Cleaning With Jaebum & Unexpected News

I Fell In Love With The

It had been a good 30 seconds in the sports hall mopping, with dead silence. Honestly, Youngjae was getting bored, but already dog tired but Jaebum just kept going. 'I'm such a lazy compared to him.' Youngjae thought.


"Yo lazy , can you ing hurry up we don't have all day." What the was this? Could Jaebum mind-read or something? Youngjae just kept silent and carried on working, he wondered how Jinyoung and Mark were doing. Are they fighting each other, or kissing each other senseless? You can never know.


Youngjae secretly looked over at Jaebum mopping his side of the sports hall. Jaebum never changed his fashion style. A plain loose black top, with tight jeans, and leather boots. Finished off with a leather jacket, his hair was blonde, and long enough to cover his forehead. Obviously a better style than Youngjae. Jaebum looked over at Youngjae, making Youngjae quickly look back and start mopping again hoping he never got caught staring at Jaebum.


After a good 30 minutes Youngjae and Jaebum were mopping the third sports hall in the school. Nothing had happened, just silence. Youngjae still carried on staring at Jaebum at times, he could've swore drool came out of his mouth one time. Damn, Jaebum was just really attractive and Youngjae hated himself for thinking that. Jaebum had earphones in his ears, but Youngjae left his at home, he was just bored as hell. He needed a break from this and didn't care what Jaebum said so Youngjae threw his mop on the floor and headed to the benches to lie down.


Jaebum jumped a little when he heard something being dropped then turned to see a mop on the floor and Youngjae lying down. 'Can't this idiot do anything right?' 

"Get your lazy right here and start working. I can't be getting slowed down just because of you. So hurry the up." Jaebum harshly spoke making Youngjae snigger slightly. 

"Cute, that you think shouting at me will get me up. I'm not a little kid dude, you can't tell me to 'hurry the up'," Youngjae argued back. He secretly imagined Jinyoung cheering for him making Youngjae smile a little. 

"I'm bored of mopping anyways. By the way I can tell that you're tired too . I can smell your sweat from here." Youngjae added.


Jaebum scowled at the attitude Youngjae was giving him. Who did he think he was? 

"I'll pass thanks. I prefer getting my work done as quickly as possible. At least I don't stop after five seconds panting because I'm tired." Jaebum spoke then raised a brow then walked towards Youngjae as he carried on speaking,

"At least I don't secretly look at other people admiring their looks and style. Right Youngjae?" Jaebum added with a teasing tone in his voice as he stood in front of Youngjae. 

"At least I don't drool seeing someone else take off their jackets just because they were feeling hot." Jaebum now leaned closer to Youngjae, with their faces nearly touching as Jaebum s an arm around Youngjae's waist. Youngjae felt embarrassed, scared, and nervous at the same time, he tried to back his face away but Jaebum moved his other hand around Youngjae's head. What in the world was going on?


"I-I don't know w-what you're talking about-" Youngjae mentally cursed at himself for stammering in front of Jaebum.

"You don't? But why did I see you doing all those things Youngjae? Hmm-" Why the did he use that teasing tone? Youngjae thought.


"Why can I see you blushing now Youngjae? Are you flustered? Because I've been thinking for a while now, you just haven't been out of my head," Youngjae's eyes widened when he heard Jaebum speak. What? Jaebum liked Youngjae? 


"W-what? I-I mean... what?" Youngjae hated himself for being so scared and stammering in front of Jaebum.

"Yeah. I've just been thinking that-- I really think that..." There was a little pause before he carried on speaking,


"I really think that I've never met anyone who I've hated so ing much but you." Wow. Youngjae felt like someone stabbed him in the heart when Jaebum backed away and bursted out laughing.


"ING HELL I SHOULD'VE RECORDED THAT. YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE. Dude. Reality check. Why would I ever like you anyways?" And Jaebum was right. Why would he like Youngjae anyway? He hated him. They both hated each other. But Youngjae still wondered why he felt so hurt inside? 


"Yeah, let's just clean now Jaebum I've already had enough of you for a day." Youngjae mumbled as he got up and started mopping the sports hall again, shoving Jaebum a little whilst going past him. While he was mopping he got thinking about what he was feeling right now? Why did he react so strangely? He wondered if Jaebum suspected anything. 

While Youngjae was deep in thought he felt someone tap his shoulder,

"Yo . Someone's ringing you, you deaf cow. Answer it." Jaebum screamed probably because he was trying to mock him, Youngjae grabbed his phone and looked at the ID,




Youngjae stared at the phone for a few moments but answered it,


"Hello my stupid father what do you want?" 


Youngjae heard his father scoff before carrying on talking, "Don't talk to me like that bastard and listen....

