Lost Memories

Towards You

He could feel her quiet breathing as he held her tightly. Her body felt warm in his arms and he reminisced the brief moment of closeness they had just shared.


“There she is!” a voice cut through the silence.


A familiar group of people began to approach him as he stood there still attached to her. As the group drew near, he recognized some of the individuals as her acquaintances. Meanwhile, the rest of the people were mere strangers to him.


His eyes narrowed on one particular girl with a worried expression on her face.


“What happened?!” a girl he knew to be Cindy exclaimed.


His grip around the girl briefly loosened as she came closer.


“She passed out in my arms” he replied calmly.


She held her stare at him for a few seconds before glancing back at the passed out girl. She frowned and brushed the sleeping girl’s hair back while trying to wake her.


“It’s no use, she’s out cold. I’ll just take her to my place.” she proclaimed with a sense of defeat.


“Careful, try not to wake her.” he cautioned. She nodded and leaned in close to him in order to shift the weight of the girl off of him and on to her.


He slowly loosened his hold on her until her body was no longer dependant on his.


Letting out a sigh, he glanced over at the crowd of people who were now assembling outside of the restaurant. Suddenly, he felt a force push his body backwards while a stinging pain rose through his lip.


The crowd let out a wide array of screams and gasps.


Jongin brushed an index finger over his swollen lip and tasted copper. The man approached him again and just before he was about to strike him, he dodged the punch and roughly pushed him away by the shoulders. The man let out a groan.


His anger filled eyes narrowed back at him. “Bastard!” he yelled. “Who said you could touch her, huh?” his voice echoing through the parking lot. Sehun began to approach him again, his hands tightly pressed into fists.


Jongin rubbed a hand over his jaw, his facial expression neutral.


As Sehun closed the distance between them, he brought his fist up with the intention of striking him again. His actions were futile as Jongin intercepted the action then grabbed his arm and punched him at the side of his face.


Sehun let out a grunt and shot a look at Jongin, while his cheek began to redden.


“SOMEONE STOP THEM!” Cindy screamed, still holding on to the girl.


Her cry was heard as Chanyeol and Joonmyeon came running out of the restaurant, their expressions depicting their utter obliviousness at the situation. Sehun seemed a lot angrier now, his body beginning to prepare itself for a fight. He inched closer to Jongin, their faces almost touching.


“What did you ing do to her huh? Did you drug her and then have your way with her? She’s like this because of you isn’t she?” Sehun roughly grabbed his collar and Jongin retaliated by pushed him away. "Why is it that whenever she's in trouble you're conveniently around?" He spat.


Chanyeol and Joonmyeon quickly ran behind Sehun and grabbed both his arms in an effort to restrain him.


“Sehun-ah stop this!” Chanyeol pleaded, trying to convince him but failing miserably. Sehun shrugged his arm off and Chanyeol grabbed it again.


Jongin and Sehun shared an icy stare. Meanwhile, Cindy let out a breath of relief.


“Don’t do this here Sehun, not here.” Joonmyeon shouted sternly.


Sehun let out a sigh and shook away both the men. He held his stare on Jongin while Chanyeol forcibly lead him away from the scene.


Once Sehun was no longer in the parking lot, Joonmyeon approached Jongin. Jongin recognized him as one of the assistant professors at the university.


“You okay? Sorry, he’s like this when he wants to protect someone he cares about. He doesn’t think he just acts” he said apologetically.


Jongin half-smiled, appearing seemingly unimpressed.


“He’s not the only one who has someone to protect” he stated, his calm expression returning.


Joonmyeon raised his eyebrows, unsure of how to respond.


Jongin glanced back at the crowd and then to Joonmyeon. Giving him a small bow, he left without another word.




You woke up to a terrible pounding in your head. Sitting up, you your dry lips and placed a hand on your still pounding head.


“What happened?” you said to yourself.


“Finally you’re up.” a voice said.


Cindy walked into the room with a glass of water and an aspirin.


You glanced up to see your best friend, who looked extremely unimpressed.  


“How’s the hangover?” she placed the water beside the bedside table.


“Oh, so that’s why I feel like crap.” you realized. Cindy nodded and handed you an aspirin pill.


You swallowed it quickly while feeling your headache intensify. After placing the glass of water back on the bedside table, you noticed Cindy was giving you another judgmental look.


“What?” you asked.


“Are you going to explain to me what happened last night?” she crossed her arms over her chest.


“Last night...?” you hesitated, biting your lower lip. “I don’t remember.” You blankly stated.


A sigh escaped her lips and she reached up to grab your cheek.


