★ chapter one | make a wish.

★ paper stars — made from scratch [ hiatus ]

The lights. The scene. The fans.

Everything was loud and simply chaotic, but that didn't matter. The fans kept chanting "YG! YG! YG!", obviously wanting the show to begin. After minutes of chanting, the lights dimmed, causing the fans to grow even louder, making the building shake as if there was an earthquake. The music then cues ----- "I'm a la--- I go by the name of CL of 2NE1..." The glitch in music from an unheard song to Fire throws everyone off into a state of confusion, but nonetheless, they continue to pay attention and chant for 2NE1. Within seconds, the whole building's set on "fire", burning up the audience.  Blackjacks are wild, jumping up and down for three songs straight, until it was time for the switch off.

The lights cut out once more, and the whole arena is lit by yellow crowns held by VIPs as the familiar tune of Big Bang's Tonight plays. Only it's remixed. Fangirls from around every section scream their heads off, watching their OT5 perform together on stage after a rough year. As Big Bang performs, their hearts are lit up, waiting for the moment to perform for their VIPs once again, together. "One bett--- 한 여자가 멀어져가... " TOP begins to sing with his deep vocals, despite yet another glitch in the music by some unfamiliar song.  "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ~" The song comes to an end and so does Big Bang's first stage at YG's Family Concert.

The performances continue with Gummy, SE7EN, and Jinusean whom all manage to keep the fans alive and even more hyped up then ever. Meanwhile backstage, a new face to public's eye prepares for her duet performance with Tablo for Bad. Her fellow members gather around her, giving her encouraging remarks, especially because she's the first to perform of the seven bunch. The princess was ready to show what she's got. "뭔가 달라졌대. 모두 내가 변했대. 참 정이 많았던 애가 언젠가 좀 차가워졌대." The well-known and new member of YG pulls it off with his very first performance as a part of their family, with the fans already giving him a warm, luring welcome. "나쁘다. 사랑은 참 나쁘다." A new face steps on stage and the crowd becomes curious to who exactly this new face is, but they continue to cheer all because they already love this princess. Her angelic vocals already makes the crowd love her, and you also can't avoid the beautiful face features she has. "Love is so bad, bad, bad. 사랑을 알게 되면 가슴이 아프게 돼." The last line being sung, the fans grow chaotic as Lee Chanmi exits the stage and Tablo prepares for his next number.

With Tablo finishing up his performance stage, as well as Daesung and SE7EN wrapping up their parody performance of It Hurts, Daesung and SE7EN remain on stage as Taeyang and Seungri join forces with the duo to perform yet another dong by 2NE1. Lonely. During the chorus, the four men stop singing and listens to the music where you can hear the vocals of unfamiliar voices. Behind curtains, more new faces appear to be singing into mics. Who are they? None other than Jiae, Mira, and Kika. The fans listen intently to the vocals, hoping to crack the code to figuring out who's singing as they cheer for them, but no one seems to have a clue. Furthermore, the performance comes to an end.

Moving on, the long-awaited duo, GD&TOP come out to the stage with yet two other females? One of them being familiar, as she's known as none other than CL of 2NE1, but as for the other? The fans may not know, but she, my friends, is Mina. While singing the fun song, dance moves were being busted out, those that were never seen before to fit the song. Heck, the song didn't exactly have a choreographed dance, until now. "Oh yeaaaaah ~" Heading straight on to the next performance, GD&TOP prepares for their little rap and beatbox segment, pulling out one of the previous new faces along with a new one who hasn't shown up before. Suddenly a rap and beatbox battle began. TOP and Mira, the elders, versus Jiyong and Jihye, the leaders. The rapping was so intense, no one knew whose side to choose. That is, until Psy and little Victory Seungri appears, spitting out random words from the top of their heads. "I'm Panda Ri, always so fly. But get pumped up cause it's time for PSY!" Right then, everyone chanted louder than ever for YG's sunbae, Psy.

