ruined his life. Minho blamed her for everything that ever went wrong with his life. And for their wedding night….Jinri didn't much care to remember that as it had been the most humiliating experience of her life being with him when all he thought about was someone else.

Arriving in Seoul, Jinri was very exhausted but she was careless for her own good right now as she immediately demanded to be put up to date with what was going on with her husband on the day he went missing from Minho's butler.

"Mr. Choi had gone out for the night as he did every night but then he never came back. But actually this wasn't entirely unusual because sometimes he stayed 'elsewhere'." The butler Kim gently put it as he was hesitant to speak the truth by it still obviously meant that Minho kept a mistress or that he was actually having an affair or two.

Jinri swallowed all the pain that seeped through her heart but right now it wasn't the right time to care for herself. She urged Mr. Kim to continue.

"When a couple of days had passed without news of him, we had contacted the police and when the police hadn't found him, we decided to let you know." Said Mr. Kim as he bent his head down guiltily. "I should've let you know earlier than this. I'm sorry Mrs. Choi."

Jinri took a deep breath, she pursed her lip to control her emotions that wanted to burst out. Trembling, she said, "When I can talk to the police?"

After her arrival about an hour, the police had come to talk to Jinri, asking her question after question like when was the last time she had seen Minho? Did she know of anyone who might harm her husband? What of is friends? Jinri answered the best she could but she was just little help.



Each day passed in a blur of increasing worry and nothingness. The police had lost hope of finding Minho alive and instead they were just waiting for his body to turn up in a ditch somewhere.

It took a while but eventually it occurred to Jinri that there was something that she could still do instead of just waiting. It wasn't going to be easy but desperate times call for desperate measures. She informed Mr. Kim to prepare the car. She then directed him to a house not too far away.

Stopped right in front of the Jung's mansion, Jinri composed herself as she went out of the car. She walked straight to the door and pressed the bell.

Noticing that it was a young lady, the butler of the mansion let her in to the receiving hall. Happy cries and laughter rang through out the house.

"May I assist you, madam? Are you…" Asked the butler politely.

Jinri opened and then quickly covered it with her handkerchief as a coughing fit sized her. And before she could compose herself enough to talk, suddenly there was a young, cute boy who barely old enough to walk came running straight at her, followed by a lovely, long haired woman, giggling all the way, trying to catch the boy.

"Oh!" Exclaimed the woman as she stopped when she noticed Jinri and she blinked a few times out of surprise.

"Mrs. Jung." Greeted Jinri to the lady before her. She bit her lip, trying to show a smile, seeing the woman in front of her started giving her a warm feeling because of her welcome smile.

"Just call me Seohyun, Jinri." Said Seohyun cheerfully as she smiled at her. They had only met once before but to Jinri, Seohyun wasn't one to forget a face or a name.

"Seohyun." Said Jinri, softly.

"What brought you here?" Asked Seohyun but then she hit her head lightly and laughed softly. "Oh no, this sure wasn't a proper way to welcome a guest. Well would you like to come in? The Children are running around wild but… oh, children, speaking of which.…" Paused Seohyun and took the small hand of the boy who had come to stand next to her. "This is my Sohyun." Added Seohyun and then she smiled looking at people that were coming towards them from the garden. "And that little one dangling

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jhanehojas #1
Chapter 13: reaIIy great story tnx authornim i miss aII your story pIs update aIso marriage with benifit......
Asifaa #2
Chapter 13: I like this one,not too hard,but actually romance.. and also I love all minsul moment here,they love each other..and in the end they life happily together..
jhanehojas #3
lunab92 #4
Chapter 13: This was such a sweet story!!! I couldn't stop reading and finished reading the story in one day!!! :) You're Minsul stories are just so sweet and amazing!!!! Can't wait to read another one of your beautiful stories!!!! You are very talented authornim!!!! Wishing you the best!!!! :)
ariellatularyn #5
Chapter 13: Wow just wow...
Chapter 13: *sob* this story is so beautiful and well written. If only it could have more chapters than this. Thank you so much authornim for writing minsul story. You are one out of my favorite minsul authors out there. Hopefully to see you again soon. Good luck and always take care :)
jhanehojas #7
Chapter 13: a miIIion tnx to you authornim for writing a very sweet and wonderfuI ending of minsuI,yeah,im Ionging for another minsuI story authornim,and we wiII be waiting anytime soon.....we Iove you authornim,your aIways be the best......
keiumma #8
Chapter 13: congratulation. two thumbs up! indeed this story is great,see you in the next minsul story dear...thankyou..
Primadeli #9
Chapter 13: It's beautiful authornim. the ending and the story as a whole. i just wanna say thank you for your time in writing this. honestly you are one of the Minsul authors who quite active here, writing their beautiful stories despite what happen on the ship.
so, thank you again ^^