
Get To Know You, Baby
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Mark send a message to Jackson and Jaebum that he cannot come to school tomorrow. Jinyoung was now sleeping after took a pain relieve pill. Mark need something from his house so JInyoung can rest better. Mark back to his house try to sneak outside again with a pump mattress and blanket. Mark first attempt success, he think that tomorrow Jinyoung need some fresh food, the younger fridge empty and he only had a mineral water. Mark went to his house again took a basket and put a lot of good food to bring to Jinyoung house. Mark slowly pass his parent room, but a voice stopped him from another step.

“Mark Tuan, what are you doing?” His father now walking to look at what he brought out.

Mark just stand still tried hard not to show his basket.

“You are not planning to run away right?” His father took the basket and he look inside.

“Dad, please. I just want to treat someone.” Mark made a cute attempt and his father laughed.

“Try hard to please someone, huh? Okay, then.” His father patted Mark hair and the boy heart almost drop out of embarrassment with his father statement.

“I’ll sleep at my friend house tonight.” Mark asked for permission and his father just laughed.

Mark left the house and happily walked to JInyoung house.

“Should I bring anything else?” Mark look around and he walked in front of Jinyoung multiple times.

“Just sleep Mark.” Jinyoung hold Mark hand when he woke up from Mark walked sound.

“Oh..sorry, I woke you up.” Mark apologetic face made Jinyoung smile.

“I bring this mattress from my house, let sleep together here.” Mark help Jinyoung change his spot.

“Thanks so much Mark.” Jinyoung grabbed Mark hand and the older smile.

“No school for you tomorrow so just sleep.” Mark lean beside Jinyoung and both facing each other.

“Goodnight.” Mark greeted and Jinyoung smile before back to sleep.

Mark feeling this is the most difficult time he had the whole years since he born. It not easy for him to please someone since he had everything. Jinyoung is the first thing he want for himself and he so afraid if Jinyoung leave him. Mark never understand Jaebum jealousy when he knows how Jackson being friendly with people. Now, it his time to feel what Jaebum said uncertainty and insecurity in his heart. Mark touch Jinyoung fringe and sweetly place a light kiss on the younger forehead. ‘It hurt me so much to think that you push me away’ Mark really love Jinyoung.

Morning greet the two, Mark first to wake up when he felt the sunlight touch his face.

“Hey, you need to bath. I will prepare some breakfast.” Mark shook Jinyoung shoulder and the younger yawn. Jinyoung sat up and Mark carry him to bathroom.

“Call me if you need anything. I’ll be in the kitchen.” Mark told Jinyoung and the younger just nodded.

Mark when to kitchen and made kimchi fried rice when Jinyoung shower. He like the feeling of taking care of sick Jinyoung and spend time with the younger. Mark phone rang and he knows his mother will call him this morning.

“Yes, mom.” Mark answered and he heard his mother laughed.

“Where are you my son?” His mother teased and Mark bite his lips.

“My friend house, Mom. I told Dad that last night I will sleep over at my friend house.” Mark words made his mother giggled.

“I know, Dad had told

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Finish this one too.. thanks all friends subbies and commenter. Love you and see you all in other stories


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moonchildern #1
Chapter 7: thank you for writing this story author-nim!! this is so good and sweet <3
moonchildern #2
Chapter 5: jinyoung be like: why do you have to be a boyfie when you can be a hubby instead, mark (/ε\*) awww cutiepie
moonchildern #3
Chapter 1: HOLD UP JINYOUNGIE...okay i’m just hoping it’s not what i think it is ( ・ω・)
ReLif_53 #4
Chapter 7: Oh my god, i was wrong about jinyoung..
Authornim, can i hit you're head for make me think ert about jinyoung job.. It's so shame.
aizaza #5
Chapter 7: uwaaahhh.. love them so much..
they have love each other..
lovely couple..
thay also have to struggle in the beginning..
Chapter 7: As usual, happy ending. >< yeay!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 7: I love it author-nim ^u^)b
esthieIgot7 #8
Chapter 7: thank you for the story! :)
I'm glad Markjin is together, and both families accept their relationship!Yay for happy endings! ^_^