★ chapter two | starfinite?!

★ paper stars — made from scratch [ hiatus ]

Attention Paper Stars. Please report to your dormitory immediately. Thank you.” With that, silence continued to take over the YG building.

P.S. You have ten minutes.

AH SSHIBAL*!” The building shook as the voice echoed through the whole building on every floor. The one cursing absentmindedly dropped her Nylon magazine and rushed down the stairs, which is understandable, considering how she was on the roof top. Plus, the dorm is at least ten minutes by foot. How the hell was she supposed to make it on time?!

Mira ran like the wind, making papers from each office fall onto the floor and when she finally reached outside, she ran straight to the dorm, dodging trashcans and jumping over little kids in the mean time…okay, maybe it was just one kid, and a dog, but you get the idea.

Alas, Mira reached the apartment complex, the same building where A Pink and Infinite live. Without taking a second glance, Mira ran straight to the stairs and ran all the way up to the seventh floor. Bursting into what she thought was room 270, eight pairs of eyes turned around to see what had startled them. Then everyone began chuckling.

Pft. Hey Mira, barge into the wrong apartment, again?” Ignoring Sunggyu’s remark, she ditched and ran straight to the apartment next to 280.

Damn, my legs just had to take me to Infinite’s again,” Mira muttered under her breath.

Stomping her way into Paper Star’s apartment, Mira was instantly greeted by “TOLD YOU MIRA UNNIE RAN INTO INFINITE’S AGAIN!” Mira rolled her eyes at Paper Stars’s personal house elf, fellow member, Mina. “Let’s just go on with the meeting.

Ahem, alrighty than. Well YG ahjusshi just told me to gather you all together here. Nothing else, so I suppose we wait,” says Leader Jihye.

Then I didn’t really have to run all the way here, thought Mira. Greeaat.

- KNOCK KNOCK – “OPEN UP! This is the police!

Doesn’t that sound like…” began Kika.

HOYA OPPA!” squealed Chanmi as she opened the door, tired of waiting for her fellow unnies to question why the ‘police’ was there.

It’s about time someone opened the door!” Sungyeol tramples in, whining his off.

- - -

Now, you must be curious as to why Infinite and Paper Stars know each other so well. Even before Infinite moved to their new apartment complex, they’ve known each other all because of Dongwoo and Jiae. Although Jiae’s last name is Seo, the Infinite and Paper Stars members refer to them as the Jjang cousins because they’re ‘oh so jjang’. Supposedly. During holidays, the two groups would get together mainly because Dongwoo’s the closest family member in the area to Jiae.  Besides, Infinite wouldn’t be Infinite without Paper Stars. Jihye always wanted to have a group named Infinite, but Sungyeol just had to snatch it. Jihye was mad at first, but got over it.

- - -

…so why are you guys here?” Kika questions.

Myungsoo steps up with a pokerface, but his dark expression fades away quickly as he jumps, exclaiming, “SBS SAYS WE’RE GONNA BE ON A SHOW TOGETHER!” Everyone in the apartment turn to face the ‘ice’ prince, who isn’t so cold anymore.

What. Was. That.
Yah, Lee Chanmi! I can be a peppy, nice guy too! Unlike you.
Of course I’m not. I’m a girl.

Ignoring the two royalties, the older unnies and hyungs backed away from them and ran off to the living room, rather than just standing in the hallway.

So what’s the show’s name and what are we gonna do in it guys?
Yeah! What Kika said!” bursts Mina.
The name is Starfinite’s First Invasion. If you ask me, it sounds like we’re gonna crash some places or something. Though, that would be fun.
Of course, Yeollie. Only you. But hey, Starfinite. That sound’s legit,” says Jihye.

The Starfinite family just kept talking and talking, thinking of all the possible ideas on the show. Loads of crazy ideas came out from this, all specifically Sungyeol’s ideas. The weirdest yet would have to be dressing up as aliens and attempting to kidnap people to bring them to their show’s set to have them participate in some game show…

Time slowly passes, and only now do they notice that one of the Infinite members was never in the room.
Sungyeol, that’s gotta be the--- WAIT A MINUTE. WHERE’S SUNGJONG?!
Oh, he’s just looking after our puppies.
Wow, such great hyungs you are,” Mira says.

Seconds later, after realizing that Infinite’s maknae wasn’t there, Sungjong barges into the girls’ living room.
Annyeong~ Manager hyung’s  back and he’s watching the puppies. Oh, and hyung! Did you tell the girls that the SBS PD noona said that we have to meet at Han River at 5AM tomorrow?

WHAT?! ALRIGHT. EVERYONE OUT. WE HAVE TO SLEEP. NOW. IT’S FREAKIN’... 2AM!” Jihye shoves the Infinite sunbaes out of their apartment and forces the girls to get ready for bed.

Aish, tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.

julia's hideout

Haha. Finally, right? I got a chapter up! Sorry for the long delay. School. Anyways! This will be a short note, hopefully. Uh, this chapter's pretty short in my opinion, so my apologies! I was webcamming as I typed this up, so I was distracted and kept losing my train of though. Oh and by the way. Regarding th e naming of Infinite, when I was in 5th grade, back in 2008, I really did want to be in a group named Infinite, but then in 2010, Woolim's Infinite made their debut and yeah. Haha, ironic, right? ANYWAYS. 55 more minutes till Christmas for me! But I have to go to sleep now... Merry Christmas! ♥

munching on | cookies.
playback on | " you & i " - iu
spirit mode | excited.

