
You, In My Smile
Chapter Four
 Dear sunshine,

You left your scarf at my house yesterday. I’ll meet you afterschool to give it back. Here’s the chocolate I made yesterday.

P.S. You’re even more beautiful when you smile. I’m so lucky to have witnessed it.



The girl doesn’t know what has gotten into her, but she finds herself blushing after reading today’s little note. It’s scaring her, these little feelings but there’s a tinge of excitement in the pit of her stomach and she can’t rid of the overwhelming happiness.






The sun is brighter than ever that afternoon, and the rustling of the leaves play a small melody against her ears. The grass sways almost as if they’re dancing to the rhythm of the wind, ever so frivolously. Minseok stands at the station with his hands in his pockets and leans onto a poll. Sunlight shines across his fair skin and for a few seconds, she is entranced by how handsome he is, but she scrapes that thought away as she walks towards him.



She almost expects him to hug her like yesterday but he doesn’t, only takes off her scarf that he wore and wraps it around her neck. It now smells like him. Musky and enticing. “Thanks.” She whispers, too quiet for him too hear.



He plans to walk her home after the train ride today.






Their elbows graze as they stroll down the street. It’s littered in orange leaves and the asphalt smells of afternoon sweetness. The silence is partnered with the sound of passing cars and chirping birds. Minseok feels as though the tranquillity is tangible, so he’s the first to break the ice.



“You should skip school tomorrow.” He suggests out of nowhere.



“Are you crazy?” She looks at him, surprised that he would propose such a thing. “You should know that I’d never do that.”



Minseok chuckles. “Yeah, I know sunshine. I was only joking.” There’s a little silence before he speaks up again. “But if you’re free this weekend, there’s this place I want to take you to. Is that okay?”



“I don’t know, I’ll see.”






Minseok catches the bus home after he bids her goodbye.






Dear sunshine,

I want to walk you home again.






Dear sunshine,

The weatherman said it’ll rain today, I hope you have an umbrella. But if you don’t and it decides to rain, I’ll wait for you outside. Scratch that; I’ll wait for you even if it doesn’t rain.






Dear sunshine,

Have you thought about this weekend yet? Please tell me you plan on going. It’s worth it; trust me.






Dear Minseok,

Okay, I’ll go. Gosh.






Dear sunshine,

Won’t be able to walk you home, but I’ll see you Saturday. Your house at 10am.






“Don’t you think it’s childish to keep writing those little notes? I mean seriously Minseok, we’re graduating high school in a few months.” The girl says on the train, and she hears him laugh.



“It’s not childish. I think it’s cute.”






Minseok chuckles and nudges her shoulder with his own. “I like what you’re wearing. Such a pretty girl, you are.”



“What?” For a minute, she looks astonished.



He leans closer, staring at her intensely, and she can feel his breath on her lips when he says, “I said, you’re pretty, sunshine.” The girl blushes red. There is no way of hiding it, especially when he is staring so close and smiling the boyish smile of his. He pulls back chuckling. “Are you perhaps blushing, sunshine?” He asks, playfully.



She hits him on the arm, “Shut up you flirt. You’re an .”






But Minseok wasn’t flirting. He is serious. He is always serious with her.






They arrive at a small village festival; somewhere in a little town that is an hour and a half train ride away. It’s an event to raise money for the old nursing home, Minseok has informed her. Minseok takes her to eat and play games; he takes her to perform and sing and even sat aside to watch her dance with the group of elderlies. He teaches her how to skip stones and stick a spoon on her nose and they laugh. They laugh wholeheartedly. And Minseok believes that her laugh is music to his ears.



For the very first time in a long while, the girl forgets about all her worries and homework and genuinely enjoys herself. And for once, she wants to believe that life can be perfect.






Minseok walks her home from the train station as the streetlamps light the way, casting shadows over the concrete cement. It’s quiet and he hums to one of his favourite songs. He walks close, purposely brushing the back of his hand against hers, but too afraid to hold it in his. Too afraid that she doesn’t feel the same way.



The girl giggles, softly from beside him, and he’d be lying if he says he isn’t surprised. “What are you laughing about sunshine?”



“That old man’s face, do you remember Minseok? When he was sticking the spoon on his nose and he went cross-eyed. He is so adorable and nice and I just want to hug him so tightly. You know, he came to me afterwards when you went to get a drink, and he thought we were together. Funny guy, he is.”



Minseok laughs with her; watches how her eyes turn into crescent moons, and her pearly white teeth shines so perfectly. “I’m glad you had fun.” He says.



“I had lots of fun today. Thank you.”



“Anytime, sunshine.” He declares, as they stop in front of her house and he ruffles her hair. She grumbles at him, although jokingly. “I’ll see you Monday.”



She looks at him, enquiringly. “You’re coming to class on Monday?”



Minseok shrugs. “Well, as much as I hate school, I don’t want to be expelled now do I?” He smiles and she nods at him with a little grin.



She’s about to turn into her front gate, but Minseok musters up all the courage he has and envelops her into a tight hug. She has no time to respond before he runs down the road and turns the corner to catch the next bus home.



The girl feels as though her heart might pop out of her chest.

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Chapter 9: Just like her nickname the story was just like a sunshine. Warm on cold day, so gentle and giving a comforting feeling.
Much like chocolate and Minseok himself it was also very sweet and left a pleasant feeling behind. I specially liked the ending, despite it not being the happy ending I expected, it was beautiful and heart warming nonetheless.
melon-gummies #2
came back to read this again and yep, cried again :( it's a really memorable story. you can really tell they loved each other. i'm glad that both minseok and the girl have found happiness in the future even though it's not with each other. this is so beautifully written, thank you for writing and sharing :)
melon-gummies #3
thank you for writing this! their love was so pure and innocent, it was so sweet! it's so sad that they didn't end up together but that's just life sometimes :'( i loved it overall, i really hope you write more minseok stories :>
Chapter 9: Such a cute story
Chapter 9: Omg. This is one of the most well written stories ever. How do you write this? It's awesome >_<
<3 <3 <3
lunaluz #6
Chapter 4: Minseok hugged her then ran away. So, so cute! (:
lunaluz #7
Chapter 1: Those notes and those chocolates...
Chapter 9: Heart aches right now...
Chapter 9: Oh my heart.
Chapter 9: Ughhh so sad yet so sweet </3