

"Father, I hope I will be able to make you proud." Xiumin said as he stood with his father in the throne room.


"I know you will, you always do." The old emperor said sweetly.


"You will be a great empress, brother. The heavens look kindly on you." Junmyeon added.


"Thank you, father. Thank you, brother." Xiumin turned to see the sea of nobles ligned waiting the see him off. He took a deep breath and the music played. He stepped out and his father and brother watched as he descended from the throne room down the steps. His clothing was heavy and his head dress was hard to balance but with every eye on him he couldn't falter.


"He only got more beautiful with age. I'm not surprised the western emperor wanted him." A woman whispered.


"What shame I had planned to take him for myself." One of the young ministers sighed.


The whispering and the gossiping is what Xiumin hated the most about being outside. They cut deeper than glass and burned hotter than fire. None of these people knew him but they thought they did.


"Look at how full of himself he is."


"He has right, he's prettier, all ice dragons are."


"No greater prize than an ice dragon bride."


Xiumin feels himself speed up his steps to the golden carriage and the end. The masses continued to bow as he passed but not even that could hush the words they whispered. He made it to the carriage and turned to the attendants on each side. Seulgi, Heeyeon, and Dongwoo on one and the unexpected priestess on the other. His eyes widened and she simply smiled.


"Today is a grand day. Today two empires begin their union and my son Prince Xiumin will bring this union to life. The divine dragon of the northern sea shines on us today."


The music boomed louder. The people bowed to the ground.


"Long live the divine dragon of the northern sea, Long live the emperor, Long live the second prince." They chanted.


Xiumin bowed to his knees and looked up to the sky. He closed his eyes and suddenly snow began to fall from the clouds.


"I beg you Great mother see me through. Let the dragon of the northern sea look kindly on me. I will fulfill my place as your imperial child, great mother. I will bring pride to the race of the Great north. I will be the embodiment of the Eternal winter."  Xiumin opened his eyes and rose to his feet.


"How scary! Power like that might never be able to be controlled."


Xiumin sighed and entered the carriage. The snow continued as they made their slow trip to the palace gates.





Yifan stood on the balcony looking down into the  entrance courtyard.


"In a matter of weeks my bride will come through those gates." Yifan smiled fondly.


"And he will be bringing winter with him." Yixing added.


"Bringing winter with him?"


"I have gotten news that the prince has caused a snowstorm to follow him. The trip must make him nervous. He has never left the palace before." Yixing explained.


"How grand! Only my empress would make such an entrance. He will fit in just fine here. The people of the western kingdom are stormy to say the least and it's only fitting that their empress has it running through his veins." Yifan sat down and a maid put down a tray of food.


"You are quite right but from what I hear they are doing their best to prepare the palace of the Moon to contain the storm safely. If we aren't careful and the empress is upset this palace could start to look more like the Great North." Yixing sat down.


"I would hope he would have no reason to be upset or else a little bit of snow and ice will not be the only greater power they'll be answering to." Yifan threatened.


"I do not tdoubt that, your majesty." Yixing nodded.





The journey through the northern kingdom was littered with parades and ceremonies in every town. Every village could see the prince coming from miles around because snow followed with him. It was the last day of the second week of the journey and Xiumin sat inside his carriage with the priestess.


"It was too kind of the Grand priestess to gift you to me." Xiumin smiled.


"I am honored to serve the great mother's imperial child. I will do my best to uphold your wishes." The priestess bowed her head.


"Luna, is a beautiful name but I know that is your priestess name. May I know your birth name?" Xiumin asked.


"It's Sunyoung, your majesty." She introduced.


"Don't call me that. I'm no empress yet." Xiumin laughed.


"Of course, your highness." The carriage stopped and Xiumin frowned. Someone knocked on the door.


"Your highness?" Dongwoo called through the door.


"You may open it." Xiumin allowed. The door opened and Dongwoo leaned in.


"We have reached the border. The western guard is here." Dongwoo explained.


