
How to love me

~ flashback mode ( 3 years ago ) ~

"Riri! Hyung brought you some strawberries!" Youngbae announced from the living room.

"Ah! Youngbae~ Seungri's at their apartment!" Mrs. Lee said, walking down the stairs.

"Oh, is that so? I'll just leave the strawberries for you Umma." Youngbae said, placing the plastic bag on the kitchen counter.

"Aigooo! Thank you so much Youngbae!" Mrs. Lee replied, hugging the man.

"Your welcome Umma. I'll get going now, I have a meeting with my publisher, they want to make a movie for new book. Any suggestions for the cast?" He asked.

"You should pick Seunghyun for the lead! He fits perfectly into the role!" Mrs. Lee suggested, then shooed Youngbae out her house to make sure he won't be late for his meeting.

~ flashback end ~

"Ehh? Youngbae hyung? Didn't Umma tell you I'm already back at my house?" Seungri asked Youngbae, who just came from their mansion.

"No, I just found out a while ago. Remeber three years ago when I was supposed to give you strawberries but I ended up giving it to Umma?" Seungri nodded and they laughed, then Jiyong entered the apartment.

"Did you leave the door open?" Youngbae asked Seungri, who shrugged his shoulders.

"He has a key." He explained then greeted Jiyong.

"Oh hi Youngbae." Jiyong finally greeted Youngbae after 5 minutes.

"Hello to you too. Where are Daesung and Seunghyun?" Youngbae asked Seungri and Jiyong.

"Daesung stayed behind at the academy." 

"Seunghyun has shooting."

They explained and Youngbae just nodded.

"What do you two want for dinner?" Seungri asked.

"You will cook?" Youngbae was shocked, Seungri was still having a hard time standing up for a long time, how can he cook?

"Yup. I have Jiyong help me though." Seungri said and headed to the kitchen.

"We're having pasta then!" He added.


"Why haven't we tasted Seungri's cooking before?" Seunghyun and Youngbae exclaimed, eating Seungri's delicious cooking.

"I eat it everyday." Jiyong chuckled and the others, excluding Seungri, stared at him.

"He sends me bentos everyday." He explains and Seunghyun and Youngbae just glare at him.

"Why don't we get bentos?" Seunghyun whined.

(Uhh, Bentos are packed meals, they're popular in Japan. Just goggle it to find about it more.)

"It's okay hyung, I'm sure Daesung would gladly make bentos for you." Seungri said, making Daesung blush.

"Really Daesungie?" Seunghyun beamed at him and Daesung just nodded.

"How about me??" Youngbae whined teasingly this is a perfect example of an forever alone.

Seunghyun and Jiyong just stuck their tounges out immarturely, which gotten themselves scoldings from the younger two.


"You really want me to choreograph the dance?" Seungri asked Jiyong, disbelief written on his face.

"Yup. I want the dance to be sensual and emotional, and who could understand my emotions better than you?" Jiyong grinned and ruffled the younger's hair. 

Seungri huffed in defeat. He thought that Jiyong was just joking so he agreed, but the elder wasn't joking after all.

"But hyuuung~ What if my dance !" Seungri whines, using his infamous agegyo who can't resist Seungri's aegyo?

 "You will do fine Riri, I'll pick you up after your class." Jiyong said, and Seungri was about to leave but the older held his wrist.

"Where's my kiss?" Jiyong teased.

"Yah! Ask me out first if you want kisses!" Seungri said and left, leaving a smirking Jiyong alome in the academy's hallway.

'So he likes me back?' He asked himself.


Seungri was pacing back and forth in the studio, there weren't that many students yet since it was still early.

"Umma~ stop walking, what's wrong?" One of his students asked, snapping Seungri out of his trance.

"I may or may not told Jiyong to bring me to a date." He blurted out, making his students laugh.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me! I'm your teacher, I should be the one laughing at you!" He scolded.