2011 December 24th

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SoneSunTaeNy #1
update soon! :D
and p.s. new fic?
you can do it ♥ as long as you don't overwork yourself it's alright
:D hehe, you should see my list of ongoing fics
/waddles away
this must me so effing funnnnnnnnnnn
oh infinite... wae make the girls carry you C:
harhar ♥ loved it anyways
I knew Woohyun and Seungyeol and Sunjong would be the ones making their partners carrying them (it fits them :D harhar)

And HOYA THE ACEEEE <3 such a gentleman and lol
leader's DUCT TAPE
another amajing chapter dear!!!!
Sheeshh, how is it possible for people to wake up -early-? XDD I need like...10 hours of sleep or whenever I wake up I feel super crankyyy. XDDD; And did Chanmi just jump on her leader? LOL Or try to anyway? If Jihye was really there...it probably would've hurt. ;A;""""

OMG LMAO WOOHYUN MAKING A GIRL CARRY HIM. Actually BOO YOU INFINITE. Half of yall made delicate girls carry you on their backs! >:[ AND DO I SENSE SOME CHANMI X SUNGGYU? XDD

And LOLOL. I usually don't comment about my own character but TROLOLOL. I burst out laughing at: "... while Minji was just walking, not giving a single care." Hahaha. I can see it now. The other two pairs are like sweating it out, trying to win and Minji's just there chillaxing. I bet Sungjong must've been pounding on her to move faster. Well that's what you get for making a girl carry you >:[

OH GUUURL. I KNOW THE FEELING. The feeling of wanting to start another apply fic. *__* I'm kind of the opposite of you, I have a school life apply fic going on, and I want to start a girlgroup fic, hahah. But I know if I start that, I might lose my muse (rhymes...sorta!)

Hmm~ if you think you can handle updating both fics at the same time, then go for it! Start it whenever you want. If you think that you might lose interest in Paper Stars, then start it at like chapter 20 or something *coughcough* JKJKJK ~ S'all up to you. B-but...I'll be so jealous, can we apply if we're already in Paper Stars? ;A;
I spy some Chanhye <3
LOL, you make it seem so realistic with the girls carrying the guys.
LOOLLLLLLL, I knew Gyu-mi would've lost anyways ~
1) he's old <3
2) we're against ho-hye!
Buhahahahaha, Tablo and Boom never fail to make me laugh! ~

Coming out with a new fic?
I bet its going to be amaaaazzzing!
LOL, well post it up when you're ready (:
Don't overwork yourself!
Hwaiting unnie! (;

...I find it weird that the girls are stronger and faster than the guys. I mean seriously, Infinite, what is up with that? xDD


I can so relate to Dongwoo. I can imagine them dragging the sleeping Dongwoo out. I'm surprised he came about so quickly for the race. And GYU. OTL He was even worse than Myungsoo. xD

And about the new fic. I'm cool with it, as long as you are able to handle it. ♥ ;u;
OKAY. WOW. My first comment was so stupid, cause I was half asleep and writing it on my iPod. SO. I DELETED IT. AND I'M GONNA WRITE A MORE...FLESHY COMMENT? Yeah yeahhh.

When I first saw that you updated and took down the 'hiatus' in the title, I almost had a mini heartattack. I was soooo excited. LIKE YEAH. I had a spasm. XD

AND AND AND. Yeah, this chapter was awesome. *__* THOSE IMAGES. EEEP! I'm a er for pretty, bright images, AND IT'S ANIMATED GARHHH! So cool. Plus, I think this is the first time we get to see the appearance of the PS members. *__* Ohohohooo!

This program seems fun. A relay course, dance off and dress up? Ohohohooo, sungjong can win all of those! D:< Gehehehhe. At first, when this story started, I had no idea who infinite were. *shot* nglll. I knew like 2 of their songs, but I didn't know any of the members apart from sungjong. But after ch 3, I did some 'research' >:D (aka. watch sesame player and birth of a family xDD )And now I know who they all are! Heheheh ~

Nooo! Jihye! How can you snub sungyeolll? he's so adorable! D: But you got Hoya in the end, rawrrr!

AND WHUUUUT. SLEEPING IN TENTS, OUTSIDE?! TCHH! I DEMAND MAH 5 STAR (or was it 4 star?) HOTEL! D8<<< *diva fit* I had some pun I wanted to write about infinite...hmmm.....but I forgot. Q.Q ;;

Anyway~ I can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck on your 4 projects ; 3 ; ''
and so is infinite C: hehehe
sunyeollie ♥ :DD
i can't wait for the who to start

can't wait for the next update and PAPER STARS HWAITING!

flightless #9
wahahahah~ jiae and woohyun, huh? this should be interesting~
and lol, oh dongwoo~ you couldn't be with your cousin! it's alright, though. just keep an eye on woohyun.

and the games sound really fun. a dress-up game!
i just realized that after second invasion, only three member of infinite have yet to crossdress.

heaven by ailee is an amazing song. also russian roulette by spica! :3

good luck with all of your school work julia! you can do eeeet! and no need to rush with the story dude. we can wait! we're very patient people~
DevyLee #10
it's so adorable and bhdbsindisdaa I love it.
ohohohohho, mirae got dongwoo! naisu naisu.
ohmigod, heaven by ailee - ikr? I love that song too!
nbdcjsbhadbjahca I totally love her voice and she's gorgeous :3
good luck on your projects, by the way! Julia hwaiting! -fist pump-