S.Coups/ Vernon

Seventeen Scenarios

    It was finally Christmas Eve, and you were nervous as heck. You decided to go out with an oversized sweater, leggings and your favorite boots before going out to the cafe to meet Vernon.

Once you arrived at the cafe, you looked for Vernon inside. Once your eyes landed on him, you stopped and observed his facial features. He’s really good looking.. You thought as your eyes traveled from his long eyelashes, his sharp, tall nose, and plump lips. Right at that moment, Vernon looked up and met your eyes. He gave you a warm, shy smile before waving you over.

“It’s really cold today, isn’t it?” Vernon said, rubbing his hands together, “Do you want something hot to drink before we go out? Hot chocolate?”

“That sounds nice,” You answered, nodding. He nodded with another smile before getting up to order your drinks.

Once the drinks were out, the two of you went outside to start the first half of the date.

“So I didn’t know what you wanted to do, so I was thinking that we could go to the Han River park and walk around… Is that okay? Or is it too cold..” Vernon said, rubbing the back of his neck. You almost laughed at how cute he looked. He was a lot more shyer than you would expect, and it gave a cuter vibe to his rather cold impression.

“Yeah, that sounds fine! I’m okay with anything,” You said, nodding. He faced you and gave you a relieved smile.

“Let’s go then!”

                *        *        *

    Cold wind frosted your cheeks, howling as it ran through your hair. The river beside you was icy and even froze a bit on the edges.

    “Sorry, I should have thought of something else. It’s really cold,” Vernon said. You shook your head.

    “No, it’s okay! I actually like the cold weather,” You said, wrapping your hands around the warm cup of hot chocolate.

    “You’re really nice,” Vernon chuckled.

    “So who thought of this idea?” You asked. Vernon turned and gazed at you.

    “The date? To be honest, Seungcheol hyung did. That’s mainly the reason why I let him have you for the evening part of the day. If you think about it, it’s really not fair. He gets to have you longer and in the evening,” Vernon said, his lips jutting out to form a pout, “But it’s okay because I can take you out another day, since you’re my soulmate,” You blushed.

    “It’s still so awkward hearing someone call me soulmate,” You said, sighing. Vernon looked at you in confusion.

    “I mean, I’ve always dreamed of the day I would find my soulmate ever since I was young and now that I’ve found someone, I feel really grown up,” You lowered your gaze to your feet.

    “I feel the same way. It’s crazy how fast time passes, isn’t it? But I’m glad that that person is you,” Vernon tilted his head and gave you a lopsided smile. He reached over and laced his fingers with yours. You looked up at him in surprise but didn’t pull away.

    You and Vernon spent the next few hours talking and riding bicycles and before you knew it, it was past one.

    “Oh shoot! Seungcheol hyung is going to kill me!” Vernon said, hurrying to the cafe. He stopped you before you went inside, though.

    “~~~~~, I wanted to give you this,” Vernon pulled out a bouquet of pastel blue and pink baby’s breath flowers, “I heard that girls really liked these nowadays and I so I thought you would like them too,” He rubbed the back of his neck again. You beamed up at him before taking the bouquet.

    “Aw, Vernon! Thank you! They’re really pretty,” You said, not tearing your eyes off of the small, delicate flowers.

    “And ~~~~~, I wanted to tell you..” Vernon stopped and cleared his throat, “Even if I don’t turn out to be your soulmate, I wanted to tell you that I really, genuinely liked you for the past few weeks. I’m really scared that you turn out to be Seungcheol hyung’s soulmate, but even if you do, I was really happy for the sixty days that I was able to spend with you,” You looked up at Vernon, but he wouldn’t meet your eyes.  

    Before you could say anything, Seungcheol stepped outside of the cafe and stomped over.

    “Hey! Why are you guys so late! I was so lonely waiting inside of the cafe by myself! I’ll be taking her now since it’s like, years past one, okay?” Seungcheol grabbed your hand and lead you away. You glanced back at Vernon, who was looking over at you, and waved. He smiled and waved back.   

    “So what did you do with Vernon?” Seungcheol asked. You told him everything.

    “Han River? In this weather?! Are you sure you didn’t catch a cold?” He reached over and put a hand on your forehead.

    “I’m fine!” You said, laughing as you pulled his hand away.

    “Are you hungry?” Seungcheol asked. You nodded, since you didn’t really have time to go out and eat with Vernon.

    “Let’s go eat! I know this really good pasta restaurant that’s not that far from here!” Seungcheol smiled at you before leading you down the street.

            *            *            *

    Seungcheol took you to watch a movie after you ate. By the time the movie ended, it was around 4 o’clock.

    “What should we do now? I didn’t think that I would have this much time to spare,” Seungcheol said, giving you a sheepish smile.

“We should go to the square! I heard that they put up the huge Christmas tree like they did last year!” You said. You loved going to see the Christmas decorations that they did every year.

“Sure,” Seungcheol said, smiling. Thankfully, you weren’t far from the square so you arrived in minutes.

“Wow, it’s so pretty,” You said, looking around.

    “Not as pretty as you are~” Seungcheol sang. He laughed when you hit his arm.

    You spent about another hour there before going to eat dinner. After dinner, Seungcheol took you to the cafe to talk since there was still time left over.

    “~~~~~, have you ever thought who you would have prefered to be your soulmate between me and Vernon?” Seungcheol asked. You stopped and thought about his question.

