
Eric Mun, You Will Fall For Me!

'Hyesung, I swear to God if you follow me again, I would make sure I quit teaching and leave the country' Eric threatened him as he tried to run away from the actor.

'Aww, come on Eric. You're no fun. All I want is for you to come with me to an award' Hyesung pouted.

'Go to hell' Eric hissed under his breath.

Eric ignored Hyesung the whole way around college campus until he saw some of head professors were talking in the admission building with unknown people. The more he walked towards them, the more he could recognised the people.

His face turned pale and he froze like a statue which made Hyesung wondered what was wrong. He followed Eric's gaze and frowned as to why would Eric looked the guy in suit like that. Hyesung was more curious when he saw the guy was surprised to see Eric standing there as if he knew the assistant. But later, he smirked before calling Eric's name.

'Wah, look who's here... If it's not Eric Mun' he said with a smug look on his face.

Hyesung noticed Eric's shaking hands but Eric still managed to speak, 'W-What are you doing here?'

'Don't worry, I didn't come because of you' he smirked.

'No sherlock. I'd rather be in jail for murder than having a chance to meet you' he said with a cold tone.

He gasped in disbelieved, 'Woah, what's up with that attitude! I didn't recall you being like this in college before'

The atmosphere was getting more tense that Hyesung had to interrupt them. He gave the guy a glare and stood in front of Eric as if he was trying to protect Eric from him.

'Excuse me but what do want from him? If you would excuse us, we will go now' Hyesung said with a stern manner while giving him an intimidating look.

'Oh my! You're that actor right? Shin Hyesung? I'm a fan of yours... I'm Kyungho' the guy looked amuse seeing Hyesung. 

Somehow Hyesung didn't know if he was saying the truth or just being sarcastic. Then, he looked at Eric before saying smugly, 'You really have a high taste, Eric. As expected'

Eric ignored his sarcastic remarks. He excused himself and dragged Hyesung away together with him.

'Geez, I don't like that guy! What the hell is his problem?!' Hyesung said in frustration once they were inside Eric's office.

'Glad that we're on the same page for once' he muttered quietly.

'Who's that guy anyway?' 

'Someone from college'

Hyesung couldn't just asked 'When you studied here or overseas', so instead he asked, 'What college did you go to?'

'AA university for one year then another 3 years in Bristol. When I was 23, I took a year break and stayed with my parents in Canada' he explained while stacking up the papers for tomorrow's class.

'Wah, you must be very smart to get to study abroad'

'I didn't want to study abroad but you can never expect what could happen in your life' Eric gritted his teeth when he reminded of his dark college life.

Hyesung took a silent deep breath and cautiously asked, 'Did something happened...'

'You should better be going, I have some things to do' Eric immediately changed the subject and chased Hyesung away from the office.

This time, Hyesung didn't try to argue and listened to his words. He excused himself before calling Junjin for his next schedule.

Hyesung : Who is that bastard?

(Next day)

'Andy-ah!!' Hyesung chirped happily when he saw Andy at his college. Apparently, Andy had some programmes going on in Hyesung's college and he told the actor that he would go back with him.

'Yah! Yah! Stop being clingy' Andy pushed him away.

Hyesung pouted but later smirked, 'Is it because you don't want Junjin to get jealous?' he said while wiggling his eyebrows.

Both the mention couple blushed, 'No..!'

Then, suddenly Andy saw Eric not far from the place they were standing. Hyesung took a lot of pictures of Eric using Junjin's phone because he couldn't risk using his own phone. Every single day, he would show the pictures to Andy that it made Andy felt nauseous.

'Isn't that your boyfriend?' Andy asked.

'Future... Future boyfriend. Where?' Hyesung looked around and frowned when he saw Eric with that evil guy from yesterday.

'It looks like they were fighting about something' Junjin pointed to the both of them who were entering a lab.


'Let go of me! What if people misunderstand us?!' Eric pulled his arm away harshly from Kyungho's grip.

