★ paper stars | teasers.

★ paper stars — made from scratch [ hiatus ]
teaser one. 


This is so unreal. There's no way it's really happening.

Oh, but it is.

Eleven years, huh? Who would've thought that I'd finally be making my debut with none other than my sisters who I have been with since the new millennium? And to even top that, I'd be the leader of them. I guess I could understand why, considering how I was the first to become a trainee of the seven of us, but hey, are you sure you're making the right decision Papa YG? What if I mess up? What if all of Seoul laughs at me for being a fail leader of six much more amazing girls? You'll do fine, you have to believe in yourself. Don't let fear run your life. Ah, yes. Of course that's what Papa YG would most definitely say. That's what he said when I first became a trainee. Oh, how much I've grown since then, well in terms of size anyways.

Congratulations! You now have the chance to become a YG trainee!
A little girl, age of eight, stood there on stage, frozen. It was like everything was mute. Not even those loud cheers were to be heard, but after all, you'd be this surprised too. The kids in school always said that she couldn't do it, that she was way too young, with the experience of an ant, but hey, did that stop her? Obviously not. Why would she care what others say? As long as she's happy, everything would be okay. Is it strange? You know, the fact how such a young kid could even have thoughts about this? Haha, well not necessarily. I mean, she did grow up in a wise family. Not high-class or anything, but the type of middle-class family with parents and siblings to support her decisions. Absolutely great, right?

Huh, I've never really changed in terms of my own thoughts and ideas. Well, whatever, the way I act satisfies me. Oh look, there I go again, acting like that kid who cares about my happiness only. No matter what, everyone puts themselves before others, even if you don't know it. I just happen to really show it. It still doesn't tell me why I'm the leader... Oh well.

Smiling, I walked out and headed off to search for my sisters to tell them the news. I wonder how they'll react.

2011 November 7th


teaser two.


Jihye's POV


Oh for the love of Hogod. Where did that brat go? Aish, I should've looked for a different potential group member first. Too late now. Now think, if I was a mischevious kitty, where would I go? ...This calls for a serious hunting game.  Grabbing my Mickey Mouse walkie talkie from my back pocket, I instantly turn it on and shout, "RA2JI TRIO UNITE!" Okay. Just a few minutes now...

Uh, I'll just play with my Game Boy Color. AWWW YEAAH. Pokemon Pikachu Special Edition. You mad, bro? You see, I am the Pokemon master you guys.  My Pokemon are all Level 90 and above, excluding those Pokemon I caught in the areas for beginners. PSH. I beat the Elite Four five times.  Yeah, still think I'm a weakling? Well listen here mister, I---


Why. Why do I know someone like this. Oh that's right, he's my best friend. I gave myself a mental facepalm.

"Oh come on Ji, don't give yourself a mental facepalm. We all know that he's always like this."

Ah, Dara unnie's right yet again. Curse that freakin' mind-reader. However, you got to admit, Jiyong is always like this.  I mean like, there was this one time where Jiyong was on a sugar rush, right? And like, he ran to every floor of the YG Building shouting, "YA'LL BETTER WATCH OUT, CAUSE THIS DRAGON BREATHES FIIIII-YAAAAHHH." ...but that my friends, that's only when he's on a sugar rush. (To be honest, he's much more calmer with all that sugar in his body. You really don't want to see his sugar-free side.) Anyways, let's get down to business.

"Uh, yeah, so. You guuuuys. I need your help finding that Kitty. You know, that Kitty. I know with us joined together, we can find them! After all, we are---"


With that being declared throughout the whole YG building, the three of us split up. I headed towards the costume and wardrobe room, and the other two left to who knows where.  As I was walking through the burrows of YG, I can hear the staff murmmering to each other.
"The trio's at it again."
"I know, you could here them from the very top of the building."
"They're good kids and all, but tell again why they're the 'rulers' of YG?"

Oh people these days. Haha. You make me laugh. Whatever, moving on! I finally reached costume and wardrobe. Firstthings first, look for chocolate crumbs and listen for some soft snoring. On the tips of my toes, I lightly ran across the room and straight to the huuuuge- closet. My leader-like instincts are tingling!


