The Caring Brother, The Annoying Brother and the friend.

I Fell In Love With The

Youngjae shot up as he heard his phone alarm ringing. 




His eyes weren't fully opened, and he just looked around confused. " this ." Youngjae mumbled as he lay back down, hugged his blanket and shut his eyes to go back to bed. Who cares if he was late to school,


"Youngjae-ah! Get up. You're going to be late for your first day at school!" Oh yeah, his overprotective older step-brother Lee Jinki. The only one in the family who cared about him. "Jinki hyuuunng~ I'm so tired though. Can't I skip today?" Youngjae whined, he really didn't want to go to school. 


He heard Jinki groan as he walked next to Youngjae's bed and kneeled next to it. "Choi Youngjae listen," Jinki softly said as he held Youngjae's hands, making Youngjae's eyes open slowly. "Going to school is better than staying home with appa all day. I'll tell you what, when you come home, and I come home from University we'll go out for ice-cream." Youngjae rolled his eyes at the mention of his father. Jinki was right. School was better than staying at home with him. Anything was better than staying at home with him. Youngjae sat up then grinned, "Fine with me. As long as you're paying." Jinki laughed then stood up then leaned over to peck his little brother's cheek. "Don't I always?" He said, still keeping the eye smile on his face then walked out of the room.


After brushing his teeth, Youngjae looked through his closet to see what to wear. After 10 minutes of hating all his outfits, he decided to go with a navy blue shirt, tight light brown jeans that were ripped from the knee area, and a black denim jacket along with black converse. Youngjae looked in the mirror to see how he looked. "Wow Youngjae. You look good. What is your secret?" He spoke to himself, before grabbing his phone and slipped it in his pocket and grabbing his backpack to swing it around his back then headed downstairs.


Youngjae heard a wolf-whistle coming from his other brother as he entered the living room, "Wondering where you got your good looks from?" Youngjae teasingly asked before sitting next to his full brother Choi Junhong. 


Junhong was a caring younger brother but he wasn't the smartest, certainly the out of the two, but very good looking, more handsome than cute. He loved sports, especially basketball. All the ladies were around Junhong. However Jinki was different. Jinki was mature, he was a good student, he was also very loving to his younger brother's. Jinki wasn't handsome, he looked more cute and cuddly, but he was crazy and loved telling jokes. Youngjae was a mixture of the two brothers. Even though Jinki was the step-brother. Youngjae was smart, his looks were more cute, and he was very crazy. Youngjae also loved sports, like Junhong. He loved swimming, and basketball. But the thing all the brothers shared the most was there love for music. They all loved music with a passion.


"Excuse me I am much more handsome than you big bro. I have the ladies all over me." Junhong replied back with a smirk on his face. After a few minutes of arguing about attractiveness, Jinki came from the kitchen and interrupted, "Yeah yeah both of you guys are handsome. Now bring your asses to the kitchen and grab some food." The two brothers got up from their seats and followed the beautiful aroma that lead to the kitchen. 


"So there's fried eggs and bacon or you guys can have waffles with beans on top. I suggest you guys hurry though." Jinki explained as he put plates in front of his two younger brothers. Youngjae just simply drooled at the sight of food, and Junhong simply didn't wait and put a handful of bacon into his mouth, stealing some of Youngjae's.


"YAH! Junhong you !" Youngjae screamed as he kicked Junhong's leg causing him to laugh at how weak his older brother was. "Jokes on you, Jinki hyung is taking me out for ice-cream after school. But you won't be there because your will be in some random ladies mouth. Won't it?" Youngjae stuck his tongue out then started to finish off the waffle on his plate, while Junhong opened his mouth, "Yah yah yah. Youngjae manners please. Junhong don't you dare say anything or I will cut off your . Now get up, and walk to school." Jinki interrupted.  


The two brothers quickly finished of their food and got up. Junhong was already out the door, probably not wanting to be late for his basketball practice. Youngjae picked up his dishes and put them in the sink before grabbing his bag. 


"Bye Jinki hyung." Youngjae said as he gave his big brother a hug.


"Bye Jae-ah. Study hard." Jinki replied back as he pecked Youngjae's cheek and let him go. Youngjae walked out the door and started walking to school.




New term. New year. New people. New classes. New teachers. But for Youngjae, the same best friend. 


"What about Ahyoung? She's really hot, and her is so yummy I could just go and her-- I mean. Why don't you ask her out?" Jinyoung asked as he put an arm around his best friends shoulder, whilst walking in the hallway. 


Youngjae sighed, "Yah Jinyoungie. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm gay. Stop trying to hook me up with girls. It's not going to work. And stop convincing me that you like girls. I'm sure I saw you drooling over Mark hyung this morning." He was really getting tired of this. Is there something wrong about being gay? Youngjae was pretty sure Jinyoung was gay too. He was sure Jinyoung was in love with the schools bad boy, Mark. 