After what felt only like seconds, Psy, SE7EN, 2NE1, Gummy, and Big Bang all performed, with the fans chanting for even more! All of a sudden, to the fans delight, specifically VIPs who are also Blackjacks, Big Bang jumps out from under the stage, ready to perform... Wait for it... 2NE1's I Am the Best! VIPs everywhere lose their controls, watching TOP and his lame awesome and skilled dance moves. Not to mention, also feeling Seungri's 'I Am the Best' aura all around. Even with the song cut short to only two minutes, the crowd was way more than satisfied by the surprise and exciting parody.

Just when everyone thinks that the YG Family was going to come out for a family song, the lights were shut and that song that the crowd heard earlier from the beginning of the concert came out again, only this time, it wasn't cut. Within the short seconds right before going out to perform, Paper Stars is behind the curtains looking out to the stage hold hands. Together they formed a star with their feet as they huddled together, saying "Paper Stars in a jar, let's make a wish!" and with that, they went on stage. "I'm a lazy girl. Yeah, yeah. I'm a lazy girl." The vibe of the song was nothing like what YG artists would ever perform, but to everyone's surprise, it was good. No, it was more than good. The song is fantastic! The crowd caught on fast to the lyrics' meaning and began chanting away.  Only performing one song, the stage quickly ended and the seven girls remained on stage while the rest of the YG Family came out. Everyone began to sing Come to Me. Knowing that the concert is about to end, the audience was devastated, but to show that they had a blast at the concert, everyone cheered louder than they ever did the whole night, trying to show their appreciation.

And with that, the whole YG Family, all however many there were of them, linked hands and bowed respectively to their fans, thus ending their last concert of 2011 with the hints of their new plans for 2012. The main hint being a new group that was already such a hit. Paper Stars.

julia's hideout

That took nearly three hours to type and think of. I had to do my little research with limited fancams of the YG Family Concert, the first part. There were mainly Big Bang fancams, so I had to make up stuff for the other artists. ;_____; Also, I had to try to find a way to fit everyone in the chapter. It was hard figuring out who should perform what and stuff. Don't worry, everyone will have their chance to shine. ;D Anyways, I hope you like it? Hehe. It seems short though. ): Oh yeah, I don't really plan on making a chapter for Part 2 of the YG Concert, because I don't want to risk the chances of me practically typing the same thing as I did just now. OTL. OH! AND ALSO! Forgive me and my lame made up stuff like Seungri's rap thing, introducing Psy , as well as Paper Stars's little motto thing of the jar, you know? Huhuhuhu. And I know, I know. This chapter wasn't nearly as 'fun' as my teasers, but my future chapters will hopefully definitely make up for it! ^________^ Uh, I'll post up the official Paper Stars page/website thing tomorrow because I'm supposed to be sleeping right now. Yeah, I'm a bad kid. Anyways! GOOD NIGHT GUYS! :)

munching on | chili cheese fries.
playback on | " i am the best " - big bang
spirit mode | accomplished.

2011 December 3rd

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SoneSunTaeNy #1
update soon! :D
and p.s. new fic?
you can do it ♥ as long as you don't overwork yourself it's alright
:D hehe, you should see my list of ongoing fics
/waddles away
this must me so effing funnnnnnnnnnn
oh infinite... wae make the girls carry you C:
harhar ♥ loved it anyways
I knew Woohyun and Seungyeol and Sunjong would be the ones making their partners carrying them (it fits them :D harhar)

And HOYA THE ACEEEE <3 such a gentleman and lol
leader's DUCT TAPE
another amajing chapter dear!!!!
Sheeshh, how is it possible for people to wake up -early-? XDD I need like...10 hours of sleep or whenever I wake up I feel super crankyyy. XDDD; And did Chanmi just jump on her leader? LOL Or try to anyway? If Jihye was really there...it probably would've hurt. ;A;""""

OMG LMAO WOOHYUN MAKING A GIRL CARRY HIM. Actually BOO YOU INFINITE. Half of yall made delicate girls carry you on their backs! >:[ AND DO I SENSE SOME CHANMI X SUNGGYU? XDD

And LOLOL. I usually don't comment about my own character but TROLOLOL. I burst out laughing at: "... while Minji was just walking, not giving a single care." Hahaha. I can see it now. The other two pairs are like sweating it out, trying to win and Minji's just there chillaxing. I bet Sungjong must've been pounding on her to move faster. Well that's what you get for making a girl carry you >:[

OH GUUURL. I KNOW THE FEELING. The feeling of wanting to start another apply fic. *__* I'm kind of the opposite of you, I have a school life apply fic going on, and I want to start a girlgroup fic, hahah. But I know if I start that, I might lose my muse (rhymes...sorta!)

