Like The North Pole

Never Forget Our Love

Min Ah walked absentmindedly from class to class that day, trying to figure out why on earth Minho kept popping into her mind. It was that damn smile she reasoned as she took a seat and waited for class to start.

The problem was she just couldn’t get what he had said to her the night before. “It looks really special and beautiful, when I first saw it, I had a feeling it might be yours” What on earth did that mean?!  So maybe… he thought she looked special and beautiful? Or maybe… he just had a thing for shiny objects. Clearly, the mirror is a really pretty thing so Min Ah wondered why she had to get herself all worried about something that probably had nothing to do with how she looked and especially over a guy she wasn’t going to see again anyways.

“Feeling bad because you broke off the date with Minho almost right after you stepped out of the café?” Ji Young asked accusingly as she took a seat next to her during lunch time.

“It wasn’t right after! And I did tell you that I wasn’t going to go on an actually date with anyone” Min Ah defended, “How did your date go though?”

“Nice try on changing the subject, it went really good! He’s so cute! Did you know they’re all training together to debut as a new boy group? Min Ah, I swear sometimes you’re stupid, why not just give him a chance? I hear he liked you” She taunted before she took a bite from her pizza.

“He liked me...?  Well, I made it clear I didn’t want to date so can we just stop talking about him now?” She insisted.

“Oh? Don’t we sound touchy today hmm? Oh well, guess what. I heard Jonghyun hated Sol Bi!” She whispered excitedly leaning in closer.

“Hahaha seriously? That explains her attitude this morning!” Min Ah commented with a smirk.

“You know what would really push her over the edge though?” Ji Young commented, a smile on her face.

“What?” She asked, excited at the possibilities.

Good old high school rivalry. Just the thing to get the mind off… other things.

“If you went and dated Minho” She answered simply, earning a light hit on the head from her friend.

“I told you, I don’t want to talk about that anymore!” Min Ah exclaimed, putting on the most serious look she could muster.

“Fine… geez no need to get all worked up” She said with a shrug, “Oh did you remember that I’m driving you home today?”

“Yeah, thank god too because I left my wallet at home. Thanks for doing me this favor while I try to find a new car” Min Ah said gratefully.

“Yeah no problem! It’s kind of like… fate right?” Ji Young commented randomly.

“What are you talking about?” She asked her suspiciously.

“Nothing, you’re too on edge gosh” She answered calmly as they finished their lunch and walked away.

Min Ah looked around impatiently, wondering why Ji Young wasn’t at their usual meeting place. After fifteen minutes of getting weird looks and pacing around like a creeper Min Ah finally exited the building and headed towards the parking lot, annoyed when she saw that not even her car was there.

Did she leave me to walk home?!

Looking around one last time she groaned as she headed for the school gates. Fine, she was going to walk home and then she would get money, she would call a cab, get to Ji Young’s house and proceed to beat up her best friend. She was asking for it lately anyways. She walked out, cursing the cold and wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck, damn their stupid uniform, who on earth thought it would be a great idea to have girls wearing skirts in winter?!

“Min Ah!” A deep voice called from behind her.

She turned around in surprise to see Minho waving at her from the inside of a black sports car. She stared as the car slowly eased up to her and he lowered the passenger’s window.

“What a coincidence, need a ride?” He asked her.

“Uh… no thanks I was just going to walk home. It was nice to see you again” Min Ah said quickly, nodding her head slightly as she turned and kept walking.

I swear Ji Young if you just set  me up…

“Are you sure? Gangnam-gu is really far away on foot!” Minho called as he moved the car forward. She really wasn’t making this whole, flirting thing easy, but still… there was something about her that he just couldn’t get out of his head.

“Yeah! Don't worry about it, I need the exercise anyways! Thanks for the offer!" Min Ah called out as she sped up her pace.

"Uh... yeah sure see you... whenever" He finished, hesitating, before he finally pulled away from the curve and with one last look at her, drove away.

He kept driving and turned the corner, when she finally disappeared from his rearview mirror he parked the car and pulled out his phone.

"She said no. Flat-out without even a second thought she just refused" Minho said quickly drumming his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel.

"She said no... that's kind of strange Minho. I mean, you're not as good looking at me, but you're pretty average you know" Jonghyun joked as he tried to focus while he played with his new xbox.

"Haha you're so damn funny" Minho told him, annoyed.

"I know I am, but seriously there's a formula girls are supposed to follow. At first some may play hard to get, but then you show up ready to save them from a certain situation, their hearts get all fluffy and whatever and they'll go on to swoon happily into your arms! She's weird" He muttered, wondering why Minho was all of the sudden caught up on a girl he barely knew.

"She's not weird I told you she was different" He insisted, getting frustrated.

"So why don't you let this one go? Go find some not so different girl and just keep driving so that you can return my car to me. Besides, girls like that are trouble I tell you don't be an idiot they're all trouble" He warned.

"Gee, thanks for the support" He muttered.

