Chapter 11

The Other Side of Goodbye


Seohyun began to scream when Yonghwa pulled her with him as he ran.

“Yah! I’m having trouble running with these shoes!” she yelled at him.

Yonghwa stopped running and crouched down. “Hurry, get on my back.”


“Come on!”

Seohyun turned back and saw the screaming fans getting closer. She took off her shoes and got on Yonghwa’s back. He ran but it wasn’t as fast as when he wasn’t carrying her.

“This is all your fault Jung Yonghwa. Aigoo! What are we to do now? They’ll catch up on us,” Seohyun hit his shoulder with her fist.

“Yah, Seohyun-ah, stop that! I’m really trying here,” he cried, panting.

“Why did you let us get off the bridal car, huh? You’re crazy!”

Suddenly he turned right and shoved his way in into a door, which thankfully, was unlocked. When they got inside, they saw that it was an apartment. A young boy was sitting on the couch watching TV…well, he must have been watching before Yonghwa and Seohyun went barging in, because right at that moment he wasn’t watching TV anymore but sat gaping at them.

“Shhh…!” Yonghwa put a finger on his lips.

“Who are you?” the boy asked.

“Err…we’re trying to run away from someone. Please help us. Can we hide here for a while?” Yonghwa asked.

The boy looked at them suspiciously.

Seohyun bowed to the boy. “Please, we’re not bad people. We just have to hide from someone who’s chasing us.” Duh, ‘someone’ meant a mob of excited fans. Seohyun was sort of glad, but frustrated at the same time that this boy before them doesn’t know them, or at least her more popular rocker husband.

The boy grinned at them. “This noona is quite pretty. All right, I’ll let you guys hide in here. But you aren’t thieves, are you?”

They both shook their heads.

“Drug dealers?”

“No,” they answered in unison.


“Aish, do we look like aliens or fugitives to you?” Yonghwa asked, exasperated.

“Yeah. Your fashion’s weird,” the boy said, wrinkling his nose in distaste.

Seohyun would’ve opened to explain but Yonghwa nudged her. He then stepped closer to the door and peeked outside. It was already twilight and the sky was already darkening to a purple hue. He scanned the street. Everything seemed back to normal.

“I think they’re gone,” he whispered to Seohyun. He started to open the door but Seohyun stopped him.

“Yah, what if they’re just lurking outside?”

“Who are you running away from?” the boy suddenly asked, rather loudly, stepping closer behind them.

“Shhh…!” Yonghwa and Seohyun both said at the same time.

“The police?”

“No. We’re hiding from bad guys who are trying to abduct us. They’re from the future,” Yonghwa answered.

“Really?” the tween’s eyes grew huge and his mouth hung open.

“Yes, really. But I think they’re gone. Let’s go, Hyun,” he took Seohyun’s hand and pulled her with him as he opened the door and stepped out.

He walked down the street with Seohyun in tow. She trudged behind him, dragging her wedding dress and soiling its train. “Yah, oppa, is this your way of getting back at me because I’m ignoring you? Just to remind you, I have a very good reason for doing that.”

He looked back and grinned at her. “Yes, I know, Hyun. You’re afraid of falling in love with me again.”

She stopped in her tracks. Eh? “That’s not it!” she protested, blushing furiously.

He pinched her cheek. “So cute! I missed those reactions from you, Seohyun-ah. It’s much better seeing you annoyed with me than you being cold to me.”

She looked away, feeling uncomfortable. “Where are we going?” she asked instead.

“You’ll see.”


Krystal watched with the other guests as the newlyweds got inside the car after waving at them. Despite what she knew about the real score between Yonghwa and Seohyun, she thought both of them really looked happy. Maybe she still loves him. She sighed. It’s amazing how some feelings last. She glanced at Minho who was standing far left of her. He didn’t really look upset as he watched his ideal girl on her way to her honeymoon. She saw him turn to a beautiful woman standing beside him. He pointed at the bridal car and smiled at her. The way he smiled at the woman pinched her heart. She never smiled at her that way. And she knew the woman well…Han Yuri. Since the wedding party started, Krystal had already seen him hanging around Yuri, at times flirting with her. What is it with the Han sisters? If Lee Yoona isn’t married would he go for her, too? 

Minho caught her looking and his smile disappeared. Krystal looked away, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. She slipped from the guests crowding the newly-wed couple and walked away. She thought it was easy to make Minho notice her, really notice her, but she was wrong. She didn’t know why.

She took long strides toward Jessica’s car when she felt a hand grabbing her arm, pulling her and making her turn around. She looked up and saw Minho’s face.

