Chapter Six

Dreaming Alone

An hour later, they were still seated where they were, in Hoseok's room. Hoseok was just staring up at the ceiling of his room while Jin was staring at some random space. They had risked their lives to get valuable information and now it was all gone. They had to start over again. He started feeling desperate. From the time he'd arrived here to now, even though it had only been a short, he wanted to get away. It was creepy how everyone seemed to be brainwashed into accepting everything and not complaining. The Guardians being able to control them. It seemed they had no freedom.

"Hoseok?" Jin's voice echoed through his mind. A second later, Hoseok opened his eyes, blinking and yawning. He felt an overwhelming exhaustion as he propped himself up on his elbows and looked at the older male.

"Yes?" he asked, trying his hardest not to yawn.

"Mhm, you must have fallen asleep."

Hoseok frowned for a moment, then a small smile pulled his lips. "I guess." He giggled, how silly of him. 

Jin got up and stretched, nodding. "What time is it?"

"Probably late noon, beginning of the evening." The young man sat up and looked at Jin. His stomach growled and he realised he hadn't even eaten any lunch or whatever. The only thing he'd eaten today were the few bites he'd manage to swallow this morning in a sad attempt to eat.

The older man looked at his friend and smiled, then went to find the kitchen to prepare dinner, leaving Hoseok all alone.

Jung Hoseok felt like he was being watched. "Dammit," he muttered under his breath. He was almost certain Lilly was watching him. It scared him, he didn't want to be watched by her. Her earlier behaviour still went through his head, over and over again as if some kind of creepy game. But there was nothing he could do about it.

At once, that girl appeared, smiling as if she were some innocent being that had never done anything wrong. A frown appeared on his face as she approached and he tried to get away, but she was faster and soon enough she had him pinned down beneath her. She was incredibly strong for someone looking that fragile and he struggled as he tried to get lose. But nothing was working.

"You know... Even though your behaviour isn't as I had hoped it would be, you are still very handsome."

It made him shiver, pulling a face of disgust. "Get away from me! I don't want none of that. I don't care about you." He felt an overwhelming anger, he wanted to punch her, but he knew violence was not the answer. Still, Hoseok struggled against the Guardian, trying to push her off and get away but she continued pinning him down, leaning her face closer and closer with a bright smile. 

"Don't be so mean. I've done nothing wrong to you. You should be grateful that you're here, that you are still alive. But instead you're being ungrateful and rude. I can have you murdered within a day, tomorrow evening if I'd want to. So you better do as I say and want you to or I'll make sure you suffer."

For a moment, her eyes flashed red. Hoseok swallowed. He didn't want to die, she was terrifying him. He started feeling nauseous again. Lilly then closed her eyes and kissed him.

He wanted to throw up but he endured it as she his face, her fingers trailing his jawline. Although her fingers traced gently, it was almost painful to feel. Eventually, she pulled back and stared down at him with a bright smile. He looked away, staying quiet. She narrowed her eyes and forced him to look at her, holding his chin in place and bending down so that their noses touched.

"You are mine and mine alone. And you will do as I say."

Hoseok swallowed, looking at the girl. She was the most terrifying person he had ever met.


He nodded and she finally released him, getting off him and straightening her dress. She then smiled, that innocent yet creepy smile and vanished. He pulled a face of disgust as he got up. He'd never been this grossed out by someone. 

Jin called, he sighed and went to the dining room, sitting down and taking in the smell of the food but he wasn't hungry. The other members joined them, loudly chatting, but he seemed deaf to their words. Time seemed to slow down as he watched the others eat, including Jin, but he couldn't even get himself to eat something. He wanted to throw up at the thought. This world was changing him, this was not who he was, but he was too scared to even slightly show who he was. With Lilly watching his every move, he had to be careful.

The oldest member noticed Jung Hoseok didn't eat but he didn't want to ask where all the members were with them. So he waited until they were full and left. Where he once felt close to the group, he now felt separated and alone, the only member who understood him was his younger friend while the rest seemed brainwashed by their Guardians.

Hoseok looked defeated and tired, ready to give up. It worried him as he sat down and looked at the man.

"Are you okay?"

A long silence followed, Hoseok not looking up but staring down at the hands in his lap. He could tell Jin and risk death, or he could stay quiet and live for whatever amount of time he had left. 


Well, that was helpfil. Jin sighed and looked away, staring at a window quietly.

"Whatever happened, you can tell me."

"I know."

And then another long silence as they just sat there, each staring at something different without being able to say what they wanted. Words could not describe what Hoseok wanted to say. He felt confused and alone, dirty and broken. 

"My Guardian... Lilly...''

Jin looked towards Hoseok, cocking his head slightly to the right and listening.

"She... She kissed me... And..."

A deep sigh and he looked up to Jin, tears in his eyes.

"She threatened to kill me, Jin... It's not that I want to die. I cannot continue like this... Not if she's hoovering over me, watching my every move and making sure I'm terrified of her. She will kill me."

