Twinkle Twinkle

Never Forget Our Love

Min Ah groaned as the doorbell went off.

Who on earth...?

She groggily stood up, wincing as she felt the dried tears on her face. She shuffled over to the front door, wondering if Ji Young had come to check up on her. It had been a long time since she had cried because of her parents she realized as she made her way to the door. She pulled the door open, not bothering to check who it was, only to stare blankly at a surprised Minho.

"It's time... for our date... remember?" He asked slowly, taking in her red eyes, messy hair, wrinkled uniform and groggy look.

"I... uh..." Min Ah stuttered as she took a panicky step back and slammed the door on his face.

She stared at the door before she ran to the mirror in the hallway. She cursed as she banged her knee on the edge of the small table and gasped in horror as she took a look in the mirror. She looked... like she had just come out of some sort of street fight or something. Her cheeks flamed red as her hand slowly went to her hair, tangled like some wild mess. Like this, he had seen her?

"Min Ah? ... Can I come in? I can wait if you want to... change clothes" He ended awkwardly as he knocked on her door one more time.

She looked to the door in horror, leaning on the wall for support. She just couldn't catch a break today and apparently fate thought it was a good end for Minho to see her looking like a slob. Still, she couldn't leave him just leave him outside... could she?

"Give me a minute!" She called loudly as she once again ran to her room. She slammed the door behind her as she desperately searched for something to thrown on.

Even my mascara ran, I look like a... like a... I don't even know!

She grabbed the hoodie laying on the floor and put it on, pulling the hood over the mess she called hair. With slow and unwilling steps she went back to the door and pulled it open. Minho looked at her with her head bent down and away from him and the pink hoodie and raised an amused eyebrow.

"Here... just take a seat, I'll be right out" She murmured, feeling her embarrassment intensify as he smiled and just walked in. She walked him to her living room, "You can watch TV" She called as she turned quickly and shot back into her room.

"Thanks" He said, a second too late as he turned back only in time to hear her room door shut.

Min Ah practically ripped off her uniform as she froze for a moment in her underwear, unsure of where to begin. She ran to her closet and pulled out the nicest outfit she could in her short time and took it with her to the bathroom in her room. Washing her face quickly, she scrambled to put a little make up on. Well, if anything good was to come out of this, was that if he suddenly didn't want to see her anymore then she would know why.... Strangely enough, that thought only made her want to hurry up and get back to him.

Minho the TV, stopping at the latest airing of Inkigayo. He watched as SS501 performed, but didn't really pay attention as his mind went back to her. He had been shocked when she opened the door and he wasn't going to lie, a part of it was because of how she looked, but the majority was because it was clear that she had been crying. Losing that internship must have really hit her hard he thought sadly. Hopefully, she'd like what he planned out... at least, that's what he hoped as he sat there nervously.

He turned to look down the hallway to her room where he heard things clatter around rapidly. He laughed softly as he heard trip over something. He remembered the way her face had lit bright red and it raised hope that maybe she cared what he thought about her and that had to be a good sign right?

Standing up to stretch out he looked around her luxurious apartment. So... this was how those rich kids lived he thought to himself. He shook his head, Min Ah was cold, but she didn't seem like the rest. There was something kind in her that warmed his heart. He took a walk around her living room as he looked around. He arrived to a spot decorated by many picture frames. There was a family portrait, bigger than the rest.

Her parents looked... indifferent? He realized with curiosity. Her mother looked polished and almost regal as she sat straight, a set of glittering pearls sitting grandly on her neck. He wondered if Min Ah liked pearls. Her father looked a bit more relaxed, but not by much. He shivered inadvertedly, a little creeped out by the severity of their looks.

What really caught his eyes though was the smaller silver frame set behind a couple of other ones. It was almost completely out of view, but not quite so much that it was impossible to see if you didn't try. He looked at the photograph inside. It was one of an obviously younger Min Ah, her hair was shorter back then, with another guy. His face was hidden under his hood and the shadow in the photograph was placed so he couldn't make out what he looked like. He frowned as he looked back up to the family portrait, she was an only child... so who was he? Minho stared at the happy young girl in the photograph and decided that he should stop being so nosy. He hadn't been out on one successful date with her yet, he was in no position to worry about some guy in an old photograph.

"Did you wait long?" Min Ah asked sheepishly as she stepped into the room right as Minho took a seat back on the couch.

"No it's fine" Minho answered as he turned the TV off and stood up, "You look great" He offered as he straightened out and walked out the door with her.

"Ha... I'm pretty sure it just looks great in comparison" She joked as she locked the door behind them, still a bit uneasy as she followed him down to his car.

"Is it too cheesy to say that you look beautiful all the time?" He asked curiously as they got in.

"A bit..." She said with a smile as she buckled herself in, "But it's still nice to hear"

"Hmm... I'll have to tweak my strategy then" He said with a mischievous smirk.

"Your strategy?" Min Ah asked as the car took off.

"Yeah, I'm going to make it so that you'll never want to let go of this hand" He said confidently as he placed a hand on hers.

She looked down at their hands and felt her heartbeat race. Minho kept looking at the road when she looked back up to his face, wondering why something as simple as holding someone's hand was making her heart flutter.

It's ok, this must be nothing, this is just for a short time anyways... I'm just getting excited

" So, where are we going?" She asked him as she snuck her hand out, placing it on her lap.

He just smiled as the car kept going. Min Ah looked around trying to figure out where they were. Feeling a little nervous when they got a more rural area of the city. The car finally slowed as they pulled into a short street, a small house-like building up ahead. The cold hit her hard as she stepped out of the warm car and followed Minho to a... greenhouse?

