
As The Full Moon Watches

Minho was waiting for his turn on the crossing aisle and had heard everything.

"Jjong was hit by the car after all?" Minho asked looking really distraught. Onew and Taemin didn't dare to answer but the silence was enough for Minho to guess what had happened. He had failed.

"Why the heck didn't you tell me?!" he thundered and was out of the bed in a split second.

"Minho wait- You really shouldn't- !"

It took both Onew and Taemin to hold Minho from rushing into the operating room.

"Just listen to us for a second!" Onew solicited and after a short struggle they managed to calm the guy down and have him sit back on the bed.

"Look. We would have told you eventually. We knew you'd react like this and that's why we wanted to wait until it was sure you're alright", Onew explained.

"This is a waste of time", Minho said and got up but was pushed back down immediately.

"Minho it's no use. You can do nothing to help", Onew assured him.

"Just go to the CT scan and we'll tell you when he's out, okay?" Taemin begged.

Minho looked at them annoyed but finally agreed when a nurse came out of the CT scan room and called his name. Taemin and Onew let out a deep sigh from relief.

Key still seemed to be in bad temper when the duo finally got to the coffee shop. He had bought a cup of coffee and was now waiting for them at a table.

"What took you so long?" he asked when Onew and Taemin had sat down too.

"Minho heard when we were talking about Jonghyun", Onew said even though Taemin tried to stop him by kick his leg.

"What? How much did he hear?"

"I guess everything."

"Wasn't he supposed to be in the CT scan?

"He was waiting for his turn on an aisle nearby where Taemin and I was talking after you left."

"Great. That's just great."


Minho was lying in his hospital room again, staring at the ceiling and feeling like he would throw up again. It had started as dizziness when he was being x-rayed and soon after he got out in the aisle he had started vomiting. There was nothing left in his stomach other than gastric acid and he was starting to feel hungry but could eat nothing. Minho's headache was easing slowly as the painkillers started to have an effect on him. They had to give the medicine straight into his vein since nothing seemed to stay in his stomach for now. The doctor had said that he had a small skull fracture but there was no bleeding so it was going to be fine. The nausea and dizziness would disappear too. Minho felt them coming back again and he had only sit half way up when his abdominal muscles spasmed. He threw his upper body over the side rail of the bed to not to vomit on himself. But nothing came out anymore, only the acid was smarting his esophagus. Left there gagging, the room was spinning in his eyes and only the side rail kept him from falling out. Slowly, when the spasms seemed to be over, Minho slumped back on the bed and tried to swallow the bad taste off.

"Hey", somebody, who was standing at the door, said. When Minho turned his head towards the voice he saw Kibum walking in. "How's it hanging?"

"Worse than an hour ago. I've thrown up everything."

"They told me that."

"It tastes like I've stomach in my mouth."

"They've brought you a glass of water ya know. Might help."

"Until it comes up as well."

Key gave him a short laugh. Other than that, he seemed to be tired and maybe a bit annoyed.

"Hey, uhh... How's Jonghyun?" Minho asked and made Key sigh.

"Honestly, I don't know. They're still patching him up."

"Any hopes the surgery's over soon?"

Key shrugged as an answer. After that, there was a short silence.

"Oh well. Try to get some rest and not puke your stomach out, okay?" Key said as he started to wander towards the door. Minho wanted to follow him.

"I'll do that. You keep me updated."

"Sure thing."


A/N: Thank you for reading! Next chapter we'll hear more about Jonghyun. ^^

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chocojojo #1
Chapter 7: Which bet? I red the whole thing but which bet? Im sorry
Chapter 7: This was so... convincing? You're great at describing atmospheres and inner thoughts.
PS. That soundtrack you recommended totally fit. It makes the experience complete.
PSS. YAY for happy endings and YAY for jongho! <3 ^.^
Chapter 7: Sooo cute! And JongHo are fine finally ^^ Thank u for this ff, it was awesome. I'll chcek your other story. n_n ♥
JongHolic #4
Chapter 6: kyahhhhh they're so soo cute!
Chapter 6: Waaah, it was so sweet and my lovely JongHo. ♥ Your history is amazing n_n
Chapter 5: Jjong you are fine now! I hope Minho will help him recover soon <3
Chapter 5: Aaah, you scared me! When I saw the title I thought that you killed Jonghyun or his leg had to be amputated. T_T Please update soon. ^^
Sadirmiah #8
Chapter 4: Loving it so far! That instant change in the start made my heart drop '~'
Chapter 4: Uhhh, too short. >< But very good *^* Hope Jjong will be ok...