
Seventeen Scenarios

For Andin0797. I hope you like it~

    “~~~~~! You have to come! It’ll be fun! You’re not doing anything Saturday either! Might as well just hang out with us!” Seyoung, your close friend, said while pulling your arm.

    “No! You know how I don’t like scary things! Why do you think I’d be willing to go to a haunted house?!” You tugged your arm away from her grip. Seyoung was asking you to go to the new outdoor horror exhibit that recently opened in Everland, but you were anything but willing to go. Being scared of almost everything horror themed wasn’t the only reason why, though.

    Seyoung was going along with her boyfriend, Mingyu, and three of his friends, Seungcheol, Vernon, and Wonwoo. You were pretty good friends with Seungcheol and Vernon, but Wonwoo was a different story.

    You had a crush on him ever since the beginning of high school, but no matter what you did, he would avoid or ignore you. He would tease and play around with his friends, even with other girls, but once he saw you walk into the room his smile would vanish and he would go back to being the cold, untouchable Wonwoo. Seyoung would always laugh and say the usual “I bet he likes you~!” whenever you told her, but with the way he acted, you seriously doubted it.

    “~~~~~? Will you please go? I don’t want to be the only girl going!” Seyoung whined, making you sigh.    

    “Fine! But if I go, you owe me big time!” You glared at her and she looked back at you with a mischievous smile.

            *            *            *

    Why am I here again? You asked yourself as you tugged your bag tighter around yourself. It was 8 o’clock at night and you were waiting outside of the gates to Everland. The chilly autumn breeze made you shiver and you rubbed your arms in an attempt to warm yourself. Seyoung and Mingyu stood in front of you, hand in hand, and Vernon, Seungcheol, and Wonwoo all stood around you in a semi circle. You laughed along with Seungcheol as Vernon told a funny story about what happened at school. You swiftly stole a glance at Wonwoo, who stood there stoically.

It seems as if he’s thinking the same thing as I am.. You thought to yourself.

“Hey, we’re going in now!” Seyoung cheered as she pulled Mingyu through the gates. Warm air blasted down on you as you walked inside.

“Woah, they really went all out with decorations this year,” Vernon said while glancing around the building. You had to agree. There were huge fake spiders that hung on the walls along with huge cobwebs that hung from every corner, people dressed up as different monsters that walked around, and even eerie music that added to the effect.

“Should we get snacks first or go ride things first?” Seungcheol asked.

“I want to ride rollercoasters first!” Seyoung said, shooting her hand into the air. Mingyu nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, me too,” Vernon added. Seungcheol turned to you, “What about you, ~~~~~?”    

“I’m fine with anything,” You nodded.

“Then rollercoasters it is!” Seungcheol sang. The six of you headed in line to the largest roller coaster first.

“How many seats are in a row?” Mingyu asked, looking up at the cart that was already high up in the air.

“I think it’s three to a row,” Seungcheol said.

“Hey, that works out. Me, ~~~~~, and Wonwoo can sit on one row and you, Seyoung, and Mingyu can sit on another,” Vernon said. You glanced up to see Wonwoo’s reaction. He was biting his cheek as if he was annoyed.

“Ew, that means I have to sit with the couple!” Seungcheol whined, his lips poking out into a cute pout.

“I’ll switch with you,” Wonwoo said, making everyone turn to him.

“Really? Sweet! You’re the best Wonwoo!” Seungcheol broke out into a huge smile.

You bit your lip and lowered your gaze to the floor, twisting around the ring on your finger. You couldn’t help but feel as if Wonwoo switched seats because of you. You looked up and locked eyes with Wonwoo, who quickly turned his head as if he wasn’t looking at you.

“Hey, it’s us next!” Mingyu pulled Seyoung into the cart, seating her in the middle with him and Wonwoo on either sides. You, Vernon, and Seungcheol sat in the row behind them.

Once the roller coaster ended, the six of you went around the whole park, riding the rides that interested you along the way.

“Don’t you think it's about time to go to the new haunted house now?” Mingyu said, his voice sounding like a slight whine.

“Yeah! Let’s go! That’s the whole reason why we came here anyway!” Seungcheol said, walking toward the door that led outdoors. You gulped. You were really bad with scary things, and you were dreading this the most.

You stopped once you reached the house outside. It was decorated to seem as though it was an old, run down building. You can see red light shining from the inside of the house and occasionally heard high pitched screaming.

