

The day had come for the fourth prince to arrive and Xiumin was seeing to the finishing touches of the welcoming party. Xiumin walked slowly through the peony garden with Sooyeon beside him. The two were relatively quiet until Xiumin started the conversation.


“I’m less than excited about these southerners coming.” Xiumin sighed. He knew it was the perfect thing to say. Sooyeon could latch onto it.


“I couldn’t agree more your majesty.” Sooyeon smiled.


“Baekhyun is endearing. He knows who he is loyal to. So even if he is a southerner, he has his heart with us. But these two are unpredictable.” Xiumin looked over to his sister.


“Really?” Sooyeon frowned.


“Yes and I know you don’t like Baekhyun but I’m sure you can see these southerners are more of a threat. They want something, that’s the only reason they came here.” Xiumin insisted. Sooyeon was quiet and then she nodded her head.


“You are absolutely right, your majesty. The able consort is nothing compared to the threat this prince and his emissary pose.” Sooyeon agreed.


“I am happy you agree with me because I will need your help. I want to find out what it is this prince wants.” Xiumin stopped and turned to the princess.


“How do you suppose we do this?”


“Baekhyun has been kind enough to make some connections  inside General Zhang Yixing’s home. What I need from you is to bring the crown prince to our side. He can get the closest to any meeting the emperor has. I know he wants to help us, he always wants to help.” Xiumin explains.


“I can do that. Our Sehunnie would anything for you, your majesty. I can’t help but think that’s not the end of your plan.” Sooyeon smirked.


“No, I plan to make the prince feel very welcome. I also plan to show who he’s up against. Did I ever tell you about my archery skills.” Xiumin smiled and Sooyeon grin only got wider.





“So His majesty really asked me to do this?” Sehun looked to his sister.


“Yes, He asked me personally to inform you. You don’t already have any information on this, do you?” Sooyeon took a seat and Sehun followed.


“No, He hasn’t discussed the issue with me but I will say he has been irritated about something.” Sehun raked his brain.


“It’s obviously those southerners are causing it. The empress has exceeded my expectations. He is furiously protecting this palace and our place. This might mean we have to play nice with the Able consort but that’s fine. The empress is right, there is a greater evil to confront. Southerners who don’t know their place.” Sooyeon picked up the tea cup.


“The empress is always right.” Sehun nodded. Then something dawned on him. “Your husband, Minister Kwon was looking for you.”


“Oh really, what for?” Sooyeon rolled her eyes.


“Something about wanting a meeting with the empress.”


“A meeting? About what?” Soyeon frowned.


“He found a good candidate for Soojung’s marriage and wanted to discuss it with the empress.” Sehun explained.


“I’ll speak to him. I have to make sure he hasn’t made some ridiculous choice that the empress would turn down right away.” Sooyeon sighed.


“You have little faith in him.”  Sehun laughed.


“If you were married you would understand. Speaking of marriage, have you thought about it yet?” Sooyeon perked up.


“I mean I have, there just isn’t anyone that stands out.” Sehun shrugged.


“I suppose the subject of marriage for you and Soojung is something I can bring up together to the empress.” Sooyeon sighed. “There’s is so much to do. I wonder when I’ll get it all done.”





The empress sat beside the emperor in the throne room. The 4 consorts, the two princesses, the crown prince, and all the ministers were present as well. The southern envoy stopped at the base of the palace and then ascended the stairs. The herald announced their approach.


“The Fourth Prince of the southern kingdom and his emissary have arrived.” The man called and the young prince and his envoy entered the throne room. Jongdae had never been to the western palace before and was overwhelmed by the numbers of people in the room. They all watched them curiously. What he feared most was seeing the rulers in front of him so he kept his sights on other things.


“Welcome to the western kingdom, Fourth Prince and welcome to your emissary as well.” Yifan’s voice boomed around the room. Jongdae flinched from the sheer force of it but Chanyeol was not phased.


“Thank your majesty, it is a pleasure to be able to visit your beautiful kingdom.” Chanyeol smiled.


“I am honored to be here, your majesty.” Jongdae bowed.


