protecting the ones you love

open the gates of hell

stuff and things and such


blabity blla


leave them please

i like comments


    Hongbin stepped out of the shower looking and smelling significantly better than he had in days. “I’m going for a walk.” He said.

    “I’ll go with you.” Taekwoon said softly. Hongbin appreciated that Taekwoon never tried to talk with him whenever he was in a mood. He probably would have just kept punching Jaehwan and Sanghyuk or Wonsik would have kept trying to get him to talk about his feelings.

    He was about to walk past a bakery when he heard a yelp that he had only heard once before. Hongbin had managed to drag Hakyeon onto a roller coaster and that was the only noise he made for the entire ride. He thought it was cute, but there were no roller coasters around. He looked in the bakery and saw a man with a gun holding Hakyeon with an arm around his neck.

    Hongbin snarled and ran inside.

    “Bin! No! You haven’t eate-” Taekwoon’s words were cut off by the door snapping shut and the man with the gun being surprised.

    “Let him go.” Hongbin growled. Hakyeon’s eyes were b with tears. The man was scared as well. Hongbin charged him, managing to put a hand on his forehead before his gun went off, shooting Hongbin in the stomach.

    Taekwoon was a step behind, the energy out of the gunman before looking confused for a moment, looking nervously at Hakyeon and leaning down to press his lips to Hongbin’s.

    “What are you doing?” Hakyeon asked when Taekwoon sat up,

    “Trying to give him energy... He hasn’t really eaten in weeks. I don’t even know if he’ll survive this. I gotta call the others.”

    He stepped outside before the paramedics pulled up followed by a police car. Hakyeon was cradling Hongbin until the paramedics made him let go. He rode in the ambulance with him and waited in the emergency room.

    Hakyeon was staring at his feet, not even realising that Taekwoon had been cleaning his hands free of blood.

    “Huh… I guess he does care.” Sanghyuk sneered when he walked into the waiting room.

    Jaehwan sat next to Hakyeon and pulled him into a hug. Hakyeon didn’t resist. he clutched Jaehwan’s shirt and sobbed desperately.

    “Hey, it’s ok. He’ll make it.” Jaehwan cooed, and when he wakes up you can hold him and tell him how sorry you are for breaking his heart and making every moment painful torture for him.”

    Hakyeon pulled away from Jaehwan. he saw how angry the younger man was.

    “You don’t understand. It’s not safe. We can’t- I… I’m only staying to make sure he’s ok and then I have to go.” Hakyeon said with a straight face. He was fighting not to cry.

    “Help us understand then” Sanghyuk insisted.

    “Hakyeon?” The nurse said, coming out of one of many doors. Hakyeon stood and followed her. “He’ll live, but we have no idea when he will wake up. I’ll let you see him for a short while.” She showed him to the bed in the ICU. He sobbed and pulled up a chair.

     Hakyeon took in all of the tubes and blipping machines. He grabbed Hongbin’s hand and traced the skin of his knuckles before kissing each one. He sandwiched Hongbin’s small hand between his two significantly larger ones.

    “Your hands are so cold.” Hakyeon said softly. “Please wake up… I’m putting us both in so much danger just being here… I can’t stay, but I have to see that you’ll be ok for myself.”


    Hongbin’s consciousness resurfaced, he felt warm and safe. He hadn’t felt like this in months. It felt as if there was warm rain on his face. His eyes fluttered open and Hakyeon was crying over him.

    Hongbin cupped Hakyeon’s face in his hands. He kissed him softly before sobbing against Hakyeon’s lips. Hakyeon gave in and kissed back. Hongbin clutched him as close as he could.

    Hakyeon pulled away and looked at Hongbin. His eyes were full of tears and there were dark rings from the lack of sleep and bloodloss.

    Hongbin tried to pull Hakyeon back to him, but he was too weak.

    “I’ll go tell the others that you’re awake.” Hakyeon said.

    “ the others. I just want to see you.” Hakyeon backed away and Hongbin tried to get up. He was too weak. Hakyeon was already in the waiting room.

    “He’s awake. Go see him.” He told Jaehwan as he briskly walked past. Jaehwan gave Taekwoon a look. The older man nodded and followed Hakyeon.

    Outside Hakyeon stopped in his tracks when he saw his friend, Sungjae.

    “Jae?” Hakyeon asked.

    “Hakyeon… you’re N?”

    “Yeah? Why?”

    “I can’t do this… … They sent me to deal with N they told me to-.”

