The Worst Ice-Cream date ever

I Fell In Love With The

A/N: More emotional chap guise.





Jinki parked his car right next to the ice-cream parlour and got out the car with Youngjae following behind. They entered inside the shop. Youngjae looked around the shop, but his eyes fixated at one person making him gasp.


"Jinki hyung come here." He mumbled pushing his older brother into the men's bathroom. Jinki's eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head, "Yah! I'm ing craving mint chocolate-chip ice cream so let me go." Jinki groaned then tried to push Youngjae out of the way. Youngjae just wouldn't budge. Why was he so weak? 


"Dongsaeng. Look at the door. I see a spider--" Youngjae screamed then moved out of the way before Jinki finished his sentence. With a smirk on his face Jinki pushed the door opened and walked out hearing Youngjae curse under his breath. He ran out and covered Jinki's eyes, "You know. I'm not in the mood for ice-cream now. I think we should go home. Yeah let's go home." Youngjae was trying to push Jinki out out the shop.


"Youngjae I don't care what you say. But I am craving this really badly so I suggest we buy ice-cream before I spank you." Jinki explained before pushing Youngjae out of the way and heading to the queue, "But I really think you shouldn't hyung." He joined Jinki in the line not daring to look up at the disaster going to come. Jinki looked at Youngjae while walking forward to lean on the till.


"Now stop with the stalling and tell me what--" Jinki's eyes widened as he looked in front of him. Youngjae held on his hyung's shoulders before sighing and looking at the same direction as Jinki.


"J-Jinki?" Youngjae rolled his eyes at the boy's voice. Was he sympathizing, what a to be sympathizing now. Youngjae bitterly thought in his head.


"You. It's-- no. J-Jonghyun? K-Kim Jonghyun?" Jinki sounded scared and Youngjae knew it. He was scared that Jonghyun would hurt him again. "WHY ARE YOU HERE? DIDN'T YOU HURT ME ENOUGH?" Jinki screamed all of a sudden making Youngjae flinch at his tone and others around him to stare at his brother.


"Listen Jinki. I'm not here to hurt you or torture you. So please tell me your order." Jonghyun calmly said making Youngjae scoff with annoyance. "Excuse me. But why the are you sympathizing with him now? WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE WAS IN HOSPITAL SUFFERING WITH YOUR BRUISES AND CUTS HUH?" Youngjae yelled before slapping Jonghyun across the face.


"Youngjae-ah let's go. We can go somewhere else right? Stay calm." Jinki looked at his brother and nodded. He didn't want to be known as the scared brother anymore, but the mature and strong brother. "Erm kid I hate to say it but your hyung is right, get the out of here before I hurt you." Jinki scowled at Jonghyun when he spoke then pulled a middle finger at him.


"JINKI HYUNG I AM NOT GOING TO STAY CALM. WHY ARE YOU CALM? HE IS THE ONE WHO SENT YOU TO HOSPITAL UNCONSCIOUS AND YOU SAID STAY CALM. I'D ING KILL HIM." It was Youngjae's turn to be angry. How could Jinki stay calm? He didn't care if people were recording recording his or laughing at him. 


Now the manager of the shop came out and looked at the scene. what happened here? "Excuse me. Choi Minho here manager. But you guys gotta go before the police get involved." Jinki nodded before he explained that him and Youngjae was just getting out. At the end, Jinki ended up picking Youngjae up and taking him out the shop.


"YOU BASTARD. I'LL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU MYSELF!" Youngjae shouted as he went out of the shop. Jinki put him down and sighed. "Youngjae-ah. I appreciated that but that scene in there was embarrassing."


"EMBARRASSING? Jinki hyung I'm doing you a favour!! Your ex-boyfriend was there. The one who tortured and bruised you. The one who made you unconscious. The one who sent you to hospital. HYUNG YOU'RE LUCKY YOU ARE ALIVE." Youngjae explained very harshly and Jinki shook his head at the tone his own brother was giving him.


"Listen Youngjae. I'm going to explain to you very carefully. You don't understand how scared I was in there okay? I was going to do the exact same thing that you did. But I thought, why should I? Nothing will change what happened 2 years ago. But I also thought, I didn't want to be seen scared in front of my younger brother. I had to be strong and mature in front of you. I can't be seen as the coward." Jinki shook his head then sighed. 


"Jinki hyung! You aren't understanding this are you! YOU MET THE GUY WHO RUINED YOUR LIFE. THANKS TO HIM YOU ARE STILL GOING TO THE HOSPITAL FOR REGULAR CHECK-UPS. HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID RIGHT NOW. IT'D BE A LOT BETTER IF YOU HAD DIED SO I WOULDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU BEING A ." Jinki's eyes widened after hearing his younger brother's words, he seemed like he didn't realize what he just said to his hyung.