“The pleasure and honor is ours as well. To have our friends from the south is a wonderful occasion.” This voice was much softer and no where near as boisterous as the emperor’s. Jongdae looked up and he met eyes with the empress. His eyes were an icy blue and it caused a chill to go up his spine. It actually felt like the temperature of the room had dropped. Even though he was smiling, there was nothing inviting about the empress.


“Thank you for your warm welcome, your majesty.” Chanyeol bowed to the empress.


“How about we end this stuffy introduction and move on to something more fun. The festivities have been set up. Let’s make the move.” Xiumin smiled and Jongdae felt the air get even colder.


The set-up was beautiful and festive. With lanterns and flowers adorning the viewing areas that surrounded the dirt arena. The emperor and empress sat at the head of the ring and the rest to the beautiful lounge platforms on the sides.  Chanyeol settled close to the emperor on his right with Jongdae beside him.


“Let’s begin I’m eager to see the performances.” Yifan clapped his hands and the performance commenced. Chanyeol watched the ruler carefully through the performances.


“That empress is far scarier than I ever imagined. I could feel it getting icy in the throne room. Do you think he dislikes us?” Jongdae whispered to the prince.


“I know he does but that’s because ice dragons and fire dragons do not get along. I don’t think it goes any farther than that. He has no other reason to dislike us.” Chanyeol reassured.


“That’s good to know. I would never want to be on his bad side.” Jongdae shivered.


“No one in this palace does. I mean looked at how Emperor Yifan fawns over him.” Chanyeol gestured up to the stage. Yifan was leaning over whispering to the empress who was laughing quietly behind his sleeve. “Being on the empress’s bad side means being on the emperor’s as well.”


“It’s crazy how one person can have so much power.” Jongdae frowned.


“The western harem is the largest. It only makes sense the empress has to be all powerful.” Chanyeol shrugged.


At the same time across the sand arena Baekhyun sat at the end of the line of consorts. He watched the prince speak to his emissary.


“Having a change of heart.” Qian who was sitting next to Baekhyun asked.


“No, nothing like that. I’m just curious what they’re speaking about.” Baekhyun frowned.


“They can plan all they want but if the empress really has decided to put them on the chopping block there isn’t much they can do.” Qian chuckled.


“How do you know about all this?” Baekhyun smiled.


“All the consorts know already. Are you really that surprised?” Qian frowned.


“No, I’m not. Have you sensed any disagreement?” Baekhyun asked curiously, hoping his plan was working.


“Of course not. We all agree that having these southerners mucking about causing trouble for his majesty is an unwelcome disturbance.” Qian pouted.


“I’ve never seen you feel so strongly about something.” Baekhyun looked surprised.


“I stay out of things because the harem can never agree on anything but this is something we all agree on. I am sure to take part in this.” Qian assured her fellow consort.


“I’m happy to hear that.” Baekhyun smiled. A maid suddenly came up and whispered in Baekhyun’s ear. It was news he had been waiting anxiously to hear. “Really?’ Baekhyun turned to the maid.


“Dongwoo swears that his man is trustworthy. He heard it with his own ears.” The maid explained.


“Thank you, you can step down.” Baekhyun waved the maid away.


“What was that about?” Qian leaned over.


“I’ve had someone watching General Zhang Yixing hoping to get some information on the southerners goals here and it seems that this issue is worse than we thought.” Baekhyun’s frown deepened.


“What are we talking about?” Qian looked concerned.


“It seems the south wants war with the east.” Baekhyun whispered. Qian gasped and turned to Yejin who was next to her and told her the news. Yejin’s face got dark and then she passed it on to the Noble consort who face went blank. She whispered something to Yejin and it came down the line to Qian.


“The Noble consort wants to know if you plan to tell the empress.” Qian asked. Baekhyun leaned forward and met eyes with the Noble consort and nodded. Taeyeon looked placated and sat back up to watch the action.


“This is very serious. No wonder the emperor has seemed less cheerful these days.” Qian sighed and looked back out to the arena.


“Indeed.” Baekhyun smiled to himself. This was perfect, everything was falling into place. Baekhyun didn’t need to come up with something to demonize the southerners they’ve already done it themselves. This was the perfect fuel for the fire in the harem.





Xiumin watched patiently as the sword fighting competition ended. He leaned over to the emperor.


“Do you mind if I participate in the archery?” Xiumin asked his husband.


