Chapter 3

The Other Side of Goodbye


Seohyun smiled and strutted toward the door of the mansion with Kyuhyun escorting her. She gripped his arm tighter and kept the smile plastered on her face as cameras clicked here and there. If only these press people knew how badly she wanted to turn around and run away…that behind that confident smile, she was nervous…that beneath that poised strut, her knees were shaking so much it’s a good thing she didn’t trip. All those years of being a celebrity and being used to a lot of people surrounding her were forgotten…all those years of training had been put to nothing…those ten years suddenly vanished the minute she saw Yonghwa. Suddenly, she was fifteen all over again; nerdy, awkward, clumsy…a nobody.

“Your hand feels cold. Are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked as he removed her hand from his arm and held it.

Seohyun nodded absent-mindedly, barely hearing him. She was thinking about the moment when she locked gazes with Jung Yonghwa for the first time after ten years of not seeing him in person. She really didn’t know what hit her. And it’s not just because he had become even more good-looking than he was before, there’s just…something. I hate him, she told herself. But she shouldn’t hate him now, should she? She had moved on. She doesn’t care anymore. He doesn’t affect her in any way now. But so much emotion was stirred in her when she saw him. Why are you so stubborn, Hyun?

“Seohyun,” Kyuhyun whispered in her ear. “Madam Bertrand is waving at you. She’s coming this way. Please wave or smile back. She’d think you’re snubbing her.”

Seohyun realized she was staring blankly at the people around her. “Oh,” she waved at Madam Bertrand, one of the benefactresses of the foundation.

Then her eyes shifted a little further to the right of the benefactress and she saw Yonghwa. He was standing near the stairs, the pretty actress clinging on his arm, talking to a fellow recording artist, Kwon Ji Yong who was more popularly known as G-Dragon and his wife, Kim Taeyeon, another popular singer. Taeyeon, who had been head cheerleader of their team in high school turned and saw Seohyun. She smiled at her and said something to the small group around her that made everyone turn to look at Seohyun. All of them smiled and waved at her except for Yonghwa. He just averted his eyes and pretended that he didn’t know her. Seohyun tried to keep herself from biting her lower lip. His reaction had annoyed her so. She saw him gaping and staring at her with longing in his eyes the moment she stepped out of the limousine and now, he was pointedly ignoring her?!

“Omo, I’ve heard you’re back but I wasn’t expecting to see you here!” Taeyeon beamed at Seohyun as she approached. She gave her old friend a hug.

“Unnie,” Seohyun said as she hugged Taeyeon back.

Taeyeon pulled back and she and Kyuhyun bowed to each other.

“So, you guys are together, huh?” Taeyeon said teasingly, raising an eyebrow at Seohyun.

“No, actually…” Seohyun began but Kyuhyun suddenly cut her off.

“It’s amazing, really,” Kyuhyun told Taeyeon. “I’ve always wanted her to be my girl since high school…and now, here we are. I had a hard time, but it’s worth the wait,” he put his arm around Seohyun’s shoulders.

Seohyun turned at Kyuhyun, her eyes widening, but she didn’t say anything. Just what is this guy up to? Kyuhyun squeezed her shoulder as if to say, ‘Just ride along.’

Taeyeon didn’t seem to notice the silent exchange. She laughed. “Oh, that’s wonderful. You two look good together.”

“Thank you,” Kyuhyun said.

Seohyun, uncomfortable of the situation suddenly tried to shift the topic.

“Unnie, I barely heard from you since I went away. How’s married life?”

Taeyeon shrugged. She was married for a little over a year.  “We’re still on our honeymoon stage. It’s great,” she grinned. “Try it and see for yourself. When are you planning to get married?” she winked at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun smiled. “I’m just waiting for her to say yes.”

Taeyeon’s eyes widened. “Oh no, Hyunnie, and just why are you keeping him waiting? Say yes already.”

Taeyeon knew about Seohyun’s first heartbreak but she had thought it was just puppy love and will just pass. Seohyun blushed. She was really uncomfortable with the topic. Why is Kyuhyun doing this? He very well knew he was just a friend to her.

“Her career is her priority right now. But I know that soon, she’ll say yes,” she heard Kyuhyun tell Taeyeon.

Taeyeon smiled. “That’s so sweet of you.”

“Oh, I like this song,” Seohyun suddenly said, pulling Kyuhyun’s arm. “Come on, oppa, let’s dance,” she wanted to get away, out of Taeyeon’s earshot, before she would ask Kyuhyun what he was talking about.

She turned to Taeyeon. “So glad to see you again, unnie. Please excuse us.”  

Taeyeon nodded and smiled at them before turning away.

“Why did you say those things to Taeyeon unnie?” she hissed at Kyuhyun while they made their way to the center of the ballroom, where a lot of couples are already dancing.

“What? Why didn’t you deny it?” Kyuhyun said, chuckling.