“Okay, so you’re only allowed to go in pairs. Good thing we have an even amount of people. Vernon and I made a bet, so we’re going to go together. Seyoung and Mingyu are obviously going to go together. So then there’s no other choice than Wonwoo and ~~~~~ going together!” Seungcheol called out, his tone a bit too cheerful for your taste. You could see Vernon smirking in the corner of your eye. You were too scared to see how Wonwoo was reacting.

Seyoung and Mingyu went in first. You laughed whenever you could hear Mingyu scream, which was pretty often. About fifteen minutes later, Vernon and Seungcheol were sent inside. Your heart started racing. It was the first time you were alone with Wonwoo, and your palms started to sweat from the nerves.

“Do you get scared easily?” You said, bravely starting a conversation. Wonwoo turned and looked at you for a good while before answering.

“No,” His answer was short and he turned back to face ahead.

“Oh.. I do..” You said, your voice trailing off. Why did I say that? He wasn’t listening anyway, he probably thinks I talk to myself now. You cursed yourself in your head.  

“Next!” The worker called.

    Your heart started to skip beats again, only this time because you were scared. You in a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down. The worker opened the door and you and Wonwoo stepped inside.

    The narrow hallway was lit up by a dim, red light. There was a light, damp fog that pooled around your ankles and occasional handprints that were scattered along the walls. It was eerily quiet and nothing popped up at you-yet.

    The both of you turned the hallway and this time, there were windows that were placed along both walls. Something’s going to pop out. Something’s going to pop out. You chanted to yourself, closing your eyes.   

    A sudden slam on the window made you turn and there was a girl with long, black hair and a white, blood stained shirt that screamed at you from the other side. You screamed and jumped, bumping into Wonwoo who was standing beside you nonchalantly. Suddenly, rapid footsteps sounded from behind you and you turned around, only to see a man with a beat up shirt and bloody make up dashing toward you. Without thinking, you screamed and jumped in front of Wonwoo, hiding your face against his broad shoulders. Wonwoo was-yet again- standing there with no expression as the man made his way down the hallway.

    “Come on, let’s go now,” Wonwoo said, gently pulling you off of him. You went back to your spot beside him and made your way down the hallway again. At the end of the hallway, there were two doors.

    “Which way do you want to go?” Wonwoo asked. You just shrugged, glancing around to see if there were any monsters coming after you.

    “Then how about we split up?” Wonwoo asked. You weren’t sure if he was joking or not.

    “No!” You squeaked, gripping onto his sleeve. You could see the whites of his teeth from the corner of your eye. Did Wonwoo just smile? You looked up at him. Wonwoo was indeed chuckling to himself before he opened the door to the right. Your heart would have skipped a beat if you didn’t see the hallway in front of you.

    It was pitch black and the only thing you could see was the exit sign on the other side.

    “Are you ready?” Wonwoo asked. You shook your head.

    “I don’t think I’d ever be,” You said, your voice shaking. Wonwoo smiled again. He lead you down the way, taking small steps since you literally could see nothing.

    “How did Seyoung do this,” You whined, your grip on Wonwoo’s sleeve getting tighter. You tightly shut your eyes.

    “Hey, we’re almost there,” Wonwoo said, making you open your eyes. The exit sign was closer and you could see light seeping through from the bottom of the door. Right at that moment, a hand shout out and grabbed your ankle. A loud scream came from in front of you as the door shot open and revealed an unwrapped doll that was slamming on it’s box.

    The grip on your ankle and the jump scare in front of you made you lean backwards, you let out a yelp before letting go of Wonwoo’s sleeve. An arm securely wrapped around your waist and another hand grasp yours, pulling you up just before you could fall. You peeled open your eyes, only to see Wonwoo’s face inches away from yours. Wonwoo cleared his throat and straightened up.

    “I guess it’s a dead end. We have to head back,” Wonwoo said, turning around. You were too shaken to answer but quickly turned around before he could go any farther.

    You quickly gripped onto his sleeve again and followed him to the end of the hallway. Wonwoo quickly opened the other door and went in. There was a small, pitch black room that led to another door, which Wonwoo opened again. The hallway was lit dimly this time, the lights flickering once in awhile. The walls were painted an ugly light green and beige lockers lined up across it. You and Wonwoo quickly walked along the hallway. Slams would occasionally come from inside the lockers that would make you yelp. You twisted the ring on your finger, an action that helped you calm down. You pulled your thumb with a bit too much pressure, however, and the ring fell from your finger.

    “Wait!” You stopped and let go of Wonwoo’s sleeve. You scanned the floor for your ring and found it a bit behind you. The second you grabbed the ring, the lights in the hallway shut off. Laughing came from inside of the lockers and you froze. A slam could be heard from down where you came from, and terror shot down your veins.