“I don’t mind at all, My little bird. You can do anything you wish.” Yifan smiled. Xiumin nodded and stood up. All the attention was on him.


“I have heard that you are quite good at archery fourth prince. I am also an expert in archery. I hope you don’t mind if I challenge you to a little competition.” Xiumin looked to the prince, who stood up.


“Of course not, your majesty. I am honored to be able to shoot with you.” Chanyeol descended from the platform and xiumin was escorted down as well. The two ended up in front of the Emperor’s stand facing two targets at the other end of the arena. Two attendants came and helped them set up.


“Despite what your emissary might have advised you, I don’t want you going easy on me. I want to see how great you really are. I promise I won’t fall short.” Xiumin advised.


“Yes, your majesty.” Chanyeol smiled and he set his bow.


A hush fell over the crowd as they watched the two shoot. Chanyeol was first and his arrow flew and hit only a centimeter off the center but still in the smallest circle. Xiumin shot as well with his arrow landing similarly. Chanyeol took his next shot and it landed right next his first arrow. There were some cheers, especially from his envoy.


“You are quite good.” Xiumin smiled. “I wonder if I can do better than that.” Xiumin raised his bow and the air went cold. Chanyeol could feel a chill down his spin. Despite it being summer the empress has brought a cold breeze into the arena. In the dead silence you could hear the arrow fly through the air and then there was the piercing sound of wood splitting. There was a gasp among the onlookers. The empress’s arrow had cut straight down the middle of his other one. Everyone was silent, even Chanyeol was frozen in his spot. The emperor was the first to move, he stood up clapping furiously.


“Absolutely amazing. The mark of a true empress.” Yifan boomed and the rest of the arena began to clap and cheer in response. Xiumin turned to Chanyeol and smiled at the prince.


“Welcome to my palace, Prince Chanyeol.”


Chanyeol felt the cold in his bones, freezing him to the core.





The next day Xiumin had the consorts and his sisters in the Palace of Moon. He sat quietly at the front of the hall as they all settled down.


“Able Consort, you mentioned you got news last night. What was it?” Xiumin address Baekhyun first.


“I’ve learned what the southerners are here for, your majesty. It seems they want to recruit the west into a war with the east.” Baekhyun explained.


“What!” Sooyeon shrieked.


“I had feeling it was going to be like this.” Xiumin sighed.


“What do we suppose we do?” The nNble consort spoke up first.


“His majesty will bring this issue to the court soon. I say we wait till then. It will be easy to convince the ministers to act against it.” Qian suggested.


“We must also make sure that southern prince doesn’t do anything to sway his majesty.” Yejin reminded the rest.


“You are both right.” Xiumin nodded. “Sooyeon make sure that the crown prince keeps his majesty away from agreeing with the southern prince. I know his majesty will have already decided against it himself but it could be deadly if the ministers or the prince convince him otherwise.”


“War would be terrible. Especially with the east. What is the south thinking?” Taeyeon cried.


“The south is power hungry and the east has the power. It only makes sense.” Baekhyun sighed.


“What do you think of this, Able consort. You are from the south.” Soojung narrowed her eyes at the consort.


“I may be from the south but my loyalty lies with the west. I know the fourth prince and the rest of the imperial family too. They are all too head strong. They’ll cause trouble for all of us and one of them is in our palace.” Baekhyun groaned.


“Truly, what a pain.” Qian agreed.


“Despite our dislike of the prince, we must remember to be cordial. It would only cause problems for his majesty if there was open hostility in the palace. The haren must conduct itself properly. I will see to it and hope you all do as well.” Xiumin reminded.


“Yes, your majesty.” All the women answer together.


“Good, I am happy to see we are together. His majesty would be so happy if we all got along. I know it makes me so pleased.” Xiumin smiled warmly at the group of women. “You may all leave. We’ll speak again in the future. For now things will be quiet. It’s a matter of waiting and watching.” Xiumin dismissed the group.


“Thank your majesty. Long live the empress.” They chanted and began to file out of the room.