Hmm~ if you think you can handle updating both fics at the same time, then go for it! Start it whenever you want. If you think that you might lose interest in Paper Stars, then start it at like chapter 20 or something *coughcough* JKJKJK ~ S'all up to you. B-but...I'll be so jealous, can we apply if we're already in Paper Stars? ;A;
I spy some Chanhye <3
LOL, you make it seem so realistic with the girls carrying the guys.
LOOLLLLLLL, I knew Gyu-mi would've lost anyways ~
1) he's old <3
2) we're against ho-hye!
Buhahahahaha, Tablo and Boom never fail to make me laugh! ~

Coming out with a new fic?
I bet its going to be amaaaazzzing!
LOL, well post it up when you're ready (:
Don't overwork yourself!
Hwaiting unnie! (;

...I find it weird that the girls are stronger and faster than the guys. I mean seriously, Infinite, what is up with that? xDD


I can so relate to Dongwoo. I can imagine them dragging the sleeping Dongwoo out. I'm surprised he came about so quickly for the race. And GYU. OTL He was even worse than Myungsoo. xD

And about the new fic. I'm cool with it, as long as you are able to handle it. ♥ ;u;
OKAY. WOW. My first comment was so stupid, cause I was half asleep and writing it on my iPod. SO. I DELETED IT. AND I'M GONNA WRITE A MORE...FLESHY COMMENT? Yeah yeahhh.

When I first saw that you updated and took down the 'hiatus' in the title, I almost had a mini heartattack. I was soooo excited. LIKE YEAH. I had a spasm. XD

AND AND AND. Yeah, this chapter was awesome. *__* THOSE IMAGES. EEEP! I'm a er for pretty, bright images, AND IT'S ANIMATED GARHHH! So cool. Plus, I think this is the first time we get to see the appearance of the PS members. *__* Ohohohooo!

This program seems fun. A relay course, dance off and dress up? Ohohohooo, sungjong can win all of those! D:< Gehehehhe. At first, when this story started, I had no idea who infinite were. *shot* nglll. I knew like 2 of their songs, but I didn't know any of the members apart from sungjong. But after ch 3, I did some 'research' >:D (aka. watch sesame player and birth of a family xDD )And now I know who they all are! Heheheh ~

Nooo! Jihye! How can you snub sungyeolll? he's so adorable! D: But you got Hoya in the end, rawrrr!

AND WHUUUUT. SLEEPING IN TENTS, OUTSIDE?! TCHH! I DEMAND MAH 5 STAR (or was it 4 star?) HOTEL! D8<<< *diva fit* I had some pun I wanted to write about infinite...hmmm.....but I forgot. Q.Q ;;

Anyway~ I can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck on your 4 projects ; 3 ; ''
and so is infinite C: hehehe
sunyeollie ♥ :DD
i can't wait for the who to start

can't wait for the next update and PAPER STARS HWAITING!

flightless #9
wahahahah~ jiae and woohyun, huh? this should be interesting~
and lol, oh dongwoo~ you couldn't be with your cousin! it's alright, though. just keep an eye on woohyun.

and the games sound really fun. a dress-up game!
i just realized that after second invasion, only three member of infinite have yet to crossdress.

heaven by ailee is an amazing song. also russian roulette by spica! :3

good luck with all of your school work julia! you can do eeeet! and no need to rush with the story dude. we can wait! we're very patient people~
DevyLee #10
it's so adorable and bhdbsindisdaa I love it.
ohohohohho, mirae got dongwoo! naisu naisu.
ohmigod, heaven by ailee - ikr? I love that song too!
nbdcjsbhadbjahca I totally love her voice and she's gorgeous :3
good luck on your projects, by the way! Julia hwaiting! -fist pump-