Chapter 12

The Other Side of Goodbye


Yonghwa collapsed in his seat, gasping for breath after that run with Seohyun. It was a good thing their efforts were not wasted; they caught their flight. Seohyun sat on the seat beside him, panting and fanning herself.

He turned to her and saw small beads of perspiration forming on her forehead and eyebrows. Without thinking he instinctively wiped her forehead with his handkerchief. Seohyun froze and he paused as their eyes met.

Seohyun began to glare at him. Really, he’s getting used to that look of hers.

“What should I do to find a way to your heart? Well, I’ve made up my mind. You’re already mine,” he said, grinning at her.

Seohyun turned away but not before Yonghwa saw her blush and smile. She bit her lip to cover the laughter threatening to escape from her. He looked so silly.

“Shut up! Aish, you’re hopeless,” she shook her head and her pissed off look was back.

“Hopelessly devoted to you?” Yonghwa teased, never giving up.

Seohyun gritted her teeth. “You really are getting into my nerves Jung Yonghwa,” she opened her carryall and fished out her Ipod. She jammed the earphones in her ears and closed her eyes, completely ignoring her husband. But the moment she closed her eyes, all she could see was Yonghwa’s grinning face.

She shifted in her seat. “Aish!” she muttered.

“I’m not doing or saying anything here,” she heard Yonghwa say amidst the music blaring from her earphones.

She opened her eyes and glanced at him sharply. “And don’t even think about it or you’ll gonna pay. Let me sleep in peace,” that being said she turned away from him and closed her eyes.


Seohyun slowly awoke. She was a bit disoriented for a moment before she realized where she was. That’s right, she’s on a plane bound for Italy with her new husband. Italy…with Yonghwa…somehow the thought made her heart flutter and she quickly tried to ward the feeling away.

Suddenly she realized her position. She was leaning her head on Yonghwa’s shoulder while he was leaning his head on her head. She quickly shrieked and sat up straight.

Yonghwa opened his eyes and blinked.

“Yah, what are you doing?” she hissed at him.

“What? What am I doing?”

“You were leaning your head on my head!”

“That’s because you’re leaning yours on my shoulder.”

“I was asleep! You shouldn’t have taken advantage of me!”

Yonghwa opened his mouth, astonished. “I wasn’t…I was just trying to make you comfortable. And you were the one who leaned your head on my shoulder. I didn’t make you do it.”

Seohyun grew more annoyed with his remark. She turned away from him and chose to ignore him, having nothing left to say.

“Yah,” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She pushed his hand away. “Hands off me. From now on, don’t touch me. Or I’ll cut your hand off and you won’t be able to play your precious guitar anymore.”

“Oh hoho…scary…” he teased.

She turned and stared daggers at him. “Yah, I’m not kidding.”

Yonghwa sighed. “All right, if you say so.”


Krystal looked at the blank paper before her. It seemed she was running out of ideas lately. She looked up when she noticed someone standing before her table.

“Are you okay?” Jiyoung’s pretty face loomed over her, its expression worried.

Krystal sighed. “Yeah, I guess so…”

Jiyoung frowned. “I can’t believe Choi Minho is such a jerk,” she sat on the armrest of Krystal’s swivel chair and leaned to hug her friend. “Don’t worry, Krys, there are plenty of guys who would kill to be with you. Let him see what he missed and what he lost.”

Krystal looked up at Jiyoung. She shook her head. “I don’t think he’ll really be thinking of that now. I don’t mean anything to him. Now that Seohyun unnie is married he has his eyes set on Yuri unnie.”

“Oh?” Jiyoung raised an eyebrow. “What makes you so sure of that?”

“Since the wedding I often see them together,” and every time it breaks her heart. “What else would that mean?”

“Then forget about that jerk! Go out with other guys so that it would be easier!” her friend advised.

She let out a sigh again. “I guess you’re right. I can’t go on like this.”

Jiyoung stood up and kissed Krystal’s head. “That’s my girl!”

“Thanks,” Krystal smiled weakly.

“Always,” Jiyoung answered, heading for the cubicle’s entrance.


“All passengers please take your seats and put on your seatbelts. We will be landing on Aeroporto di Firenze in a short while.”

Seohyun elbowed Yonghwa. “Yah, put on your seatbelt.”

Yonghwa pulled his arm away from her. “Yah, what are you doing? Didn’t you tell me we’re not allowed to touch each other?”

She rolled her eyes at him. ‘”Just put on your seatbelt.”

He grinned at her. “You can’t resist touching me, right Hyun?”