There was a silent pause for a few seconds before Jinki spoke "Youngjae-ah please... just take the car keys and go home. I need time to think, and away from everyone. Take care of Junhong until I get back." Jinki quickly looked down not wanting Youngjae to see the tear that rolled down from his eye but he was too slow. Before letting Youngjae speak, Jinki quickly ran off around the corner. 


Youngjae shook his head as he entered the car, he knew that Jinki didn't want Youngjae with him at that moment. "How stupid could he be?" He spoke to himself before he drove back to his house.




It has been 2 hours since that incident. Jinki wasn't home. Junhong still wasn't home. And his father wasn't home, thank god for that. Youngjae just stayed in his room looking around before hearing 'Ring Ding Dong' play on his phone, answered it and put it on speaker.


"YO MY BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER I MISSED YA. How was the ice cream?" Jinyoung shouted making Youngjae laugh slightly. He loved having a friend that always made him smile, Jinyoung was the guy.


"Hey shut the up you are really loud. But the ice cream, I didn't try it." Youngjae replied back. "What dude. You were looking forward to it though weren't you?" Jinyoung questioned.


"Yeah I was. We both were. But...we saw Jonghyun hyung and--" Youngjae spent the next 10 minutes explaining what had happened at the ice cream store and why he was angry at his older brother.


"Youngjae you... are the most ing idiotic bastard I have ever met. You dumb . You careless . Are you mad or something?!" Jinyoung sounded really pissed off at his friend which made Youngjae even more angrier.


"You know what Choi Youngjae you will NOT speak until I have finished because what you said was stupid and rude. I'm not going to shout but when you told Jinki hyung to die you didn't feel that he took it very personally. You said that to the man who changed you to become what you are now. I'm sure he didn't create a monster. So what the were you saying? That he should die? I know I'm your best friend and I got your back but you were just too immature in that situation. He moved on in his life, he knew that Jonghyun hyung was the past, that he has a new boyfriend. He's strong JaeJae. Now listen if he is still talking to you tomorrow. You are a lucky person. Okay? Realise your mistake and tell me tomorrow what you want to say to me." Jinyoung ended the call before Youngjae could start speaking. 


Why was he so stupid? After hearing what Jinyoung had said Youngjae felt horrible. What if his hyung had gone forever? 'He's strong.' Jinyoung's voice came in his head. But what if the words Youngjae said made him weaker. He spent the next 10 minutes thinking.


9:25- still not hearing the door open Youngjae thought that Jinki would be late home so he went under his blanket and went to bed with horrible thoughts in his head. Not realizing that Jinki was there the whole phone call.


A/N: Told you guys. More emotional. Hope no-one cried though.... BABY DON'T CRY TONIGHHT. Yeah Jonghyun was Jinki's horrible ex. The full story will come in a later chapter but the next chapter will be more funnier and cute. Youngjae and Jaebum cleaning together. Let's see how that turns out huh?


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Beenzy #1
Chapter 6: Yay 2Jae ^^ please complete I'm still waiting :(
Chapter 6: Hehehehhehe Youngjae admit it. Now JB when is he gonna admit it.

Literally, this fic is full of my ships and biases I'm so ;-; 2Jae are just perfect lmao, this actually made my day.

The gay couple gives me much happiness, wow.
Takuya sometimes gets me so frustrated tho bc Joonjae obviously likes him but he's just too dense to realise and it breaks my heart ;;
The preview for the next episode of cannot wait- * ^ *

I think you can tell who my bias is upon reading my username cx
Chapter 6: My bias is KEY!!!!! He's the bomb, and he is the key to my heart! See what I did there? ^-^
Tbomhi #6
Chapter 5: Is that girl jaebum's mum ? Ohh no
So they will be in the same home ? Ohh
Chapter 5: Holy this fight is getting bigger every chapter but the step mother is Jaebums Yeahh?
Chapter 5: i have a feeling the woman that his father gonna married is the mother of jaebum ouhh please dont let that happen please...and youngjae i feel bad for him and jaebum i have no idea what to say about him
Chapter 5: Ermagerd Youngjae feels things for Jaebum I am happy okay idc if this took ages there is 2jae many kamsahamnidas.
But it was still a pretty upsetting chapter tbh.
It's not a fail though oml ;-; I love this fic * ^ *
P.s yas Shinee and big bang slay I cry.
Chapter 4: It says that you updated, but there's nothing new… -__________-