Chapter 9

The Other Side of Goodbye


Yonghwa began to stand up and followed Seohyun out of the room. Mr. Han started to get up, too but his wife stopped him.

“Chagi-yah, let the kids talk about it. They’re grown-ups, I’m sure they can handle it.

Dong-Soon sat back down on his chair, sighing.


Seohyun found herself entering a club situated near the restaurant they were dining in. She went straight to the bar and ordered a strong drink.

“Any strong drink,” she said to the bartender and he handed her a glass of brandy.

“Thanks,” she downed the drink quickly, ignoring its taste and the burning feeling it left in and stomach.

She was about to down her third glass when a hand from behind stopped her.

“What are you doing?” Yonghwa hissed.

“Drinking. Can’t you tell?” she grinned at him, and eyed him through her lashes. The only alcoholic drink she had ever drank before this was wine and champagne, just sips, not whole shots. She was feeling a bit tipsy now.

“I can see that,” Yonghwa answered. He snatched the glass away from Seohyun when she attempted to raise it and drink again. “Stop that! Come on, let’s go back to the restaurant.”

“Yah! You can’t tell me what to do!” she tried to get the glass from him but he moved it farther away from her.

“Of course, I can’t, Hyun. But I’m just thinking that you wouldn’t like it much if you get drunk and start doing stupid things that would later end up in the news,” he said, trying to talk some sense into her.

She shook her head and let out a hollow laugh. “I don’t care. I don’t care anymore. My reputation isn’t that good anymore anyway. And my life is out of my control, so I don’t care. I want to be reckless,” she slid off the barstool and ran to the dance floor. She started dancing to the music; no, flailing was more like it.

Yonghwa followed her and grabbing her arm, he pulled her away from the crowd on the dance floor. “Come on.”

She tried to disengage herself from his grasp. “Leave me alone!”

“Hyun, your parents might be getting worried.”

“What do you care?” she screamed at him and some people nearby turned and stared. “You don’t care about anything, or anyone! All you care about is yourself! What you want, what you need, what’s good for you…,”

She began to slump as she was about to break into tears and Yonghwa took that opportunity and grabbed her by the waist. He carried her out of the club, ignoring her kicks and punches.

He put her down once they were outside and in a corner somewhat distant from other people. “Seohyun, we really need to talk. Please listen to me.”

“I’m going back there,” she said drunkenly and started to walk away but Yonghwa grabbed her again and held her.

“Why are you so stubborn?” he demanded.

“Why are you being such a pest?” she retorted.

“I just want you to listen to me, okay?”

She straightened and looked at him, her eyes clearing. He knew she wasn’t that drunk that she wouldn’t be able to understand anything.

“First, I want to tell you…” he paused and exhaled forcefully. “It’s not my intention to blackmail you or use you to go along with my father’s conditions.”

She giggled. “Yeah, right. So why won’t you leave me alone?”

“I love you. How can I make you believe that?” he said, exasperated.

She glared at him. “Stop saying those words! You don’t mean that. And even if it’s true, so what?”

He held her closer to him. “Really? You don’t care?” he asked, lowering his head until his lips touched hers.

The moment he kissed her, her alcohol intoxicated mind stopped working and her body reacted. She wound her arms around her shoulders and opened to receive his kiss.

Yonghwa pulled away a few seconds later and looked at her knowingly. “If you don’t care about how I feel at all, what was that?”

Seohyun laughed. “Is kissing such a big deal to you, oppa? Well for me, it’s not,” she pulled him to her and kissed him torridly. “Am I any good? I’ve had a lot of practice,” she whispered in between kissed.

Yonghwa pulled away upon hearing that from her. She might be bluffing, but he really couldn’t tell. She had been away from him for ten years and he didn’t know what has changed in her. Still, he refused to believe that Seohyun had turned into a wild temptress from a shy, innocent girl. He wanted to believe she was still pure and untainted. But what if…? The thought made him angry.

“I have a proposition to make, Seohyun-ah,” he said, then put a hand to steady her. She looked at him again and pouted.