She hit his shoulder with her palm. “Yah, dream on!”

“See, there you go again,” he laughed.

Suddenly she looked at him through her lashes and smiled seductively. “Yes. I do like touching you. Like this…” she caressed his face and Yonghwa was stunned. Then he blinked and winced when she suddenly struck his forehead hard with her thumb and forefinger. “Do you like it, Yong?”

“Ouch,” he rubbed his forehead, which had turned red on the part where she hit him. “Yes, yeobo, I liked that very much,” he answered, his grin returning.

“Really? Then do you want me to do it again?” she asked sweetly.

He shook his head. “No.”

“But I thought you liked it,” she pouted, aiming her fingers at his forehead again.

“Yah, Seohyun-ah, stop that!” he said, almost screaming and Seohyun giggled.

Yonghwa smiled upon hearing her giggle. “I missed the sound of that, Hyun.”

She stopped giggling and glared at him again.

He shouldn’t have said that.


They arrived at the airport in no time.

“Yah, won’t you help me with this?” Seohyun asked, struggling with her luggage.

“We’re not allowed to touch each other, right? If I help you with that I’ll be touching your hand,” Yonghwa teased.

“What?” Seohyun’s eyes went wide. Aish, he was being a choding again. She rolled her suitcase toward him and hit his calves with it.

Yonghwa stumbled backwards, his arms flailing. “Yah, what did you do that for?”

Seohyun laughed and stepped closer toward Yonghwa who was already sitting on the floor.  “Oh, poor little choding! You’re not gonna cry, are you? Mommy’s not here.”

“That’s enough, Seohyun-ah. Help me here,” he raised a hand to her.

She ignored his hand and giggled. “See ya later,” she waved at him and turned away, pulling her suitcase behind her.

“Yah, Seohyun-ah!”

“Aish..” Yonghwa got up and hurried to catch up with his wife.


 Yonghwa glanced at Seohyun before talking to the receptionist. “One suite room please?”

Seohyun put her arms on her chest and nodded as the receptionist smiled warmly at them and looked in her computer. Then she frowned. “I’m sorry sir but we have no available suite rooms for now.”

“Oh. Two rooms, then,” Seohyun said.

Yonghwa wanted to protest but chose not to argue with Seohyun. She might start hitting him with her suitcase again. “Please have our rooms next to each other.”

The receptionist looked at the computer again and bit her lip. “I’m sorry but we’re fully booked right now. We have only one room available.”

“What?” Seohyun’s eyes widened. “I told you! You should have made reservations before we got here!”

Yonghwa acted disappointed but in truth he wanted to grin widely. “How was I to know they would be fully booked at this time?”

Seohyun sighed, then smiled at the receptionist. “It’s okay, we won’t take it.”

“What do you mean we won’t take it?” Yonghwa demanded as Seohyun turned around and headed for the entrance/exit of the hotel. “Hyun!”

“Come on, this isn’t the only hotel in the city, is it?” she huffed.

“But I want to stay here. It’s the closest to most of the tourist spots here in Florence. Especially on that cathedral you would like to visit so much,” Yonghwa insisted.

“Fine. Stay here and I’ll look for another hotel,” Seohyun said.

“What? No! Seohyun. Seohyun-ah!” he grabbed her arm and pulled her, turning her around to face him.

“We’re staying here.”


“I’m the man and you’re my wife. You have to obey me,” he said firmly.

“Why would I do that? I’m not really your wife,” she taunted.

“Maybe we won’t be doing what normal married couples would do. But the contract we signed are valid and legal, Seohyun. Now be a good girl and quit arguing with me.”

“Let me go or I’ll hit you with my bag,” she threatened.

“You won’t do that in front of so many people, Hyun. You are Seohyun. You are always polite. You don’t want to cause a scene, do you? Some people are already staring at us. Are we going to fight in front of them?” Yonghwa whispered at her, a fake smile appearing on his lips.

Seohyun exhaled forcefully, her nostrils flaring slightly. She looked around her. Then she smiled at Yonghwa. “Don’t even think of taking advantage of this situation, Jung Yonghwa!”

She tugged her arm from his grip and her heel, making her way back to the reception desk. Yonghwa followed her.

“I’m sorry, my wife and I had a fight on our way here, but we already made up. We’ll take the room,” Yonghwa told the woman.

Minutes later, Seohyun was already discussing rules inside their hotel room. “I get the bed, since I’m the girl. You will sleep in the couch.”

“What? But I can’t stretch my legs in that!” Yonghwa pointed at the couch.