Krystal flinched and pulled her arm out of his grasp. “Yah, what do you want?”

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Party’s over. I’m leaving,” she answered.

He just stood there, not saying anything.

“What?” she demanded. “I thought you don’t know of my existence. Do you know me?” she took a deep breath to calm herself.

“Nothing. It’s just that…I’m not used to seeing you like this, Krystal-ssi. You look so miserable and you act so cold…” he trailed off as he saw her raise an eyebrow.

“Don’t worry, I’m not blaming you for my so-called behavioral changes. I’ve gone crazy, so what?” she put her hands on her hips, as if challenging him.

“Minho-yah!” someone called from behind him, and he turned. Krystal stared to see who it was. Of course. Yuri. She was waving at him, and when she saw Krystal she waved at her, too, smiling. “Krystal-ssi!”

Krystal looked at Minho accusingly. Minho-yah? That was fast.  She knew she doesn’t have the right to get mad at him just because he doesn’t like her the way she wanted him to. But she couldn’t help herself. What is it that the Han sisters have that she doesn’t?

 She glared at him. “Yuri unnie is calling you. Have a good time with her.”

He glanced at Yuri then turned back to Krystal. “So this is all about Yuri noona? I was just trying to cheer her up. She’s depressed!”

“Wait, why are you explaining? You don’t owe me one.”

He looked confused.

“I don’t understand you, oppa. All my life it’s you I’ve wanted since the day we met. But you treat me like I don’t exist. I’ve grown weary of this. I’m tired and I don’t want you anymore.”

She her heel and ran, allowing her tears to flow freely down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she was crying over him now. Her confidence was gone, and the fire of her determination has gone out. After all those years of loving and cherishing him, she’s finally letting go.


Seohyun wanted to show Yonghwa she was not to be fooled by his style anymore, but she was also curious about what he was planning. She let herself be pulled by him as she debated whether to go to the hotel and leave him there all alone, or just go with him but not cooperate on what he was planning to do. She smiled to herself as he led her farther down the street, with a couple of people giving them strange looks. Maybe the second idea isn’t bad at all. She would not cooperate with him so that he’ll get mad.

“Yah, what are you smiling at?” Yonghwa asked as he turned to look at her. He looked so happy that for a moment there, she felt guilty of her thoughts. But did he feel guilty for rejecting you before? Did he? She asked herself to counter the feeling.

“Don’t mind me here and get on with your business!” she snapped.

He just laughed at her reaction and it annoyed her all the more. It seemed that nothing could get him down; not even the gloomy looks his bride kept on showing at him.

They turned right and at a distance Seohyun could see the open sea. “What, you’re taking me there? What are we going to do out there? In our wedding outfits? You’re crazy!”

He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her. “We’re going to fish for gogumas.”

Seohyun bit back her laughter. Yong choding is back. And she missed him being like this.

He pulled her as he began to run. “Run, Hyun!”

But she stopped and pulled her arm from his grasp. “No. Let’s get back to the hotel. We have a lot of packing to do.”

She couldn’t allow him to do this. He might get into her heart…again.

“Oh, come on, Hyun. Let’s have a truce, okay? Since this is our wedding day, couldn’t this be your gift to me? Please?” he begged.

She didn’t answer.

“Please? I’ll be good. I’d do anything you want,” he begged some more.

She just looked at him, trying to decide.

“Please?” he got on his knees and some people who are passing them by stopped to watch them, and others cheered.

“Yah, say yes already. You’re wearing a wedding dress anyway,” a man from the crowd shouted.

Seohyun’s cheeks burned. “Yah, get up! Aish, if I’m not embarrassed now I’ll just leave you here kneeling,” she hissed at him.

“Say yes, and I’ll get up.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes.”



The delighted crowd clapped and cheered as Yonghwa stood up and took her hands in his.

“What did you ask for, oppa? She’s already your bride, is she?” a young girl asked.

“I asked her if we could have a baby as soon as next month.”

Seohyun slapped his shoulder, her eyes widening as the crowd laughed in unison.

“Let’s get out of here!” Seohyun hissed at him. She turned to the crowd and bowed.

Yonghwa bowed at the crowd as Seohyun pulled his arm. He waved at them as he let himself trail behind Seohyun. “Sorry, we’re in a hurry. We have a lot of things to do.”

The crowd laughed again. They might be thinking that Yonghwa’s last sentence has some suggestive content in it. I’m gonna kick you later, Jung Yonghwa. I swear I will.