“So serious,” she remarked.

“Yes, this is serious so listen,” he said, his face grave. “Marry me and be my wife for a year. If I can’t prove anything to you, if I can’t make you fall in love with me again, we will get a divorce. But only after a year has passed.”

“Hah, I’m not a fool to agree to that. I’m not tying myself to you in any way,” she said.

Yonghwa decided to lay his cards on the table. He doesn’t have much time after all. “Not even if your dad loses his beloved business? Not even then?”

She froze. Then she inched her face closer to his, her eyes narrowing. “Do you realize how evil you are?”

It hurt to hear her talking to him like that. It hurt to know she hates him that much…how bad he is to her. But he just shrugged.

“You know how I can’t bear to see my father hurt. Fine,” she hissed at him. “I will marry you. But I promise you this; I will not fall for your charms anymore. I will not be fooled anymore. Instead, I will make you fall in love with me so deeply you will hurt, you will hurt so much for wanting me but not really having me.”

Yonghwa  was taken aback by the intensity of her words. And he got scared. But… “I’ve already fallen for you deeply, Hyun. And there’s no turning back for me. Whether I do this or not, I’d still be hurting.”

The fire of hatred died in her eyes for a moment when she saw the look of sincerity in his eyes. She began to grow confused. But then she began to think how deceitful this man before her was. Her moment of confusion was suddenly gone and she held her chin up and glared at him.

“I’ll be putting conditions in this marriage. This marriage which will be in paper only,” she told him, emphasizing the phrase ‘in paper only.’

Hell, he never expected her to think of that.


The shoot for SHINee’s music video wrapped up for the day. It was very late, but Krystal still felt hyper.

“Yah, Krystal,” Key called as everyone climbed in each of their vehicles. “You want to ride with us?”

Minho’s eyes widened at Key as the other guy turned and smirked at him.

Krystal ran toward their van, smiling happily. “Really? Is it okay?”

“Yeah, Minho would really love to have you by his side,” Jonghyun said.

“What? I-“ Minho started to protest but Key cut him off.                                                  

“Yah! You did say that, didn’t you? Come on, Krystal-ssi, hop in!” Key said, punching Minho’s shoulder lightly. “Yah, you,” he pulled Taemin who was sitting beside Minho. “Get out of there and sit here next to me.”

Taemin obeyed and Minho said nothing when Krystal went inside the van and sat next to him.

She smiled and bowed to him and Minho gave her a curt nod.

Aish, so cold again, Krystal thought. She inched closer and elbowed him. “Oppa, how was your day?”

“I’m really tired,” Minho answered, closing his eyes.

Krystal frowned. That didn’t go well. Why is he cold to her again all of a sudden? She decided to shut up and they were all silent along the way, except for Onew’s and Jonghyun’s occasional banter.

They dropped Krystal at her house first.

She said goodbye to the other members before turning to Minho who still has his eyes closed…sleeping or was pretending to?

“Bye, oppa. See you tomorrow,” she said softly and he didn’t wake up. She started to climb down the van.

“Yah!” Jonghyun hit Minho’s forehead.

Minho opened his eyes, startled. “What was that?”

“Stop pretending you’re asleep and walk her to the house,” Jonghyun commanded.

“No, no, I’ll be fine. Minho oppa seems tired, I don’t want to bother him,” Krystal refused.

Minho sighed and got out of the seat and out of the van. “It’s okay. They’d bully me to no end if I don’t do what they say, anyway.”

Krystal didn’t like what he said at all. So he’s only walking her to the front door of her house because of that? You know he likes Seohyun, a voice inside her mind said. But Seohyun unnie doesn’t like him, I’m sure of it, she countered. So she believes Minho is destined to be hers.

They reached the front door without saying anything to each other.

“Thank you, oppa,” Krystal said when they stopped walking.

Minho just nodded.

“Goodnight,” she said and without warning, she gave him a quick peck on his cheek.