“owwugh, stop!” you let out.


“This is why you shouldn’t drink.” she lectured.


“Whaa- are you seriously blaming me? I wasn’t the one who put something in the fruit juice!” you shouted, rubbing your cheek. Your eyebrows arched up in anger when the realization hit you. “It was that giraffe wasn’t it? Where is he? let me at him!” you barked, getting up from the bed.


“Shhh, calm down Rambo." she said, pushing you back towards the bed. “You can kill him once you’re over the hangover”


You rolled your eyes and sat back down. Glancing back at her, a million questions ran through your mind.


But what really did happen? You gulped and bit your lip.


“Cind?... I didn’t perchance do anything embarrassing… right?” you laughed nervously. She glanced back at you and let out a sigh.


“I don’t know about embarrassing, but you caused quite a scene…” she said slowly, trying to ease you into it.


“A scene…?” you gulped. You changed your position on the bed, now sitting with your legs folded underneath you, you inched closer to Cindy.


“Well, I’m not quite sure of the details myself. But Sehun approached me saying he hadn’t seen you for a while so we went looking for you and found you behind the restaurant… in Jongin’s arms.” She cleared .


“Wh…what. Did you say in his arms…?” You mumbled.


“Seems like you two were sharing a romantic embrace?” she nudged you. “Well anyway, you were passed out and I was about to take you home when Jongin and Sehun just started fighting”.


Your mouth fell open.


 “Yeah” she said while meeting your stare. “Joonmyeon and Chan had to pull them apart, it was terrible. I got an earful from my uncle too” she frowned.


“But… but why!?” you shouted. “Are they alright?!” You were freaking out at this point; Sehun wasn’t the type to physically start fights like this. Come to think of it, you’d never seen him this angry at anyone except for Jongin. What could have possibly happened for them to fight like this?


All this happened while I was passed out… You swallowed.


“I think so, Chan went off somewhere with Sehun so Joonmyeon drove us home. Chan said Sehun slept over at his place last night.” She added.


There was a feeling of uneasiness building up in your stomach. You quickly pulled out your phone and dialed Sehun’s number. It didn’t go straight to voicemail, so you knew his phone was on. He didn’t pick up though. You tried three more times with the same result.


Putting down your phone you glanced at her. “You really don’t know what happened before that? Like why we were found together… like that?” you questioned.


She shook her head. “Like I said, I don’t know all the details” she explained. “But.”


You turned your head back towards her.


She held your stare. “I’m guessing you drunkenly stumbled out of the restaurant and he found you? I’m sure you didn’t do anything too embarrassing, right?" She smiled.


You cringed while thinking of the many embarrassing things you probably did do.


“Calm down, it’s not like you confessed or anything” she laughed while walking out of the room.


Yeah, I need to relax. What’s the worst I could've done?




“Ugh, pick up Sehun-ah” you groaned, dialing his number for the 60th time basically. It was strange of him to not answer his phone like this. He usually picked up during the first ring. “Aisshh!” you yelled, stuffing your phone back into your bag.


I need to know what happened last night.


While waiting for the elevator, you decided to quickly call up Cindy and thank her for letting you keep the dress you wore yesterday. You wanted to return it to her but she insisted you keep it. It was probably due to the fact that it was now covered in last night’s dinner.


“I’m never drinking again” you promised yourself.


“Hell- stooppp I’m on the phone!” Cindy picked up on the last ring.


You raised your eyebrows.


“Chan- hahaah stop!” she giggled.


“What are you guys doing?” you asked awkwardly.


“Nothin- ahh“ She moaned.


“____-ah? She’s going to have to call you back” Chanyeol interrupted.


Your eyes widened and you quickly hung up.


“Okay, yep. Note to self; destroy your phone and disinfect your ears.” you scrunched up your face in disgust.


The elevator stopped at floor 4 and you got off, walking straight towards your room. Unlocking it with one swift movement, you stepped inside and flung yourself over your bed.


“Ahhhhhhh, my own bed” you beamed.


For some reason it felt like you hadn’t been home in days, or maybe that was the hangover talking.


While staring at the ceiling, you suddenly had a flashback of last night. The memory was faded, so all you could remember were blurred streetlights and a familiar scent; citrus and firewood.


Your temporary memory loss was starting to get on your nerves; it was strange because you were sure past hangovers were never this severe.


But, what if all of this was happening for a reason?


Maybe, just maybe, your mind was subconsciously keeping your memories at bay for a reason?


I don’t care anymore, I need to find out. You decided.


Minutes later, you were in front of Jongin’s door, your hand in a fist ready to knock.