Seohyun smiled. “Okay, you may sleep on the floor.”

“Hyun, don’t do this to me. I’d be more comfortable on the bed,” Yonghwa begged.

Seohyun glared at him. What’s new? He sighed.

“Yah! Would you rather that I sleep on the floor?” Seohyun screeched.

“Aish, why are you being so scary, Hyun?”

Seohyun ignored his question. “Next, I’m the one keeping the keys to this room.”

“And why is that?”

“Because number 1, I’m the responsible one and number two, you’re the irresponsible one,” she stated.

“Yah, what makes you say that? I am responsible!” he insisted.

“How can a choding be responsible enough?” she laughed.


“No, buts,” she cut him off.

He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off again.

“Yah! You already got your way! You wanted to stay in this hotel and have the two of us together in this single room! Now bear the consequences,” she grinned rather mischievously, and Yonghwa didn’t know she could do that. She looked really cute.

Yonghwa jutted his lower lip and looked out the glass windows, sulking.

“Time to take a tour!” she headed for the door, her purse with her.

“Yah, where are you going?”

“Anywhere I want.”

“Wait for me. I’m coming with you.”

“No, you’re not. Have your own tour, and I’ll have mine.”

“What are you saying, Hyun? This is our honeymoon!”

She shrugged. “Well, it’s not like a real honeymoon, anyway.”

“You sound so disappointed,” he teased.

“Shut up!” she hurriedly got out of the room. She could still feel her cheeks burning as she closed the door and made her way down the hallway.


“Hey, Krystal-ssi.”

Krystal turned around and found Onew, grinning at her. She stole a quick glance behind him to see if some of his fellow SHINee members were following. She found none.

“I need your help. Do you think these shoes would go with this shirt and jacket?” Onew asked. “Or do you think these would?” he held up some items for her to see.

Krystal smiled. “I never knew boys could be quite particular about that.”

“Well, we’re in the show business so we have to, I guess,” Onew explained. “Don’t you know that Minho makes a fuss about these things at times, too?”

Krystal’s smile disappeared when she heard the name.

“Oops…I’m such an idiot,” Onew muttered, scratching his head. “Sorry.”

Krystal smiled again. “Yah, why are you saying sorry?”

“Well, because I shouldn’t have mentioned-“

“I think the red and black matches,” she cut him off, pointing at the jacket and shoes. “Obviously.”

Onew nodded. “I think so too. Thanks.”

“Sure. No problem,” she smiled and bowed at him, then turned to go.


She turned around to look at him.

“It’s almost dinner. Would you like to have dinner with me?” Onew suddenly asked.

She was rather surprised by his invitation. But, “Sure, that would be great.”


Seohyun stared up at one of the stained glass windows of the Florence Cathedral, admiring the piece of work. Suddenly she was startled by an elbow poking on her side. She immediately knew who it was. Her husband, of course. Despite what she told him, he had followed her. She chose to ignore him and moved to stand below the huge clock, staring past it and up to the round stained glass window depicting the coronation of the Mary.

Someone behind her cleared his throat.

“Excuse me, Miss, are you Korean? ‘Cause I’m Korean, too.”

Seohyun glanced at Yonghwa and rolled her eyes.

Yonghwa held out his hand to her. “I’m Jung Yonghwa, by the way.”

She suppressed a laugh and tried to ignore Yonghwa.

“Yah, Miss…did it hurt?” he asked Seohyun as she moved on to another corner.

Seohyun finally whirled and faced him. “What?”

“Did it hurt when you fell? ‘Cause I’m sure you’re an angel who fell from heaven,” he grinned.

“Aish, will you stop that? It’s annoying,” but her heart flutters every time he throws his antics and cheesy lines at her.

“Okay, I’ll stop annoying you if you pay attention to me,” he said.


They walked around in silence for a few moments. Yonghwa kept on glancing at Seohyun, studying her profile.

“Yah, Seohyun-ah.”

She didn’t look at him.

“Are you an-“

“What?” she quickly cut him off as he began another cheesy line again.

“I told you not to ignore me,” he muttered, then he smiled at her. “Do you want to go up to their bell tower?”

Her face brightened. “Let’s go!”


The couple made their way up to the tower with other tourists. Yonghwa watched as Seohyun kept on looking around her, her face filled with awe.

They both looked out the huge window, admiring the view below.

“Wow,” Seohyun said, clapping her hands. “This is amazing.”

Yonghwa nodded. “It is.”

