Chapter One

Dreaming Alone

Hoseok slowly started becoming conscious of his body. The smell of grass entered his nose. The sound of birds became louder as he seemed to become more conscious. But he could not open his eyes. He couldn’t move. The black-haired Korean guy lay on his stomach in a grassy field, although he couldn’t remember anything about being there. As he became more conscious, a throbbing pain came from his back, especially around four points. As if something sharp had been stuck in it. The pain progressed until he passed out.

Darkness surrounded him, but faded away into a bathroom scene. He could see himself looking in the mirror of the cabinet hanging above the sink. He wiped the steam from the mirror, then his index finger over his lips down to his chin. Dark bags were under his eyes. He remembered this. He had been so tired lately, even gone to see a doctor who had prescribed him some pills to help him cope. He hadn’t been his usual self. A deep sigh escaped the black haired boy as he looked at himself. He shoved the left cabinet door to the right and took out a bottle of pills, looking at it.

But the scene faded and darkness surrounded him once more, this time returning him to his conscious state but he still could not move. The pain wasn’t as bad anymore, but now it was annoying, like an itch you couldn’t reach. Hoseok tried his best to move, open his eyes, but with no result. He felt the grass tickle his legs and face, but the sensation faded. The sounds and smells faded. And once again, the bathroom popped up.

The sink was filled with water. As he looked at himself open the bottle and shake the amount of pills in his hands, he felt a pang of regret. He shouldn’t have taken that amount of pills, but he was desperate at that time. The man swallowed the pills and looked down at his reflection in the water. He moved his hand over the water, the water rippling, fading his face. And so, the darkness rece more.

Again the sounds of birds came through and the smell of grass became strong. He was still in that field. Wherever that field was, anyways. Once more, the black-haired young man tried to move, but again, with no success. It was frustrating, he sighed. And then the sensations faded into another scene. It was dark and he was gathered around a fire with six other boys. His group, BTS.

They were singing and laughing. He even threw the pills in the fire, pills that had been described to him because of his tiredness, but that was all weeks ago. Weeks. A few days after, they heard Jungkook, the youngest member, had been beaten and eventually hit by a car. He died on the street as no one made an effort to save him. And after that, the news came that Taehyung, aka V, had murdered someone and then killed himself. Jimin drowned himself shortly after. Namjoon then died by an explosion after he had filled up a car with gas and dropped a cigarette.

The scene faded, the laughter and singing slowly dying as he became once more aware of the grass and the birds and yet he couldn’t move. The pain was back, he was still lying on his stomach and he tried to reach for his back, but he was still unable to move. Hoseok sighed again in frustration, that was all he could do. He laid there for quite a while, breathing calmly until the sensations faded and he watched himself on a bridge, walking slowly. It was somewhere in the afternoon, after he had taken an overdose of pills. He had decided to go out and see what Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin were up to.

A few seconds later, he collapsed on the bridge, falling down on his knees first, then to the side. That was all he could remember, darkness surrounding him as he took his last breath. He was the fifth to die off all the members. He had no idea what happened to the rest. Hoseok watched himself lay there, unable to do anything. He felt an overwhelming sadness as the memory faded into darkness. Was that it? Was he gone now?

With a start his eyes opened and he pushed himself up to his back. He was abruptly stopped, letting out a pained groan and quickly sitting up, confused and dizzy. His back was hurting and something had prevented him from turning on his back. He felt as if the world was spinning. He wanted to throw up, but couldn’t. His eyesight was blurry and vague, he could barely make out the line between a grassy field, something in the middle that looks like a man with many arms, and the sky. His breathing was quick.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes, trying to get a clear eyesight but it didn’t help. He continued blinking until his eyesight cleared up, the world stopped spinning and his breathing finally calmed down. He took a good look and noticed what he had seen earlier was actually a tree. A big tree as well. Furthermore, he was surrounded by grass. As far as he could look, there was only grass, and the tree.


A strange place. So different from the bridge he last remembered. Had someone put him here? Was this a dream, or an illusion? Was he dead, or alive? So many questions went through his head as he tried to figure out where he was, until he felt an itching pain on his back. With his right hand, he explored his back only to find four sticks, it seemed, stuck in it. His breathing became quick as he panicked, wrapping his hand around one of the arrows and trying to pull it out, without success and only hurting himself more.


“Calm down!” he ordered himself, meditating for a moment until his breathing was normal and he could think clearly.

“Now think! What happened?” he asked himself, and as he thought, long and hard, he couldn’t come up with an answer. No. He could only remember the bridge, feeling the concrete before letting go his last breath. He was pretty sure he had died right there and then, but why was he alive right now? He was breathing, his heart was beating. This whole situation was so confusing!

Hoseok blinked and sighed, pushing himself off the ground to stand up. He looked around, but he could only see the grass. He then turned to the tree and started walking towards it, reaching it quickly. He walked around it, checking the bark until he found a door. A door in the middle of a tree, with a golden handle.

The black-haired man blinked, rubbing his eyes to make sure he was actually seeing a door. And he was. He looked to his right. His eyes widened in disbelief and he stepped back, almost scared of the person standing beside him.

“N- Namjoon?”

Namjoon nodded. He looked tired but energetic, his white hair was a mess. He was wearing shorts and a sweater.