Just before you were about to knock, the door flew open and out came Jongin.


You jumped and stepped back, he seemed to be startled by your presence as well.


“Hey.” He said, his hands resting inside the pockets of his navy blue sweatpants.


“Hi Jongin-“ the gasp interrupted your own sentence. “Your lip… it’s” you pointed at his bruised lip.


He seemed surprised and ran a thumb over his lip, suddenly remembering his injury. “Oh… yeah. It’s nothing” he rubbed the back of his head.


That’s not nothing you idiot.


The cut on his lip looked like it hadn’t been cleaned yet and it was starting to scar.


“Wait one sec, I’ll be right back!” you said frantically, scurrying away only to be stopped by a strong hand.


 “It’s really okay ___-ah” he assured.


You rolled your eyes and squirmed out of his hold.


“Just wait here!” you ran off.



He sighed and walked back into his apartment. Sitting down on the couch, he could still feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins.  


Just briefly touching her made his heart pound painfully hard. He ran a hand through his blonde locks and bit his bruised lip. The pain was fresh, but he didn’t mind. All he could think about was her, wrapped up in his arms. She felt so fragile and small, like she could break any second. Her hair, her scent, everything about her was driving him over the edge. What he would give to taste her lips once again.


What am I thinking. He groaned in frustration.


Does she really not remember last night? He thought to himself.


His thoughts were interrupted when she waddled in with a first aid box and he chuckled at the sight.


She really was cute.




“I heard… you got into a fight.” You inquired, while looking for the ointment in your first aid box.


 “Whaaaaaat? Why would you think that?” he acted surprised then burst out laughing when you rolled your eyes at him.


“Stupid” you whispered.


“What was that?” he moved closer.


“I said STAY STILL” you roared, anger flowing through you. You couldn’t believe he was making jokes right now; the cut on his lip was no laughing matter.


He smiled and nodded.


Squeezing some ointment on your finger, you leaned in to him. Then, you placed one hand on his shoulder to steady yourself and began to apply the ointment on his lip.


“Ahh” he hissed.


“Sorry! Did that hurt?” you looked at him apologetically.


His frown turned into a smile and he chuckled.


You glared at him. “I can’t believe you’re such an idiot” you began to giggle.


“So you can curse too can you? I thought you were a perfect little angel?” he teased.


“That’s not a curse” you rolled your eyes. “And you deserve it” you added.


After you finished applying the ointment, you noticed Jongin was staring at you. There was a brief moment of eye contact between you two, until your inner thoughts drove you away.


He has a girlfriend.


You turned away. “By the way, I came here to ask you about something.”


He raised an eyebrow. “I have to talk to you about something too.” 


“Okay, i'll go first.” You insisted. There were many things you wanted to ask him, but you decided to begin with the most obvious question.


“Why did you two fight?” you frowned.


He looked at you for a few seconds, almost like he was answering you through his eyes. He then looked away and shrugged.


“Yah! Are you really not going to tell me?” you protested. “I’m having temporarily memory loss, I can’t remember a thing from last night” you tapped a finger on your chin.


“All I can remember is streetlights? And-”


He flicked your forehead.


“Oww” you made an angry face at him.


“Could you get me a glass of water? My lip is burning.” he pouted.


You rolled your eyes and walked over to the kitchen. After filling up the glass, you began walking over to him when you accidently tripped over your own two feet. You let out a small scream as the glass hit the ground with a loud shatter. Gasping, you scurried to clean up the shards of glass when an unexpected feeling of déjà vu washed over you.


This has happened before… last night?


Suddenly, all of last night’s events returned to you.


Jongin was already by your side by the time your regained your memories.


“Are you okay? Don’t touch the glass, you’ll cut yourself” he stated, moving you over to the couch.


You watched as he cleaned up the glass and all you could think was; oh no.


We… KISSED?!!?


You were freaking out internally, this couldn’t be happening. This is why you hated drinking; you would always go crazy and end up violating someone’s personal space.


Not only did you kiss, you also blurted out your feelings in the most embarrassing way possible. All of the feelings that you were trying to hide were now wide open in front of him. He knew exactly how you felt and you couldn’t be more mortified. 


Oh my god, I probably forced myself on him. You cringed. Stupid Stupid Stupid.


When the realization hit you, you gulped. Maybe that’s why he said he has something to say to me… he’s going to reject me… again. You couldn’t take it again, not again.


I have to leave, I have to leave now! You began to panic.


You quickly got up and headed for the door until you felt him grab on to your arm. He swiftly turned you around and widened his eyes. You were sure he could read your face; you weren’t exactly being subtle.


