★ chapter four | the ladder game!

★ paper stars — made from scratch [ hiatus ]

Author’s POV

“Eh?! Boom hyung?! You're MC-ing this show too?" Sungjong was taken by surprise to see him, taking note that Boom was also a part of Birth of a Family. "...He must really have a lot of free time," Sungyeol snickered. "YAH, I HEARD THAT!" exclaimed Boom. Sungyeol replied, "You were meant too~" and then ran behind Kika, who only moved out of the way to expose him.

"Hey guys! What about me? Don't leave me out of everything," butted in the person whose face was covered by a scarf.

"Tablo ahjusshi?" questioned Jihye.

"Yaaah, what do you mean 'ahujusshi'? I'm not that old! I told you to call me 'oppa'," whined Tablo. "And Infinite! How have you boys been doing? It's been a while, huh?"

"Neh, hyung. We've been doing great. Does hyung enjoy being in YG?" replies Sunggyu.

Tablo only chuckled then said, "Of course! I wouldn't have met Paper Stars unless I was in YG. Plus, I get to spend more time with my wifey. Hehe."

After Infinite and Paper Stars reunited with the MCs for Starfinite's First Invasion, they had to proceed to the concept of the show before it was to get dark. Being the type of person he is, Boom got everyone pumped up, "Arraso! Yeorobun, annyeonghaesaeyo and welcome to Starfinite's First Invasion! Now, I bet all of you have been wondering what exactly this show is going to be about, am I right?" Everyone bobbed their heads in agreement. "Well, your curiousities will end...after our event that we've prepared for the two groups. Isn't that right Tablo hyung?"

With that cue, Tablo began to talk as his role of also being an MC; "Neh! We've prepared partner activities to see how well you'll all be able to work together. Before we can get started however, we must choose teams---"

Interupting Tablo, Dongwoo jumped to the middle of everyone, exclaiming, "I CALL MY COUSIN JIAAAE! DON'T TOUCH HER! I don't trust these guys..." Suddenly, Sungyeol joined in, "THEN I CALL JIHYE-AH," and ran over to glomp on Jihye. "YAH, LEE SUNGYEOL. WHAT THE HELL. I don't want to be your partner! If anyone, I want Hoya! He's better than you. Tch. He can at least handle mental and physical activities..."

Before chaos can arose, Boom ended the quarrel by stepping in and telling the kids, "Hey, hey, you guys aren't going to choose your partners! We are going to choose them at random by the most accurate and fair way alive! Drumroll please!"

One of the coordi ahjusshis came out with a poster and a stand. Increasing the suspense, he teased everyone, who were still stomping their feet on the ground, by very slowly lifting the cover. Being impatient, Mira exclaimed, "Hurry up! ~" The ahjusshi gave up and pulled the cover off, revealing...

...the Ladder method!

Taking note that everyone knows what it was, the coordi ahjusshi covered the ladder up so no one would try to crack the pattern.

"Okay, now everyone will choose a number. Paper Stars will pick a number from one through seven and Infinite will pick from eight to ten. Just place the the sticker of your face on the number you want and we'll see who gets who," explains Tablo.

"Ohohoho, who will get paired with who? ~" Boom said while flailing his arms around.

"I GOT DIBS ON EIGHT!" exclaimed Woohyun. Of course Woohyun would pick that number. He'd say stuff about how if you turn it ninety degrees, it'll look like the infinite symbol. Oh, Woohyun. You and your love for Infinite and Inspirits. The area became loud as the idols began 'calling dibs' on the numbers they wanted.

Once everything was all settled, Tablo pulled off the sheet covering the ladders and declared that it was time to see the results. Tablo allowed Boom to point out the paths for the partners since he kept complaining to do it, claiming that it was fun when he had to do it for 2PM and SNSD in 2PM's season of Idol Army.

The results were...

"Wah, some of these pairings are interesting!" said Boom.
"Ahem, anyways, there are three events that you and your partner will go through. A relay obstacle course, a dance-off, and a dress-up challenge. Each event is scored by seven, meaning first place gets seven points, second gets six, and so forth. When the events are over, the pair with the most points gets an all you can eat international buffet. The second place pair gets a Korean-style buffet, third will get KBBQ, and the rest with kimbap," explains Tablo.

Boom and Tablo clarifies the rules of the events that will take place the next day. Once everything is explained, the two groups, the MCs, and the staff, all prepare their tents and sleeping bags, for they will all camp out by Han River.

With that, everyone fell asleep under the moonlight in an instant.

 julia's hideout 

Surprise ~ Ahem, I know, I know. You guys can kill me. ;_______;
I'm sorry, I haven't been on in a while. I'm trying to go on as much as I can.
Right now, I currently have four projects and an essay to do, but I thought that I should procrastinate, which lead me here!

This chapter was written like last month, but I never got it up. Haha. (Told you guys I'm still writing.) I have things planned and yeah.
To be honest, I'm just winging it right now, somewhat. I have ideas, not to worry! ^^

As for the Ladder thing, everything was random. I just placed Paper Stars in order from youngest to oldest and then I placed Infinite by my OTPs (or tried to), with Woohyun beginning at 8. Yeah, and the lines were random as well. Haha. I promise you guys that it's all by chance.

Uh, also, I still need like minors and such, so... TO THE WONDERFUL STARGAZERS!
1) If you want to have a role in the fanfiction, please PM me! I actually need a manager for the group. Age 22+, you may have a partner/lover, but I must confirm before hand. I also need the actual PD unnie/noona if you guys are interested. Age 24+, no partner though, sorry. I wouldn't know how to fit it in. ;A;

P.S. Please excuse and grammar errors and such, I'm too lazy to go back and check. orz. 

munching on | bueno's pizza + breadsticks.
playback on | " heaven" - ailee (i love this song so ing much.)
spirit mode | guilty (for updating so late).