"Good, transfer the attendants following me and I will be out in a moment." Xiumin instructed. Dongwoo nodded and walked away.


"His highness will be out in a minute." Dongwoo announced.


"The mud is terrible here. His highness will sink into it." Seulgi said loudly. The western guards all looked panicked.


"Put down wood boards over the ground." The leader directed. The guards started to lay down boards leading from one carriage to the other. They finished just as Xiumin was opening the carriage door. They all froze for a moment as he stepped out. They realized their hesitation and quickly bowed.


“Greetings, your imperial highness.” They greeted. Xiumin nodded.


“Rise.” The guards went to their feet. Xiumin moved across the boards. “How kind of you to put down those boards. I see that the west is just as courteous as it is written they are.”


“Thank you, your highness. Your kind words are appreciated by me and all my men.” The lead bowed.


“Yes, let us get going. I want to make good time to the western capital. I am sure we all want to get home soon.” Xiumin smiled and continued on into the ornate carriage waiting. Dongwoo took a seat by the driver and Seulgi and Heeyeon sat on the back. The priestess followed Xiumin inside. The northern guards bowed to the western and the western returned the gesture. The two companies then parted and went their separate ways.


“Who is that women who entered the carriage with his highness.”  The lead guard went up along side the carriage to ask Dongwoo.


“A priestess sent by the ice tribe in the Great North. There was no way the Great North was going to let the prince go so far from the homeland with out her. He’s in a very elevated position in their religion now.” Dongwoo explained.


“What kind of position?” The leader frowned.


“From what his highness has taught me. The ice dragons worship Sylia, the great dragon mother. She was a sorceress and healer that gave birth to the tribes. At the end of her life she was made immortal and ushered to the heavens. Now they pray to her for guidance. With this marriage his highness is elevated to the imperial child of the great dragon mother. That means to the ice tribes, he will one day become immortal and ascend to heaven like Sylia. His mother, her majesty the late empress, was the imperial child before his highness. She has now taken her place as an immortal dragon of heaven." Dongwoo explained.


“I never knew. These stories are never told in the west.” The lead guard looked surprised.


“They aren’t told outside the north really. Mostly because ice dragons are not found anywhere else. So the other kingdoms don’t know of their lore.” Dongwoo shrugged.


“His highness must be nervous. Not only will he have to carry the weight of the people of the west, he will also have to continue to carry the weight of the ice tribes.” The Lead guard commented.


“Yes, it is quite a burden to bear.” Dongwoo agreed. “But his highness is a very tough young man."


"Well, the palace is no easy place. He will have to be strong."   


"You have nothing to worry about." Dongwoo smiled.





The First Princess looked over the state of the Palace of the Moon.


"At least it is clean but can stand a winter gust." She said to herself.


"Your highness." A young attendant came up. The Princess turned and gestured for him to speak. “Her highness Princess Soojung and his highness Crown Prince Sehun have come to greet you.”


“Let them in.” The oldest princess nodded. The attendant back away and motioned to the men at the doors. They opened and the two imperial children entered. Princess Soojung bowed to her sister and Sehun nodded his head in acknowledgment.


“I did not expect you to come as well, Sehunnie.” Sooyeon smiled and hugged her younger brother.


“I ran into him on my way here and he insisted that he come as well.” Soojung explained.


“Well, that’s fine. I wanted to speak to both of you.” Sooyeon lead them all to sit down. “Soon this palace will have an occupant again. I have already had it prepared to the best of our ability.”


“Are you really that worried about the empress-to-be? I’m sure he’s learned to control his powers just fine.” Sehun frowned.


“It is not the empress that worries me. There members of the harem that are less than happy that there will be an empress. They used to be able to get away with whatever they wanted. They also seem displeased by the news that his majesty is extremely smitten with his bride before even meeting him.” Princess Sooyeon sighed.


“The harem members are so petty. I can not wait for the empress to arrive and set them straight. I hear in the north they are much stricter than here. Those gossip mongers will be put in their place” Soojung pouted.


