The '' Crew, Jinyoung's Fail Chinese & Jinki Hyung

I Fell In Love With The

Lessons dragged for Youngjae and he was seriously getting tired. Luckily, the lunch bell rang and Youngjae ran out of his Maths class only to get pushed on his best friend making them slide towards the lockers. The two friends both groaned in pain, earning sniggers from the students around him.


"Youngjae man. You ing elephant. Stop eating so much." Jinyoung pushed Youngjae off him then screamed, "YOUNGJAE YOU ING-- YOU WRECKED MY HAIR UP." Jinyoung whined as he got up.


"Erm first of all I'm fine, thanks for asking. Nope. No scars on me. Secondly, your hair looks fine." Youngjae weakly said as he got up, earning help from his best friend.


"No! It's not fine. You know why. This one strand that I can see in front of my eyes is supposed to go to the side. NOT AT THE FRONT. YOU ARE A FASHION DISGRACE." Jinyoung explained as he moved the strand of hair to the side.


"Yo yo yo. Hair at the front or not. You still look ed up." Yes. Totally the best day ever, Youngjae thought bitterly, as Mark and the others approached them. Mark, Yongguk, Sehun, Himchan, Jongin and Jaebum.


"So you es decide to finally come. I actually missed you guys." Youngjae shrugged notchantly whilst nodding. Jinyoung on the other hand was pointing at Youngjae mouthing, 'Don't mess with him'.


"Youngjae I'm surprised you haven't left yet considering how much Jaebum hurt you last year and left you crying like a little wimp." The youngest one of them all, Sehun said making Youngjae scoff. "Yo lithp boy. Let the elderth thpeak yeah?" Youngjae burst out laughing at his best friends stupidness.


"Oh no you didn't ." Mark jumped on Jinyoung making him fall down with Mark on top of him, "Oh what did I do to earn this much affection from you." Jinyoung said grinning widely making Mark slap him across the face and the rest of them join Mark.


"OH DON'T YOU ING--" Youngjae was going to run to Jinyoung but Jaebum put his foot in the way, making the younger slip and fall and Youngjae to scream. Hearing the scream, causing people to go around all of them and screaming 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'


"OH NO YOU DIDN'T!" Youngjae shouted out, grabbing Jaebum's ankle and pushing him to the floor. Jaebum groaned but grabbed his bag and hit it on Youngjae's leg several times earning groans of pain from Youngjae.


A person from the crowd threw Youngjae a hard back book, successfully Youngjae cought it and screamed 'Thank you' before smacking Jaebum with the book on his face. "Don't ing try hurt me." Youngjae hissed.


"YOUNGJAE! JINYOUNG! MARK! JAEBUM! COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW." Oh . Teacher. Youngjae stopped hitting Jaebum and Mark stopped punching Jinyoung but the others started running away from the scene. Jinyoung scoffed, "Wimps." earning a hard and painful nudge from Mark before they all stood up and followed the teacher into the room she was walking in.


The four of them sat down on the chairs as the teacher sat at her desk. "Boys. This is highly unacceptable-" As Jaebum was about to protest Mrs. Song shushed him. "I don't want to hear any of your stories. You are all as bad as each other okay. However since this is the first day of school I will not be pressing charges, none of you will get detention." The four mumbled yes. "However!" The four then groaned in unison. "You guys will be taking the janitor's job for a month. Mark and Jinyoung will clean every single window in the school after the kids leave. Jaebum and Youngjae will mop up the hallways and the cafeteria, not forgetting the sports hall. Now go back to class."


Mark and Jaebum got up first and made their way to the lesson, by lesson it means going out of school to get some food or maybe to smoke. Youngjae and Jinyoung made their way to their lockers to put some books inside of them. Jinyoung then got interrupted when someone tapped his shoulder ever so gently.


"Umm. Excuse me do you know where the school nurse is." The stranger, or Yixing asked in Chinese earning a weird look from Jinyoung. "You're not making any sense dude. Can you repeat that?" Jinyoung asked tilting his head a little. Was this man drunk or something? "Jinyoung you idiot. He's speaking in Chinese . You gotta pay attention in your lessons boy." Youngjae explained then smacked the back of Jinyoung's head. Yixing and Youngjae then had a full conversation for a few minutes before Yixing left. Youngjae then turned to a very strange looking Jinyoung. As in 'What the just happened' face making Youngjae laugh slightly.


