★ chapter five | the relay races

★ paper stars — made from scratch [ hiatus ]

Chanmi’s POV

When I returned to the set for Starfinite's First Invasion after a morning jog, everyone was still sleeping.
Even the PD unnies and oppas are still in their tents! Urg, curse me for being a light sleeper!
I should just go wake up someone. Hm, Jihye unnie wouldn't be as angry as the others if I wake her up! I mean, she is the leader...

I ran over to Jihye's sleeping bag, which happened to be the furthest away from the camp site.
I decided to glomp on her, so I snuck as quietly as possible and then jumped!
Puff. Eh? Okay, I know I did not land on a person; people are not that soft!

I opened the sleeping bag up, only to find it filled with two puffy pillows, Jihye's stuffed Perry (the Platypus) and her clothes!
Where is she?! No wonder she slept all the way over here.

Well, I'm sure Jihye unnie will come back soon; she's responsible enough.

- - -

It was already nine in the morning, two hours since I first woke up. Everyone was pretty much up, excluding Dongwoo.
Wow, he truly is a deep sleeper like on Sesame Player, but that's not thing I'm most worried about. Where's Jihye unnie?

I decided to tell Boom oppa, since he's known Jihye for a while because of her brother. Yes, Jihye's brother is Jay Park. Surprise, surprise.

Boom, whom I found eating cereal near the heaters, just waved off the issue and said, "That's like her, Jay told me that everytime they go camping, she goes off to take pictures and shoot vlogs for her Youtube account while everyone was sleeping."

Sure enough, Boom oppa was right. Jihye came back like ten minutes later, camera in hand.
By the time she was here, Dongwoo was half-concious and was being dragged out of his sleeping bag by Hoya and Sungjong.

- - -

Author’s POV

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, LET'S START SHOOTING!" Boom shouted, spitting cereal out everywhere.

"..." Everyone backed away and ignored his outburst. Tablo cut the silence, "Today we will begin the competitions."
Infinite and Paper Stars all 'ooh'-ed and were clapping their hands away.

"Now, the first event is the relay race. Each pair must run 50 meters. Seems easy? However one par---"
Boom interupted and bursted out, "HOWEVER, one partner must carry the other partner; doesn't matter who. Bride style or piggy back. Like this!"
Boom turned to an unprepared Tablo, wrapped his arms around his neck, and jumped into his arms.
THUD. Well, he tried to jump into his arms. Tablo instantly let go of Boom without realizing it.

"Aish! Well, you kids got the point right?" Boom stood up and brushed off leaves from his pants as the kids were nodding. "Well then, we'll start right away! You guys don't get to practice, that would ruin the fun. Anyways, here are the match ups."

A poster came out with the matches listed.

Match One
      Woohyun x Jiae  VS  Myungsoo x Kika  

Match Two
Sunggyu x Chanmi  VS  Howon x Jihye    

Match Three
Dongwoo x Mirae VS Sungyeol x Mina VS Sungjong x Minji


"Okay, so the Woo-Ae and Myung-Ki couples are up first!" announced Tablo. "Choose your positions!"

"Aeji-ah ~ You'll carry me this time, neh?" Woohyun threw mini hearts and used his aegyo on Jiae.
"Why should I?! You're the guy!"
"Come on, when we win, I'll carry you in the last round!"
Jiae rolled her eyes, but gave in. She knew that she was strong enough to carry him.
Besides, the final match was going to be longer. She was the only one who knew.

On the otherside, Myungsoo knew that he should carry Kika and so he did.

Both pairs got ready, Myungsoo giving Kika a piggy back ride and Jiae giving one to Woohyun.
Before running off, Woohyun sneakily did a few V-signs for victory to the cameraman.

BANG! And the race began. The two pairs were even, match to match, but something drove Jiae which lead her to win in the end.
Jiae collapsed on the ground, landing right on Woohyun. Tired, Jiae glared at Woohyun, but then smiled, realizing that Woohyun would be exhausted after the final round.

Jihye eventually got some duct tape from her bag (yes, she always carries duct tape, in case) and then slapped it right on Sungyeol's mouth.

