Slow realization

As The Full Moon Watches

Minho's heart had never been pounding so fast in his life. His breaths were sharp yet he still felt like choking. The closer he get the clearer he could see the fear growing in Jonghyun's eyes. It looked like his legs would give out at any minute.

Jump aside you stupid fool!

But Jonghyun just stood there. He was too shocked to move, only his chest rose as he gasped. When the car was only a meter away he felt a strong push on his shoulder that set him out of balance. As Jonghyun stumbled to the side, the right corner of the bumper hit him and his upper body slammed hard on the car's hood. He was thrown to the ground beside the vehicle hands and head first.

The next thing Jonghyun knew was that his chin as well as forehead, right shoulder and thigh hurt like hell. There was road rash on his palms. He squeezed his eyes closed and let out a silent cry. Jonghyun laid still on his back breathing heavily for a minute before opening his eyes. The pain radiated to other body parts and it was like his body was ripped to tiny pieces. He could feel his veins near the surface of his skin pulse strongly. Jonghyun had to squint his eyes because the headache was just too much.

I can see only blackness... What's this?

Jonghyun lifted his left hand and rubbed his eyes and forehead gently. He touched something wet and when he opened his eyes again his fingers were stained with dark liquid.

Huh? Ah, my forehead's bleeding...

Jonghyun slowly wiped the blood off with his sleeve and then let his head turn to the right only to face a brick wall.

How did I... aggghh!

A few quick inhales. Jonghyun collapsed back on the ground after the first try to get up.

Ahh- a-alright...

A deep breath. He slowly turned his body on the other side and ended up on his stomach, cursing from pain.

"AH- !"

He held his upper body out of the ground by leaning on his left forearm. Jonghyun was trembling strongly and his head was hanging down. He was gasping for air.


Jonghyun stayed still and waited for the pain to ease since he had no other choice. His eyes were teary.

What the heck happened?

Another deep breath. Jonghyun lift his head cautiously and slowly. There was no-one on the road in front of him. He blinked rapidly to clear up his view. Turning his head, he saw something lying on the road about four meters away from him.

What's that supposed to - oh, is it- is it a human? W-who? Hold on...

Jonghyun squinted his eyes. The person was laying on his stomach, facing the other way. His head was surrounded by a small, dark puddle.


Jonghyun swallowed.

"M-Minho?" he asked with a brittle voice. There was no reaction.


A/N: Woopsie, my fingers slipped! Looks like this isn't going to be a two-shot after all. Anyway, next chapter'll be a bit longer one I promise.

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chocojojo #1
Chapter 7: Which bet? I red the whole thing but which bet? Im sorry
Chapter 7: This was so... convincing? You're great at describing atmospheres and inner thoughts.
PS. That soundtrack you recommended totally fit. It makes the experience complete.
PSS. YAY for happy endings and YAY for jongho! <3 ^.^
Chapter 7: Sooo cute! And JongHo are fine finally ^^ Thank u for this ff, it was awesome. I'll chcek your other story. n_n ♥
JongHolic #4
Chapter 6: kyahhhhh they're so soo cute!
Chapter 6: Waaah, it was so sweet and my lovely JongHo. ♥ Your history is amazing n_n
Chapter 5: Jjong you are fine now! I hope Minho will help him recover soon <3
Chapter 5: Aaah, you scared me! When I saw the title I thought that you killed Jonghyun or his leg had to be amputated. T_T Please update soon. ^^
Sadirmiah #8
Chapter 4: Loving it so far! That instant change in the start made my heart drop '~'
Chapter 4: Uhhh, too short. >< But very good *^* Hope Jjong will be ok...