“That is what I am counting on. The harem are all very young because they all received their positions with the rise of the new emperor. None of father’s women remained. The empress was raised a prince and knows what his responsibilities are. We will have no problem with him but I fear that the members of the harem will attempt to undermine him. Even the calmest dragon would not be able to control their powers in that case.” Sooyeon expressed deep concern and her two siblings were quiet.


“Then he will just have to have a strong base. He will have you and Soojung as allies. Gather all the concubines and consorts who are loyal to you. I am sure they would be eager to keep your favor and the empress’s as well.” Sehun suggested.


“You are right. The Noble consort and the Pure consort are my good friends and there are many concubines under them. The Virtuous consort seems unfazed though. She has not expressed any dislike for the empress but she is also not on our side. She will not be problem though she always avoids conflict, keeps quiet, and doesn't make any waves. The Able consort is who I worry about, he’s a little snake.” Princess Sooyeon hissed.


“He thinks he is so great just because his father is a high level minister.” Soojung rolled her eyes.


“Yet, he isn’t even that high in the emperor’s favor.” Sehun laughed.


“That does not dull his disgusting cunning. The empress will have to be strong in the face of such a vicious person. I just fear it will be hard for him. The emperor already has expectations of a sweet little thing ruling with him but the empress will have to so much more.” Sooyeon got up as paced the floor.


“Once the harem is under the empress’s control, his majesty will not bother himself with it. I know my brother, he will see what he wants in the empress and if that is someone sweet and soft than that is who he will see. He will pay no mind to how sternly the empress rules the harem.” Sehun brushed away the worry.


“I agree with Sehunnie.” Soojung nodded.


“I hope you two are right. I do not want to underestimate the enemy we face. We must continue to be invaluable assets to the empress. We are his family after all. I will not have scum like the Able consort think he can disrespect those of imperial blood. I will make sure he sees that we are better than him. That the empress is not someone he will ever measure up to.” Sooyeon frowned and looked up to the bright golden display that sat behind the empress’s seat and the head of the hall. There the moon ruled in vibrant beauty over all the harem. The moon was the only lover of the sun and Princess Sooyeon would see to it that that legend was never broken.





The long three week journey was coming to an end as the company finished up the week long leg from the border to the western capital on the shores of Cumulus lake. Xiumin felt tired from the ride in the carriage and the persisting ache his headdress caused was becoming unbearable. He was unaccustomed to wearing such heavy pieces normally but he supposes he will have to learn. These kind of things seemed common for the members of the western harem. The carriage window in the back slid open.


“You highness, the capital can be seen on the horizon.” Seulgi smiled through the window. Xiumin smiled and knocked on the front window. Dongwoo opened and moved aside so the young prince could see the city coming over the hill.


“It looks magnificent from here.” Xiumin whispered.


“I hear the palace is even more beautiful.” Dongwoo commented. Slowly the gates of the capital came into view and Xiumin heard great drums and trumpets sound. He saw the lines of military men waiting for their arrival. Dongwoo closed the window and Xiumin sat back and listened to the loud capital gates open. He felt the carriage and company move through the gate and enter in the loud celebrations of the capital. There was music and cheering outside. Chanting of long live the empress and long live the emperor.


“They are giving you such a warm welcome.” Heeyeon whispered through the back window.


“I am just sorry I must give them such a cold one.” Xiumin whispered back.


“The bride has brought snow.”


“It is true that he can conjure storms from heaven.”


“Praise for such a powerful empress.”


Xiumin listened to the chants as they turned to yelps and calls to the sky as the snow that followed him engulfed the city. The sound of the palace gates hit him and he felt them continue to move for the next couple of minutes. Then they abruptly stopped. Someone knocked on the carriage door and it was opened.


“Greetings to his majesty.” The crowd outside kneeled to the ground. Seulgi and Heeyeon came to help Xiumin out of the carriage.