Minho was a bit surprised but then his expression changed back to neutral. “Goodnight. Now get inside,” he said and watched as she fumbled with the house keys, inserting them into the lock and finally opening the door.

Krystal stepped inside and turned around to look at Minho again but he was already walking away. She sighed and closed the door. Why is he so hard to get?

But she didn’t know what was really going on inside his mind. He was really uncomfortable, and he was trying to avoid her because what he had been feeling was bothering him. He understands his growing attraction to her. Krystal is a very pretty girl. But it was rather too much, because every time he gets close to her after the on- screen kiss, he just wants to grab her and kiss her again. And she might take that the wrong way. Because attracted as he was to her, he still doesn’t want to do anything with her.


Yonghwa nd Seohyun decided to keep the real reason of their engagement from others. It was just among them and their families. And of course, Sue-ji and CNBlue know. Seohyun’s sisters were not that happy with the news, but the parents from both sides were hopeful, that eventually the two of them would end up liking each other thus making the marriage work.

“My daughter, I don’t want to drag you into this,” Seohyun’s father told her later that night when they arrived home from their dinner with the Jungs. “If you’re only doing this for me, please reconsider. I don’t want you unhappy. I can let the business go.”

Seohyun shook her head. “Don’t worry, appa. I also have my reasons. Yonghwa and I has already talked things through so I’m gonna be fine.”

“I sure hope he’s a good guy and he’ll take care of you,” Dong-Soon said and hugged his youngest daughter.

Sue-ji laughed out loud when she heard the news. “You’re out of your mind, Hyun. I told you to just make him fall for you and leave him hanging, not marry him.”

“I’m divorcing him after a year,” she told Sue-ji.

“What would Kyu oppa say?”

Kyuhyun’s reaction was nothing like she expected. “It’s only temporary, right? When all this is over I’ll be waiting for you,” he said calmly.

Seohyun opened , astonished.

“Oh, come on, Seohyun-ah, don’t look at me like that. You hate him yesterday and now you’re marrying him. Do you expect me to believe it’s a love match?”

Seohyun didn’t say anything. This thing should be a secret between hers and Yonghwa’s families. But Kyuhyun is not stupid. Seohyun knew he could see through things. She just didn’t want to confirm anything to him.

The news was an explosive one. After days of speculating who between the two guys get Seohyun’s hand for marriage, a winner emerged: CNBlue’s Jung Yonghwa. It was like a dating contest and Seohyun didn’t like it at all. But what choice does she have?

Days passed. Seohyun got busy attending to her wedding preparations. She avoided Yonghwa whenever she got the chance. She wanted time away from Yonghwa before the wedding as much as possible. But he didn’t give her that. Whenever she has photo shoots or any engagements to attend to, he was there with her.

“This is necessary, Hyun,” he said when she protested. “So that the public wouldn’t think this is an arranged marriage.”

Indeed, almost everyone was gushing over how perfect they looked together and people imagined some fairy tale on their love story. If they only knew…

“Don’t get mad, Seohyunnie, but I’m really getting excited on this,” Yuri said as she watched Krystal took Seohyun’s measurements with Yoona’s supervision. Yoona would have done it herself but she couldn’t bend anymore with her huge tummy.

Seohyun smiled at her unnie’s remark. She really felt everything was real. That she’s a bride in love with her groom. And she’s enjoying the preparations. Anyone can see that she was glowing.

“Yeah, me too,” Yoona said. “I don’t like what Yonghwa did to you before, but I was thinking that maybe he has changed. It seemed like he really loves you, Hyunnie. I do hope you two could work things out and make your marriage a success. So that I wouldn’t argue with Jonghyun about it anymore.”

The girls laughed at Yoona’s remark about arguing with her husband.

Seohyun didn’t know what to think. She was a little confused. Could she really heal and trust Yonghwa again?


Minho had been a little more quiet and distant lately. Krystal noticed that. She didn’t have a chance to be alone with him and talk to him ever since the night the boys brought her home. Krystal wondered if his silence stemmed from the fact that his ideal girl is getting married.

