The Three Musketeers, Apologies & Embarrassing/Painful Feelings

I Fell In Love With The



Youngjae woke up to some screaming coming from downstairs, he rolled over to the side of his bed and grabbed his phone from the desk. 


6:30am. Man. 30 minutes early. That's just . 


"You know what? YOU. What kind of idiot brings a girl home and leaves her in MY bedroom!" That was definitely Junhong. 


"SHE WAS DRUNK YOU DUMB . What could I have done with her?! HUH? Don't ing talk to me like that!" And that was definitely his ed up father. 

"WHAT COULD YOU HAVE DONE TO HER? ERM I DON'T KNOW. ING TAKE HER TO YOUR ROOM. HOW COULD YOU SHOUT AT JUNHONG IF IT WAS YOUR MISTAKE!" Whoa. Jinki can scream alright, Youngjae thought. Youngjae got out of his bed and rolled his sleeves up, "Guys I'm here to help." Youngjae mumbled before he ran downstairs. 


Youngjae strolled inside the kitchen and scoffed before looking at his father. Wow. He gets more unappealing everytime, Youngjae bitterly thought. "Hello my y father. What have you done this time huh?" Youngjae confidently spoke then got welcomed by Junhong running into his arms and crying. One fact about Junhong, he was very sensitive. 


"Youngjae hyuuung. I came home yesterday but when straight up to my room because appa was busy ing some random stranger. Then this morning the girl was sleeping next to me in the room and he said that he didn't take her there." Junhong explained through tears, his father could stoop so low. 


"Grow up bastard. Look at Jinki, he's so brave." Their father cooed while Jinki's hair. Jinki rolled his eyes in disgust and swatted his hands of him. "Don't put your filthy hands on me. Go find a girl and put them all over her. She'll enjoy it won't she." Jinki spat back at his father making him slap Jinki across the face.


"Oi . How dare you do that to Jinki. Go to that upstairs and slap her hard. Imagine that appa. She'll be under you." Youngjae spoke while wriggling his brows, earning a snigger from Junhong. 


"And who gives you a right to say that? You're lucky you're alive right now Choi Youngjae. I can slap who I want okay?" His father replied with a harsh tone walking towards Youngjae.


"Like hyung said before. If you can slap anyone run upstairs and go to that but take her to your room please. Hurry she's waiting. You're just wasting your time here, we're not scared of you." Junhong fought before his father could come any closer, earning his two brothers to stare at Junhong so strangely. He's actually not a girl, weird.


"You know what," Jinki spoke as he was walking towards his brothers, "You can't order us around all the time, you know we won't listen to you. I mean why should we listen to you. We never considered you as our father, and truthfully we never will." Jinki admitted very confidently earning a slight smile from Youngjae. 'This is the guy who changed me, time to show him how much he changed me' Youngjae thought before nodding.


"You know what, Jinki hyung is right. You can consider yourself our father, you can hit us, shout at us, torture us. Just remember, us three don't consider you as our father. To us you're just a total stranger When we achieve something you're never there for us, when we're in trouble you suddenly become involved. Well guess what we don't want you here at all." Youngjae's words sounded harsher than how it sounded in his head, making Jinki even prouder of his younger brother. 


"Wow. My kids are actually ed up aren't they. Who raised you? Who made you into the people you guys are today? Without me you guys wouldn't be going to school. Okay? Stop acting like your words affected me, because they never will. You three, be happy you're living here." Before anyone could say anything their father stormed out of the room, letting Junhong sigh in great relief. Jinki then looked at his younger brothers and smiled widely,


"Listen to yourself guys. You guys all said that to your own father, and when I first met you guys, you were afraid to do anything. I'm proud of both of you okay? Now promise me, no matter what we will always have each others backs and we will be like the three musketeers." Jinki's smile became wider as his younger brothers nodded in unison. 




After getting ready and eating breakfast Junhong left early once again but this time for swimming practice making the house more quiet as Jinki and Youngjae were awkward with each other. It was 10 minutes before Youngjae left for school, but there was nothing for him to do.


"You can go early if you want, I'm sure you don't want to see your brother here." Jinki softly spoke as he threw Youngjae's bag to him. 


'Realise your mistake.' 'You are a lucky person, if he is still speaking to you' the call from yesterday came back in Youngjae's head. 'Jinyoung you are being clever nowadays.' Jinki was about to walk away but Youngjae stopped him by holding onto his hand and then stood up.


"J-Jinki hyung. The things I said yesterday about you. I didn't mean it, I promise. I said those things out of frustration I don't know I was just angry because you--" Youngjae stopped talking as his brother turned around and shook his head.


"Why are you saying sorry? You should know me better than that. I just wasn't talking to you because I didn't think you wanted to talk to me Jae-ah." Jinki softly replied before ruffling Youngjae's hair. "But sometimes Jinyoung is right--" he added making Youngjae's eyes widen in surprise. 


"Y-You mean?" "Yes I heard the whole thing Youngjae." Youngjae just stayed silent for a few more moments just staring down at his toes feeling absolutely stupid then ran into Jinki's arms giving him a huge hug. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." His hyung just let out a slight laugh then shook his head. "Shut up Jae-ah. You stop saying sorry and get to school now. Don't be late." Youngjae nodded a little before letting go of Jinki and walking towards the front door.


"Bye hyung. Remember I'm walking home today!"


"Bye Jae-ah. Go safely kay!" Jinki called out as Youngjae closed the door behind him. "Now to take care of the ." Jinki mumbled before he shuddered and ran upstairs.