“Rise.” Xiumin called to the imposing number of servants.


“Thank you, your majesty.” They rose and an older eunuch approached with an older maid.


“We have been tasked in dressing you in your new attire.” The woman explained.


“Thank you for your dedication. Let us proceed quickly. It would be unsightly to keep the emperor waiting.” Xiumin said with a soft smile. The two elderly attendants looked pleased and lead the way through the crowd to the inside.





Yifan stood at the top of the imperial Palace of the Sun with a sea of servants, officials, and harem members filling the courtyard below. He felt something cold fall and he looked up to see the snow lightly floating over them. It covered nothing and never stuck but it filled the air. The drums announced the wedding procession was approaching the inner palace gates coming from the hall where the prince was prepared and dressed.


“The sight of the snow is quite an entrance before he is even here.” Yixing whispered from the side lines.


“I fall deeper with every moment.” Yifan smiled. The drumming got closer as the final gate to the inner palace opened. The opulent, golden carriage followed by its company pulled in through the crowd. It stopped half way and there was silence in the courtyard as the carriage was opened and slowly the northern prince stepped out into the open air. Suddenly the snow stopped and everything was still. The music began again and the bride approached the steps. Yifan slowly descended as the Xiumin came up and then met on the landing in the middle. They bowed to one another, Yifan’s view obscured by the thick red veil. Yifan offered his hand, Xiumin took it, and the two walked up the steps together. At the top they faced the high priest who was the officiant.





The courtyard was empty but the various palaces and halls were filled with celebration, all except one. The Palace of the Sun was quiet and still. At the end of the wedding ceremony and coronation. Yifan and his empress parted ways and now he sat in his quarters waiting for his arrival. The eunuch came in and bowed.


“The empress has arrived.” He announced quietly and backed out. The emperor stood and watched as two young females lead the still veiled empress inside. The emperor was quick to meet with them and take the empress’s hands, relieving the young girls who then quickly left. The emperor lead the bride to the bed and sat him down.


“May I?” Yifan asked quietly, fearful if he spoke any louder he would break the spell the empress seemed to cast on the room.


“Of course you may, your majesty. You are the emperor after all.” Xiumin said almost amused. Yifan smiled at the voice. It was everything he imagined. Light and joyful but still refined. Yifan slowly lifted the veil and revealed Xiumin’s face.


“It is nice to finally meet you, my little bird.” Yifan touched Xiumin’s cheek. Xiumin blushed.


“It is nice to finally meet you as well, your majesty.” Xiumin smiled.




Author's Note
Brand new update! This chapter is a little bit longer than the last two but from now on they will generally be pretty long. I'm havign a lot of fun writing this one and Rooftops because they are such different stories with diferent themes and back drops that switching between the two keeps me on my toes. So our main couple has met with each other but as we can see being empress won't be so easy. I hope you all enjoyed the update and I'll update this as soon s i get the next chapter of Rooftops. So hang in there. Please continue to read, comment, and subscribe. You feedback is always something I love!
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I really like this so far ^^. Hope you'll update again soon and can't wait to see how it'll be when he gets to the Eastern kingdom ^^.
eaqalee #2
Chapter 14: Update soon author-nim
jennifer_yuki #3
Chapter 14: I hope this story get more subscribers because this fic is awesome, author-san!(^v^)
batmansidekick #4
Chapter 14: Yaaaay u are back :))))
Chapter 14: Ah. Good job xiumin. You fixed Baekyeol. XD and the Xiuris. Kris's love for Xiumin is incredibly sweet and romantic.
mackJ1416 #6
Chapter 14: Yah no more fight for now oh I hope he mets the girl to stop the war u go xiumin update soon as u can do hwaiting author nim
MidnightMarauder #7
Chapter 12: Where do you get the pictures for the story? They are quite pretty.
mackJ1416 #8
Chapter 12: Omo xiu so scary I love it I hope everything goes well great chapter author nim hwaiting plz update soon