Are you serious. Guess who's sleeping in the closet with chocolate all covering her face? That's right, our group's future jack-of-all-trades and partial make-up artist, our very own, _______, the Kitty.

2011 November 24th

teaser three. 


NOTE: Kitty is just a nickname used for one of the members in order to hide their identity.
All teasers will have code-names/nicknames for the members to hide all of their identities.
I hope you won't die from too much teasing. Huhu. Enjoy this teaser!

Kitty's POV

Really now? Who's making all that noise? Don't they know that some people are sleeping?! I mean, after all it's freakin' two in the...afternoon... Okay, so maybe it isn't that early, but seriously, sleep time is the most precious time in the world! Ah, well whoever disturbed my sleep shall pay.

"YAH! ___ ____! GET YOUR UP AND WIPE THAT CHOCOLATE OFF YOUR FACE!" Oh, well, would you look at that? It's our oh so lovely Jihye. What is she doing? She knows better than to wake me up so suddenly. Must be important...

"Neh, unnie?" Oh yeah, that's right, look innocent self!

"Get up, I need your help. Clean up and help find the other five. Tell them to meet at the YG Lounge at seven tonight. I've got news," Jihye said in such firm manners as she exited the costume room. "Oh, and remember, if I don't see you wandering around, looking for them, then you'll have to stay in the guest room for a month, " she smirked. Aw shoot, I better get looking! There's no way I'm sleeping in the guest room for a month! It's the furthest from my room, which means it's the furthest from the kitchen! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET TO MY STASH (of chocolate) ?! Ugh, and off I go.

So I have five choices, huh? I'll go look for the most royal of us, aka the princess. Why? Because I know just where to look. To the recording studio, away!

And my instincts are correct. Oh? But who is that with the princess? Bows...ribbons...of course. I present to you, YG's Minnie Mouse! Yippee. My excitement can't be any clearer. (For those of you who couldn't catch on, I'm being sarcastic.) Really though. The way she dresses, her massive collection. Everything has bows and ribbons, but let's quit it with this conversation. Moving on.

"YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE YG LOUNGE AT SEVEN! MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY!" and just like that, I run off, leaving the two dumbfounded. Oh goodness, their expressions! AHAHAHAHA. Hey, at least they know, right? Now, time to find a new place to sleep so that no one can disturb me. Let's just hope the alarm on my iPod will be loud enough to wake me up. Unlike last time...

2011 November 26th

teaser four. 


Minnie Mouse's POV

...Okay, wait. What just happened? Curse my terrible attention span! ______ and I were just practicing our vocal skills and all of a sudden our dongsaeng comes out of not where, saying what? Eh, I'll just ask ______ when we finish practice. I mean, there's only thirty minutes left. ______dongsaeng said something about meeting at some place at seven right? Psh, plenty of time, I hope.

I got out of the recording area of the studio to allow ______ her turn to sing as I lay back and listen, which are the things I'm best at.

Ah, ______ looks so into her practice, I bet she won't notice if I just happen to go on the internet. Just for a bit. Besides, I need to practice my variety skills for when I become an idol! Where to begin? AH! VOICE IMITATIONS! Of course. My most favorite, but the most weakest of my skills. However, before I can click a link on Youtube, the 'amajjing' princess just had to interrupt.

Princess(_______)'s POV

...Kitty unnie was so weird a few moments ago! Like really, what kind of person would do that to their favorite dongsaeng! Aish, whatever. Note to self, meet in YG lounge at seven like Kitty unnie said. BUT AS FOR NOW! Time to work on my vocals ~

As I was way into my singing mode, I happened to notice from the corner of my eyes that my bow-loving unnie isn't even listening to me! What is this?! She's supposed to be encouraging me and complementing me as I practice. Hmph.

I got out of the recording area and went up to unnie and her laptop and screamed, "UNNIE, PAY ATTENTION TO THE PRINCESS!" right to her face. However, before I can continue, I grabbed her realizing that it was almost seven and that we had to go to the lounge.

