
You, In My Smile
Chapter One
There’s a lake she crosses everyday on her train rides to school. Passing over a small bridge above an outstretched stream of water, glistening beneath the morning rays of sun. But as beautiful as the scene is, its existence is fleeting, summarised in a few seconds of inspection, like a candle in the wind. So brief yet, impactful, almost like a whisper close to her soul telling her that life is worth living.






She runs to class, because there’s no time to waste. Time is precious, time is valuable. But there’s a chocolate lying on her desk and a note addressed to her, written neatly in cursive letters,



Dear sunshine,

Have fun today. Don’t rush, take your time. Relax your shoulders a bit.



But she brushes it away, takes out her book and does more work than she ought to be doing. She knows exactly who it’s from, the neat writing so distinguishable from the rest. Written from the boy who skips classes and wastes his time somewhere other than going to his lessons. It doesn’t appease her, that jaunty delinquent.



Alone she sits at break time, reading over notes and eating her packed lunch. There’s another chocolate in her bag, and no matter how many times she wonders, she cannot render how it ends up in there. Maybe it’s a little uncanny, but she tolerates it, because undeniably the chocolate is nice. Chocolate is always nice.



Her days are repetitive, unchanging, scheduled. She likes it this way because nothing can be unforseen, everything is predictable; not like today’s weather, because it begins to rain when she takes the train home. And she doesn’t have an umbrella.






The girl runs through the hallway, albeit solemnly and despairingly, her gaze unfathomable to her peers. She reaches her class, brushing her hair out of her face, breathing heavily. Usually, the classroom would be empty, but the boy is here, leaning against her desk with a small grin on his face; his hazelnut hair seeming lighter with the sunlight that gleams through the window.



She rolls her eyes as she sits down, and grabs her book out of her bag. He ruffles her hair and gives her another chocolate with an accompanying note, gently and quietly makes his way to leave the class.



“I guess you’re not staying for class, again?” She queries fiddling with the wrapper, and looks at him with an eyebrow raised.



He laughs, softly, “Do I ever?”



She shrugs as he leaves, opening the little paper and snickers to herself.



Dear sunshine,

Don’t exhaust yourself and remember to eat proper meals. I don’t want to see you sick.






Dear Minseok,

Thanks for caring, but you should stop wasting your time. I know how to take care of myself. Seriously.

P.S. Where do you get your chocolates?



She attaches the note to her desk that afternoon, just before she leaves the school to catch the train. She knows that he will see it if she leaves it there and she hopes that he will somehow stop trying.






Yet, as the weekends roll in, she does get sick; a pounding headache in the morning, running nose and the coughs in the afternoon; breaking out in perspiration however cold to the core. Her parents are worried and advise her to stay home from school for a few days, but she’s stubborn and goes anyway.



Dear sunshine,

You are so obstinate. But to answer your question the chocolates are a secret. Sorry, can’t tell you. But maybe, one day I might… maybe. Get well soon, dear. Seriously.



The wind frolics against the leaves at noon; green grass bathes in light showers of the sky and the teacher’s voice drones the silent classroom. She is trying to keep herself awake, but it seems like the medicine is making her doze off.








She wakes up in the nurse’s office, dazed and confused, the bright lights blinding her eyes. Leaning up against her elbows, she groans, looking around the unobtrusive room. Minseok is here, sitting beside her bed as he rests his head on his arms. Slightly snoring, his fringe sweeps across his forehead, so neatly, so deftly. She stares at him and clears .



“Oh hey, you’re up!” He says with a yawn.



“Yeah. Why am I here?” She questions, smoothing out her hair. Minseok reaches out to fix a few strands, but she pulls back and slaps his hands away.



He chuckles. “You fell asleep in class, but someone thought you fainted because you were sweating like hell. The nurse mentioned something about stress and anxiety. You know… you should really give yourself a break.”



“Shut up.” She rolls her eyes, as she quickly gets out of bed and storms back to her classroom.



“Hey, where are you going?” Minseok screams as he runs after her.



“Away from you.”



The corridor is quiet, and it’s literature time when she reaches the classroom. She’s about to step in, when someone grabs her wrist. Minseok is fiddling with something inside his pocket with his other hand. She tries to pry his fingers off, but it’s no use because he’s holding it with determination, but not so much to hurt her.



“Give me a second.” He says through a smile. Reaching out he places a chocolate in her hand. “Here. Take better care of yourself, sunshine.”



She sighs as she looks at the chocolate in her hand. “Why are you doing this?” She asks before he leaves. “Why do you care so much?”

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Chapter 9: Just like her nickname the story was just like a sunshine. Warm on cold day, so gentle and giving a comforting feeling.
Much like chocolate and Minseok himself it was also very sweet and left a pleasant feeling behind. I specially liked the ending, despite it not being the happy ending I expected, it was beautiful and heart warming nonetheless.
melon-gummies #2
came back to read this again and yep, cried again :( it's a really memorable story. you can really tell they loved each other. i'm glad that both minseok and the girl have found happiness in the future even though it's not with each other. this is so beautifully written, thank you for writing and sharing :)
melon-gummies #3
thank you for writing this! their love was so pure and innocent, it was so sweet! it's so sad that they didn't end up together but that's just life sometimes :'( i loved it overall, i really hope you write more minseok stories :>
Chapter 9: Such a cute story
Chapter 9: Omg. This is one of the most well written stories ever. How do you write this? It's awesome >_<
<3 <3 <3
lunaluz #6
Chapter 4: Minseok hugged her then ran away. So, so cute! (:
lunaluz #7
Chapter 1: Those notes and those chocolates...
Chapter 9: Heart aches right now...
Chapter 9: Oh my heart.
Chapter 9: Ughhh so sad yet so sweet </3