“Because I don’t want to embarrass you,” she said as he held her in his arms and they began to sway to the music.

“Why? Because you care about how I feel. Because you care for me, too,” Kyuhyun said.

Seohyun sighed. “We’ve talked about this before. I thought you understand.”

“No, Hyun, it’s you who doesn’t understand. I love you and I can see that in a way, you love me, too. You wouldn’t stick with me if you don’t,” Kyuhyun insisted.

“I’ve told you before, I love you only as a friend, oppa,” she said.

“Then, let’s take it from there. It wouldn’t be so hard, Hyun. You love me already. It’s doesn’t matter what kind of love that is, or how intense. What’s important is there’s room for me in your heart.”

Seohyun shook her head. “Oppa, please. Why are you suddenly bringing this up again?”

They twirled and then Jonghyun was already beside Kyuhyun, tapping his shoulder. “May I dance with my sister in law?”

Seohyun pulled away from Kyuhyun and put her hands on Jonghyun’s shoulders. “Of course, oppa,” she smiled at Kyuhyun and though it was clear in his expression that he didn’t want to give way to Jonghyun, he bowed and exited the dance floor.

“Thanks,” she murmured to Jonghyun after a minute or so of swaying and whirling around.

“For what?” he asked.


Jonghyun shook his head. “Don’t thank me yet, sis. You might hate me for the favor I have to ask of you.”

“Hate you? Why? What is it? You know I’d do anything, oppa,” she said, so grateful that he had rescued her on time.

“Really? Anything?” he danced his way to a darkened corner with her.

She nodded.

“There’s someone who wants to dance with you and I hope you wouldn’t embarrass him by leaving,” Jonghyun said. He stopped dancing and held her hand. Seohyun stared at the guy behind Jonghyun.

“May I dance with your sister in law, Jonghyun-ah?” he said softly.

“Go ahead and ask her,” Jonghyun said but his eyes never left Seohyun, the look on them pleading…pleading for her to say yes.

“May I dance with you, Seohyun-ah?”

Jung Yonghwa asked and Seohyun felt her heart catch on . Had Jonghyun rescued her just to lead her to something worse?


Choi Minho watched as Han Seohyun danced with her date, a man who was surely not a celebrity. He had heard that he’s her boyfriend. They seemed to be arguing over something. He took a drink of his wine and continued staring at the famous model. He really liked her. She looked perfect, but then most models and celebrities are. What set her apart from the rest, he thought were her eyes. Those beautiful eyes looked sad, as if she had been through a kind of intense pain and seemed to be full of mystery, as if she was keeping lots of things yet to be discovered. Seohyun is quiet, poised and mysterious. He liked mysterious women.

“Minho oppa!”

His eyes reluctantly left Seohyun and he turned to the girl who had just come to stand beside him. He liked mysterious women…unlike this one, he thought as he looked at Krystal Jung, her beautiful face all aglow.

Minho sighed. Here we go again. Knowing Krystal, she would talk nonstop until his ears bleed. He had discovered that she had grown up but she never changed. During SHINee’s visit at Lee Yoona’s office, Krystal would follow them around and try to get him into a conversation with her, just like when she was a little girl and he was in his early teens….back when they were neighbors.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Aish, I’m invited, too,” she frowned and pouted. “You don’t look so happy to see me.”

“Actually, I’m not,” he told her honestly.

“What? You’re really not happy to see me?” she studied him for a moment. “I see you’ve grown a sense of humor, oppa. You already know how to joke.”

“Krystal, I’m not trying to make you laugh. I’m just being honest with you.”

“I thought you miss me.”

He shook his head. Did he? He didn’t even remember her until he saw her at Lee Yoona’s office days ago.

She looked hurt. “Fine,” she said curtly and started to leave.

He should be thankful that she finally got the message and decided to leave him alone but he felt so guilty for hurting her. He followed her and took hold of her arm, stopping her.

“Look, I’m sorry, okay? It’s just that…you’re so annoyingly cheerful all the time and you talk so much I can’t hear myself think when you’re around,” he told her.

Ooops…! Wrong words. Her eyes began to water. “I am annoying?”

He shrugged. It’s better to be honest than to lie.

He thought she would get mad and walk away from him again but she didn’t. Instead, she wiped the tears forming in her eyes and gave him a bitter smile. “So I’m annoying, huh?

“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but…”

“Shhh…” she pressed a finger to his lips, her smile brightening. “I’ll accept your apology if you dance with me.”

He sighed. He really didn’t want to act so arrogant. “Fine. Come on.”


Yonghwa seemed to be dreaming. He couldn’t believe how he felt with Seohyun in his arms.

“How have you been, Seohyun-ah?”

She continued to gaze at the other dancers as they swayed to the music. “I’m okay,” she answered.

He swallowed, mustering all the courage he could get. “Are you still mad at me?”

She looked at him, and he couldn’t read what was in her eyes. “As you can see, I’ve moved on, oppa. I’m dancing with you and I’m not purposely stepping on your toes, am I?”