On the way to the lounge, I also notice Jiyong oppa with two other girls. I bet you Jihye called her "RA2JI" gang to help find them. Psh. Whatever, I bet they're heading to the lounge too! We should all walk together! "JIYONG OPPA! UNNIES!"

Jiyong's POV

GD, GD, BABY BABY ~ I, KWONLEADAH, AM THE BEST OF YOU ALL. I got two of them held hostage. Hehe. Yup, Jihye's lucky to have such an almighty BFF like me. ( V ^ _____ ^ ) And now to take little Ms. "Neon" and Ms. "Jiyong-idolizer" to the lounge. Haha, yes! She idolizes me! ONLY BECAUSE I'M THE BEST THERE IS. WHAT?! YOU MAD BRO? GOOD. STAY MAD. Ah, I really am the best...


Oh, well would you look at that. YG's princess is on their way as well! Plus Minnie Mouse.

"HEYYY KIDDDOS! Heading to the lounge?"
"YUP!" exclaims the princess.

2011 November 27th

teaser five. 


Narrator's POV

With his accomplishments made, Jiyong and his founded hoobaes all rushed into the YG Lounge, with only ten minutes left until seven. Already in the lounge waiting for everyone else, were three girls, them being Jihye of course, Dara, and the eldest unnie. Of course Jihye and the eldest unnie would be there because they're practically the leaders of YG soon-to-be-uncovered group.

Slam! The back door entrance of the YG Lounge made an echo as a very tired-looking boy man ran into the room, hiding behind the couch, making it unable to identify the person. Not even seconds later, it was followed by a loud crash from the other side of the door, as if something ran straight into the closed door. In this case it wasn't something, but more like someone. Dara heading over to open the door, and with only a few inches away from turing the knob, a shadow jumped out from behind the couch screaming, "DON'T OPEN THE DOOR! THERE'S A HIDEOUS CREATURE HIDING AMONG THE CLOSED DOOR. IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, TRUST ME!" Everyone turned over to see who shouted the ridiculous claims and it turned out to be none other than Big Bang's TOP. Yes, TOP. However, ignoring the terrified girly man, Dara opened the door anyways, finding her sunbae groaning in pain while holding his nose, while three other figures are found rushing to their sunbae's assistance.

"HOLY PANDAS HYUNG! GWENCHANA?!" exclaimed YG's victory, Big Bang's Seungri.
"I bet you TOP made Dongwook run into the door." Jiyeon (Gummy) said calmly as she walked straight passed them and into the lounge.
"WOAH! WHERE'S SEUNGHYUN-AH! HEY MAN! NICE JOB." said Jaesang (PSY), rushing towards TOP to give him a man hug.

With all the different reactions going on, everyone in the turned dazed, that is until the eldest unnie bluntly exclaimed, "YO GUYS, LISTEN UP!" which made everyone turn their heads towards her. "Good! Now that I have everyone's attention, Jihye-ah has somethings to say.

"Thanks unnie! Anyways, I need to make sure that everyone's here, of course excluding the sunbaes because they're probably in the conference room already. I'll just call out your names one by ----- WAIT A MINUTE! WHERE'S KITTY?!" questioned Jihye frantically.

"I know where she is." Minzy told Jihye as she entered the room, being such a ninja. "Just meet us up in the conference room."

With that being said, Jihye just decided to take roll call when they all reached the conference room. After all, Papa YG never told her that she needed to tell them by a certain deadline...


Entering the YG conference room, everyone immediately took their seats, some even fighting over where they want to sit.

"BOM UNNIE! Let me sit next to you! I have corn." said the eldest unnie, knowing that she'll be able to sit next to one of her friends at YG besides her training sisters.

"Dongsaeng-ah! Come sit next to me! Mom called earlier and wanted me to pass on a message." 2NE1's Chaerin called over her sister, the 'lovely' princess.

"Annyeonghaseyo Samchon (Uncle)." the so-called 'Ms. Neon' bowed to Papa YG respectively, him being her mom's brother.