    “You’re the cleaner?”

    “I can’t do this- We’re friends.” He made a small hiccup

    “You don’t have to… It’s ok we can figure something out.” Hakyeon said calmly.

    “I can’t believe I-” Hakyeon rushed him and hugged him tightly.

    “I’m not angry with y-” He stopped speaking when Sungjae shouted in pain. He looked behind himself when he heard the dull clank of metal hitting the ground.

    Taekwoon was standing behind Hakyeon, holding Sungjae’s fingers at an awkward angle. He bent down to grab the knife Sungjae had dropped.

    “Can’t have you kill off my best friend. That would make us all sad.” Taekwoon said in a soft tone. Sungjae managed to pull his hand free and push Hakyeon to the ground by Taekwoon’s feet before running the other way.

    Taekwoon threw the knife at Sungjae and he hit the ground. Hakyeon let out a tiny shout and ran on shaky legs to Sungjae.

    “They’re never going to stop going after you.” Sungjae groaned, letting Hakyeon cradle him. “More people are going to come for you if you aren’t protected.” He looked as if he was going to speak more, but Sungjae disappeared.

    Taekwoon grabbed Hakyeon’s hand and pulled him into the hospital.

    “What are you doing?” Hakyeon asked, trying to pull his hand away.

    "You heard him, it’s safer if we’re with the others.” Taekwoon simply stated before hefting the older man over his shoulder and swiftly walked to the room Hongbin had been in. nobody was there.

    “Excuse me, there was a patient. Lee Hongbin. He was just here.” Taekwoon said to a passing nurse.

    “Room 327” She pointed him toward the elevator.

    “Thanks.” Taekwoon didn’t put Hakyeon down until they were in the elevator.

    Hakyeon pouted and crossed his arms, looking out the glass elevator as it ascended. The doors slid open and Taekwoon pulled Hakyeon out with him.

    “Come on, or I’ll carry you again.” Taekwoon said when Hakyeon started dragging his feet.

    They got to the hospital room and knocked on the frame before stepping in. Hongbin looked as if he hadn’t stopped crying since Hakyeon left.

    He looked at the two men as if he was seeing a ghost. He even tried to get out of bed to catch Hakyeon before he left once more.

    Hakyeon rushed toward the bed without thinking “Don’t get up, silly boy, you’re going to hurt yourself,” He was in mother hen mode.

    Hongbin started to cry a little louder.

    “What’s wrong now?” Sanghyuk asked.

    “He’s just gonna leave me again.” Hongbin wailed, “And crying hurts my stomach.”

    “Stop crying binnie. Taekwoon won’t let me run away anymore. He says it’s safer with you.”

    “It’s what I’ve been trying to say this whole time.” Hongbin whined.

    “He’s on a load of pain killers.” Wonsik said.

    “Explains the whining.”

    “Remind me to kick your for that when we get home,” Sanghyuk said.

    “We’re not going home for a little while, not until the doctor lets him out.” Wonsik said.

    A moment later, Jaehwan came into the room. His cheeks were sticking out like he had something in his mouth and he lowered his head to Hongbin’s. He pressed their lips together and ‘fed’ him again.

    Hongbin swallowed nervously, looking at Hakyeon when he gasped.

    “Hopefully that will get some of your strength back, I suggest you two talk. We’ll be outside if you need anything.”

    Hakyeon stood at the foot of Hongbin’s bed for a few moments shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot.

    Hongbin put out his arms and made grabby hands like he always did when he wanted a cuddle or a kiss from Hakyeon.

    “Well, you can’t be feeling too bad if you’re doing that.” Hakyeon said softly.

    “I’d feel worse if it was you that got hurt. you know... I want you to be my consort partially so nobody can hurt you… ever.”

    “Not because you want to turn me into… never mind.” Hakyeon’s cheeks turned pink.

    “You’re so beautiful when you blush.” Hongbin smiled. “Will you come here and kiss me, please?”

    “But I kissed you earlier.”

    “Is there a limit to how many times I get to kiss you? Besides, it didn’t count. I was in shock and on the verge of death.” He said haughtily.

    “Oh, fine” Hakyeon said, pulling up a chair.

    “You don’t have to if you don’t want to” Hongbin said. He rolled onto his good side and made space on the bed for Hakyeon. “Join me?”

    “Won’t the nurses get mad?”

    “The nurses won’t even remember I’m here until visiting hours tomorrow.”