The smug look appeared again on Kyungho's face, 'Why are you so worried? Ah... Or is it just that you are expecting someone to burst inside here?'

'S-Stop it...' Eric's tone was rather weak.

'I hope you have no hard feelings about that time' he said insincerely and continued by taking a few steps closer to Eric, 'I can see that you still go for rich not to mention famous people. Sigh, just like in college huh. You took it seriously when I played with you a little' he smirked.

Hyesung who was eavesdropping immediately ran into the lab and pushed Kyungho away from Eric, 'STAY AWAY FROM HIM, BASTARD!'

Kyungho faked a smile while surrendered, 'Woah, okay, I get it now' and walked towards the door, 'Let's talk about the past again next time' he said before leaving.

'YAH, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING TO THAT BASTARD! WHERE'S THE TOUGH ERIC I KNOW?!' Hyesung scolded him right after Kyungho left.

'I-I can't help it...'

Hyesung's eyes widen, 'Don't tell me you like him?'

'I would sell my soul if I could forget everything about him' 

'Then, why did you suddenly become timid in front of him?!' Hyesung questioned as he didn't feel right seeing Eric like that.

That had hit Eric right in the heart. He slumped himself down on the floor and buried his face in between his knees, 'I CAN'T HELP IT!' he shouted in desperation.

'He was the first when I found out I'm gay. My first everything. But, in the end it was only me in that relationship...' Eric mumbled softly.

'Don't tell me he's the reason...' Hyesung softly mumbled when he realised something.

Eric who still had his head buried nodded. Hyesung sighed and squatted in front of him.

'Silly... Don't compare him with me. Because I would never play with people's feelings especially with yours. If you're insecure, I would fill the thoughts of me inside your head until you forget about him. Just don't be afraid...' Hyesung said gently while looking at him.

Eric kept quiet for a few minutes until a smirk plastered on his face, 'Yah, brat... Who said I'm afraid?' 

Hyesung blinked his eyes innocently as he tilted his head, 'So, am I mistaken then?'

'Of course... You're too dumb to notice' he scoffed.

Hyesung frowned at his remarks, 'You're so mean! Just now you were upset, and now you're being sarcastic!' he said it out loud.

Eric gave a silent smile before placed his head on Hyesung's shoulder, 'I was lying, sorry' he said gently. Then, he looked up to Hyesung just to give a kiss on the forehead.

'Thank you' he smiled at Hyesung and to the actor, it was the most genuine smile he ever saw and he intended to make Eric smile more often.


Hyesung couldn't sleep peacefully every night because whenever he closed his eyes, the memory of Eric kissing his forehead popped out which resulted of squealing loudly in happiness.

Hyesung : Should I drop by Eric's office now or after class?

The actor's thought was cut off when he saw a familiar figure leaning against the wall in front of his lecture hall.

'Such a coincidence to see you here, Hyesung-sshi' Kyungho said in sarcasm.

'What do you want?' Hyesung looked at him suspiciously.

'Just wanna wish you a good morning. Good morning...' Kyungho smiled at him.

Hyesung ignored him, 'If you wanna talk about Eric, forget about it. I don't want to know what happened between you guys. Just so you know, my relationship with him is at its peak. Full of love...' he said gleefully as he walked passed Kyungho.

'Are you sure about that? I know that you guys aren't official yet... I still hold a greater part of his heart' Kyungho said which made Hyesung halted his steps and turned around to have a look at him.

'What do you mean by that?' Hyesung tried to stay calm as he clenched his fist. He knew that whatever Kyungho wanted to say was a bad news.

Kyungho pretended to be surprised, 'Oh you didn't know? Well, I guess he'd never be able to talk about it. Let's just say he traumatised by it...' he chuckled lightly.

'YAH! What did you do to him?!' Hyesung raised his voice. Luckily no one was at the corridor to see him burst in anger.

'You're late for class!' Kyungho said as he glanced at his watch. Then he looked at Hyesung to continue, 'Meet me at the lab after class. I'll be waiting, Hyesung-sshi...' he smiled evilly before leaving Hyesung alone.