It was the last day of the music video shoot and it was just dusk. Everyone involved in the shoot had taken a break. They just had dinner when Krystal noticed Minho going out of the studio. She followed him. He went out to the fire exit.

Krystal opened the door of the exit and found him leaning his back against the wall and looking up at the sky.

“Oppa…” she stepped into the fire exit and stood beside him. Since the place was small she stood close, their shoulders and arms touching.

He didn’t look at her.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing,” he turned to her. “What are you doing here? You should go back inside.”

“I wanted to talk to you.”

“What is there to talk about?”

“Why are you so mean to me?” Krystal finally demanded.

“I’m not and you should really go back inside,” he nudged her.

“Why? Why couldn’t you like me? Couldn’t we be friends?”


“Why? Because of Seohyun unnie? She’s getting married so stop-“

She didn’t finish her sentence because Minho grabbed her and kissed her. She was too stunned to react at first and just as she was starting to respond, he pulled away.

“It’s because of that. That’s why we couldn’t be friends,” he told her.

“You like me, too?” Krystal asked, her face beaming with happiness.

“No, not really,” he answered and it confused her. “Honestly, I don’t know how I feel. You have to get away from me before I do something we’ll regret later. I don’t think you’re the one for me, Krystal-ssi. I don’t intend to get serious with you and you wouldn’t like that.”

Krystal’s eyes widened with his blunt confession. She doesn’t understand.

“Go. And don’t come near me again.”

She went back inside the building. It hurt to know how she meant to him. He found her attractive, but it wasn’t enough. She couldn’t pass for what he would call his ideal. She wiped the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.


The church was bursting with people. Fans were even outside to see several idols and popular personalities attending the wedding of two controversial people. Idol Yonghwa and model Seohyun. They were a perfect match.

Yonghwa stood nervously outside the church’s steps, his band mates surrounding him. He absent-mindedly watched Minhyuk talk to Lee Ji Eun, another idol more popularly known as IU.

“Is he courting her?” he heard Jonghyun asked Jungshin.

Jungshin laughed. “What are you talking about, hyung? She’s his girlfriend for months already.”

“What? And why don’t I know that?” Jonghyun demanded. “Do you know, Yonghwa-yah?”

Yonghwa just shook his head as he saw the bridal car on the street approaching the church’s gates. He grew more nervous as the car made its way down the curving driveway and stopped on the steps.

“Places, everyone! The bride’s here,” he heard someone shout. It must be the wedding planner. He never took his eyes from the car, waiting for its doors to open. He was afraid Seohyun’s not inside…that she changed her mind.

Jungshin, the best man pulled Yonghwa and steered him toward the church’s entrance. “Come on, hyung. We’re the first ones to march down the aisle.”

He forced himself to look away from the bridal car and let Jungshin lead him inside the church. 

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 1: "Blue stains on a pink" is brought me here!
I wonder after all, did they can reach of their happiness?
ngtra95 #2
Hello, I just finshed reading " Blue Stains on Pink" in Vietnamese, and I am too excited to read "The otherside of goodbye." Therefore, I come here to read it. It is really good. Also, if you do not mind, can I translate "The otherside of goodbye" into Vietnamese? Thank you so much:D Keep going and Fighting!
hyunie27 #3
Chapter 17: love it ^^
jingga8 #4
Chapter 17: daebak.. author nim! I had so much fun reading your story and exactly feels like I was watching the serries. I'm a hardcore goguma by the way, and your fiction is one of the greatest I ever read. chukkhaseumnida.. chinggu... ;)
Chapter 17: The ending is daebak! Kekeke
miakoo #6
Chapter 17: AWWWWW! Happy ending :) I hope you can write an individual story with Yoona and Jonghyun as the main couple :) Thanks!
Chapter 8: aww, minstal kiss ^^
Chapter 2: minstal was so cute :)
jhammyjam #9
Kekeke I had so much fun reading this one..especially the last part haha yong choding to yong protective appa..!haha nice fanfic! :D