"What are we doing here?" She asked him as he pulled keys out of his pocket.

"i was trying to be original" He said proudly as he pulled the door open and led her in.

He walked her to the center where they were literally surrounded by hundreds of the most colorful and beautiful flower she had ever laid her eyes on. She stood with agape as she saw the large picnic blanket laid out in the center with the basket and candles in the middle. She looked up to see the moon shining brightly above them, unblocked by the city lights.

"An old friend owns this and he's moving to another location, so he let me turn the temperature so it's not too hot and I don't have to keep those bright lights on since they're all going to get moved after we're gone. The plants won't die from a couple of deprived hours" he said as he reached out to a rose nearby.

"Wow... do you always do something so... elaborate for every girl you date?" She asked quietly, still in awe from the sight before her.

"Do you like it? I was worried" Minho confessed as he took on the blanket.

"Why?" She asked him as she continued to look around her.

"I'm sure you must be used to guys taking you to all these expensive places. To be honest, it was embarrassing to not be able to take you anywhere expensive... ha, a picnic... this must be nothing compared to other dates you've been on right?" Minho said a hint of regret lacing his tone.

"I've been to so many expensive places I've lost track. Every single one of them, I don't remember who I was with or what happened they all blend into one fuzzy memory. This... I don't think I'll ever forget" She said softly as she turned to look at the guy who had given her so many surprises in such a short time.

Minho looked into her eyes, filled with emotions and felt a rush run through his body.

"That's good because since we have a time limit, I was shooting for unforgettable" He said seriously as he reached for the picnic basket.

"Well... do you want to  see what I brought? I don't really know what you like so a brought a little bit of everything" He said as he cleared his throat quietly, reaching for the basket and bringing the food out.

They ate comfortably and Minho felt happier and happier as he saw her begin to visibly react. It was like he was a whole different person than the girl in the cafe he had first seen. This girl laughed freely at his jokes, she ate without a sense of shyness and complimented his choice in food. Minho allowed her to vent about the lost internship, agreeing with her and offering the comfort she seemed like she needed. How was it that a woman could look so beautiful while she ate, talked, even when she ranted? He liked it when she told her things, he felt like he was easing a bit of that loneliness he felt inside of her.

"Now what?" Min Ah asked as they packed up the empty plates.

"Now comes the best part" He whispered as he blew out the candles around them.

"W-what are you doing?" She stuttered as her heart jumped into and she felt him move around behind her.

"Look" He whispered into her ear as he gently placed his hands on the side of her face and moved it so that she looked up into the sky.

Min Ah felt her breath rush out as she looked at the bright stars and moon. They shone so bright now that the harsh city lights weren't in their way. They were the most beautiful things she had ever seen she thought as she felt tighten. He slowly let go of her face as Minho watched all sorts of emotions run past her face.

"Why... are you trying so hard?" She whispered.

"Because you're the first girl that's made my heart race without even having to do anything, because I'm not the type of guy to give up when he knows there's something special in front of him. I might be moving too fast, but Min Ah I want to be someone you depend on and someone you trust, even if it's only for a little while" Minho said softly.

He watched as a tear slid down her face. She looked down and away quickly, but not fast enough to hid it from him.

"What's wrong?" He asked her in alarm.

"Nothing, it's all perfect... I've just... never had someone put so much effort into doing something for me" She blurted out, "It's really touching" She said with small laugh wondering why her heart felt like it was being gripped tightly. It was only their first date, was it normal for someone's heart to beat this fast for someone. Was it too much to hope that maybe... he would never change? That she could stay in this moment, with this person that had done more to see her smile than her own parents?




Hello! Sorry for taking so long to update! School's been a pain lately so I haven't had any time for writing... I'm having a bit of trouble with this fic and I can't figure out why... I think I'm just recovering from school related stress ^-^ Hopefully insipration will come with the knowledge that it will all soon be over =DDD

i know it's been a while, but still comment and subscribe?

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aaaw that was sooo cuteee <3~!! LOL at Hyun Joong being a stalker x'D But I'm glad that their frindship is better now =D
Awwwww! That last part was cute! I really hope her mom is wrong. Update soon!:)
Okay now I understand more where her mom is coming from. But they shouldn't interfere. It's her life let her deal with it on her own and be happy...please:) Loved this update!! Please update soon:)
Okaayy now I don't hate her mom anymore since she just wants to protect her~<br />
So Hyun Joong is her childhood friend who dissapeard & suddenly popped up in her appartment I wonder if her mom also has to do something with his dissapearance =_= yeaahh I have been waiting for the after the debut part so I can't wait for the next chapters x3
I read the last two chapters!! The first one was really cute!! Again! I loved it! And this last one I loved!!! YAY!! She loves Minho too!!!! But why do her parents have to be such s!!??!! Seriously. It's her life let her do what she wants!! I hope those two stay strong through everything!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon!!:D
Omg 0__0 her mom is crazy I already dislike her =_= I feel really bad for Minho tough that mom just told him he was like...nothing 0_o I really hope her parents won't cause too much trouble for the couple now that they're finally officially togheter
Awwww!! Cute update!! :D I'm really glad Minho really cares about her! And she's kinda returning the feelings now! YAY! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!:D
Gaaaahh soo cuteeee <33~!! Minho really is a sweetheart~ & Min Ah is starting to fall hard for him soo sweet~
omg I feel so bad for her poor girl she was studying her of & in the end that other girl got it just because of money =_= & Min ah's mom ughh I have no words for her how can she be so uncaring towards her child >< Hopefully Minho can really cheer her up~