'Damn my curiosity' Hyesung cursed himself.

He was walking towards the lab that Kyungho told him to meet up. At first he decided to ignore him but he was just too curious about what had really happened between Eric and Kyungho.

'Hyesung-sshi... I knew you were going to come'

Hyesung glared at him, 'Just get straight to the point!' he gritted his teeth.

'Ok ok, I'll tell you' 

Kyungho cleared his throat as he talked with a smug evil look, 'Eric came to AA University and he was the only person that was under scholarship. In other words, he didn't qualify to mix with the students there. So, my friend and I wanted to play with him a little. She seduced him by asking him to help her with studies and he took the bait. Everyone hated him because they said he took her away from her boyfriend which obviously was a lie. Then, after a month, my friend broke up with him'

He chuckled as he remembered about those times, 'And that's when I came in... He fell for me just because I was nice to him. Pathetic... It didn't take him too long to give his body to me. I told him everything after we had . Of course by the time I walked out the door, everyone knew he spread his legs for me. It was a bet after all' he laughed louder.

'BASTARD!' Hyesung grabbed his collar and pinned him against the wall.

'You don't want to see an article about an actor hits an assistant's friend just because of jealousy, am I correct?' Kyungho smirked.

'No one is going to believe that!' 

'Are you sure? Haven't they suspected a relationship between you two? Especially when you follow him around 24/7 like a clingy boyfriend'

'Just think about it... You wouldn't want something bad happened to him, right. Imagine the hate he's going to get when people found out you like him. They would say he steals you from them. Not to mention it would affect his position as the assistant here' Kyungho continued.

Hyesung : His position...?

'I assume you know what to do from now on?'

Hyesung slowly release his hands from Kyungho's collar and nodded weakly, 'Yes'

Kyungho mockingly patted his head and whispered, 'Good boy...'

When Hyesung walked out from the lab, he vowed to himself to avoid Eric without making it obvious.

Hyesung : I can do this. This is for Eric's sake...

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SoulDragon #1
Chapter 7: I really like your stories! I enjoyed reading this one, thank you so much author-nim.
jasper123 #2
Chapter 7: Omg this is so amazing ! <3
feelgyo #3
Chapter 7: Kekekeke....this is cute. Your plot is always cute. I really enjoy reading your works authornim ^^
Ricsung and Jindy are really cute here. I like how you pointed Junjin as a easy-going friend slash manager slash bodyguard for Hyesung. The friendship between them is beautiful, like rainbow or cute painting, lol
And there's Andy, the awesome maknae. I love it how you make him as a loving and smart friend for Hyesung, bcoz he's just that awesome for me <3
Oh! And Eric, thanks God you make him like this in this story, ahahaha...his harsh comments here and there refreshing(?) my stuffy mind somehow xD
And great thanks too for making Hyesung, uri little prince, as a spoiled brat but with great personality. Uugghh, really want to hug him with deathly hug!! (>.<)
I wish you could put more woodong tho. But that's ok, you're awesome authornim. :D
Thanks for sharing authornim~~
effemm #4
Chapter 7: Authornim, i like your stories! (^_^)
Hyesung so cute with all his effort to make Eric fall for him. Thank u for not making Hyesung a noble-idiot for long. They are cute together!hehe ♥♥♥
angelica94 #5
Chapter 6: Ricsung together ♥♥♥♥♥♥
i like this story.
esluve #6
Chapter 5: Omg ....eric...T.T
So eric is the uke here ??? Kkkkkk
sesamesyung #7
Chapter 4: Yey! Tnx for the quick update, looking forward to read the next chapter. Love all your stories btw
Chapter 4: Woaaahh.. What happen with eric in the past
jayzee #9
Chapter 2: Wahaahha chap 2 was so funnny.. Lols..cant wait fr chap 3
Kentir #10
Chapter 2: The stories are good authornim...and its different. Keep writing and updated. Fighting!!