    “And the others are just going to sit out there and listen in on us?” Hakyeon’s face turned a brighter shade of pink, but crawled under the thin blanket with Hongbin.

    “Did you have plans of taking advantage of me, darling?” Hongbin kissed Hakyeon’s nose. “All that repression… It makes you more than the average person.”

    “I thought it was all the time I spent with you.”  He teased back.

    Despite the gaping hole in Hongbin’s side, he felt better than he had in quite some time. “You never answered me properly… Will you be my consort? You’ll get protection and royal privileges and we can live together forever. Our lives will be tied together.”

    “Are you ever going to stop trying to get me to be your consort?” Hakyeon sighed.

    “No, I don’t think so.” Hongbin mused.

    “Why not?”

    “I love you, idiot. be mine, stay with me. my guards will protect you. We can hide you. Why do you keep refusing me? I know you love me too.”

    Hakyeon stood and took off his shirt. Hongbin grinned lasciviously at the expanse of golden skin on display. His breath caught when Hakyeon made a slightly pained face and wings broke through his back with a gut wrenching noise.

    “They’re beautiful… It’s a shame they pain you.”

    “They’re just really sensitive.” Hakyeon sighed.He looked as if he was expecting Hongbin to take back his offer. “Well?  He asked

    “Well what?” He took Hakyeon’s hand and kissed the palm. “Is this why you left me? You thought we were incompatible?”

    Hakyeon shook his head. “I was on a mission to stop you from waking.”

    Realisation dawned on Hongbin’s face And then for a moment utter sadness.

    “What’s that face for?” Hakyeon asked nervously.

    “Please tell me this wasn’t a lie. You didn’t get close to me just to stop me from waking up did you?” His words were starting to sound frantic. “Because you know how much you mean to me, right? If this was all a lie you might as well just kill me now.”

    “NO! No, I wasn’t sure which one of you it was. But while I was waiting to see, I … fell in love with you.” He blushed.

    “So… you do love me?” Hakyeon nodded. “I ran because I was confused… My head and my heart were conflicting and then they put the hit out-” Hakyeon stopped talking suddenly

    “What hit?” Hongbin was suddenly in business mode.

    “I hung up the phone with you and then I got a phone call that said project angel N (That’s my code name) Phase 2 send out the cleaner. I thought they were going to kill you and if I was there to stop them that I’d be severely punished. I’d never be able to sit idly by while someone ended your life.”

    Hongbin thought for a moment. He looked as if he was about to say something and then his eyebrow furrowed and he thought for quite some time more.

    “It sounds to me like the hit was called out on you. How many times has your life been in danger since you left me? Twice?”

    “Actually Taekwoon saved me downstairs … That’s why I’m even here. He wouldn’t let me leave.”

    “Tell me, Hakyeon. How much fighting experience do you have?”


    “Did they give you any tools or information before sending you on this suicide mission?”

    “I didn’t even get a chance to ask anything… They just sent me down here.”

    “You realise they were trying to get rid of you, right? What was going to happen if you failed to keep me from waking?”

    “I… couldn’t ask. There was no time.”

    “Please say yes, let me protect you. I can’t go on without you.” Hongbin pled. Hakyeon could see how much his leaving affected Hongbin “They’re not going to stop trying to hurt you unless you’re under my protection.”

    Hakyeon put his wings away and pulled his shirt back on. He crawled back onto the bed and Hongbin immediately reached under Hakyeon’s shirt to touch the now smooth skin of his back.

    Hakyeon gasped and arched toward Hongbin before capturing his lips. Hongbin gasped in surprise and Hakyeon did what Hongbin usually did and his way into Hongbin’s mouth.

    The elder being so forward was completely new territory. Hongbin on his tongue and Hakyeon made a tiny mewling noise. Hakyeon went to wrap his arms around Hongbin, completely forgetting his injury. Hongbin released a pained noise and Hakyeon backed away, moving his arms

    “Oh no! Have I hurt you?” Hakyeon almost fell off the bed, “I’m so sorry.”

    “I’m ok… maybe I just need some more rest.” Hakyeon moved to get out of bed. “Nooo be little spoon.” Hongbin whined.

    Hakyeon sighed and rolled so his back faced Hongbin. The younger waved his hand and the lights dimmed. Hakyeon felt Hongbin’s breath against the back of his neck, ruffling his hair.

    “Hyung…” Hongbin started in a tiny voice.


    “This isn’t another nightmare where everything is perfect and happy and shiny is it?”