Xiumin found himself in the garden later that day with Seulgi and Heeyeon keeping him company. He sat staring at the flowers thinking about the time that has gone by in the harem. He had become something he didn’t quite recognize yet. It felt like only yesterday that he had been a little boy wishing to be a song bird out of his cage. Wishing he could be free of the gossip and the stares. He supposes he has accomplished these things The stares were ones of fear and not judgement. The gossip had quieted because they were afraid he would hear. It was what he wanted but was this really how he wanted it to happen.


“Do you think I’ve changed for the worst?” Xiumin asked out loud.


“Why do say that, your majesty?” Heeyeon frowned.


“I am putting this poor man in a horrible situation. I’ve turned this palace against him.” Xiumin explained.


“Your majesty, you’re doing what’s best for your new home. There is nothing wrong with that. You care for these people. Why should you be the villain  for wanting to protect them. The southerner came here and wants to start a war. It’s only right that you do anything to stop it.” Seulgi said adamantly.


“I hope you’re right. I don’t want to go down in history as some tyrant.” Xiumin frowned.


“You’re not a tyrant, you’re an empress.” Heeyeon assured the monarch.


“I’m sure my brother would be surprised by me.” Xiumin sighed.


“In a good way. His little brother has become a great empress. How could you make your family any prouder.” Seulgi smiled.


“You two are right. I shouldn’t doubt myself so much.” Xiumin laughed.


Across the wall in another garden Baekhyun is also viewing the flowers alone but as he walks down the path he runs into a familiar face.


“Your highness.” Baekhyun bowed to the southern prince.


“What is going on here?” Chanyeol asked urgently. Baekhyun looked at him surprised and saw the Jongdae was equally alarmed.


“What do you mean?” Baekhyun played dumb. The empress said be cordial. He wasn’t going to let Chanyeol know he was in on the plan.


“The empress is out for blood, why? What have I done? It can’t possibly be just because I’m a fire dragon.” Chanyeol insisted.


“Your highness, I don’t know where you go the idea that his majesty is after you. Is it because he beat you at archery yesterday. That is simply because he has great skill. He is older so it’s only to be expected.” Baekhyun laughed.


“No, it was more than that. It was a warning. It feels like this whole harem is out to get me.” Chanyeol growled.


“Impossible, this harem can’t agree on anything. Do you really think it would team up? That’s just silly.” Baekhyun reassured the prince.


“Do you really believe what you say?” Chanyeol frowned.


“The empress is sharp and if he felt unwelcoming than it is only because you are a fire dragon. It’s not as if you have a reason to be afraid of the harem do you?” Baekhyun looked at both the prince and the emissary.


“No, I have nothing to hide.” Chanyeol laughed.


“I hope because I warn you. The empress despite not being born here loves the emperor more than anything and is extremely attached to the people of this kingdom. So if you give him any reason to believe you might endanger any of those things he won’t be afraid to protect it. The princesses will be quick to convince him it’s the only way and so will the rest of those who follow him in the harem.” Baekhyun said ominously.


“Lucky for me I’m not hiding anything. I can also rely on you can’t I?” Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun suspiciously.


“Of course, I have no reason to betray you, your highness.”


“Good to he-”


“Not yet that is.” Baekhyun smiled and then continued down the path through the flowers, leaving his fellow southerners in silence.





Later that night, the smell of incense hung heavy in the air of the the empress's chambers. It was medicinal and the empress was told by the physicians that it would help with fatigue. Xiumin knew he has always had a weak body but he didn’t think it needed such attention. Of course his sister-in-laws disagreed. But the smell was enchanting and Xiumin could not shake how it reminded him of the forests of the north. A thick, damp smell. It was earthy and cool and it brought back memories of his youth. Hunting trips with his family and spiritual rituals with his mother. A slew of perfectly painted pictures bloomed in his mind as he took in the scent.


“It seems you are enjoying the incense more than you expected to your majesty.” Dongwoo commented pleasantly.


“I am and I think there is something to my sisters’ worry. Things are becoming stressful because of the southerners and my fatigue has been worse than usual.” Xiumin sighed staring at the scroll on his desk. It said something about new materials for dyeing fabrics. Xiumin was too tired to really read it.


“You really should tell the emperor. I am sure he would want to know if you are not feeling well, your majesty.” Seulgi frowned.


“No, He would not let me go on my trip to the east in a months time if he even so much heard a whisper of me not being well. I can walk and talk and think just fine. There is no need to jump to conclusions. Summer time makes me weak, warmth makes me sick, this is nothing new.” Xiumin sighed.