 Yuri had fallen asleep in the passenger seat with hanging open. She looked so funny, but still beautiful, nonetheless. Minho sighed as he turned away from her sleeping profile and focused his attention back to the road. He absent-mindedly began tapping the steering wheel as he waited for the traffic light to turn green.

Krystal’s pained look and the words she said to him kept on playing and replaying in his mind no matter how hard he tried to keep it away. He couldn’t understand. This is what he wanted, right? She finally decided to leave him alone. Since she was a kid all she did is to follow him around and tell people that she likes him. It was no different when they met again as adults. She was still cheerfully persistent even if he was almost always rude to her. But now she told him she’s tired and she wouldn’t pester him anymore. He didn’t know why he felt sad about it, and he felt guilty for hurting her. Here he is, comforting another woman who has been hurt by some guy while he had hurt a woman, too. It’s quite ironic.

His train of thoughts was interrupted when he felt Yuri shift on her seat. He glanced at her. She was already stirring awake.

“Minho-yah? Where are we?” she asked sleepily.

“We’re on our way to your house, noona. You fell asleep.”

“Yeah, I did. My head hurts.”

“You drank a little too much than you can handle, I think,” he told her. After the wedding party Yuri had asked him if he could accompany her. They ended up in some club. She told him she wanted to have a good time and drown her sorrow.

Her brows furrowed and she pouted. “I got a little drunk…but why is the pain not going away?”

“Don’t think about it anymore, noona. Forget him. You deserve someone better.”

She reached out and patted his hand. “I’m so glad I found a friend in you, Minho-yah.”

“I’m glad I could give you comfort, noona. Even if it’s just temporary,” he smiled, not taking his eyes off the road. It was really flattering to be appreciated by a beautiful woman. And she was a damsel in distress noona. He was happy to help.


“We’re sailing? But what about our trip to Italy?” Seohyun asked as Yonghwa helped her board the yacht.

“I canceled it,” he answered matter-of-factly.

“What? Are you crazy?”

“You keep saying that. Are you crazy? Is Jung Yonghwa crazy? Am I crazy?” he asked animatedly. “Yes,” he leaned closer to her, their foreheads almost touching. “I’m crazy about you, Hyun.”

She froze, her heart galloping. Then she kicked his shin. “Yah, stop that! Do you want to die? If you do that again I’ll push you off this yacht.”

Yonghwa jumped up and down, holding up his injured leg. “Why do you have to do that, Seohyun-ah?”

She glared at him…again. “Didn’t I warn you not to do that kind of thing?”

“Yah, I’m just kidding you. We’re only having dinner here and we will head back to the hotel and prepare for our trip. I just want our first night together as a married couple to be romantic, is it too much to ask for that?” he rubbed the part of his lower leg where she kicked him.

“Well, I don’t want romance! Especially with you!”

“Fine,” he told her, exasperated. Then he grinned at her. “You could just go along, since we’re here. But why are you so affected?”

She took off her high-heeled shoes and aimed it at him. She was annoyed seeing him like this, it brings out the worst in her. Somehow seeing him behaving like a carefree, happy person brings back unwanted memories in her mind. She fell for this type of Jung Yonghwa before. He really knew how to use his weapons and charm.

“Aish, why are you so violent? Hyung,” he called out to the man who was pulling up the anchor. “Do you find my wife scary?”

The man laughed. “Yes. But not in appearance.”

“Looks can be deceiving, right? If she kills me right now please be quiet about it. I don’t want her to be imprisoned again.”

“Again?” Seohyun couldn’t help asking.

“Yes. Don’t you know? You’re already imprisoned. Here inside my heart,” he tapped his chest.

Seohyun let out a bark of laughter before she could stop herself. She wanted to stop when she realized she was laughing for real but she couldn’t. It felt good to laugh. “You’re so cheesy, Yonghwa-yah. I want to cringe,” she said, still laughing.

“Oppa,” she called out to the man who has just finished pulling up the anchor out of the water and into the yacht. “Don’t you find my husband corny?”

The man nodded, laughing with her. “But isn’t that how love is?”

Seohyun stopped laughing and turned to Yonghwa. He was looking intently at her, and she can clearly read the love written all over his face. She looked away. Should she believe him? But she’s scared. Once she lets go and let herself fall for him she would be giving him the power to hurt her again.

 He walked closer toward her. He held out his hand. “Truce?”

She raised an eyebrow, but she didn’t take his hand. “I’ll think about it. Over dinner. If I find the meal delicious, I might agree to a truce. But if I don’t like it, I’ll throw you out of the water and leave you.”

