Late Night

Never Forget Our Love

"Are you coming by tonight?" Min Ah asked as she set her books down and flipped on the lights.

"Some people are having a gathering here, I was going to go and since it'll probably run late I was just going to stay overnight at the dorms... unless you want me to come home, if you do that's ok don't worry about it I miss you" He added quickly.

"No that's ok" She said trying to sound happy, "I get it just call me tomorrow or something all right?"

"Yeah no problem,  love you!" Minho said as he hung up the phone and rushed to catch up.

Min Ah took a small breath and tried to smile. She couldn't help, but be a little disappointed that she wouldn't see him tonight. He had just come back from a tour only a week ago and she missed him. But she understood, he had a job that required him to be social and she couldn't be there because if the press found out he had a girlfriend and lived with her too, then it would really hurt his career. Still, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the people that got to spend so much time with him.

Grabbing a bag of chips, she sat down on her couch and the TV stopping at a gossip channel. Min Ah usually never watched this stuff, but since SHINee had become so popular so fast she got into the habit of watching more variety shows and other stuff. After a couple of minutes she changed the channel, noticing that it would only make her miss him more. With a groan she pushed off the couch and spread out her schoolwork on the table in front of her.

College was terrible. She had ended up choosing a business major, but it was so hard. And boring. Never forget the boredom. There were some days where it was interesting, but with the amount of homework she got... most nights it was just hell.

"What?" She answered as her phone rang besides her.

"Did you do the homework?!" Hyun Joong asked as he stared at all the work in front of him.

"No..." Min Ah answered a bit depressed as she went over just how much she had to do.

"Help me!" He yelled into the phone.

"Who told you to stalk me?!" She snapped back as she flipped through her textbook.

"Is it my fault that fate made sure we had the same major, classes, and overall schedule?" He asked playfully.

"That's not fate that's called bribing school officials" She corrected with a smile.

"Well fate needed some help ok? Now please help me!" He pleaded.

Min Ah remembered the shock she got when she first walked into class to find Hyun Joong sitting eagerly in a chair and the shock only repeated itself every single class she had. It was kind of hard to ignore him on the few days he had time to go to his class because of his schedule, so they had struck up a truce. For the time being he was on a trial friend period. Min Ah didn't really want to admit it, but she was glad that her friendship with him was better. He had been right to say that she had missed him.

"Fine I'll help. Let me make some coffee first since I'm pretty sure we're not getting any sleep tonight anyways" She muttered as she went to the kitchen.

"Should I come over?" He asked eagerly.

"Nope we can work on it by phone" Min Ah said, quickly shutting that thought down.

"Well, I wouldn't want you to waste your minutes..." He began.

"That's fine I get free minutes after 7 so we won't waste much" She said.

"Whatever let's just get started" Hyun Joong said. In retrospect, maybe stalking her at school wasn't the best idea.


"Ok I've got it, we can drop out of school and just live with our parents forever" Hyun Joong moaned as he looked at the clock. It was 2am.

"That sounds scarier than doing homework for the rest of my life, besides we're almost done anyways" Min Ah said tiredly, also not admitting that his plan sounded pretty good.

"Can't we just go to bed now?" He said pitifully.

Min Ah opened to answer when suddenly her door bell echoed loudly through her apartment. She clamped down to keep the scream of surprise and quickly took Hyun Joong off of speaker phone.

"There's someone at my door..." She whispered, sitting still.

"What?! This late?!" He asked worried as he all of the sudden sat up.

"It's not you?" Min Ah  whispered as she stood up and tiptoed to the telecom, jumping when the door bell rang again.

"No, couldn't it be Minho?" Hyun Joong asked as he stood up and grabbed his keys, "I can come over"

"Oh, never mind. It's Minho! I'll talk to you tomorrow, go to bed, night!" She said hanging up the phone and running to the door.

"I missed you so I drove by and I saw that your lights were still on" Minho said as he stepped in and hugged Min Ah tightly.

"I've missed you too" She said truthfully as she returned the hug.

"Was someone here? I could have sworn I heard a guy's voice" He said as he looked around.

"Oh, I was on the phone with Hyun Joong, we were working on some homework" She explained.

"I don't like him" He muttered into her hair, still holding her.

"I've known him forever, we're just friends" She reassured him.

"Let's not talk about him, I got you something while I was on tour" He whispered as he pulled her along to their room.

"Here" He said with a bright smile as he handed her the necklace he had bought her and watched her smile widely, "I was debating what to get you, I saw a pearl necklace but I liked this one better" He said as he put it on her.

"It's beautiful... and I hate pearls anyways so this is perfect" She said happily, her heart bursting with happiness when she heard that he was thinking about her even while he was tour.

"That's great!" He said happily as he pulled her down into the bed with him.

"What are you doing?" She asked surprised as he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"I've missed holding you so tonight, I just want to sleep like this. Please?" He said, the exhaustion in his body finally showing through.

"... ok" Min Ah whispered as she allowed sleep to come over her in his warm embrace.

"I love you" He said softly as they both fell asleep.



Thanks for reading! =)

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aaaw that was sooo cuteee <3~!! LOL at Hyun Joong being a stalker x'D But I'm glad that their frindship is better now =D
Awwwww! That last part was cute! I really hope her mom is wrong. Update soon!:)
Okay now I understand more where her mom is coming from. But they shouldn't interfere. It's her life let her deal with it on her own and be happy...please:) Loved this update!! Please update soon:)
Okaayy now I don't hate her mom anymore since she just wants to protect her~<br />
So Hyun Joong is her childhood friend who dissapeard & suddenly popped up in her appartment I wonder if her mom also has to do something with his dissapearance =_= yeaahh I have been waiting for the after the debut part so I can't wait for the next chapters x3
I read the last two chapters!! The first one was really cute!! Again! I loved it! And this last one I loved!!! YAY!! She loves Minho too!!!! But why do her parents have to be such s!!??!! Seriously. It's her life let her do what she wants!! I hope those two stay strong through everything!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon!!:D
Omg 0__0 her mom is crazy I already dislike her =_= I feel really bad for Minho tough that mom just told him he was like...nothing 0_o I really hope her parents won't cause too much trouble for the couple now that they're finally officially togheter
Awwww!! Cute update!! :D I'm really glad Minho really cares about her! And she's kinda returning the feelings now! YAY! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!:D
Gaaaahh soo cuteeee <33~!! Minho really is a sweetheart~ & Min Ah is starting to fall hard for him soo sweet~
omg I feel so bad for her poor girl she was studying her of & in the end that other girl got it just because of money =_= & Min ah's mom ughh I have no words for her how can she be so uncaring towards her child >< Hopefully Minho can really cheer her up~