“I suppose you are correct, your majesty.” Heeyeon agreed.


“His Majesty, The emperor approaches.” The herald at the door called. Xiumin sat up and the servants in the room took more formal positions. Yifan entered the room slowly and kept his eyes on Xiumin, who rose to his feet.


“No sit my little bird, it’s nighttime and you should be resting.” Yifan raised his hand to stop his spouse. Xiumin obeyed and sat down again. Yifan ascended to the desk and sat beside the empress.


“What brings you here so late, your majesty?” Xiumin smiled.


“I had the overpowering urge to see you. I finished a meeting with the fourth prince of the south over some trade issues. It was dreadful and boring. I simply sat there thinking of seeing and holding you.” Yifan cupped Xiumin’s cheek in his hand.


“I was thinking of you as well, your majesty. I have some dreadful and boring things to do myself.” Xiumin motion to the reports on his desk. Yifan looked them over with a glare.


“These things should be handled by someone else.” Yifan said sternly.


“I don’t wish to burden others with my work, your majesty” Xiumin frowned.


“You should not have to be staying up so late to read these things. Myungsoo come and take these away.” Yifan ordered. The eunuch bowed and removed the tray of scrolls from the empress’s desk.


“Your majesty I will simply have to do those tomorrow now.” Xiumin laughed.


“No you won’t, the ministers of the harem will see to it.” Yifan said gruffly. It looked as if the emperor was going to say something else but he paused and looked around the room. His eyes fell on the incense burner.


“What’s that smell.?” Yifan asked.


“It was a gift from the princesses. I’m actually quite-”


“That’s the smell of a medicinal incense.” Yifan cut the empress off. Xiumin fell silent and frowned. “Are you sick.” The emperor took Xiumin’s hands.


“No, It’s simply for fatigue. I was busy planning for the Fourth prince’s arrival. It’s really nothing to worry about.” Xiumin insisted.


“This is exactly why I had those reports taken away.” Yifan stood up, which startled Xiumin. “My empress should not be working day and night. My empress should be pampered and treasured. He should be able to simply spend his days in bliss, not worry and stress.” Yifan was almost shouting.


Xiumin stood up and quickly approached the emperor. He gently placed his hand on the man’s arm and turned so they were facing each other.


“I do not feel any less treasured just because I feel tired after doing my duties.” Xiumin reassured his husband.


“If I can not even save my empress from exhaustion and sickness what good am I. You worked so tirelessly on that beautiful welcome. You should rest and I will not take no for an answer. No reports, no counsel, no daily reports. Until I say so, you will rest.” Yifan demanded.


Xiumin was surprised by how upset Yifan was. He never thought such a thing would cause him to think less of himself. Xiumin does admit since he began moving things around in the harem he has seen the emperor less. The emperor should be his priority. How could he be so careless.


“I am sorry, your majesty. I did not mean to cause you so much distress.” Xiumin looked down and felt tears in his eyes. Yifan lifted xiumin’s head wiped the water from his eyes.


“It’s not your fault love. Nothing's your fault. I carry this burden because I am the one who must take care of you. I feel badly for neglecting my precious little bird.” Yifan touched their foreheads together.


“I still feel so badly. I simply kept working and never thought of my health. There is just so much to do, I couldn’t think past it.” Xiumin sighed.


“I will take care of it. Now come and let’s sit in the atrium where your song birds are. Play me something sweet on your zither. I haven’t heard you play in so long.” Yifan smiled.


“You go ahead I will make arrangements for food and drinks.” Xiumin smiled back and sent the emperor off to the other room. He turned to the attendants. “Send word to the Able consort that I need him to handle affairs regarding our endeavor more heavily, I have to lay low for awhile or else I might upset his majesty further. Tell him the emperor has halted all my counsels and report so any regarding the matter must be held off until I say.”


“Right away, your majesty.” Dongwoo bowed and left the room swiftly.


“Let’s make tonight a good one.” Xiumin said sweetly and he glided in the next room to be the emperor.





“Halted!?” Baekhyun all but shouted.


“Yes, your highness. His majesty the emperor is concerned work is affecting the empress’s health and wishes to lighten the load. The empress wishes to rely on you regarding the matter of the fourth prince.” Dongwoo explained.