...and so forth with the some-what chaos.

Once everyone was about to be settled in their seats, little Kitty and Minzy burst threw the doors, creating a loud commotion. "Well at least they made it..." mumbled 'Minnie Mouse' while leaning back on her chair, picking it up off the ground. Just rushing to get to their seats, Minzy and Kitty were ignored by everyone, as if they didn't come in late.

"Ahem, well. Before we begin this meeting for the YG Concert's plans and outline, there's an announcement to be made. Our new group that's been in training for eleven years will finally make their debut at our YG Family Concert. Jihye will now explain more." announced Papa YG. 

Jihye stood up, preparing to tell everyone about the new group, with her being the leader, when of course three certain somebodies just had to shout out, "WOOOOOOO! YEAH! JIHYE! YEAH! WOOOOOT! THAT'S MY DAWG BRO! WOOOOOT!" Of course, Jiyong was one of them, along with the Doraemon lover, Daesung, and surprisingly, Tablo, the newest member of YG.

"Yeah. Well anyways... I believe that all the girls are here, so I'll get straight to the point. As you've all known, a group have been in the works since the year 2000 and Papa YG has discussed with me about the preparations and such. The group will be having their debut stage at YG's Family Concert, but it will remain a secret to the fans. Now, the members of this group are none other than Seo Jiae, Lee Minji, Lee Chanmi, Bang Kika, Song Mina, Song Mirae, and of course, their leader, me, Park Jihye. A while back ago, we've all decided a name for our group, which will be Paper Stars because we are made from scratch, plus all of our wishes are beginning to come true. Now, I've already started working on our website while I sent the other two-thirds of the RA2JI Trio out to find the girls. Ah yes! Before I forget, girls, there's no need to worry about the album. I've put together the songs we've composed during our trainee years and tried to make it fit into a mini album. It'll be great! I'll run it by you guys later. As for choreography, we'll actually be using the one that Mina and I have created and had you guys practiced recently. During the concert, everything will be amajjing! Just you wait!"

With that being said, the meeting for the concert continued. With only five days left until, the outline and plans have been modified from the previous. Let's see how the fans will react to YG new and upcoming rising stars!

Kitty - Seo Jiae (flightless)
Minnie Mouse - Lee Minji (onigirisama)
Princess - Lee Chanmi (--rainbows)
Ms. Neon - Bang Kika (bloodytheory)
Ms. Jiyong-idolizer - Song Mina (oceanwriter)
Eldest Unnie - Song Mira(e) (onkeysangtae)

2011 November 30th

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SoneSunTaeNy #1
update soon! :D
and p.s. new fic?
you can do it ♥ as long as you don't overwork yourself it's alright
:D hehe, you should see my list of ongoing fics
/waddles away
this must me so effing funnnnnnnnnnn
oh infinite... wae make the girls carry you C:
harhar ♥ loved it anyways
I knew Woohyun and Seungyeol and Sunjong would be the ones making their partners carrying them (it fits them :D harhar)

And HOYA THE ACEEEE <3 such a gentleman and lol
leader's DUCT TAPE
another amajing chapter dear!!!!
Sheeshh, how is it possible for people to wake up -early-? XDD I need like...10 hours of sleep or whenever I wake up I feel super crankyyy. XDDD; And did Chanmi just jump on her leader? LOL Or try to anyway? If Jihye was really there...it probably would've hurt. ;A;""""

OMG LMAO WOOHYUN MAKING A GIRL CARRY HIM. Actually BOO YOU INFINITE. Half of yall made delicate girls carry you on their backs! >:[ AND DO I SENSE SOME CHANMI X SUNGGYU? XDD

And LOLOL. I usually don't comment about my own character but TROLOLOL. I burst out laughing at: "... while Minji was just walking, not giving a single care." Hahaha. I can see it now. The other two pairs are like sweating it out, trying to win and Minji's just there chillaxing. I bet Sungjong must've been pounding on her to move faster. Well that's what you get for making a girl carry you >:[

OH GUUURL. I KNOW THE FEELING. The feeling of wanting to start another apply fic. *__* I'm kind of the opposite of you, I have a school life apply fic going on, and I want to start a girlgroup fic, hahah. But I know if I start that, I might lose my muse (rhymes...sorta!)