"Anyways. Off that topic. I hope that cleaning doesn't start today. I was really looking forward to eating ice-cream with Jinki hyung." Youngjae pouted a little while talking, he really didn't want to do this but Jaebum just had to ruin everything.


"Oh, Jinki hyung. Is everything between him and Jonghyun hyung okay?" Youngjae groaned when Jonghyun's name was spoken. That son of a . "Oh I'm guessing not then. Jinki hyung recovers very quickly doesn't he. He's strong, that's where you get your confidence from. Think about it. Without Jinki hyung helping you when he stepped into your life, right now you would have been the same person you were when we were little. Scared of getting hurt and bullied. Just now you were hitting the with a book and tripped him over. He's helped you a lot. So if anyone hurts you again remember you have Jinki hyung. Okay?" Youngjae nodded and smiled in realisation. Jinyoung was right. Jinki hyung helped Youngjae a lot. He was very proud of his hyung for being so strong. Not only has he helped Youngjae, but Jinyoung and Junhong. "He is really the best isn't he." 


Jinyoung then nodded then grabbed his best friends hand, "Not as great as me though right. Anyway let's go. Last lesson awaits us." 


After last lesson ended Youngjae got his things and headed out of the classroom, before slightly bumping into Jaebum. "Oh Miss Song told me to tell you that the work will start tomorrow." Jaebum said then walked away. Did Jaebum just talk to him? As in a proper sentence without the word included? Youngjae smiled a little to himself before heading to the entrance of the school.


"Youngjae-ah! I'm here!" Jinki screamed from his car after he drawed the window down. Youngjae smiled then waved before opening the door to the passenger seat and sitting down. "Hi Jinki hyung. I had the worst day ever, seriously." Youngjae said pouting as he put his seat belt on.


Jinki ruffled his younger brother's hair then shook his head, "Tell me when we get to the ice-cream parlour.I'm craving something sweet." Youngjae nodded his head as a cue for Jinki to start driving. Youngjae was slumped down on his seat as he let out a quiet sigh. 'He won't get angry right?' Youngjae thought as he looked over at his hyung, singing BTOB's Beep Beep while honking the horn. 'Nah. That's not like hyung.'


A/N: THIS IS SHORT I'M SARRY. Honestly I thought this chap . I might take it down. But what did Jonghyun do? What did Jinki do to help Youngjae and Jinyoung? How was Youngjae like as a kid? The ice-cream scene will be in the next chapter. Hope you sweeties enjoy it.

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Beenzy #1
Chapter 6: Yay 2Jae ^^ please complete I'm still waiting :(
Chapter 6: Hehehehhehe Youngjae admit it. Now JB when is he gonna admit it.

Literally, this fic is full of my ships and biases I'm so ;-; 2Jae are just perfect lmao, this actually made my day.

The gay couple gives me much happiness, wow.
Takuya sometimes gets me so frustrated tho bc Joonjae obviously likes him but he's just too dense to realise and it breaks my heart ;;
The preview for the next episode of cannot wait- * ^ *

I think you can tell who my bias is upon reading my username cx
Chapter 6: My bias is KEY!!!!! He's the bomb, and he is the key to my heart! See what I did there? ^-^
Tbomhi #6
Chapter 5: Is that girl jaebum's mum ? Ohh no
So they will be in the same home ? Ohh
Chapter 5: Holy this fight is getting bigger every chapter but the step mother is Jaebums Yeahh?
Chapter 5: i have a feeling the woman that his father gonna married is the mother of jaebum ouhh please dont let that happen please...and youngjae i feel bad for him and jaebum i have no idea what to say about him
Chapter 5: Ermagerd Youngjae feels things for Jaebum I am happy okay idc if this took ages there is 2jae many kamsahamnidas.
But it was still a pretty upsetting chapter tbh.
It's not a fail though oml ;-; I love this fic * ^ *
P.s yas Shinee and big bang slay I cry.
Chapter 4: It says that you updated, but there's nothing new… -__________-