"...Okay. Now! The Woo-Ae couple will being moving up to the final round. Next up aare Sunggyu and Chanmi versus Howon and Jihye!"

The males of the team already decided that they were going to carry the girls, despite Jihye arguing with Hoya otherwise.
"I'll have time to rest while match three is going on, don't worry!" Hoya insisted. Jihye gave up and turned away so Jihye could get on his back.

Boom began the race, "Match Two, Gyu-Mi versus Ho-Hye, START!" BANG!

Not even five steps into the race, and Sunggyu had already tripped, allowing Hoya to lead. "GRANDPA GYU, COME ON! GET UP!" shouted Sungyeol, but by then, Hoya had already crossed the finish line, moving up to the final round.

The whole time, Chanmi was only giggling at Sunggyu, causing him to blush then apologizing, "Aigoo, mianhe Chanmi dongsaeng ~"
"Anniyo, it's okay oppa," Chanmi flashed a smile at Sunggyu, assuring him that it was alright.

"Now, who will be in the final round along with Woo-Ae and Ho-Hye? Match three pairs, get set up!" shouted Boom.

And with that, the Dong-Rae, Yeol-Na, and Min-Jong couples alll prepared to blast off running. Dongwoo carried Mirae bridal style, Sungyeol managed to convince Mina to carry him on her back, and Minji also carried Sungjong on her back.

BANG! The three pairs ran and halfway through, Dong-Rae and Yeol-Na were neck on neck while Minji was just walking, not giving a single care.
"WAAAH. MINA'S GOT SOME STRENGTH!" shouted Boom. Dongwoo eventually got tired down a bit and Mina ran constantly. In the end, the Yeol-Na couple surprisingly won.

Mina collapsed in awe while Sungyeol was shaking her, obviously excited that they made it to the final round.

- - -

< The final round is a battle between the Woo-Ae couple, the Ho-hye couple, and the Yeol-Na couple. Stay tuned. >

 julia's hideout 

Yes, I changed the font; Georgia was kind of getting annoying. OTL. I'll probably change the other chapters' layout and stuff later.
Okay, so I know, the chapter wasn't all that good, but I hope you like it? Hehe.
I'll go back and fix any grammar mistakes when I have the time, or when I feel like it.

Ugh, I want to create another apply fiction so bad, only like a school scenario, you know? No idols being famous and stuff.
BUT, I MUST FINISH THIS FIRST. OTL. Or maybe I should create it once I reach 10 chapters for Paper Stars? 20 Chapters?
What do you guys think? O: Should I just focus on this one until I complete it?

munching on | i'm going bananas.
playback on | "
声をきかせて" - bigbang & "wings" - daesung
spirit mode | full and lazy.

2012 March 4th

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SoneSunTaeNy #1
update soon! :D
and p.s. new fic?
you can do it ♥ as long as you don't overwork yourself it's alright
:D hehe, you should see my list of ongoing fics
/waddles away
this must me so effing funnnnnnnnnnn
oh infinite... wae make the girls carry you C:
harhar ♥ loved it anyways
I knew Woohyun and Seungyeol and Sunjong would be the ones making their partners carrying them (it fits them :D harhar)

And HOYA THE ACEEEE <3 such a gentleman and lol
leader's DUCT TAPE
another amajing chapter dear!!!!
Sheeshh, how is it possible for people to wake up -early-? XDD I need like...10 hours of sleep or whenever I wake up I feel super crankyyy. XDDD; And did Chanmi just jump on her leader? LOL Or try to anyway? If Jihye was really there...it probably would've hurt. ;A;""""

OMG LMAO WOOHYUN MAKING A GIRL CARRY HIM. Actually BOO YOU INFINITE. Half of yall made delicate girls carry you on their backs! >:[ AND DO I SENSE SOME CHANMI X SUNGGYU? XDD

And LOLOL. I usually don't comment about my own character but TROLOLOL. I burst out laughing at: "... while Minji was just walking, not giving a single care." Hahaha. I can see it now. The other two pairs are like sweating it out, trying to win and Minji's just there chillaxing. I bet Sungjong must've been pounding on her to move faster. Well that's what you get for making a girl carry you >:[

OH GUUURL. I KNOW THE FEELING. The feeling of wanting to start another apply fic. *__* I'm kind of the opposite of you, I have a school life apply fic going on, and I want to start a girlgroup fic, hahah. But I know if I start that, I might lose my muse (rhymes...sorta!)