Hmm~ if you think you can handle updating both fics at the same time, then go for it! Start it whenever you want. If you think that you might lose interest in Paper Stars, then start it at like chapter 20 or something *coughcough* JKJKJK ~ S'all up to you. B-but...I'll be so jealous, can we apply if we're already in Paper Stars? ;A;
I spy some Chanhye <3
LOL, you make it seem so realistic with the girls carrying the guys.
LOOLLLLLLL, I knew Gyu-mi would've lost anyways ~
1) he's old <3
2) we're against ho-hye!
Buhahahahaha, Tablo and Boom never fail to make me laugh! ~

Coming out with a new fic?
I bet its going to be amaaaazzzing!
LOL, well post it up when you're ready (:
Don't overwork yourself!
Hwaiting unnie! (;

...I find it weird that the girls are stronger and faster than the guys. I mean seriously, Infinite, what is up with that? xDD


I can so relate to Dongwoo. I can imagine them dragging the sleeping Dongwoo out. I'm surprised he came about so quickly for the race. And GYU. OTL He was even worse than Myungsoo. xD

And about the new fic. I'm cool with it, as long as you are able to handle it. ♥ ;u;
OKAY. WOW. My first comment was so stupid, cause I was half asleep and writing it on my iPod. SO. I DELETED IT. AND I'M GONNA WRITE A MORE...FLESHY COMMENT? Yeah yeahhh.

When I first saw that you updated and took down the 'hiatus' in the title, I almost had a mini heartattack. I was soooo excited. LIKE YEAH. I had a spasm. XD

AND AND AND. Yeah, this chapter was awesome. *__* THOSE IMAGES. EEEP! I'm a er for pretty, bright images, AND IT'S ANIMATED GARHHH! So cool. Plus, I think this is the first time we get to see the appearance of the PS members. *__* Ohohohooo!

This program seems fun. A relay course, dance off and dress up? Ohohohooo, sungjong can win all of those! D:< Gehehehhe. At first, when this story started, I had no idea who infinite were. *shot* nglll. I knew like 2 of their songs, but I didn't know any of the members apart from sungjong. But after ch 3, I did some 'research' >:D (aka. watch sesame player and birth of a family xDD )And now I know who they all are! Heheheh ~

Nooo! Jihye! How can you snub sungyeolll? he's so adorable! D: But you got Hoya in the end, rawrrr!

AND WHUUUUT. SLEEPING IN TENTS, OUTSIDE?! TCHH! I DEMAND MAH 5 STAR (or was it 4 star?) HOTEL! D8<<< *diva fit* I had some pun I wanted to write about infinite...hmmm.....but I forgot. Q.Q ;;

Anyway~ I can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck on your 4 projects ; 3 ; ''
and so is infinite C: hehehe
sunyeollie ♥ :DD
i can't wait for the who to start

can't wait for the next update and PAPER STARS HWAITING!

flightless #9
wahahahah~ jiae and woohyun, huh? this should be interesting~
and lol, oh dongwoo~ you couldn't be with your cousin! it's alright, though. just keep an eye on woohyun.

and the games sound really fun. a dress-up game!
i just realized that after second invasion, only three member of infinite have yet to crossdress.

heaven by ailee is an amazing song. also russian roulette by spica! :3

good luck with all of your school work julia! you can do eeeet! and no need to rush with the story dude. we can wait! we're very patient people~
DevyLee #10
it's so adorable and bhdbsindisdaa I love it.
ohohohohho, mirae got dongwoo! naisu naisu.
ohmigod, heaven by ailee - ikr? I love that song too!
nbdcjsbhadbjahca I totally love her voice and she's gorgeous :3
good luck on your projects, by the way! Julia hwaiting! -fist pump-