“Your memories… are they back?” he looked desperate for an answer.


You couldn’t speak. You were too busy trying to convince yourself that his rejection wouldn’t affect you.


That it wouldn’t hurt.


Sadly, you were wrong. In a few minutes your heart would break once again and there was nothing you could do to stop it. Except for maybe… run?


Pushing away his hand you turned around and headed for the door.


He grabbed your arm once again and pinned you against the nearest wall. You gasped at the sudden movement and tried to wiggle out of his hold.


“You can’t leave without hearing what I have to say, this is a two-way street.” He argued.


He sighed and looked back at you. Looking back into his eyes, your heart sank.


“I’m sorry-“


“STOP” you yelled, tears beginning to form in your eyes.


He loosened the grip on your arms. You shut your eyes as hard as you could.


“I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye.” He said quietly. Your heart was thumping fast in your chest, awaiting the painful words that were yet to come. “I had to show my father that I wasn’t okay with him controlling my life, leaving immediately was the only way to accomplish that”.


Why was he telling you all this? You already knew why he left, you knew he had to. It was your own selfishness that wanted him to stay.


“But, that’s not the real reason I didn’t say goodbye.” He clarified. Your eyes were still shut but you could feel him prepping himself for what he was about to say next. Subconsciously, you were doing the same as you felt a tear roll down your cheek.


“I’m sorry I took so long.” He breathed. “But I can’t hold back anymore”.                                                   


Your eyes shot open just in time to meet his.


“I like you ____-ah”. 




Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I was feeling a little under the weather but I decided to throw out this chapter regardless. So umm WHAT, I didn't even know I was going to make this a confession chapter until halfway through, so I'm just as suprised as you. Or maybe you saw it coming?  

HOW DO YOU FEEEL, leave a comment and let me know

I'm off to bed, I have to go to the university first thing in the morning and its 3AM oops.



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Well the story is finally over, can't say I'm not a little sad about it! But I'm glad I can finally focus on exams now!


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myheartblackens #1
Chapter 33: I am so glad that I found this story! It is beyond beautiful and it's probably my favorite Kai fanfic ever (this is a very big thing to say because I'm sure I've read more than 50 of those) but this one is definitely my favorite. It has the right amount of angst and twists and it is also pretty realistic. Although the last part where Sehun _________ (I don't want to spoil it) kind of hurt me a little, but I know not all things end happily. I will read your other works right now (if you have past works) or I will be looking out for your new stories! Thank you so much for this fanfic, I truly enjoyed it so much.
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 22: Ahhh... You set them up to both be a perfect male lead with a good backstory.. Then.... You made Sehun slightly more likable before everyone reads the tags and realize he was never in the running. Curses.
Chapter 33: OMG... This story killed me. Although I was team jongin throughout the story, my heart went out to sehun for enduring all that pain by himself. I felt so sorry for him T_T I haven't read fanfics in a while and stumbled across this and it caught my attention right away. I'm so glad I read it. So many feels along the way and I'm glad I continued reading until the end. You're a wonderful author. Thank you for the beautiful story :)
Chapter 33: Beautiful bonus chapter
anonymous_sunshine #5
Chapter 32: I just stumbled upon your story through the Kai tag and my oh my, I am not disappointed at all- It's really hard to find a fluff-angst story with tolerable amount of chapters like this one of yours (mainly because I'm just too picky and I'd like to finish reading within a day. Haha). And I really have to admit, you did make me feel like punching you in the guts at some chapters. The emotional roller coaster ride during the last few chapters drove me insane! (Not to mention how Jongin and Sehun made me unconsciously smile at their silly jokes.) All in all, I love love love this! I hope you'll create more wonderful works in the future!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 32: this story is beautiful ;-; id sobs from chapter to chapter. u did a very good job author nim <3
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 24: jONGIN!!!!!
igotzy #8
Chapter 32: this was so beautiful!!! thank yu so muxh auuthornim~~
Maliha #9
Chapter 32: omfg im soo sad but im sooo happy like an ending of a story couldnt be more beautiful tbh!!! I LOOK SOO FORWARD TO UR FUTURE STOREIS BECUASE UR AMAZING AUTHOR-NIM<3<3<#
Chapter 32: So shocked to see the status lol. I was like "completed?????? What????" I had to read it again. This was such an amazing fic!!!! Beautifully written. You told the story very well. Thank you! This has entertained us. Made us feel different kinds of emotions. I didn't even notice we've reached 31 chapters already. Thank you! Thank you! I hope you'll write another beautiful story again (exo just because lmao jk)

Again, thank you!