"What's the other problem Umma, I know there's more than one problem!" Another shouted.

"Jiyong wants me to choreograph a song he wrote." Seungri said, then walked in cricles, but got tired and sat down on the floor.

"Really??" The students asked, to which he just nodded.

"We could help you Umma!" They added.

"It's very dramatic and emotional, according to Jiyong, are you guys sure??" Seungrjmi asked.

They nodded and Seungri smiled, taking his phone out.

~ phone conversation ~


J: So, when do you want the wedding?


J: .... Okay.

S: Okay?

J: Jagi, we are not qouting John Green.

S: Have you even read his book?

J: No, but Youngbae tells me about it.

S: You should read it.

J: Okay.... Are you free this Sunday?

S: Yep.

J: Wanna go on a date?

S: You can do better than this Jiyong. I expected more from you. You are a disgrace!

J: Fine, forget I said that. I'm pick you up after your class. Bye.

S: Bye.

~ phone conversation end ~


"So he asked you out on a date through the phone??" Daesung said, shaking Seungri's shoulders.

"I know right! Who does that anyway?" Seungri replied before taking a spoonfull of his strawberry ice cream.

They were having their movie night, and they decided to ditch the movies halfway and stated chatting.

"Have you heared the news about Youngbae hyung and Hyorin noona??" Seungru asked and at the same moment, his phone beeped, meaning a message arrived.

(This is so late :< are they still dating? I haven't heard anything about them since then)

 Seungri checked the message and it was from Youngbae.

From: Dong Youngbae [Taeyang]

Riri! Umma wants to have a dinner with the five of us and Hyorin. Tomorrow at 7. See you, ask Jiyong or Seunghyun to pick you up.

"Umma wants to have dinner at the mansion, who should we ask to pick us up? Jiyong or Seunghyun hyung?" Seungri told Daesung.

"Call Jiyong, Seunghyun has shooting 'till 5." Daesung replied, then Seungri dialed Jiyong's number.

~ ● ~

S: Are you free tommorow night?

J: Are you asking me out?

S: Shut it, I am not. Umma wants to have a dinner with all of us, plus Youngbae's girlfriend.

J: What time?

S: Seven, but could you pick us up, Seunghyun hyung has shooting.

J: Sure, be ready by six.

S: Thanks, bye.

J: Bye.

~ ● ~

"He said to be ready by six." Daesung nodded and the two finished their snacks before turning in for the night.

[ chapter end ]

Hello!! As you all know, I will be taking a short haitus mode. Don't worry, I'll update once we get wifi in the US. Thanks for all the ones supporting this story.

I'm sorry if this seems rushed :( I'll try to make it up to you guys the next chapter. I'm also working on another Nyongtory fanfic ^-^, hope you guys would also support it.

I will update soon! Comment what you think about this chapter and ask any questions if I may have confused you guys (again).


Lots of love,




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Chapter 11: Oh man I really need a continuation
Need some say time for their date
UglyKeeper #2
Chapter 11: looool, your inside comments like 'should I rate this M?' loool I can't :D funny story, love your way of pwp
may_aa #3
Chapter 11: Hilarious! Kekekeke love this song too, and already imagined the Ri dancing it. Heheheh And wow! who would not look at that ?!? Great chapter author nim
may_aa #4
Chapter 7: Awww, I really liked your story. I found it today and already until I read the last chapter updated. I hope everything goes well with your change, and I'll be waiting for your next update. <3
Lavenderia #5
Chapter 3: Haa thank you! Now I understand haha! I love iiiiiit
Chapter 5: i will waite full of joy ^^
tixhenataho #7
Chapter 3: is a chapter missing or smth?? o.O what happened?
Chapter 3: Wait how did Todae got close?
Lavenderia #9
Chapter 2: Authornimeeeeeee am I missing something? Lol I already read chapter 3 but confuse as hell! Since when Jiyong like Riri? Seems like one chapter is missing?