“Very well. I will see to it that his majesty’s wishes are met. With this we have suffered quite a blow. The empress will not be able to speak of any matters regarding the state anymore. He was our greatest chance to sway the emperor away from his friendship with the fourth prince.” Baekhyun sighed and began to pace the room.


“But, your highness. Wasn’t it the crown prince’s job to attend to that.” One of the female attendants asked.


“Yes, but in truth the empress is the only one the emperor will listen too. Now it seems we need to cause the emperor to come to his own conclusions. He must break of the friendship himself.” Baekhyun explained.


“But how?” Dongwoo frowned.


Baekhyun was silent for a minutes. He went through the options in his mind. What upsets the emperor the most is anything regarding the empress, so it must have something to do with that. But we don’t want it to be too horrible or else Yifan will simply banish the fourth prince and they lose their pawn to unify the harem. Something mild that will put the fourth prince in the hot seat but not send him away.


“You said the empress can not give counsel, correct.” Baekhyun turned to the guard.


“Yes, your highness.’ Dongwoo nodded.


“So if the fourth prince were to push for counsel with the empress against the explicit wishes of the emperor, then he may not be so close with the emperor anymore. If the fourth prince were to get fired up and bring that heat into the empress’s palace that would cause the empress to fall ill, wouldn’t it.” Baekhyun looked to one of the older eunuchs.


“Yes, your highness. Heat, caused by a fire dragon’s temper, is surely enough to cause an ice dragon like his majesty to fall ill with something akin to sun poisoning.” The older eunuch explained.


“Think how angry the emperor would but even so the ministers will surely advise him not to send the fourth prince away and leave it as a warning. Then the fourth prince will no longer be in the emperor’s good graces. It will be easy to keep the emperor from agreeing with the princes war if that happens.” Baekhyun explained.


“Do you wish for me to tell the empress?” Dongwoo asked.

“Yes, I’m sure he will agree.” Baekhyun smiled and sent the guard away back to the Palace of the Moon. Baekhyun sat back down and smirked to himself. He moved his gaze to a painting of children in the garden. It was him and some of the royal children of south playing together. He and the fourth prince stood together hand in hand. “it’s a shame our fates had to lead us here but you had your chance all those years ago to be with me but now it’s too late. I have my own agenda now and sadly you have to suffer. I suppose this is good payback for sending me to this hell hole. Because you’ll feel the anguish I did when I came here.” Baekhyun stood up and approached the painting. “The feeling of being alone and being an outsider. You’ll know how I felt and more because I’m not the outsider anymore. I am the favorite of the empress, the bold and beautiful Able consort. I am something and with no help from the likes of you. This is what happens when burn your bridges, fourth prince. This is what happens when you throw people away. They come back bite you.” Baekhyun hissed and left for his bed chambers leaving the painting hanging in the hall and the servants in silence.



Author's Note
Oh my god guys, I'm a college student. I just finished my first day of classes today. I was insanely nervous but i survived. Sorry for the radio silence i've just been settling in. But I'm back with this brand new chapter for you guys and I hope you like it! I'll keep working on these stories. I will do my best not give up as I get busier! Wish me luck! Please continue to somment and subscribe. Thank you so much for reading.
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I really like this so far ^^. Hope you'll update again soon and can't wait to see how it'll be when he gets to the Eastern kingdom ^^.
eaqalee #2
Chapter 14: Update soon author-nim
jennifer_yuki #3
Chapter 14: I hope this story get more subscribers because this fic is awesome, author-san!(^v^)
batmansidekick #4
Chapter 14: Yaaaay u are back :))))
Chapter 14: Ah. Good job xiumin. You fixed Baekyeol. XD and the Xiuris. Kris's love for Xiumin is incredibly sweet and romantic.
mackJ1416 #6
Chapter 14: Yah no more fight for now oh I hope he mets the girl to stop the war u go xiumin update soon as u can do hwaiting author nim
MidnightMarauder #7
Chapter 12: Where do you get the pictures for the story? They are quite pretty.
mackJ1416 #8
Chapter 12: Omo xiu so scary I love it I hope everything goes well great chapter author nim hwaiting plz update soon