He grinned. “I’ll make sure you won’t throw me out. I didn’t bring my swimsuit,” he led her to the interior of the yacht. “This way, my lady,” he said, gesturing with his arms and bowing.

Seohyun got in. She let her eyes wander around. “Whose yacht is this?”

“Ours,” he answered as he poured some wine in a goblet. He handed the goblet to her.

She absent-mindedly took the glass he offered. “You bought us a yacht?”

He chuckled. “Us. I like the sound of that.”

“Yah, answer the question directly if you don’t want to be thrown out! Aish, you linger at worthless words,” she grumbled, blushing.

“Appa gave this to me. To us. As a wedding gift.”

Her eyes widened. “Whoa. Isn’t this too much?”

He shook his head. “It’s not even enough to express his happiness over the fact that you agreed to marry me, Seohyun-ah.”

She turned around. What he said pinched her heart. She just reminded him the primary reason why this marriage took place. It’s because of his father’s wishes. The doubt she had for him which was diminished hours ago grew again.

He seemed not to notice her sudden silence. Or if he has he chose to ignore it. Maybe he was getting used to Seohyun getting pissed off at him every now and then.

“Wait here. I’ll just tell hyung out there to start this thing,” he told her as he went out of the cabin.


Seohyun chewed on a prawn, looking thoughtful. But she wasn’t really thinking at that moment. She was just enjoying and savoring the food’s taste. They had seafood for dinner and she loved it. And Yonghwa are up to his antics again. She laughed every now and then. She couldn’t help herself. She was having a good time. It was almost like the old times again. But she would rather die first before admitting that to him.

“Seohyun-ah, I have a gift for you.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Really? What is it?”

“I wrote a song for you. Do you want to hear it?”

A song for her? Of course she wanted to hear it. “No,” she answered.

“Why? I worked so hard on this.”

Her resolve might melt. “I wouldn’t like it anyway.”

He looked hurt and she felt guilty. Why does she have to be so mean? Um, because he was mean to her before, too?

“Yah, listen to it first before deciding.”


He started singing anyway.

She covered her ears and started mumbling to herself.

He stopped singing and stared at her. She still had her hands on her ears and she was making incoherent sounds. Yonghwa laughed.

Seohyun removed her hands from her ears and glared at him. “What? What’s so funny?”


She looked at him. His eyes were shining and the candle light made it glow even more. She stood up. “I’m done eating. Can we go now?”

He didn’t answer. He doesn’t want to end the evening yet.

She walked to the entrance, then stopped and turned to look at him. “And don’t worry. I found the food delicious, so I’ll forgive you for being so annoying and not throw you out into the ocean.”

Yonghwa gaped at her. Was she serious about it? He shook his head when she walked out of the cabin. This is harder than he thought.


Seohyun rolled on her stomach. Slowly consciousness and awareness came to her. She was lying face down on a huge bed. It felt nice. She wanted to sleep again. But there’s just something trying to get into her thoughts. What is it? She opened her eyes and blinked. The early morning sun filtered through the glass windows partially hidden by velvet curtains.

She jolted upright and looked at the clock on the bedside table. It said 6:30 in the morning. She suddenly remembered. Their flight is around 7! She got out of the bed and rushed to the door, running to the second bedroom in the suite that Yonghwa occupies.

“Yah, oppa! Are you up? We’re late for our flight!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, pounding her fists hard on the door.


I would like to thank those who read, subscribe and post comments to this fic. You guys are amazing! 

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 1: "Blue stains on a pink" is brought me here!
I wonder after all, did they can reach of their happiness?
ngtra95 #2
Hello, I just finshed reading " Blue Stains on Pink" in Vietnamese, and I am too excited to read "The otherside of goodbye." Therefore, I come here to read it. It is really good. Also, if you do not mind, can I translate "The otherside of goodbye" into Vietnamese? Thank you so much:D Keep going and Fighting!
hyunie27 #3
Chapter 17: love it ^^
jingga8 #4
Chapter 17: daebak.. author nim! I had so much fun reading your story and exactly feels like I was watching the serries. I'm a hardcore goguma by the way, and your fiction is one of the greatest I ever read. chukkhaseumnida.. chinggu... ;)
Chapter 17: The ending is daebak! Kekeke
miakoo #6
Chapter 17: AWWWWW! Happy ending :) I hope you can write an individual story with Yoona and Jonghyun as the main couple :) Thanks!
Chapter 8: aww, minstal kiss ^^
Chapter 2: minstal was so cute :)
jhammyjam #9
Kekeke I had so much fun reading this one..especially the last part haha yong choding to yong protective appa..!haha nice fanfic! :D