    “Not really; honestly I tried distancing myself the most I could because I was scared that I would start liking someone more than the other,” You said. You could see Seungcheol nodding.

    “Shoot, it’s already almost 9,” Seungcheol said under his breath. “~~~~~, what do I do? I’m worried that I’m not your soulmate. I don’t know about Vernon, but I really, really like you. I’m really worried- scared, even- that I’m not your soulmate,” His eyes never left yours. You didn’t know what to say. Why was fate so cruel? Vernon had told you the same thing hours before, so it’s inevitable that one person is going to go home heartbroken. You just wished you knew who.

    “My time is up. I’ll go look for Vernon now and leave you so you can have time to think. Today was really fun, thank you,” Seungcheol stood up and ruffled your hair, giving you a stiff smile. He was gone before you could even say anything back.

    You took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your frazzled nerves. You knew that you weren’t wishing for someone in particular, but it broke your heart when you thought about the one person who would have to go home alone. You really grew close to the two boys and wished for the best for both of them.

    You glanced at your left wrist out of habit. You gasped and took a double take when you saw that the words were now a light gray. They’re fading..

    It was really strange, seeing that the words that you have always looked at subconsciously ever since you were young were no longer going to be there anymore. I wonder if his tattoo is fading too..

You watched the tattoo as it got lighter and lighter until it eventually disappeared. You looked at your wrist with a bittersweet smile. Memories of when you were younger danced in your mind; those times when you would dream about your prince charming when you were younger, when you would glare at your wrist out of jealousy when one of your friends found their lover..

    You were too busy watching your wrist to notice the boy who took the seat in front of you.

    “It’s weird, right?” Vernon said, lifting his left wrist in the air. Your eyes almost popped out of your head.  

    “V-vernon?!” You said, still shocked. Vernon laughed at how shocked you looked.

    “Hey, soulmate,” Vernon said, winking. You wanted to laugh, but instead, tears sprang into your eyes.

    “What.. what about Seungcheol?” You asked cautiously. Vernon’s face distorted in jealousy.

    “I finally get to sit in front of you as your official soulmate and the first thing you ask is about Seungcheol? You’re too much, ~~~~~,” Vernon crossed his arms and pouted. You let out a light laugh, making Vernon’s lips jutt out further.

    “Hey! Are you laughing at me?” Vernon playfully glared at you before giving you a warm smile. “Seungcheol hyung went home already. He told me to tell you not to worry about him though, he said that he was bound to find his soulmate someday,” Vernon said, shrugging.

    “I feel so bad though, he has to walk all alone in the cold..” You lowered your gaze to your hands. Only minutes ago Seungcheol was sitting in front of you, confessing his true feelings to you.

    “I know, but we can’t help it. Fate is cruel. But hey, at least we have each other now,” Vernon said, successfully lightening the mood. You let out a giggle, quickly followed by Vernon’s awkward chuckle.

    “~~~~~,” Vernon called. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes.

    “I love you,” His voice was barely louder than a whisper.

    “Repeat what you just said?” You laughed when Vernon jokingly rolled his eyes at you.

    “I love you,” A  sweet smile played on your lips.

    “I love you too,”


The End!

Tbh, I was going to make the end different so you can choose who you want to end up with, but I personally don't like those kinds of anonymous(?) endings so I literally got two strips of paper and picked their names randomly. Vernon happened to be lucky that day ^^


I would have never thought that so many people would be interested in my writing. I want to thank each and every one of you guys who have subscribed! You guys seriously mean a lot to me!!


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Chapter 11: AAAHHH <3
Crazysmile2001 #2
Chapter 15: Its called a crush because you'll feel crushed when they dont return your feelings...
JeonKookie_ #3
Chapter 10: awwww hosh
Chapter 31: I just finished reading the new Minghao scenario and AAAHHHH I LOOOOOVE IT! Thank you sosososo much for really writing it based on the Goldroom music video! Is it alright for me to request a sequel to this scenario where OC runs away from home bc of her parents' disapproval and she wanted to stay at Minghao's place? Thank youuu ></
Chapter 12: from all of the chapters I read so far, this one is nice.. I wish you can make a story out of this. It screams for it! :)
Chapter 30: awww....so cuteeee ><
Hi! Are you taking requests? I'm requesting an angsty/fluffy Minghao-OC scenario where he found out that OC's parents disapprove their relationship, and in order to cheer her up and assure her that he won't be breaking up with her, he took her out on a sudden unplanned fun midnight walk and they sat together to talk things out up until sunrise. (Inspired by Goldroom's "Till Sunrise" music video) thank youuuu! :3
oohakhilla #8
Chapter 30: could i request a jeonghan fic pls?
i would like the scenario to be like me and jeonghan like having a petty argument after he thought i was getting with another member /vernon preferably lmao/ and then vernon clears the whole thing up after many attempts of me trying to do it to jeonghan but him not believing it sorta deal?? Thank you and i hope you had a nice Christmas and have a happy new year~!
btw could i request it with my name aswell please? name: Akhilla
/akhihan hwaiting :3/
Chapter 30: can i request? i want to request dino and vernon fic.
the scenario is vernon like dino's older sister Lee Cheonsa but he afraid dino will mad at him because dino felt protective to his sister. actually dino want to make vernon and cheonsa date too ><