The feeling of heart break and Escape






Seungri was tossing around his bed. His attempt to sleep failed miserably by the increasing pain in his chest. Maybe this is what a heart break feel like. He had read about people who lost their partner choose nothing but to die and he can’t believe such thing was possible. But now it is one thing he been wrong.

He feel so much relieve that TOP was away because he don’t know how to be with him anymore. He don’t know how not to show that he love him and he don’t know how to stop himself from falling deeper and deeper.

He decided to read some books knowing it the best method to distract his mind. Seungri get up and press the switch to switch on the light but nothing happen. So he try the other switch and nothing happen either. Feeling curious, he turn the door knob and walk out from his bedroom. It was dark and everything was quiet.

Too quiet.

Seungri wonder whether there had been power disruption and want to go back to his room to get a candle, but when he pass Yeonjun’ room he realise that there was no guards standby outside the room. His heart skip a beat. No light. No guard.

His self awareness is on high alert. He quickly enter Yeonjun’s room and feeling grateful that there was enough moonlight for him to see his way. He feel relieve to see TOP’s two dogs was guarding the little boy that was sleeping so peacefully.

His heart was pounding so hard as he stand at the edge of the bed, try to process the situation. Is he overreacting?

Maybe. But what if Kim Jong Kook has discovered TOP’s secret? What if he decided to blackmail TOP? He might be overreacting, but if it true then he can’t risk TOP to lose someone he love. Not again. And he know better not to underestimate Kim Jong Kook especially when he was in desperate situation.

‘Yeonjun...’ Seungri call in low voice, almost whisperer. Keeping himself far away from the dogs, he give the little boy a gentle shake. ‘Wake up. We going to play a game.’

Yeonjun half awake and snuggle under the blanket. ‘But it still night.’

‘I know, that why it is exciting.’

The little boy let out a sleepy yawn. ‘Where are we going?’

Seungri’s mind went blank for a moment, and then something click into his mind. Something that he had done many times.

‘We going to play hide and seek.’ His mouth turn dry at the hunted memory, because he also play the game in the dark too. Seungri pull Yeonjun into his arms, trying his best not to scared the little boy. ‘Come, you just need to wear your coat in case it gets cold.’

‘Hyung, why we playing game at night?’

‘Because it going to be fun. But you need to follow the rule.’ He keep his voice calm while his hand work in speed to make Yeonjun wear the coat. ‘First, you must be quiet. Second, you need to follow what I say. If I tell you to be quiet you have to be quiet. If I tell you to run you have to run.’

‘But why can’t we play tomorrow?’

Seungri caught a flash of light and saw the light coming to them in the distance. Sure the threat was now real, he hug Yeonjun. ‘Because it will be fun to play it now. We have to go.’

Still feeling sleepy, Yeonjun glanced back at his bed. ‘Can Boss and Charlie come?’

‘Yes, but we have to move quickly.’

Yeonjun call his two dogs and the animal follow behind him. ‘Hyung, it’s only you and me. It’s not fun because no one is going find us.’

‘We will going to practise first. And then when we really, really good at it, your hyung can play with us when he come home.’ Seungri know he was talking nonsense but he was so afraid he could hardly move his legs. Because he know that now they were being hunted. He had feel this before, the familiar fear and terrifying emotion that had washed over him as when he was child.

‘Yeonjun, listen to me.’ Seungri was struggle to keep him voice light. ‘If you don’t want anyone to find you where would you go?’

‘I go to the cave.’

‘Is the cave close from here?’

‘Yes, we can ride horse.’

Ride. Seungri gulp, he should know that Yeonjun will say that. ‘Okay, let’s go.’

‘If you want to be fast we can take hyung horse.’

‘But the horse is too big for us.’

‘I can ride the horse. Hyung, I like this game.’ Yeonjun was fully awake now and bouncing in Seungri’s arms.

They reach the stable, Seungri turn his head at the direction of the house to see whether they had been discovered and luckily they not. They need to hurry. ‘We have to go now. But how will we find the way to the cave?’

‘I know the way.’ Seungri help Yeonjun and somehow manage to put both of them on the big horse.

He adjust Yeonjun’s coat and resist himself from looking down. It feel like his life had come on full circle. He had begin this episode by stealing the horse when he escape from the palace and now he was doing it in a same way again. Only this time he was so determined not to fall.

‘Okay, Yeonjun. Go.’ The little boy giggle as the horse sprint forward in spilt second. Seungri hold his breath as he try to remember everything TOP had taught him.

He can’t deny that this is the most terrifying moments in his life. But now they were away from the danger, so he concentrate so hard not to falling off from the horse and Yeonjun to do the rest.




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maybe next chapter will be the end.....


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farhanabila #1
Chapter 35: Can we get a sequel or at least until they find jonghyun, authornim??
chelle71 #2
Chapter 35: i truly enjoyed this story i wish it was maybe ten chapter longer so everything was resolved with seungri brother and taeyang and to see if seung hyun takes his place on the throne. but all in all a very good read.
happypartyfree #3
Chapter 35: Can you may sequel? I need Ri to reunited with his brother hehehe
Thankyou for the good story, i really love Ri character in here :D
I'm nyongtorian but i like topri too kkkkk
Chapter 35: Arghhh that's it? Wait, no!

I need moreeeeee. Anyway, a good story!
I love topri :D
greeen-tea #5
Chapter 35: im still waiting for epilogue (;
hashimocca #6
Chapter 35: Love this story... and finish it less than one day...
But i dont think this is really finish.. yess it is complete but i cant say it's finish.. not yet... u need to make this all clear... perhaps u can make the squel... good story author-nim.. even im nyongtory shipp but i admire ur job.. and thanks again since u dont put my dragon in this story.. cause it can makes me weird.. if jiyong was there but not to be couple with riri..
Chapter 35: hmmm i think this story it's not complete yet, because we don't know what happen to jonghon (ri twins brother).
IsTaeyang can find jonghoon?? Are top finally can claimed he's throne... So much unfinished to ending story... Sorry..
hi everyone^^thank you for all the comments.....I'm sorry I decided to end this story like this...maybe i'll write epilogue one day...who's knows
Chapter 35: This chapter is so warm and fuzzy. Like I'm cuddling my three dogs while the heavy rain is pouring outside. I'd like to commend you for writing this story. From all the fics you've wrote, this is by far has the most cohesion in terms of plot and storytelling. I hope you maintain that cohesion in writing and please prolong the length of your chapters in your succeeding fics because sometimes one chapter is not enough. And pretty please, write an epilogue about Seungri finally reuniting with Jonghoon, Top claiming his throne and Topri having babies~ Fighting!
Chapter 35: Finally... Happy endings... This is warm...I like their confession to each other.But authornim,did I skip something? What happens to his twin brother? Did he died?