Unwelcome Visitor

Never Forget Our Love

The silence was killing Min Ah. Minho had been training so much lately that she barely saw him anymore. It was ok though, he still called her at least once a day so she didn't feel too bad about that. She understood that this was a very important time for him anyways. The silence that killed Min Ah originated from her phone. Her parents hadn't called her at all for the past week. Min Ah had expected a million angry phone calls plus angry visits so this completely caught her off guard. It surprised her so much in fact that she even considered calling her parents herself and finding out what was happening.

She fished out her keys and unlocked her door, balancing the brown grocery bag in her other arm as she pushed the door open and walked in. It was a nice change of pace going grocery shopping with Ji Young. They were both feeling a bit lonely lately and what better company than your best friend right? So they had gone out for ice cream before the shopping and decided to hang out a bit longer by going grocery shopping. Min Ah would have loved to have Ji Young come over, but she had her job and Min Ah wasn't about to pressure her into taking the day off.

"Hey I'm making a sandwich. I'm glad you went grocery shopping because I ate all your bread. Want some?" Hyun Joong said with a smile on his face as he stuck out the sandwich in front of her.

Min Ah nearly dropped the bag of food she was holding as her jaw dropped and she stared at the man she hadn't seen in so long. He shrugged when she failed to respond and placed the sandwich back on the plate and took it to her living room, walking like he owned the place. She watched him walk away and heard the TV coming alive.

What the hell is going on?!

"How did you get in my house?" Min Ah asked after she hastily placed the bag on the counter and walked into her living room.

She snatched the remote from his hand and turned off the TV. He looked up at her from the seat he had taken on her couch and stared at her for a few moments.

"You ended up growing out your hair, I thought you were going to cut it all off" He asked her, completely changing the topic, "You went through such a dramatic teenage phase for attention"

"How did you get in my house?" She asked him seriously, not up to playing any of his games. It might have been cute when she was younger, but after what happened and all this time it just got on her nerves.

"You parents called me in panic, handed me their spare key, and begged to come talk some sense into you" He answered simply.

"My parents? I should have known. Well, you can leave because there's nothing to talk me out of" She told him as she snatched the plate away from him and placed it down angrily on her kitchen table.

He wasn't supposed to be here. This was her parent's great plan? She gave props to her mother for sneakiness at the very least. Min Ah never saw this one coming. They probably thought they were choosing the lesser of two evils since at the very least Hyun Joong came from a good family that had been a long time friends of her parents.

"So what are you doing that is killing them slowly from the inside out? Are you joining a gang? Not going to college? Perhaps... are you dating a gang leader who never went to college?" He joked as he followed her into the kitchen.

He could see the frustration that surrounded her body. She had every right to be mad at him especially for the way they had lost contact so many years ago. After being friends for so long, him all of the sudden debuting into the music industry and suddenly ignoring her must have hurt her a lot... it definitely wasn't a memory to make their reunion any happier.

"Get out of my house" She snapped as she turned to find him right behind her.

"Come on at least talk to me about what's happening" Hyun Joong insisted.

"There's nothing happening they just happen to hate my boyfriend so they sent you over here because apparently they think I'm still 13 years old and don't have any ability to get over a childhood crush" Min Ah explained, hoping he would turn and walk back out of her house. She would have to remember to take that key back first though.

"Oh, you're... dating someone? What does he do?" He asked allowing a mild interest to leak into his voice.

"I've been dating someone and what he does isn't any of your business" She answered.

"At least tell me so when your parents interrogate me I can tell them I at least tried" He answered coolly.

"He's a trainee ok?" Min Ah confessed.

"A trainee... like in music?" He asked her in shock.

"Yes like in music" She replied annoyed, "Why is that so shocking?"

He took a small breath and looked around. She was so grown up now that he barely even recognized her. Even though she was younger than him by a couple of years he had found that she was mature for her age to the point where she had become his best friend for so long that it had hurt him to leave her behind. Seeing the resentment in her eyes hurt like he hadn't expected when he made the choice to come see her. He remembered the days in which she would follow him around with a large childish smile on her face. When she used to trust him with all of her secrets and dreams. 

"I want to meet him" Hyun Joong said stubbornly as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"There's no reason to meet him! So just get out and I'll see you in another 6 years!" Min Ah yelled as she shoved him back.

"This guy you're seeing, I need to meet him. Guys in the music industry, most of them have a lot of side affairs going on whenever they date normal girls" He said looking down on her. Why couldn't she just understand he was trying to look out for her.

When her parents had called him he had been worried just because they sounded so worried. And even when he had accepted their plea to come talk to her he was hesitant when he reached her house. It was weird to let himself in, but as he walked around her empty house he saw the little things that convinced him that she couldn't have changed as much as he thought. Plus she still had that picture they took so she couldn't possibly hate him as much as he feared right?

"Honestly, we haven't seen each other in years I'm not comfortable talking about this with you so just stop trying to act as if we went back in time and we're friends because we're not!" Min Ah yelled in frustration. He had no right to even be here. It was enough that she had to get lectured by her parents, but by him too?

"Give me the key back I'll return it to my parents" She ordered, sticking out her palm.

"I meant to call Min Ah, I just...." He tried to explain as she pushed him out her door after he placed the key in her hand.

"Yeah well, you know I'm not very good with letting things go so bye" Min Ah snapped as she closed the door.

She stood there, as she finally heard him walk away and took a deep breath. She had imagined seeing him countless of times and she wondered if she should have handled this in a different way. Min Ah gripped her key as she angrily remembered the reason why he had to come to visit in the first place. Despite the small headache that threatened to turn into something worse she opened the door and headed to find her mother.



Yayy I finally got to introduce Kim Hyun Joong into my fic! I've actually been waiting for this moment for a while... After my next update there's going to be a time skip when they're gonna be like after his debut etc because... well, I've been wanting to write some confilct for a while in this fic. Hahaha *sigh*

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aaaw that was sooo cuteee <3~!! LOL at Hyun Joong being a stalker x'D But I'm glad that their frindship is better now =D
Awwwww! That last part was cute! I really hope her mom is wrong. Update soon!:)
Okay now I understand more where her mom is coming from. But they shouldn't interfere. It's her life let her deal with it on her own and be happy...please:) Loved this update!! Please update soon:)
Okaayy now I don't hate her mom anymore since she just wants to protect her~<br />
So Hyun Joong is her childhood friend who dissapeard & suddenly popped up in her appartment I wonder if her mom also has to do something with his dissapearance =_= yeaahh I have been waiting for the after the debut part so I can't wait for the next chapters x3
I read the last two chapters!! The first one was really cute!! Again! I loved it! And this last one I loved!!! YAY!! She loves Minho too!!!! But why do her parents have to be such s!!??!! Seriously. It's her life let her do what she wants!! I hope those two stay strong through everything!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon!!:D
Omg 0__0 her mom is crazy I already dislike her =_= I feel really bad for Minho tough that mom just told him he was like...nothing 0_o I really hope her parents won't cause too much trouble for the couple now that they're finally officially togheter
Awwww!! Cute update!! :D I'm really glad Minho really cares about her! And she's kinda returning the feelings now! YAY! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!:D
Gaaaahh soo cuteeee <33~!! Minho really is a sweetheart~ & Min Ah is starting to fall hard for him soo sweet~
omg I feel so bad for her poor girl she was studying her of & in the end that other girl got it just because of money =_= & Min ah's mom ughh I have no words for her how can she be so uncaring towards her child >< Hopefully Minho can really cheer her up~