The older male had no idea what to say, instead remaining quiet and watching the tears fall from his friend. It was heartbreaking to say the least. After all those funerals, he had to see them suffer even more. After all that they had been through, there didn't seem an end. He had never felt this angry and upset, but he couldn't do a thing about it but watch and comfort. All he could do was offer the member open arms. And in the meanwhile he tried to deal with his own feelings. He missed home, his family. He missed practicing for performances and performing for all their fans. What had he and the other members done wrong to deserve to suffer in such way? He didn't know. He had no answer and he knew his Guardian, or any other, wouldn't answer any of his questions.

It was almost like being tortured, not physically, but on an emotional level. It was cruel how this place tortured him and his friend, broke them until they submitted to the will of their Guardians and whatever sicko was behind this. People shouldn't be treated that way. But there was nothing he nor his friend could do. They could only submit and live to serve whoever they had to serve and then die, not knowing how family, friends and fans had reacted to their deaths. With no family to seek comfort with.

They were on their own.


He was snapped from his thoughts and he looked at Jung Hoseok.

"I'm going to contact family."

A drastic change. The younger one seemed more confident now, his tears gone, his face red and burning with desire. Jin nodded.


He looked around him to see if any of the Guardians had overheard them, but there was no one there, they seemed all alone. Tomorrow they'd go to the library and contact family, find a way of doing so. Even if that meant they'd get caught, it would be worth it.


Hoseok started cleaning up the table, helping Jin putting everything in the dishwasher. At once, Taehyung appeared.

"Are you going to contact family?"

His voice had an edge of uncertainty, as if he was scared to even ask that question. Although Hoseok could imagine he was scared, after all, with the Guardians keeping a close watch over them, whatever they were doing was potentionally dangerous. If they'd get caught, it would mean they would die. But Hoseok was certain it would be well worth the risk.

Jin nodded, turning towards the orange haired male. 

He swallowed and nodded. A short silence followed.

"Can I too? I really miss my friends and family. And the fans as well."

Hoseok was surprised but smiled, wrapping an arm around the kid's shoulder.

"Of course!"

He was sure not to be too loud, but his voice contained excitement, but also nervousness. 

"Tomorrow, we'll go the library and make sure to contact our family and friends and whoever else we want. We'll leave early, okay?"

Jin and Taehyung nodded. Tae smiled brightly, excited to contact his family and fans. He missed the fans, he missed their cheering and their endless support. Yes, tomorrow would be good.

The three of them headed to bed so they would be fit for tomorrow. Whatever was awaiting them, they'd deal with it one way or another.

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Chapter 9: I seriously loved this fan fiction. It's hard to find these types of fan fictions because I probably read most of them ;-; but yeah I loved it :)
Lysara #2
Chapter 14: Wait, what?
So it wasn't a dream but for everyone except for the members everyone else doesn't remember it.
I'm glad Lily finally left them alone and that Taehyung is back. At least now everything is ok and they all can go back to just being together and happy and doing what they like.
I really, really liked this story. And I'm glad it ended well! :D
Though... I'd like to read more but now I can't T^T
Well, thanks for the good story, I relly enjoyed reading it.
Lysara #3
Chapter 13: Yah! You can't do that! :O
Why? TaeTae!!! TT^TT
I seriously need an explanation for the last chapters, I have no idea what's going on. They still have the scars so it can't have been a dream but no one remembers them dying? Though... Jin, JinJin, it wasn't a dream. You have scars to prove it so think about it. Damn, the note was still there so... it can't have been, right?
And now Tae... Why? What happened? What could have made him like that? I mean, even when they were with Lily all they wanted was to be together and back to the fans and their families, being happy and performing so... what could be worse than that dream not dream?
TT^TT don't leave alien.

Well, you are aiming to crush my heart with such a sad story.... But it's been long since a story trapped me this much, it's really amazing.
Hope to hear of you soon and that you won't make me tear up next chapter.
Liked it a lot.
EunMi219 #4
Chapter 11: i have just one question to you, authornim. Why Lily brings V to the police station? I thought he didn't do anything wrong(?) T_T Looking forward for the next update :) Fighting authornim XD
Lysara #5
Chapter 11: Wait... what in hell?! So, they are back on earth and alive?!
How... how does that work? It's like they were just in coma, like in a life support were something and this was some kind of a really realistic comma dream but then, unless it was Jin's dream how do you explain someone getting buried and then showing up in a hospital bed?
Ok, I'm just glad they're alive! Can't wait to see what happens next ^-^
ororow #6
Chapter 11: wait, what? they're back to eart(?) now? can't wait for the next chapter! fighting! :D
Lysara #7
Chapter 10: Ok, forget it, it would have been better if they were actually dead this time. So they'll keep getting tortured? TT^TT Hoseok and Yoongi... TT^TT
This is amazing but, it really gets to my feelings T^T
Lysara #8
Chapter 9: Why Suga now? T^T J-Hope better be alive somewhere. T^T
Though, Jin and V always have to watch everything, from start to end... why? Lily is so cruel...
EunMi219 #9
Chapter 8: Oh no, Jhope! This is so sad T_T Update soon author-nim :)
Lysara #10
Chapter 8: OMG! This is amazing. Extremely sad and overly too realistic but still amazing.
I'm definitely going to follow this story, I read all the chapters at once because I really got into it and, like J-Hope, I have so many questions. Wow, your writting skills are great. I can only wait for a new chapter after this.
Really well done!