End of the school day. Luckily Jinyoung was still talking to Youngjae and he hadn't seen Jaebum all day. What a great day.


"So remember when I was talking about that girl yesterday with that nice Jaejae?" Jinyoung asked earning a nod from Youngjae, 'her isn't that nice' he thought in his head.


"Yeah so, she's in my maths class right and she sits next to me, but the thing that got me annoyed was... that her is so big it couldn't fit on the chair. Like I need my personal space JaeJae, and her was just taking it all. So I'm not attracted to her anymore." Jinyoung explained making Youngjae sigh a little. He wondered why guys cared so much about how girls looked? If a girl looked attractive but had a y attitude would guys care? As they get so intrigued by their figure. 


"I don't care about her Jinyounggie. What matters is on the inside? She could be a total sweetheart. But why would you care. I bet you're just waiting to get laid by Mark hyung, huh?," Youngjae then leaned in by Jinyoung's ear 'time to tease Jinyoung' he thought and whispered, "There's this girl in my music class who got laid by Mark hyung. She says he's a beast in bed Jinyoungie," Youngjae peeked over at Jinyoung seeing some slight drool coming out of his mouth, "She says he's so y in bed. And that he has a habit of biting people's neck. Don't you want that Jinyoung? To have Mark's lips all over your neck?" Youngjae slowly moved away from Jinyoung and slowly walked away to meet Miss Song, leaving Jinyoung alone daydreaming with loads of drool coming out of his mouth. 


After a good 5 minutes Jinyoung snapped back to his senses and looked around noticing nobody around. He wiped the drool of his mouth and neck and blinked a couple of times. "..." he muttered remembering he had to go to Miss Song. "Choi Youngjae you watch out." he spoke to himself before he ran to her classroom.




Jinyoung ran inside the classroom screaming, "I'M HERE!" earning Youngjae, Jaebum, Mark and Miss Song to turn their gazes to him. Jinyoung's eyes met Youngjae's, seeing Youngjae snicker Jinyoung sent him a death glare. "Mr Park please hurry and sit down. You are five minutes late." Seeing as Youngjae and Jaebum were seated next to each other, well probably forced to sit together, Jinyoung walked over to Mark and sat next to him. Feeling embarassed because of earlier events, Jinyoung scooted his chair to edge of the table, away from Mark.


"Okay all you guys are here now. So, Jinyoung and Mark go to the janitors closet and get sponges and cleaning spray. Jaebum, Youngjae you guys get mops. I will not let you guys leave until this school is spotless. Understand?" The teacher spoke sternly but the four of them nodded in unison and got up to head to the janitor closet, which was in the other building.


Youngjae and Jinyoung walked ahead of the 'es' not wanting to talk to them. Jinyoung drooped an arm over his best friend's shoulder but moved his hand to Youngjae's face and slapped it gently. "OW! What was that for hyuung?!" Youngjae whined as Jinyoung rolled his eyes. "That was for making me look stupid by myself. What kind of cow teases me about my guy crush. Mark hyung has a thing for biting people's necks?! You got me just thinking about that. ing crusty ahjusshi..." Jinyoung explained so only Youngjae could hear. Youngjae just smiled and rested his head on Jinyoung's shoulder, "Ah~ I'm just happy you admitted that you have a crush on Mark hyung." Youngjae sighed happily then laughed a little as he looked up to see Jinyoung blushing.


Jaebum looked over at Mark, who was staring at Jinyoung and Youngjae. "Yo hyung what's up?" Jaebum asked poking Mark's cheek. Mark looked over at Jaebum and shook his head, "What? Nothing. Just one thing, are them two dating or are they just best friends?" Jaebum furrowed his brows, "I'm sure they're just friends hyung. I don't think they have feelings for each other." Mark just nodded and looked back at the two seeing Youngjae resting his head on Jinyoung's shoulder.


There was a slight pang in Mark's heart.


Why did that hurt so much?

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Beenzy #1
Chapter 6: Yay 2Jae ^^ please complete I'm still waiting :(
Chapter 6: Hehehehhehe Youngjae admit it. Now JB when is he gonna admit it.

Literally, this fic is full of my ships and biases I'm so ;-; 2Jae are just perfect lmao, this actually made my day.

The gay couple gives me much happiness, wow.
Takuya sometimes gets me so frustrated tho bc Joonjae obviously likes him but he's just too dense to realise and it breaks my heart ;;
The preview for the next episode of cannot wait- * ^ *

I think you can tell who my bias is upon reading my username cx
Chapter 6: My bias is KEY!!!!! He's the bomb, and he is the key to my heart! See what I did there? ^-^
Tbomhi #6
Chapter 5: Is that girl jaebum's mum ? Ohh no
So they will be in the same home ? Ohh
Chapter 5: Holy this fight is getting bigger every chapter but the step mother is Jaebums Yeahh?
Chapter 5: i have a feeling the woman that his father gonna married is the mother of jaebum ouhh please dont let that happen please...and youngjae i feel bad for him and jaebum i have no idea what to say about him
Chapter 5: Ermagerd Youngjae feels things for Jaebum I am happy okay idc if this took ages there is 2jae many kamsahamnidas.
But it was still a pretty upsetting chapter tbh.
It's not a fail though oml ;-; I love this fic * ^ *
P.s yas Shinee and big bang slay I cry.
Chapter 4: It says that you updated, but there's nothing new… -__________-