"Whatever man but hey we have to train today so just come back now since you failed anyways" Jonghyun said with a slightly mocking tone of voice.

"Whatever, I might be late" Minho said as he quickly hung up the phone.

He winced at the thought of the trouble he was going to get when he finally got back, but decided one small training session wasn't going to kill anybody. Well, it might kill him as in Jonghyun was probably going to have fun trying, but still... life is about the risks right?

Min Ah's teeth chattered crazily as she began to clench her hands over and over again, hoping that her blood might begin to thaw out. She focused on pushing one frozen foot in front of the other. How is it that it wasn't even full winter, she had only been walking for about fifteen minutes and yet she still felt like she had just spent a year in the north pole?! Her body was trembling from the cold and the thought of jumping into an active volcano seemed to be the most precious thing she could even imagine.

I should have taken the ride. What is wrong with me, what's more important than warmth!? Pride?! Nope, it really isn't.

She walked on, trying to imagine warm things. Fire, a hug, fire, the sun... fire.

"Yo! Min Ah! What are you doing out here?!" Joon yelled as he jogged to catch up to her.

"I'm walking home today, Ji Young left me!" Min Ah exclaimed as she moved in place, struggling to keep warm.

"Want a ride home? I mean, I did go out of my way to pull over... for you" He said with a devilish smile on his face.

Min Ah couldn't help herself as she burst out laughing at his attempt to flirt with her.

"Only because I'm freezing ok?" She agreed, "But please, when you try the smile on a girl you actually have a shot with, try to not say such lame lines beforehand ok?" She teased.

Joon laughed as he mockingly pulled the door open for her, laughing harder when she just rolled her eyes. At this point, he was perfectly ok with the knowledge he wasn't ever going to get anywhere with Min Ah. When he had first hit on her he had been shocked when she turned him down so quickly, so now they were just friends, but still... it didn't hurt to try right?

"This is heaven" Min Ah said happily as she sat in his car enjoying the heat blowing in her face.

"You're not the first girl to say that in my car you know" He commented clearing his throat proudly.

"Wow... you're that lame huh? That's all that in the arsenal of the legendary player in school? " She asked him shaking her head in pity when her phone suddenly beeped with a message.

She frowned at the strange number and opened the text.

Hey it's Minho, I got ur # from Ji Young

 I felt bad leaving u 2 walk

 I'm driving past again, but I can't find u, where r u?

She re-read the text, surprised when she realized he was looking for her. She craned her head to see if she saw his car, feeling guilty for not taking the ride he had offered in the beginning.

"Is something wrong?" Joon asked in confusion.

", let's just go" She said as she sank into the warm seat. Giving her one last strange look he shrugged and drove off.

Min Ah looked at her phone as she debated what to text back. She could have gotten out and called Minho, but she knew it would never work out between them and clearly he had some feelings for her while she... well she shouldn't feel anything. Her parents would kill her if she started dating some trainee with no future and besides, guys like that... always ended up hurting girls right?

Don't worry about it.

I already found a way home, thanks for the offer though.




I've really slow to update this one even though I have a lot of fun writing it! Well, as of tomorrow night my exams will be over with and so I can really sit and write to my heart's desire! lol One thing I've got to admit, it was kind of weird imagining how Minho would text.... O.o

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aaaw that was sooo cuteee <3~!! LOL at Hyun Joong being a stalker x'D But I'm glad that their frindship is better now =D
Awwwww! That last part was cute! I really hope her mom is wrong. Update soon!:)
Okay now I understand more where her mom is coming from. But they shouldn't interfere. It's her life let her deal with it on her own and be happy...please:) Loved this update!! Please update soon:)
Okaayy now I don't hate her mom anymore since she just wants to protect her~<br />
So Hyun Joong is her childhood friend who dissapeard & suddenly popped up in her appartment I wonder if her mom also has to do something with his dissapearance =_= yeaahh I have been waiting for the after the debut part so I can't wait for the next chapters x3
I read the last two chapters!! The first one was really cute!! Again! I loved it! And this last one I loved!!! YAY!! She loves Minho too!!!! But why do her parents have to be such s!!??!! Seriously. It's her life let her do what she wants!! I hope those two stay strong through everything!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon!!:D
Omg 0__0 her mom is crazy I already dislike her =_= I feel really bad for Minho tough that mom just told him he was like...nothing 0_o I really hope her parents won't cause too much trouble for the couple now that they're finally officially togheter
Awwww!! Cute update!! :D I'm really glad Minho really cares about her! And she's kinda returning the feelings now! YAY! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!:D
Gaaaahh soo cuteeee <33~!! Minho really is a sweetheart~ & Min Ah is starting to fall hard for him soo sweet~
omg I feel so bad for her poor girl she was studying her of & in the end that other girl got it just because of money =_= & Min ah's mom ughh I have no words for her how can she be so uncaring towards her child >< Hopefully Minho can really cheer her up~