2012 February 11th

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SoneSunTaeNy #1
update soon! :D
and p.s. new fic?
you can do it ♥ as long as you don't overwork yourself it's alright
:D hehe, you should see my list of ongoing fics
/waddles away
this must me so effing funnnnnnnnnnn
oh infinite... wae make the girls carry you C:
harhar ♥ loved it anyways
I knew Woohyun and Seungyeol and Sunjong would be the ones making their partners carrying them (it fits them :D harhar)

And HOYA THE ACEEEE <3 such a gentleman and lol
leader's DUCT TAPE
another amajing chapter dear!!!!
Sheeshh, how is it possible for people to wake up -early-? XDD I need like...10 hours of sleep or whenever I wake up I feel super crankyyy. XDDD; And did Chanmi just jump on her leader? LOL Or try to anyway? If Jihye was really there...it probably would've hurt. ;A;""""

OMG LMAO WOOHYUN MAKING A GIRL CARRY HIM. Actually BOO YOU INFINITE. Half of yall made delicate girls carry you on their backs! >:[ AND DO I SENSE SOME CHANMI X SUNGGYU? XDD

And LOLOL. I usually don't comment about my own character but TROLOLOL. I burst out laughing at: "... while Minji was just walking, not giving a single care." Hahaha. I can see it now. The other two pairs are like sweating it out, trying to win and Minji's just there chillaxing. I bet Sungjong must've been pounding on her to move faster. Well that's what you get for making a girl carry you >:[

OH GUUURL. I KNOW THE FEELING. The feeling of wanting to start another apply fic. *__* I'm kind of the opposite of you, I have a school life apply fic going on, and I want to start a girlgroup fic, hahah. But I know if I start that, I might lose my muse (rhymes...sorta!)

Hmm~ if you think you can handle updating both fics at the same time, then go for it! Start it whenever you want. If you think that you might lose interest in Paper Stars, then start it at like chapter 20 or something *coughcough* JKJKJK ~ S'all up to you. B-but...I'll be so jealous, can we apply if we're already in Paper Stars? ;A;
I spy some Chanhye <3
LOL, you make it seem so realistic with the girls carrying the guys.
LOOLLLLLLL, I knew Gyu-mi would've lost anyways ~
1) he's old <3
2) we're against ho-hye!
Buhahahahaha, Tablo and Boom never fail to make me laugh! ~

Coming out with a new fic?
I bet its going to be amaaaazzzing!
LOL, well post it up when you're ready (:
Don't overwork yourself!
Hwaiting unnie! (;

...I find it weird that the girls are stronger and faster than the guys. I mean seriously, Infinite, what is up with that? xDD


I can so relate to Dongwoo. I can imagine them dragging the sleeping Dongwoo out. I'm surprised he came about so quickly for the race. And GYU. OTL He was even worse than Myungsoo. xD

And about the new fic. I'm cool with it, as long as you are able to handle it. ♥ ;u;
OKAY. WOW. My first comment was so stupid, cause I was half asleep and writing it on my iPod. SO. I DELETED IT. AND I'M GONNA WRITE A MORE...FLESHY COMMENT? Yeah yeahhh.

When I first saw that you updated and took down the 'hiatus' in the title, I almost had a mini heartattack. I was soooo excited. LIKE YEAH. I had a spasm. XD

AND AND AND. Yeah, this chapter was awesome. *__* THOSE IMAGES. EEEP! I'm a er for pretty, bright images, AND IT'S ANIMATED GARHHH! So cool. Plus, I think this is the first time we get to see the appearance of the PS members. *__* Ohohohooo!

This program seems fun. A relay course, dance off and dress up? Ohohohooo, sungjong can win all of those! D:< Gehehehhe. At first, when this story started, I had no idea who infinite were. *shot* nglll. I knew like 2 of their songs, but I didn't know any of the members apart from sungjong. But after ch 3, I did some 'research' >:D (aka. watch sesame player and birth of a family xDD )And now I know who they all are! Heheheh ~

Nooo! Jihye! How can you snub sungyeolll? he's so adorable! D: But you got Hoya in the end, rawrrr!

AND WHUUUUT. SLEEPING IN TENTS, OUTSIDE?! TCHH! I DEMAND MAH 5 STAR (or was it 4 star?) HOTEL! D8<<< *diva fit* I had some pun I wanted to write about infinite...hmmm.....but I forgot. Q.Q ;;

Anyway~ I can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck on your 4 projects ; 3 ; ''
and so is infinite C: hehehe
sunyeollie ♥ :DD
i can't wait for the who to start

can't wait for the next update and PAPER STARS HWAITING!

flightless #9
wahahahah~ jiae and woohyun, huh? this should be interesting~
and lol, oh dongwoo~ you couldn't be with your cousin! it's alright, though. just keep an eye on woohyun.

and the games sound really fun. a dress-up game!
i just realized that after second invasion, only three member of infinite have yet to crossdress.

heaven by ailee is an amazing song. also russian roulette by spica! :3

good luck with all of your school work julia! you can do eeeet! and no need to rush with the story dude. we can wait! we're very patient people~
DevyLee #10
it's so adorable and bhdbsindisdaa I love it.
ohohohohho, mirae got dongwoo! naisu naisu.
ohmigod, heaven by ailee - ikr? I love that song too!
nbdcjsbhadbjahca I totally love her voice and she's gorgeous :3
good luck on your projects, by the way! Julia hwaiting! -fist pump-