
As The Full Moon Watches

"Ah, I'm dying!" Key sniggered and tried to wipe his tears without messing up his eye makeup. "That's the ugliest face I've ever seen."

After a successful concert in Seoul SHINee decided to relax a little and drink a few beers which soon turned to a Drink or Dare game.  When the bottle pointed at Taemin, Minho had dared him to make the stupidest expression he ever could using tape and makeup. The result was a pure masterpiece. It was clear that nobody could take him seriously until tomorrow morning when he'd be puking on the floor of their living room. Key once tried to prevent it and the ending result was a winding trail of puke starting from the living room and ending in the bathroom. They had to keep the windows open for the whole day because the smell was so unbearable.

Meanwhile the others tried to stop laughing, Taemin spun the bottle. After a few rounds on the table the bottle stopped and pointed at Jonghyun.

"Why me..." he whined yet couldn't help but giggle at Taemin. "Okay, tell me what I have to do."

"You go to the grocery store and get me something to eat."

"No, you're not going to eat anything before morning", Kibum said and slapped Taemin's shoulder.

"I want to take someone with me", Jonghyun insisted.

"A shopping buddy! Okay, pick anyone you want. Except me or Kibum-hyung."

Kibum rolled his eyes. "Tsh."

"Well then I guess either one of us has to go", Jinki said and looked at Minho.

"I'm not going", Minho said.

"Yes you are!" Jonghyun laughed. "Let's go!"


"This brat Taemin..." Minho hissed as they were walking down the street. It was freezing outside and their breaths turned into steam.  The night sky was bright but millions of stars were hiding behind the shine of streetlights. Only a full moon was peeking behind an apartment building. It had been warmer in the daytime and the snow had started to melt but as the sun went down and the clouds disappeared the temperature dropped to -15°C.

"Ah, it's so nice out here", Jonghyun said walking next to Minho.

"I'm freaking freezing!" the other complained.

"It's not even cold."

"You're just too drunk to feel it."

"You're too drunk to wear enough clothes."

"Who's the one always half on stage?"

"Well at least I've muscles to show."

"Yet I still beat you in every sport."

"Is that so?" Jonghyun questioned and stepped in front of Minho and made him to stop. He looked at Jonghyun annoyed.

"For sure", Minho answered like the other had just asked the dumbest question ever.

"How about a little competition, then?" Jonghyun said stepping closer, into Minho's personal space.

"Always ready to beat you."

Jonghyun laughed. "Alright. The last one at the shop has to do something he'd be embarrassed to do infront of the other."

"So, a running competition?"

"Yes. Any questions?"

"Isn't the street too slippery to-"

"Nope. See ya at the shop!" Jonghyun smirked and before Minho could say a thing he was already sprinting towards the store few blocks away.

"Hey!" Minho yelled and started to run too. He was catching up Jonghyun on every second, because his shoes were better for running on ice whereas Jonghyun had to watch where he was stepping. When the shop was only one block away Jonghyun had victorious smile on his face. He could hear Minho panting few meters behind him and just imagined the serious expression on his face.

"Hey, watch out!" Minho yelled but the only answer he got was a laugh. Jonghyun kept going.

"Jonghyun, WATCH OUT!" Minho shouted as loud as he could and a flow of adrenalin sped up his running.

The traffic light for pedestrians turned red as Jonghyun laid his foot on the zebra crossing. The boy froze in the middle of the road as bright headlights dazzled his eyes and a sound of a vehicle trying to screech to a halt broke the everlasting hum of the city.

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chocojojo #1
Chapter 7: Which bet? I red the whole thing but which bet? Im sorry
Chapter 7: This was so... convincing? You're great at describing atmospheres and inner thoughts.
PS. That soundtrack you recommended totally fit. It makes the experience complete.
PSS. YAY for happy endings and YAY for jongho! <3 ^.^
Chapter 7: Sooo cute! And JongHo are fine finally ^^ Thank u for this ff, it was awesome. I'll chcek your other story. n_n ♥
JongHolic #4
Chapter 6: kyahhhhh they're so soo cute!
Chapter 6: Waaah, it was so sweet and my lovely JongHo. ♥ Your history is amazing n_n
Chapter 5: Jjong you are fine now! I hope Minho will help him recover soon <3
Chapter 5: Aaah, you scared me! When I saw the title I thought that you killed Jonghyun or his leg had to be amputated. T_T Please update soon. ^^
Sadirmiah #8
Chapter 4: Loving it so far! That instant change in the start made my heart drop '~'
Chapter 4: Uhhh, too short. >< But very good *^* Hope Jjong will be ok...