Jinyoung scoffed then let out a light chuckle, "Whaaaaat. Babe no, I don't like Mark... How did you find out about Mark? Does he like me too?" Jinyoung quickly spoke, earning a raised brow from Youngjae and a small laugh. Youngjae knew his best friend so well.


"Anyways. Moving on from the Mark topic. How are you going to cope with Jaebum this year? Don't you want to get him back?" Jinyoung asked, with slight anticipation in his voice. He really wanted to hit Jaebum where it hurts.


"Jinyoungie hyung. Seriously? I just want to ignore him this year. I want to be more mature this year. Plus, if I don't do anything, he might stop pulling pranks on me too."


It seemed like a sensible thing to do.


Jinyoung groaned, "Aw. Come on JaeJae, get him back. Think about the horrible things he's done to you. Don't you think he deserves something worse. Like shoot him out of a cannon?"




"Cut off his hands?"




"Draw a mustache on him?"




"How about giving him a hello hug. Since you haven't seen him for a few months. Didn't you miss him during summer break?" Youngjae was about to respond, but he felt hands on his shoulders and turn him around.


"Youngjae babe. Didn't you miss me?" . It was Jaebum.


"Erm. Oh hi . Sorry but I am not interested. So don't you babe me. Go run off to your little badman crew. Or as I like to call them, 'those es.' " being nice to this .


"OH YEAH YOU GO. CUZ THAT'S HOW MY JAEJAE ROLLS. YOU SEE HIM ROLLINNNN' " Jinyoung screamed out, earning stares for other people in the hallway and a weird stare from Youngjae, making Jinyoung cough awkwardly. 


"Erm before I got rudely excused by--" Jaebum said in a more calmer tone whilst staring at Jinyoung.


"What. What. What bro. Come at me bro." Jinyoung replied back before going right up in Jaebum's face. Jaebum just put a finger on Jinyoung's forehead before moving him away making him bang into a locker, causing Youngjae to snigger. His best friend could be so stupid at times....


maybe all the time.


"As I was saying. Youngjae this is not over. I'll be sure to make this year hell for you. Watch out." Jaebum finally said before he walked away from the two.


Jinyoung and Youngjae looked at each other before screaming, after him "BYE BITTTTCHHH." before Youngjae drooped an arm around Jinyoung's shoulder.       


"You're the best Jinyoungie. This year is gonna be great."   


"First of all I know I am don't rub it in bae. Secondly, I don't care what you say, we are getting Jaebum back." Jinyoung replied with a grin on his face, and they carried on walking to their first lesson.


For the first time in forever... Jinyoung was right. Youngjae would make Jaebum's life torture. All the he was saying before about ignoring Jaebum, well that. Youngjae was tired of Jaebum's annoying personality. It would be just like the old times. Jaebum pranks Youngjae. Youngjae pranks Jaebum. Youngjae will get revenge.


A/N: Kind of short huh. Sorry, I'll make the next chapter more interesting and longer. This doesn't it. Anyways guys, subscribe, comment. I'd love to see comments on this story. See you guys next time. Bye sweeties.

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Beenzy #1
Chapter 6: Yay 2Jae ^^ please complete I'm still waiting :(
Chapter 6: Hehehehhehe Youngjae admit it. Now JB when is he gonna admit it.

Literally, this fic is full of my ships and biases I'm so ;-; 2Jae are just perfect lmao, this actually made my day.

The gay couple gives me much happiness, wow.
Takuya sometimes gets me so frustrated tho bc Joonjae obviously likes him but he's just too dense to realise and it breaks my heart ;;
The preview for the next episode of cannot wait- * ^ *

I think you can tell who my bias is upon reading my username cx
Chapter 6: My bias is KEY!!!!! He's the bomb, and he is the key to my heart! See what I did there? ^-^
Tbomhi #6
Chapter 5: Is that girl jaebum's mum ? Ohh no
So they will be in the same home ? Ohh
Chapter 5: Holy this fight is getting bigger every chapter but the step mother is Jaebums Yeahh?
Chapter 5: i have a feeling the woman that his father gonna married is the mother of jaebum ouhh please dont let that happen please...and youngjae i feel bad for him and jaebum i have no idea what to say about him
Chapter 5: Ermagerd Youngjae feels things for Jaebum I am happy okay idc if this took ages there is 2jae many kamsahamnidas.
But it was still a pretty upsetting chapter tbh.
It's not a fail though oml ;-; I love this fic * ^ *
P.s yas Shinee and big bang slay I cry.
Chapter 4: It says that you updated, but there's nothing new… -__________-