I'm getting married again." 


Did Youngjae hear right?

Did his father just say what he thought he said?

Youngjae just stared at the wall in front of him with a shocked expression, before finally speaking, "W-What. To who?" 


"To who? Ah you'll never guess I'll just tell you. Remember the lady Junhong found in his room. Well me and her have been seeing each other for quite long so I proposed and she said yes. Aren't you happy?" His father asked in a sweeter tone. 


"Y-You..." "You..."


"You mother-ing, , , bastard. I always knew you were ed up in the head you disgusting piece of ing . But why isn't this a surprise? You never loved mum anyway, you were the reason for her death. She only died 2 ing months ago and you've moved on. Wow, how low can you be? You're a ." Youngjae just cursed, and cursed for a good 5 minutes making Jaebum stop cleaning and looking at Youngjae in shock. How could you speak like that to your father? What a foul-mouth. It was disgusting coming from Jaebum.


When Youngjae hung up he threw his phone on the floor, not really caring if it broke or not, he threw the mop down then just walked towards the benches to sit down. He had no expression on his face, just a straight face. But his anger was burning inside of him. What a low life that man was? Why doesn't he care about him, Jinki... Junhong? Why is he bothered about a random girl he just met and not his kids. This pissed Youngjae off even more, so he just started crying silently. Crying didn't suit Youngjae, he didn't like it at all, but it just happened. Youngjae was so caught up in his own emotions that he didn't catch Jaebum trying to approach him as he walked forward, 

"Y-Youngjae... I-" he whispered as he walked towards Youngjae. 

"You know what Jaebum," Youngjae angrily spoke as he turned around to face him, "I know you want to make jokes about me all the time, I know you want to tease me all the time. But now, is not the time. Okay. I'm tired of this. How about we just stop this teasing each other. Because right now I have to worry about a wedding and not your idiotic games. S-So... so just... go away." He finished off before turning around again. This hurt Jaebum a lot inside that Youngjae thought of him like that. Idiotic games? Didn't he play these 'idiotic games' with him? 


"Y-Yeah. How about you stop predicting things I'm going to say Youngjae and listen to the full story, hmm? How did you know I was going to tease you huh?"


Youngjae didn't know what to say, so he just mumbled, "I-I don't know-- I guess I just--"


"Well how about you stop guessing. I was going to try and calm you down. But why shall I? You're just a giant waste of time? Why shall I even try with you?" Jaebum harshly spoke as he dropped his mop and ran out of the sports hall, clearly pissed.


'Well done Youngjae, you just made two people pissed at yourself in the space of five ing minutes. That world record goes to you dude.' He thought as he groaned and lay back on the benches.


"Wow. I'm such an sometimes."



WOW. LONG TIME NO SEE BLAALALALALALA. Kay I'm just singing IKON now. Yes. I was busy af. I had so many things going on trust me. But whenever I found the time, I got on my phone to carry on writing, even in my classes. SHINee's new album. What did you guys think? Big Bang's new songs? Didn't Bang Bang Bang slay guys? Lol. I'll try be quicker next time guys. I'm still very busy. I feel like this story is such a fail ;;



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Beenzy #1
Chapter 6: Yay 2Jae ^^ please complete I'm still waiting :(
Chapter 6: Hehehehhehe Youngjae admit it. Now JB when is he gonna admit it.

Literally, this fic is full of my ships and biases I'm so ;-; 2Jae are just perfect lmao, this actually made my day.

The gay couple gives me much happiness, wow.
Takuya sometimes gets me so frustrated tho bc Joonjae obviously likes him but he's just too dense to realise and it breaks my heart ;;
The preview for the next episode of cannot wait- * ^ *

I think you can tell who my bias is upon reading my username cx
Chapter 6: My bias is KEY!!!!! He's the bomb, and he is the key to my heart! See what I did there? ^-^
Tbomhi #6
Chapter 5: Is that girl jaebum's mum ? Ohh no
So they will be in the same home ? Ohh
Chapter 5: Holy this fight is getting bigger every chapter but the step mother is Jaebums Yeahh?
Chapter 5: i have a feeling the woman that his father gonna married is the mother of jaebum ouhh please dont let that happen please...and youngjae i feel bad for him and jaebum i have no idea what to say about him
Chapter 5: Ermagerd Youngjae feels things for Jaebum I am happy okay idc if this took ages there is 2jae many kamsahamnidas.
But it was still a pretty upsetting chapter tbh.
It's not a fail though oml ;-; I love this fic * ^ *
P.s yas Shinee and big bang slay I cry.
Chapter 4: It says that you updated, but there's nothing new… -__________-