“I always wanted to come here,” she smiled, staring at the view from the tower.

“Are you happy that you’re here, Hyun?”


“Won’t you ask me if I’m happy too?” Yonghwa asked .

“Are you?” she obliged.

“Yes. Not just because of the place, but because of you…because I’m here with you,” he paused and looked at her. “I love you, Seohyun-ah. How can I make you believe that?”

Her heart sped away as she saw the intensity in his eyes. She looked away.

“I love you so much I want to shout it to the world. I want to shout it from here.”


“Seohyun-ah, saranghanda!” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

People turned to look at them, and some below looked up at him.

“Yah, stop that!”

“Seohyun-ah, I love you,” he shouted in English. “Ti amo!”

Some people smiled and nodded in approval as they watched the young couple; Yonghwa grinning and Seohyun hiding her face in her hands.

Coincidentally, the bells on the tower started to ring as if voicing out their approval and support to Yonghwa’s declaration. It was so romantic, Seohyun has to admit. And she is very much in danger, for she realized every single day spent with him, her resolve is starting to melt.


Minho stood outside the building where Lee Yoona’s office is. He really didn’t know why he was there. He has no business there. He was just through having dinner with Yuri. It seemed like a date, if one could call it a date. Yuri just bawled her eyes out the whole time they were together because they ran into her ex-fiance. Minho sighed. He was glad he could comfort her in a way, but it already gets to him at times. All that drama seemed to be tiring him lately.

From the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a familiar form getting out of a newly arrived car. He looked and saw Onew getting around to the passenger side and helping out a woman. He then recognized Krystal.

Krystal and Jinki hyung? What the heck is the matter with her? I thought it’s me she likes, he thought. He stood there and watched as the two exchanged a few words, which he couldn’t hear, hard as he tried. Both didn’t see that he was also there, standing next to his car.

Minho’s eyes widened as Krystal gave Onew a peck on the cheek. He saw Onew’s features go from shocked to being shy. Aish, just look at this woman. Changing feelings and preferences all of a sudden. It should be none of his business, right? He rejected Krystal. But why is he angry? Is he jealous? He shook his head.

Then he saw Krystal walking toward the building and unable to help himself, he went after her. Without warning he grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him.

“Yah, where have you been?”

Krystal’s eyes widened in shock upon seeing Minho. “Oppa!? What are you doing here?”

He didn’t answer. “Are you going out with Jinki hyung? Is he the one you’re chasing after now?”

Krystal angrily pulled her arm from his grasp. “What I do is none of your business!”

“Maybe. But Jinki hyung is my business. Stay away from him, Krystal-ssi. You don’t belong with him. I don’t want you to have to do anything with him,” he told her firmly. Huh? What is he saying? Somehow it didn’t come out right.

His head turned sideways in a snap. Krystal slapped his face hard. “Do you dislike me that much? Do you see me as just a piece of trash, unworthy of famous you or your famous friends?” her eyes sparkled with unshed tears.    

“No, I…that’s not what I meant…”

“Then what? Do you think that I’m so cheap because I ran around chasing you before? Is that it? Well, I’m not bothering you anymore so what the hell are you doing in front of me?!”

Minho was a bit taken aback by her outburst that he was at a loss for words.

“By the way, don’t worry. Nothing’s going on between me and Jinki oppa. You don’t have to worry that he might pick up the trash you have already discarded,” she said, wiping her tears with the back of her hands.

Before he could say anything, she turned and ran away from him.

What had he just done? Why does he always end up hurting her?


“Where are we going?” Seohyun asked as Yonghwa pulled her by the hand, leading her.

They just had their dinner and over it Seohyun finally agreed to have a truce with him. She was getting tired of trying to resist to his charms that she decided to just have a good time and enjoy her so-called honeymoon. After all, it’s not every day that she would get to tour Italy.

“You’ll see.”

“I’m nervous. Is this another one of your lame surprises?” she asked suspiciously.

“Yah, my surprise for you the last time wasn’t lame,” Yonghwa defended.

Seohyun laughed. “But it was.”

Yonghwa stopped walking and turned to her with sad eyes. “It was? You really didn’t like it? I thought you’re just acting that you didn’t. I thought you’re just kidding me.”

Seohyun rolled her eyes. “Aish, fine I liked it, but you were my enemy then, remember?”

He smiled. “Really?”

“Really. Now come on. This better be good.”

They arrived at a club.

“What? Here? This isn’t anything new. There are a lot of clubs back home,” Seohyun said.