    “Is that what you consider a nightmare?” Hakyeon looked over his shoulder.

    “It is whenever I wake up to a cold and empty bed day after day.” Hongbin’s voice cracked.

    Hakyeon reached behind himself to grab Hongbin’s arm and pull it across his chest. He started poking at his boyfriend’s fingers, “You have a gaping hole in your stomach," He drawled "We’re trying to both fit on a hospital bed and there are assassins out to get me. My boyfriend, as it turns out, is a demon-”

    “Prince… I’m a demon prince.”

    “A royal pain in my behind, you are.” Hakyeon smirked. Hongbin bit his shoulder in retaliation. Hakyeon let out a high pitched noise and rolled his face into his pillow.

    Hongbin raised an eyebrow, “I’ll be sure to keep that filed under useful information.”

    “What?” Hakyeon seemed genuinely confused, so instead of explaining himself, he repeated the action. Hakyeon clutched Hongbin’s hand as the younger nipped and at the side of his long neck. He whimpered and tried not to squirm as this feeling welled up inside of him. He at the shell of Hakyeon’s ear and grabbed his earlobe with his teeth.

    “Does this feel good, Hyung?”

    “uhn- y- yes.” He whined when Hongbin let go of his hand and reached under Hakyeon’s shirt to scratch softly at his stomach and his sternum. He traced a clavicle and then back down. “So- so good.”

    “Say you’ll be my consort and when I’m well, I can make you feel even better. I’m not even trying very hard and you sound so desperate”

    Hakyeon turned his head and kissed Hongbin sloppily. He gasped when Hongbin traced the waistband of his jeans.

    “Yes- yes- yes i will-yes.” Hakyeon babbled.

    “Yes?” Hongbin asked, “You’ll be my consort? You’ll put up with me forever?”

    Hakyeon nodded and whispered yes ever so softly. If he hadn’t had such good hearing Hongbin would have missed it.

    Hongbin turned Hakyeon to face him and pressed kisses along his cheeks and nose. Hakyeon put a hand on Hongbin’s cheek and kissed him properly. Hakyeon wasn’t powerful by any means, but he had some slight healing abilities. He pushed his energy at Hongbin and the younger man pulled away to breathe.

    “What are you doing?” He asked. He could feel the wound in his stomach beginning to knit back together. It wasn’t happening very quickly, but he was starting to feel better already.

    “I was afraid I might have made you worse… conflicting energies and all.” Hakyeon kissed Hongbin’s chin.

    “All from the same stock. My father was an angel at one point.” Hongbin explained.


    “I’m not next in line if that’s what you’re wondering. it’s rare for a male to inherit the throne. It’s going to go to my eldest sister.” Hakyeon’s confused face made Hongbin smile, “We’ve had a sort of a deal with your side for generations. They never told me who they were going to pick for me. i’m so happy with you. I don't want whoever else they picked.”

    “But… how do they choose… Who gets to go?”

    “I… don’t remember.. The details are hazy still. I may have been asleep for too long.”


    “Your parents said you chose, according to the information we were given.” Jaehwan said from just inside the door. “Accidental imprint”

"Does that mean I can't be with Hyung?"

Jaehwan chuckled softly.

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Chapter 16: What a cool story and what a nice cake
Chapter 16: Omygahd. The ending was amazing hahahaha,the icing on the cake, if you would. Although, I feel like this story isn't really complete because what happens next? What about the uprising thing? Oh well. It was still good. I had fun reading /joins in the congratulatory party cos there's caaaake/
wow haha i'm glad you wrote this!! it was cool getting to read the backstory of what exactly the demons are. and hongbin being the prince!!!
thanks for telling me about it! also hakyeon as a silver angel so cute ;;
always happy to read new stuff by you :D
LovelyLadyEm #4
Chapter 16: Great and adorable (yet humorous) story, author-nim~
Theora #5
Chapter 16: And yes. Sock story. We need to make this happen.
Theora #6

As angsty as it could have been, this story is goddamn adorable.
Chapter 16: Congrats on the indeed! Wonderful! Thank you!
Chapter 15: Yes, yes annnnddd thennn? What you want more begging? Oh, ^sigh^ Ok Pwwwweeeeaaaassssseeee!
Theora #9
Chapter 14: GIVE TO US YOUR DELICIOUS CHAPTERS, WOMAN! (Also, it pleases me that Hardware Hank's parents are wise-asses too. WTG, Demon Dad.)