    “Wonwoo? Where are you?” Your voice shook as you spoke. The laughing was getting louder and you could almost feel the tears swelling up in your eyes.

    Fingers laced through yours and you were pulled against a sturdy body.

    “I’m right here,” Wonwoo said, his deep voice sending shivers through your body.

    “The exit is right there; let’s get out of here,” Wonwoo pulled you down the hallway and led you out the back door. There were street lights that lit the way back to the entrance. As soon as you got out, Wonwoo turned to face you.

    “Are you alright- are you crying?!” Wonwoo said, his eyes getting wider by the second.

    “You don’t understand, I was so scared and I thought you left me,” Your lips pouted slightly without you knowing. Wonwoo’s gaze softened.

    “You idiot, why would I leave you,” Wonwoo murmured, using his thumb to wipe away your tears. His other hand never let go of yours.

    “Hurry and stop crying so we can go. Seyoung would kill me if she saw you crying,” Wonwoo said. He straightened up and walked toward the entrance, pulling you along with him.

    The first people you saw at the front of the building was Vernon and Seungcheol. They seemed to be laughing and playing around until they saw you and Wonwoo. Specifically, until they saw you and Wonwoo holding hands.

    “HA! WHAT’D I TELL YOU! YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS!” Vernon said jumping around and pointing at Seungcheol. Seungcheol made a face before getting out the money and slamming it onto the younger’s hand.

    “Vernon! Why are you jumping?” Seyoung asked, walking over to where you were. Vernon gave her a cheeky smile before pointing at you and Wonwoo’s hands. You scrambled to let go of Wonwoo’s hand, but strangely enough, he tightened his grip on yours.

    “We’re going to go if you’re going to act like idiots,” Wonwoo said, pulling you away with him from the other four.

    “What’s with that?” You could hear Seyoung ask behind you.

    “I don’t know. But what I do know is that our plan worked!” Seungcheol answered.

    “What plan?” You asked Wonwoo. He just shrugged, contradicting the knowing smile on his face.

    “Let’s go get cotton candy. It’ll be on me,” Wonwoo said, grinning at you before leading you away with your hands intertwined.


So I wrote this instead of doing my test and project that are both due tomorrow. I guess I won't get sleep tonight..

Anyway, I actually had a really fun time writing this until I got to the end LOL. I didn't know how to end it T^T I actually get scared really easily and my parents were watching something that sounded really creepy downstairs and omg I was just so creeped out while writing this like I was scaring myself.. even though it probably wasn't even that scary for you guys.. ><

I hope you enjoyed and thank you yet again for subscribing!

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Chapter 11: AAAHHH <3
Crazysmile2001 #2
Chapter 15: Its called a crush because you'll feel crushed when they dont return your feelings...
JeonKookie_ #3
Chapter 10: awwww hosh
Chapter 31: I just finished reading the new Minghao scenario and AAAHHHH I LOOOOOVE IT! Thank you sosososo much for really writing it based on the Goldroom music video! Is it alright for me to request a sequel to this scenario where OC runs away from home bc of her parents' disapproval and she wanted to stay at Minghao's place? Thank youuu ></
Chapter 12: from all of the chapters I read so far, this one is nice.. I wish you can make a story out of this. It screams for it! :)
Chapter 30: awww....so cuteeee ><
Hi! Are you taking requests? I'm requesting an angsty/fluffy Minghao-OC scenario where he found out that OC's parents disapprove their relationship, and in order to cheer her up and assure her that he won't be breaking up with her, he took her out on a sudden unplanned fun midnight walk and they sat together to talk things out up until sunrise. (Inspired by Goldroom's "Till Sunrise" music video) thank youuuu! :3
oohakhilla #8
Chapter 30: could i request a jeonghan fic pls?
i would like the scenario to be like me and jeonghan like having a petty argument after he thought i was getting with another member /vernon preferably lmao/ and then vernon clears the whole thing up after many attempts of me trying to do it to jeonghan but him not believing it sorta deal?? Thank you and i hope you had a nice Christmas and have a happy new year~!
btw could i request it with my name aswell please? name: Akhilla
/akhihan hwaiting :3/
Chapter 30: can i request? i want to request dino and vernon fic.
the scenario is vernon like dino's older sister Lee Cheonsa but he afraid dino will mad at him because dino felt protective to his sister. actually dino want to make vernon and cheonsa date too ><