“Yes, Hoseok.” He sounded tired. He waved his hand in the direction of the door, looking at Hoseok with a faint smile. “Step through it. You’ll find all the answers there.”

“But it’s a tree! What can I possibly find in a tree?” Hoseok was utterly confused, looking at the group leader with disbelieving eyes. Had Namjoon gone mad? Had he himself gone mad? Had they both gone mad?

Perhaps that was it. Perhaps they’d both gone mad. Whatever happened, he turned towards the door in the tree and swallowed. He looked back to his right, but Namjoon was gone. He blinked, wondering where the leader was.

“Namjoon?” he called out. Maybe he was still around, but there was no answer. Hoseok checked the tree, walked around it, but Namjoon was nowhere to be seen. He sighed and stared at the door, uncertain and afraid of what to do. Follow the leader, go through the door, or stay where he was and hope that, perhaps, the other members would show up. Or someone else who could explain what was going on.

This was absolute madness. The sun started setting after several hours. Hoseok had sat down, staring at the door uncertain and afraid. Although, he had nothing to be afraid of. Namjoon wouldn’t dare put any of the members in harm’s way, but it still scared him. Whatever was behind the door, it contained the answers to his questions, but how? Was the tree hollow? Were the answers carved inside the tree, or behind the door? And, who had carved the answers in the tree? How did they know his questions? Could someone read his mind? Had someone foreseen this?

“Don’t be crazy.” Hoseok sighed and buried his face in his hands, his elbows resting on his pulled up knees. “I have nothing to lose, right?”

He got up, looked around to see if anyone was watching or around, but he was all alone. He looked at the setting sun, sighed and walked towards the door. His hand grabbed the handle and pulled the door towards himself, opening it. What was revealed looked like a hallway, dim lights revealing a narrow staircase downwards. This was definitely not what he had expected.

“,” he whispered to himself, as if afraid that someone could hear him. He stepped inside, wondering if he should leave the door opened, eventually closing it. He sighed deeply, put his hands against the wall of the narrow hallway and went down, taking the steps one by one.

The stairs seemed to never end, and he wondered if he should turn back. However, when he turned around, there was a wall behind him.

He just stared at the wall, this must most definitely have been a dream. He was probably in the hospital, knocked out by strong meds that caused this weird dream. He turned back and followed the stairs. The lights became brighter as he went down further and slowly, there seemed to come an end to it as he saw an opening. He started running, causing him to fall into the grass.

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Chapter 9: I seriously loved this fan fiction. It's hard to find these types of fan fictions because I probably read most of them ;-; but yeah I loved it :)
Lysara #2
Chapter 14: Wait, what?
So it wasn't a dream but for everyone except for the members everyone else doesn't remember it.
I'm glad Lily finally left them alone and that Taehyung is back. At least now everything is ok and they all can go back to just being together and happy and doing what they like.
I really, really liked this story. And I'm glad it ended well! :D
Though... I'd like to read more but now I can't T^T
Well, thanks for the good story, I relly enjoyed reading it.
Lysara #3
Chapter 13: Yah! You can't do that! :O
Why? TaeTae!!! TT^TT
I seriously need an explanation for the last chapters, I have no idea what's going on. They still have the scars so it can't have been a dream but no one remembers them dying? Though... Jin, JinJin, it wasn't a dream. You have scars to prove it so think about it. Damn, the note was still there so... it can't have been, right?
And now Tae... Why? What happened? What could have made him like that? I mean, even when they were with Lily all they wanted was to be together and back to the fans and their families, being happy and performing so... what could be worse than that dream not dream?
TT^TT don't leave alien.

Well, you are aiming to crush my heart with such a sad story.... But it's been long since a story trapped me this much, it's really amazing.
Hope to hear of you soon and that you won't make me tear up next chapter.
Liked it a lot.
EunMi219 #4
Chapter 11: i have just one question to you, authornim. Why Lily brings V to the police station? I thought he didn't do anything wrong(?) T_T Looking forward for the next update :) Fighting authornim XD
Lysara #5
Chapter 11: Wait... what in hell?! So, they are back on earth and alive?!
How... how does that work? It's like they were just in coma, like in a life support were something and this was some kind of a really realistic comma dream but then, unless it was Jin's dream how do you explain someone getting buried and then showing up in a hospital bed?
Ok, I'm just glad they're alive! Can't wait to see what happens next ^-^
ororow #6
Chapter 11: wait, what? they're back to eart(?) now? can't wait for the next chapter! fighting! :D
Lysara #7
Chapter 10: Ok, forget it, it would have been better if they were actually dead this time. So they'll keep getting tortured? TT^TT Hoseok and Yoongi... TT^TT
This is amazing but, it really gets to my feelings T^T
Lysara #8
Chapter 9: Why Suga now? T^T J-Hope better be alive somewhere. T^T
Though, Jin and V always have to watch everything, from start to end... why? Lily is so cruel...
EunMi219 #9
Chapter 8: Oh no, Jhope! This is so sad T_T Update soon author-nim :)
Lysara #10
Chapter 8: OMG! This is amazing. Extremely sad and overly too realistic but still amazing.
I'm definitely going to follow this story, I read all the chapters at once because I really got into it and, like J-Hope, I have so many questions. Wow, your writting skills are great. I can only wait for a new chapter after this.
Really well done!