
Seulrene Drabbles
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Seulgi stared at the documents in front of her. Apparently her friends took it upon themselves to hire her lawyer for the divorce. Not that it was something she wanted. It was what her friends thought she needed.

Her wife of two years had just been caught, red-handed, going on a date with a man for approximately two weeks now. It hurt but Seulgi didn’t have the heart to confront her own wife. Maybe she didn’t believe the pictures. Maybe she was hoping that they were only friends.

Two years of marriage

Bae Joohyun wasted two years of their lives just to do this.

She could have just told Seulgi beforehand the she wasn’t her type. The older woman could have saved herself the trouble and the hate of all of Seulgi’s friends and family. Seulgi wasn’t really worried about the ache in her heart.

She was worried Joohyun would feel the wrath of everyone around her.

Her best friend, Jung Soojung, literally threatened to strip off Joohyun’s family and leave them to grovel on the ground. But Seulgi stopped her.

They would not be able to touch or hurt Joohyun.

Despite what is currently in front of her, Seulgi still loved Joohyun.

She pressed to fingers on her temple slightly massaging the pain away. Seulgi wished the odds were different.

Little did the people around her know, Seulgi already knew Joohyun might be cheating on her.


She got home per usual. Seulgi left the car keys by the coffee table on their living room. Noises around the kitchen could be heard. Joohyun was already back and was cooking her dinner as scheduled. She looked at the envelope in hand. In contained all of the details of the divorce as well as the pictures she swore not to look at again.

Seulgi sighed.

It would have been easier if this was an arranged marriage.

But it wasn’t.

Seulgi and Joohyun met in college, the star freshman and the genius senior. The day they both laid eyes on each other was the day they both fell in love. Or so the love story goes.

They started out friends and even after Joohyun’s graduation, they kept contact. They didn’t start dating until Seulgi finished her degree.

For someone like Seulgi, it was really easy to make Bae Joohyun melt.

Seulgi proposed with fireworks saying ‘Will you be my girlfriend’ in the sky while the rest of the tourists in the Han River marveled at the illuminated road from where Joohyun stood until it reached Seulgi.

Yup, Seulgi pulled all the stops.

Joohyun didn’t disappoint. She said yes.

“Yeobo… Is that you?” Irene asked pulling her out of the trance.

Seulgi goes straight to her study to keep the documents safe. Maybe now is not a good time to talk about these things with Joohyun. Maybe she could let Joohyun confess for herself.

It hurt not to know what was really true.

But it hurt more to let go of her.

Call her  masochist, but Seulgi loved Joohyun that much.


It was a casual double date with Amber and Krystal. It has been awhile since she went out with Joohyun. Seulgi should be happy.

But today was different.

Somehow her gut feeling tells her something bad is about to happen.

If she didn’t know any better, Krystal would have planned this.

They were peacefully eating their meal when someone came in the door revealing what Seulgi dreaded.

Park Bogum

Joohyun’s friend, the person was also in the pictures kept for her divorce. Amber snorted, while Krystal gave him the infamous Jung Glare.

She glanced at her wife who was pale.

Seulgi took her hand, and when Joohyun turned to her she smiled.

“Are you alright?”

Joohyun nodded then took Seulgi’s hand.

“Saranghaeyo…” Joohyun mumbled but clear enough for Seulgi to hear.

Her wife’s eyes were almost in tears. Seulgi didn’t ask but it didn’t stop the pain.

Where they right all along?

Did she really cheat on her?

“Joohyun?” He asked as he stopped at their table.

“You know this guy?” Krystal asked in an accusing tone that made everyone cringe.

“A friend…” Joohyun replied weakly.

Seulgi tightened her grip, afraid the next words would break her.

“Is that what you call me now? Hi, my name is Park Bogum. I’m her future boyfriend.” The guy was about to smile but was knocked out of misery by none other than Kang Seulgi.


“Please, Seulgi, I beg you. Please believe me. I only went out with him to eat. Public restaurants… No holding… No kissing…. It was only a friendly outing. He wanted more, but I told him I’m already married. I could never hurt you… Please believe me…”

Seulgi smiled sadly as Soojung placed the picture on the table.

Joohyun cried almost kneeling in front of her. She clung to Seulgi’s hand in desperation. The way her wife’s eyes looked at her, Seulgi could feel total remorse.

“Please he pushed himself. I would never kiss anyone but you.”

Seulgi wanted to believe those words badly. But with everything on the table, she could hardly believe Joohyun still loved her.

“You got to be kidding me…” Amber launched herself to Joohyun only to be held by Seulgi.

“Don’t you dare touch my wife! Soojung-ah, control your wife.” Seulgi growled as she stepped in between her wife and her own friends.

This is why she wanted to keep it to herself. She couldn’t blame them though. They cared too much not to turn a blind eye on the things around her. To

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2288 streak #1
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 30: reread❤
2288 streak #3
Chapter 24: I've been looking for this story for a long time, I'm happy I finally found it!
Steph_05 #4
Chapter 56: Is this story over?
Chapter 61: Greedy was the best but now we have monster :3
Chapter 59: Jealous bae
Chapter 57: They cant have a min not touching xD
Chapter 56: Wan gonna kill them xD
Chapter 53: How can they be this cute
Chapter 44: Dumb bear