Hmm~ if you think you can handle updating both fics at the same time, then go for it! Start it whenever you want. If you think that you might lose interest in Paper Stars, then start it at like chapter 20 or something *coughcough* JKJKJK ~ S'all up to you. B-but...I'll be so jealous, can we apply if we're already in Paper Stars? ;A;
I spy some Chanhye <3
LOL, you make it seem so realistic with the girls carrying the guys.
LOOLLLLLLL, I knew Gyu-mi would've lost anyways ~
1) he's old <3
2) we're against ho-hye!
Buhahahahaha, Tablo and Boom never fail to make me laugh! ~

Coming out with a new fic?
I bet its going to be amaaaazzzing!
LOL, well post it up when you're ready (:
Don't overwork yourself!
Hwaiting unnie! (;

...I find it weird that the girls are stronger and faster than the guys. I mean seriously, Infinite, what is up with that? xDD


I can so relate to Dongwoo. I can imagine them dragging the sleeping Dongwoo out. I'm surprised he came about so quickly for the race. And GYU. OTL He was even worse than Myungsoo. xD

And about the new fic. I'm cool with it, as long as you are able to handle it. ♥ ;u;
OKAY. WOW. My first comment was so stupid, cause I was half asleep and writing it on my iPod. SO. I DELETED IT. AND I'M GONNA WRITE A MORE...FLESHY COMMENT? Yeah yeahhh.

When I first saw that you updated and took down the 'hiatus' in the title, I almost had a mini heartattack. I was soooo excited. LIKE YEAH. I had a spasm. XD

AND AND AND. Yeah, this chapter was awesome. *__* THOSE IMAGES. EEEP! I'm a er for pretty, bright images, AND IT'S ANIMATED GARHHH! So cool. Plus, I think this is the first time we get to see the appearance of the PS members. *__* Ohohohooo!

This program seems fun. A relay course, dance off and dress up? Ohohohooo, sungjong can win all of those! D:< Gehehehhe. At first, when this story started, I had no idea who infinite were. *shot* nglll. I knew like 2 of their songs, but I didn't know any of the members apart from sungjong. But after ch 3, I did some 'research' >:D (aka. watch sesame player and birth of a family xDD )And now I know who they all are! Heheheh ~

Nooo! Jihye! How can you snub sungyeolll? he's so adorable! D: But you got Hoya in the end, rawrrr!

AND WHUUUUT. SLEEPING IN TENTS, OUTSIDE?! TCHH! I DEMAND MAH 5 STAR (or was it 4 star?) HOTEL! D8<<< *diva fit* I had some pun I wanted to write about infinite...hmmm.....but I forgot. Q.Q ;;

Anyway~ I can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck on your 4 projects ; 3 ; ''
and so is infinite C: hehehe
sunyeollie ♥ :DD
i can't wait for the who to start

can't wait for the next update and PAPER STARS HWAITING!

flightless #9
wahahahah~ jiae and woohyun, huh? this should be interesting~
and lol, oh dongwoo~ you couldn't be with your cousin! it's alright, though. just keep an eye on woohyun.

and the games sound really fun. a dress-up game!
i just realized that after second invasion, only three member of infinite have yet to crossdress.

heaven by ailee is an amazing song. also russian roulette by spica! :3

good luck with all of your school work julia! you can do eeeet! and no need to rush with the story dude. we can wait! we're very patient people~
DevyLee #10
it's so adorable and bhdbsindisdaa I love it.
ohohohohho, mirae got dongwoo! naisu naisu.
ohmigod, heaven by ailee - ikr? I love that song too!
nbdcjsbhadbjahca I totally love her voice and she's gorgeous :3
good luck on your projects, by the way! Julia hwaiting! -fist pump-