He chuckled nervously. “Right.”

They were silent for a while. Yonghwa saw Kyuhyun watching them in a corner, sipping the wine from his goblet, his face cool and composed. He turned back to Seohyun. “So…are you and Kyuhyun together?”

“I believe that’s certainly none of your business, oppa,” Seohyun answered elusively, smiling politely at him.

“Oh,” he murmured. But from the look of it, she and Kyuhyun are together. And he had heard from Taeyeon earlier that Kyuhyun is already proposing to her. Damn, he was running out of time. How can he get the girl when she was so cold and indifferent to him?

“About before…” he started. “Why I went with Jiyeon, why I…”

Seohyun felt like a hand grabbed her heart and began squeezing it. Whatever it is he wanted to say, she didn’t want to hear it. She wasn’t ready to talk about the past…their past.

“Stop it, please,” she said, interrupting him. “It’s been done. Whatever you say won’t change anything. So just leave it be. We’re both fine now.”

How could he make her listen? He tightened his hold on her. If only…if only…

“I’m not really fine, Seohyun-ah.”

She didn’t answer.

“I wasn’t fine ever since the girl I loved has left,” he continued.

She wanted to leave right there and then. How dare he talk to her about his problems with Jiyeon?

“I’m sorry about Jiyeon,” she said through gritted teeth.

“I’m not talking about Jiyeon. I’m talking about you. I’ve never been the same since you left,” he said.

That did it. She pulled away from him and hurriedly left the ballroom.

Yonghwa followed her, unaware that almost everyone in the room had their eyes on him.

He followed her out of one of the exits scattered around the house and outside into the garden.

“What was that all about?” she angrily said as he approached her.

“It’s the truth, Seohyun-ah.”

“You’re the one who left me, remember?” she hissed at him.

“That’s why I’m here to explain.”

“After all those years? You make it sound so easy, Jung Yonghwa. I had given you a lot of chances to explain many years ago but now I don’t care about your reasons. You left me hanging, you hurt me and you chose Jiyeon. And now that she left you, you’d come running back to me?”

“Hyun, if you would just listen…”

“I’m not that silly girl who would easily fall for your games anymore,” she was shaking with anger as she faced him.

“Hyun, I’m not…”

“Enough. I have to get back inside. My fiancé might already be looking for me,” she told him before she turned away to leave.

He caught her arm and forced her to turn around. “So it’s true? You’re marrying him?”

“It’s really none of your business.”

“It is my business because I love you and I’ve waited ten years for you to come back,” he said intensely.

Seohyun’s heart skipped a beat when he said those three words. But she reprimanded herself. Those words mean nothing to him.

“I don’t believe you,” she said, tears forming in her eyes.

“You wouldn’t look so unaffected if you don’t feel anything for me anymore, Seohyun-ah,” he said huskily, caressing her face with the back of his hand.

She was melting, but she slapped his hand away. “I don’t feel anything for you anymore, Jung Yonghwa. You’re dreaming.”

“Wanna bet?”

His arm circled her waist and he drew her closer to him. His other arm s on her back as he held the back of her head with his hand. And he was suddenly kissing her intensely, passionately.

Seohyun was caught off guard. Her knees weakened and buckled. She gripped his shoulders to steady herself. Before she knew it, she was kissing him back.

Something flashed and Seohyun suddenly became aware of where she was, what she was doing, who she was with. She pulled away and stared in front of her as another flash ignited in the darkness.

“Yonghwa-ssi, is Han Seohyun the mysterious girl you were talking about?” a reporter shoved her microphone on Yonghwa’s face. “Is she your fiancée?”

Yonghwa was bewildered for a moment before he answered. “Yes.”  

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 1: "Blue stains on a pink" is brought me here!
I wonder after all, did they can reach of their happiness?
ngtra95 #2
Hello, I just finshed reading " Blue Stains on Pink" in Vietnamese, and I am too excited to read "The otherside of goodbye." Therefore, I come here to read it. It is really good. Also, if you do not mind, can I translate "The otherside of goodbye" into Vietnamese? Thank you so much:D Keep going and Fighting!
hyunie27 #3
Chapter 17: love it ^^
jingga8 #4
Chapter 17: daebak.. author nim! I had so much fun reading your story and exactly feels like I was watching the serries. I'm a hardcore goguma by the way, and your fiction is one of the greatest I ever read. chukkhaseumnida.. chinggu... ;)
Chapter 17: The ending is daebak! Kekeke
miakoo #6
Chapter 17: AWWWWW! Happy ending :) I hope you can write an individual story with Yoona and Jonghyun as the main couple :) Thanks!
Chapter 8: aww, minstal kiss ^^
Chapter 2: minstal was so cute :)
jhammyjam #9
Kekeke I had so much fun reading this one..especially the last part haha yong choding to yong protective appa..!haha nice fanfic! :D