“Please sit there and ask your question later,” he told her, helping her sit on a high stool near the bar. He ordered drinks, carefully choosing something mild for Seohyun.

“Just stay put, okay?” he told her as he stepped away from her.

“Wait, where are you going?”

“I’ll just have some business to do. Please wait for me there, okay?” he answered and turned away from her. He headed toward the stage.

Seohyun watched with a creased forehead as Yonghwa talked to the DJ. She was getting excited and nervous at the same time.

A few seconds later, the DJ went back to the stage and grabbed her microphone. “There’s a newly-wed couple here tonight and the husband very much wants to sing the song he wrote for his wife. He wants to share it with everyone who is here.”

A hush fell over the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, from South Korea, Jung Yonghwa!”

The crowd clapped.

“Oh my gosh, I know him! CNBlue!” a woman somewhere cried out.

Seohyun watched nervously as Yonghwa mounted the stage, gripping a guitar. He turned and bowed to the audience.

“I made this song especially for my wife, Seohyun,” he said in English and pointed at her direction. A spotlight was thrown on her and she smiled as the crowd turned their attention to her. “I’m sorry if the song would be in Korean. I will translate the lyrics for you after the song,” he continued.

When he started playing the guitar, Seohyun held her breath, not even realizing she was doing it. When he started to sing the first few lines, Seohyun swallowed the lump forming in .

maen cheoeum neoreul bodeon nal
sujub giman hadeon neoye malgeun misodo
oneuri jinamyeon gakkawo jilgeoya
maeil seolleneun gidaereul hae

museun mareul geonde bolkka
eotteohke hamyeon niga useo julkka
soneul geonde boda eosaek hae jilkka bwa
meotjjeok eun useum man useo bwa

uri seoro banmal haneun sa iga dwe gireul
ajik jogeum seotureugo eosaek hande do
gomawo yo raneun maltu daeshin
jomdeo chinhage mareul hae jullae

uri seoro banmal haneun sa iga dwel geoya
hangeol eumsshik cheoncheonhi dagawa
ijen nae dununeul bara bomyeo mareul hae jullae
neol saranghae

neowa ye soneul jabdeon nal
shimjangi meomchu deuthan gibun deure
museun mal haetneunji gieok jocha anna
manyang seolle neun gibun ingeol

uri seoro banmal haneun sa iga dwe gireul
ajik jogeum seotureugo eosaek hande do
gomawo yo raneun maltu daeshin
jomdeo chinhage mareul hae jullae

uri seoro banmal haneun sa iga dwel geoya
hangeol eumsshik cheoncheonhi dagawa
ijen nae dununeul bara bomyeo, mareul hae jullae
neol saranghae

uri seoro saranghaneun sa iga dwe gireul
jabeun duson yeongwonhi nohji anheul kkeoya
bara boneun neoye nunbit soge
haengbokhan misoman itgil barae

uri seoro saranghaneun sa iga dwel kkeoya
akkyeo jugo pyeonhi gidaemyeon dwe
neoreul boneun naye du nun i
malhago isseo
neol saranghae


“Hyun,” he started saying after he finished his song. He looked at her with a hint of sadness. “I don’t think the lyrics are appropriate to our situation now, but just so you know, I wrote this song for you ten years ago, that time you started tutoring me. I just didn’t get the chance to sing it to you before.”

Seohyun put her hand over as tears began to spill from her eyes.

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 1: "Blue stains on a pink" is brought me here!
I wonder after all, did they can reach of their happiness?
ngtra95 #2
Hello, I just finshed reading " Blue Stains on Pink" in Vietnamese, and I am too excited to read "The otherside of goodbye." Therefore, I come here to read it. It is really good. Also, if you do not mind, can I translate "The otherside of goodbye" into Vietnamese? Thank you so much:D Keep going and Fighting!
hyunie27 #3
Chapter 17: love it ^^
jingga8 #4
Chapter 17: daebak.. author nim! I had so much fun reading your story and exactly feels like I was watching the serries. I'm a hardcore goguma by the way, and your fiction is one of the greatest I ever read. chukkhaseumnida.. chinggu... ;)
Chapter 17: The ending is daebak! Kekeke
miakoo #6
Chapter 17: AWWWWW! Happy ending :) I hope you can write an individual story with Yoona and Jonghyun as the main couple :) Thanks!
Chapter 8: aww, minstal kiss ^^
Chapter 2: minstal was so cute :)
jhammyjam #9
Kekeke I had so much fun reading this one..especially the last part haha yong choding to yong protective appa..!haha nice fanfic! :D